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1、中国经济管理大学学员教辅小保罗R墨菲MBA当代物流学习题辅导中国自学网/study.asp?vip=2525674ContentsIntroductionChapter 1: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_1:_LOGISTICS Logistics and the Supply Chain1Chapter 2: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_2:_THE The Supply Chain Management Concept23Chapter 3: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_3:_LOGISTICS_ Logistics and Information

2、 Technology43Chapter 4: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_4:_DEMAND Demand Management, Order Management and Customer Service62Chapter 5: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_5:_PROTECTIVE_Protective Packaging and Materials Handling81Chapter 6: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_6:_TRANSPORTATION_ Transportation 98Chapter 7: HYPERLINK l _CHAP

3、TER_7:_TRANSPORTATION Transportation Management115Chapter 8: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_8:_DISTRIBUTION Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant Location135Chapter 9: HYPERLINK l _CHAPTER_9:_INVENTORYInventory Management157Chapter 10: Warehousing Management182Chapter 11: Procurement201Chapter 12: Interna

4、tional Logistics221Chapter 13: Logistics Systems Controls240Chapter 14: Organizing and Analyzing Logistics Systems260PART IIANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONSCHAPTER 1: LOGISTICS AND THE SUPPLY CHAIN1. Did it surprise you that logistics can be such an important component in a countrys economic syst

5、em? Why or why not?它构成了一个国家至少10%的GDP、对于经济增长有很重要的作用The answer to this question likely depends on a students prior exposure to logistics. A “typical” student in an undergraduate basic logistics course likely has had limited exposure to and knowledge about logistics and thus would likely be unaware as

6、to logistics impact on a countrys economic system. As such, she/he might be pleasantly surprised to learn that logistics often accounts for at least 10% of a countrys GDP and also is important for economic growth and development.Distinguish between possession, form, time, and place utility.Possessio

7、n utility refers to the value or usefulness that comes from a customer being able to take possession of a product and can be influenced by the relevant payment terms. Form utility refers to a products being in a form that (1) can be used by the customer and (2) is of value to the customer. Time util

8、ity refers to having products available when they are needed by customers while place utility refers to having products available where they are needed by customers.How does logistics contribute to time and place utility?时间效用:不同产品有不同的时间敏感度,香蕉和铅笔;地点效用:把产品从价至少的地方运到价值大的地方。Logistics contributes to time

9、utility by recognizing that different products have different sensitivities to time. For example, a three-day late delivery of bananas likely has more serious consequences than a three-day late delivery of a box of pencils. As for place utility, logistics facilitates products being moved from points

10、 of lesser value to points of greater value.How can a particular logistics system be effective but not efficient?能不能实现 实现得好不好Effectiveness can be thought of as “how well a company does what they say theyre going to do;” efficiency focuses on how well (or poorly) company resources are used to achieve

11、 what a company promises they can do. There are a multitude of examples that would illustrate an effective, but not efficient, logistics system. For example, some companies routinely use premium and/or expedited transportationwhich increase transportation coststo meet customer delivery requirements.

12、 As such, the company could be considered effective (meeting delivery deadlines) but perhaps not efficient (increased transportation costs). Explain the significance of the fact that the purpose of logistics is to meet customer requirements.公司要想发展必须和客户交流,知道他们的需求而不是猜测;不同的客户有不同的需求,不能用单一类型单一规格的服务来对所有顾客

13、。One reason for this significance is that meeting customer requirements means that companies must knowrather than assumecustomer needs and wants. This knowledge is facilitated by communication between companies and their customers. Even today some companies are hesitant to communicate with customers

14、. In addition, meeting customer requirements means that a “one size fits all” approach to logistics will result in some customers being overserved and others being underserved. As a result, companies should consider a “tailored logistics” approach, where groups of customers with similar logistical n

15、eeds and wants are provided with the appropriate logistical services.Explain how an understanding of logistics management could be relevant to your favorite charitable organization.慈善机构例如9。11 例如印度洋海啸 如果物流不好的话慈善机构就无法在短时间内正常救援,物流能带来药品、食物、衣物等There are any number of examples that can be used. Consider t

16、he Asian tsunami of late 2004. In a relatively short time, a variety of humanitarian organizations, with the help of private sector companies, were able to get relief supplies as well as food and medicine into the region and distribute them to the affected population.Discuss three reasons for why lo

17、gistics has become more important since 1980.经济管制的减少;消费者行为的改变;科学技术的发展;零售商力量的崛起;全球化One reason for the increased importance of logistics involves a reduction in economic regulation. This allowed individual carriers flexibility in terms of pricing and service and provided them with an opportunity to br

18、eak away from a “one size fits all” approach. Second, changes in consumer behavior, such as an increasing number of market segments, necessitate flexible rather than rigid logistics systems. Third, technological advances have allowed logisticians to make faster, more informed, and more accurate deci

19、sions. The chapter also discusses the growing power of retailers and globalization of trade as reasons for the increased importance of logistics.Which reason for the increased importance of logistics do you believe is most important? Why?There is no single answer here. Students can offer compelling

