1、Unit 2 Robots What is a robot? A robot is a machine _ to do jobs that are usually _ by humans . Robots are _ and _ by a computer. designedperformedprogrammedcontrolledDo you think it is possible for a robot to:have feelings?have its own needs and desires?look and feel like a human being?Reading for
2、main idea What is the text mainly about? It is mainly about how a household _ was _ _ in a family.robottestedout Reading: Satisfaction guaranteedLarry BelmontTonyClaireCharacters in the story:Larry Belmont ClaireTonyGladys ClaffernCharacters in the story:- Larrys wife, a housewife- the robot - worki
3、ng in a company that makes robots- a woman that Claire envies (嫉妒)Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Part 4 Para 1- Para 3Para 4- Para 8Para 9- Para 11Para 12Meet Help love Leave Reading for structure1. Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony?A. Because he was a robot.B. Because she didnt like him.C. Bec
4、ause he was more like a human than a machine.D. Because he never changed his facial expressions.Read for informationChoose the best answerReading for information2. The robot Tony helped Claire to realize her dreams by_. A. making her home elegant. B. giving her a new haircut and changing the make-up
5、 she wore. C. giving her advice on her dresses. D. all the aboveelegant(What is elegance?)3. “How awful to be discovered by her, Claire thought. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. The underlined word “awful” means_(Paragraph6) A. i
6、nteresting B. unlucky C. terrible D. amazinghaving an affairHow did Claire feel? What happened?_She saw Tony was _ and _. He had _hair and his voice was _._Tony asked whether she needed help dressing. amazedBy his _ and the _ and _of his skin._Tony caught her in time, held her firmly in his arms .al
7、armedtallhandsomesmoothdeepembarrassedfingernailssoftnesswarmthHappy, surprised, shyReading for DetailsReading for detailsHow did Claire feel?What happened?_Tony folded his arms around her, bending his face close to hers and _that he didnt want to leave her and that he felt more than just the _ to p
8、lease her._She was envied by those women._She remembered Tony was just a machine.surprisedhappysaddeclareddesireClaire had a sense of failureShe wasnotelegantHer house was notelegantThe salesman was rude to herShe wanted to be another GladysShe fell off a ladderClaire had a sense of failureShe wasno
9、telegantHer house was notelegantThe salesman was rude to herShe wanted to be another GladysShe fell off a ladderHe gave her a new haircut andchanged the makeup she woreHemanagedto catch her in time fromthe nextroomHe suggesteda party in her houseHe made the salesmanchangedhis attitudeHe transformedt
10、he housecompletelyWas Claire satisfied with Tony?Was Claire satisfied with Tony?He gave her a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore.He transformed the house completely.He made the salesman changed his rude attitude immediately.He suggested she invite Gladys and her friends to a party in her ho
11、use.He managed to catch her in time from the next room.Claire had a sense of failureShe wasnotelegantHer house was notelegantThe salesman was rude to herShe wanted to be another GladysShe fell off a ladderTony: Mr. Perfect !What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! She might not be as beauti
12、ful as them, but none of them had such a handsome lover!Find out how Claires emotion developed_ _ _ _ _Sad to remember he was just a machine accepted him C. proud of himD. refused to have Tony at her houseE. trusted him F. loved himDBEcFAHow Claires emotion developedrefuseaccepttrustproudlovesad Cla
13、ire spent three weeks with Tony in her house. What sentences in the story show that she kept forgetting and then remembering that he was a machine?How absurd, She thought. He was just a machine.He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.Then she remembered-Tony was just a machine. She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.Reading for apprec
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