20、support for any one of the five reasonsa reduction in economic regulation; changes in consumer behavior; technological advances; growing power of retailers; globalization of tradepresented in the chapter. For example, a reduction in economic regulation has allowed carriers to offer different pricing

21、-service options to different customers, which is important because different customers are trying to achieve different objectives with their logistical systems.What are some practical implications of the idea that one logistics system does not fit all companies?物流目标应该和一个公司的整体目标相一致;不同公司有不同的目标。The id

22、ea that one logistics system does not fit all companies is derived from the fact that logistical goals and objectives should be compatible with the overall goals and objectives of a particular company. One basic implication is that different companies should have different logistical strategies and

23、tacticsand these strategies and tactics should reflect a companys goals and objectives. As such, a company focusing on cost containment should have different logistics strategies and tactics than a company focusing on superior customer service. For instance, a company concerned with cost containment

24、 might purchase an extremely large quantity in order to receive cost savings. This decision impacts warehousing and transportation in the sense that the company will likely need a great deal of storage space and will likely utilize volume-oriented transportation providers. Additional implications ca

25、n be offered.Distinguish between inbound logistics, materials management, and physical distribution.材料进入和存储进一个公司;公司内对材料和零件的管理;成品走向顾客。Inbound logistics refers to the movement and storage of materials into a firm; materials management refers to the movement and storage of materials and components with

26、in a firm; physical distribution refers to the storage of finished product and movement to the customer.What is the systems approach to problem solving? How is this concept applicable to logistics management?分析公司各职能部门之间的相互依赖性,从而实现公司目标。一个部门的决定可能影响到其他职能部门的运转,所以要分析部门之间的相互依赖。运输部的一个决定可能影响仓储、包装等The system

27、s approach to problem solving suggests that a companys objectives can be realized by recognizing the mutual interdependence of the major functional areas such as marketing, production, finance, and logistics. As such, decisions made by one functional area can have important implications for the othe

28、r functional areas. With respect to logistics, the systems approach suggests that one should recognize the mutual interdependence of the various activities that constitute the logistics function. Thus, a transportation decision may impact inventory, warehousing, and packaging, among others.Explain w

29、hat is meant by the total cost approach to logistics.总成本研究方法要把各个活动看做一个整体研究,要对成本权衡,一个活动的成本增加不代表总成本增加,其他活动成本可能减少,从而总成本减少。The total cost approach to logistics is built on the premise that all relevant activities in moving and storing products should be considered as a whole (i.e., their total cost) and

30、 not individually. Use of the total cost approach requires an understanding of cost tradeoffs. In other words, changes to one logistics activity cause some costs to increase and others to decrease. The key to the total cost approach is that all relevant cost items are considered simultaneously when

31、making a decision. The objective is to find the approach with the lowest total cost that supports the organizations customer service requirements. Define what is meant by a cost trade-off. Do you believe that this concept is workable? Why or why not?改变一个活动的形式可能导致一些成本增加其他成本减少,然而,目的是总成本减少、顾客服务不受影响。A c

32、ost trade-off acknowledges that changing patterns or activities of distribution will result in some costs increasing and other costs decreasing. The net effect, however, should be an overall cost decrease for providing a given level of customer service.The remainder of the question asks the student

33、for her/his opinion about the workability of this concept. Although nearly any answer is acceptable, those students who believe that cost trade-offs are unworkable might have difficulty with many of the concepts presented throughout the text.What are several areas in which finance and logistics migh

34、t interface?财务影响物流,比如材料处理和包装生产;另外一个借口就是存货。The finance department is often in charge of capital budgeting decisions that would affect logistics, such as materials handling and packaging equipment. Another potential area of finance/logistics interface is with respect to inventory. Key issues include i

35、nventory valuation, inventory float, and the fact that finance tends to view inventory from a dollar perspective while logistics tends to be more concerned with the number of units of inventory.Briefly discuss each of the four basic aspects of the marketing mix and how each interfaces with the logis

36、tics function. In your opinion, which component of the marketing mix represents the most important interface with logistics? Why?4P 地点(3R时间、数量、无损坏)、价格(运输成本)、产品(种类越来越多,选择越来越多,对物流的要求越来越高)、促销(要求销售和物流衔接得更好)。The four basic aspects of the marketing mix are place, price, product, and promotion. With respec

37、t to place, a key concern is to provide a certain product at the right time, in the right quantities, and in an undamaged condition. A key component of the pricing decision involves transportation cost factors. Although marketers tend to prefer delivered pricing systems, such systems create logistic

38、al challenges in the sense that the seller becomes responsible for product distribution. Product decisions have been complicated in recent years by a marked increase in product offerings. Although these increased offerings allow for greater customer choice, they create logistical challenges in terms

39、 of identification, storage, and tracking. Finally, promotion requires close coordination between marketing and logistics particularly when “specials” are utilized. Failure to have sufficient product availability to support these specials can be especially detrimental to customer goodwill.The remain

40、der of the question asks for students to choose, and support, the most important interface with logistics. Any of the four components is acceptable.Why do marketers tend to prefer FOB destination pricing rather than FOB origin pricing?扩大销售区域;买房有相同的到岸成本,这样同一区域的每个公司都能用同一的零售价格;销售组合控制物流,销售者会尽量利益最大达到自己的目

41、标There are several reasons why marketers like FOB destination pricing. First, it enables a company to expand the geographic area to which its product is sold because distant customers in a region do not pay the full costs of transportation. Second, because each buyer has the same landed cost, it is

42、easier for a company to apply a uniform retail price on a regional or national basis. Third, because the seller controls the logistics network, it can function in a manner that is most beneficial to the sellers overall objectives.What are several ways in which logistics and production might interfac

43、e?One important interface involves the length of production runs. Production often favors longer production runs in order to achieve lower production costs per unit. However, this generates large amounts of inventorygenerally the responsibility of logistics. Another interface might occur with respec

44、t to the postponement concept in the sense that some value-added activities that were traditionally performed at the production plant are now performed in warehousing facilities. These facilities will need new types of equipment and may need to be configured differently in order to allow the value-a

45、dded activities to take place.Briefly discuss the ownership, negotiations, financing, promotion, and logistics channel.The ownership channel covers movement of the title to the goods; the goods themselves might not be physically present or even exist. The negotiations channel is the one in which buy

46、 and sell agreements are reached and can include telephone, email, and electronic data interchange, among others. The financing channel handles payment for goods and the companys credit, while the promotions channel is concerned with promoting a new or an existing product. Finally, the logistics cha

47、nnel handles the physical flow of the product.Discuss five activities that might be part of a companys logistics department.The chapter presents, and describes, 14 separate activities that might be part of a companys logistics department. Any five of the 14 are acceptable to be discussed by the stud

48、ents.Logistics managers must be both generalists and specialists. Why is this true? Does this help to explain why there tends to be an imbalance in the supply of, and demand for, logistics managers?Logisticians need to be generalists in order to understand the relationship between logistics and othe

49、r corporate functions, both within and outside the firm. Logisticians also need to be specialists to understand the relationships between various logistics activities, as well as having some technical knowledge of the various activities. This combination of generalist and specialist likely provides

50、a partial explanation for the imbalance in the supply of, and demand for, logisticians in the sense that not everyone is capable of balancing generalist and specialist requirements.PART IIIEXAMINATION QUESTIONSCHAPTER 1: LOGISTICS AND THE SUPPLY CHAINMultiple Choice QuestionsLogistics as a percentag

51、e of U.S. Gross Domestic Product is approximately (within 2%):5%10%15%20%none of the above(b; p. 3)Logistics clearly contributes to _ and _ utility.time; placeform; timeplace; formpossession; timenone of the above(a; p. 4)_ utility refers to the value or usefulness that comes from a customer being a

52、ble to take possession of a product.TimePlaceForm Possession(d; p. 4)_ utility refers to having products available where they are needed by customers.PossessionTimePlaceForm(c; p. 5)All of the following terms have been used to refer to business logistics except:business logisticsindustrial distribut

53、ionlogistics managementphysical distributionall of the above are correct(e; p. 5)“How well a company does what it says its going to do” represents _如何做而不是做的怎么样_.efficiencyproductivityleading edge logisticseffectiveness(d; p. 6)Every customer getting the same type and levels of logistics service refe

54、rs to _.tailored logisticsmass logisticseffectivenessefficiency(b; p. 7)Which of the following is not a reason for the increased importance of logistics?growing power of manufacturers 应该是零售商reduction in economic regulationglobalization of tradetechnological advancesall of the above are reasons(a; pp

55、. 710)The _ concept suggests that there are an ever-increasing number of market segments with distinct preferences.rhochrematicsrelationship marketingmarket demassificationniche marketing(c; p. 8)_ are characterized by large market share and low prices.Category killersMass merchandisersPower retaile

56、rsDo-it-yourself (DIY) retailers(c; p. 10)The _ approach indicates that a companys objectives can be realized by recognizing the mutual interdependence of major functional areas.supply chainsystemsinterfunctionalitytotal cost(b; p. 10)The movement and storage of materials into a firm refers to:physi

57、cal distribution 由内向外materials management 内部materials handlinginbound logistics 由外向内 这是三个总成本研究法中研究的三项(d; p. 11)The movement and storage of materials within a firm refers to:physical distributioninbound logisticsmaterials managementprocurement(c; p. 13)Logistics managers use the _ approach to coordin

58、ate inbound logistics, materials management, and physical distribution in a cost efficient manner.total costsupply chainmass logisticsinterfunctional(a; p. 13)A cost trade-off is a situation where:all costs react according to their individual degrees of inflation in the economyall costs are reflecte

59、d as a percentage variation from standard costssome costs increase, some decrease, and the net effect is that total costs decreasesome costs are eliminated by efficient management controls(c; p. 13)The cash flow associated with holding inventory is known as inventory _.turnovervaluationstockfloat 存货

60、浮动、存货发行(d; p. 14) The four basic components of the marketing mix include all of the following except:Price 4P 应该是price、promotion、product、placeproduction productplace(b; p. 14)_ refers to one location where customers can purchase products from two or more brand-name retailers.Intensive distributionCo


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