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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、- What was the party like?- Wonderful. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.AsinceBafterCwhenDbefore2、Modern plastics can _ very high

2、 and very low temperatures.Astand Bhold Ckeep Dtake3、These new cooking robotsin Shenzhen last year.AmakeBmadeCare madeDwere made4、I was just in time to get there for the meeting. Thank you for lending me the bike._AThats rightBOf course notCYoure welcomeDThe same to you5、-Look! Whos girl under the t

3、ree?-Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is honest girl.Athe; anBa: theCthe; aDan; the6、Be confident, everyone. We _ finish the difficult task on time without others help.AcanBneedCmustDshould7、I cant hear the teacher with so much noise outside.AclearlyBslowlyCwarmlyDbravely8、I must say it is my parents

4、 that makes me finally take up my job as a teacher.Acharacter Beducation Cadvantage Dinfluence9、Music helps us _ /rlks/ a lot when we feel tired .AreadBredCrestDrelax10、Sally used to be ,but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends.Ahonest Bshy Ccreative Dlively. 完形填空11、Shopping online is e

5、asier than actually going to a store and saves your time. However, its not always so easy. Sometimes, you may have a few 1 A university student named Xu Zijiao often buys clothes 2 Taobao. “The colors might be 3 And since you cant 4 the clothes, the quality might be bad,” he said.Many people had sim

6、ilar experiences to Xu-buying 5 that isnt as good as the advertisements suggest, 6 going into a store for a special offer but still paying a lot. What would you do then? 7 is World Consumer Rights Day(国际消费者权益日). According to consumer(消费者) protection laws in China, consumers 8 nine rights, including

7、the right to truthful information, free choice , respect and so on.If you 9 theres any problem with your goods, talk to the seller first, and try 10 your money back or get an exchange. If you cant reach an agreement, call 12315 or go to your local consumers association (协会) for help.1AquestionsBadvi

8、ceCproblemsDmessages2AinBatCtoDon3AdifferenceBdifferentCsameDsimilar4AfeelBsoundChearDlook5AanythingBnothingCeverythingDsomething6AorBandCbutDyet7AMarch 12BMay 11CApril 15DMarch 158AhasBhadChaveDwill have9AfindBfindsCwill findDfound10AgetBgetsCto getDgetting. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。Mo

9、ney can make you happy only if you spend it in a clever way .To start with ,1(buy) a new car makes you happy.However,youll “lose”this happy feeling when the car2(get)old.But if you are made to spend a week traveling,its more possible that youll have the great experiences and the good feeling for a l

10、ong time .A new study has3(find)that spending money on experiences rather than material things makes people happier. For material things ,its possible that you dont leave 4any little thing .If you buy a nice pen ,and someone else buys one with less money ,its possible that you may be unhappy that yo

11、u spend so much money .It lets you down a lot.Oppositely, when it comes to experiences like5(go)on a trip ,you wont think like that .If the trip can be nice ,youll happily pay for it even though 6(it) price may be very high. And the more ofen you go on trips,the7(happy)youll be.Material things can b

12、e compared more easily.If you buy an Ipad and then see a more suitable one. you may regret buying the first one.And 8 will drive you mad as well ,9,if you just have a dinner at a good restaurant and then learn about a better one ,youll not regret the first meal.Its normal that material things can ca

13、use jealousy(嫉妒).For example ,you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better one ,it may make you feel 10(comfortable).Instead, if you just travel to a beautiful place ,no matter where your friends have gone,it wont make the memory of your trip less pleasant. 阅读理解A13、Fashion is a term comm

14、only used to describe a style of clothing worn by most people of a country. A fashion usually keeps popular for 1-3 years and then is replaced by another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily hope for the changes.Nowadays more and more young people pre

15、fer following the fashion. On this phenomenon(现象), different people have different opinions. It is held that one should follow the fashion so as not to be looked down or seem strange. But it is also held that one should have his or her own judgement(判断).Those who hold the first opinion think that so

16、ciety is progessing and one should get used to the changes. In their opinions, if everyone always follows the old fashion, there wont be any change and naturally there wont be much progress. However, those who hold the second view think that one shouldnt follow the fashion without having his or her

17、own judgement and characters.As for me, I agree with the second opinion. Of course, its good for people to keep up with the fashion, but this is not to say that people should follow the fashion blindly(盲目地). If all the people follow the same fashion, there will be no variety and the whole society wi

18、ll be boring.1(小题1). The second paragraph mainly tells us _.Awhat the fashon is aboutBdifferent people have different opinions about the fashionCwhether one should follow the fashion or notDmore and more young people prefer following the fashion2(小题2)According to those who hold the first view, why s

19、hould one follow the fashion?AOne should follow the fashion so that they wont be looked down.BOne should follow the fashion so that society is progressing.COne should follow the fashion so that people will have their own judgement.DOne should follow the fashion so that society will be boring.3(小题3).

20、We can tell from the story that the writer thinks we should _.Akeep up with the same fashionBbe against the fashionCsay nothing about the fashionDfollow the fashion by our own judgement4(小题4)What is the best title for the passage?AHope For Fashion BHave Your Own JudgementCHow to follow the fashion D

21、Two ideas about the fashionB14、Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you. Well, ni-hao. (Laughter) It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me. Im here today because I know that our future depends on connections like these among yo

22、ung people like you across the world.Thats why when my husband and I travel abroad, we dont just visit palaces and parliaments(国会) and meet with heads of countries. We also come to schools like this one to meet with students like you, because we believe that relationships between countries arent jus

23、t about relationships between governments or leaders theyre about relationships between people, particularly young people. So we view study abroad programs not just as an educational chance for students, but also as an active part of Americas foreign policy(政策).Through the wonders of modern technolo

24、gy, our world is more connected than ever before. Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a mouse. Companies can do business andcompetewith companies across the world. And we can text, email, skype with people in the world.So studying abroad isnt just a fun way to spend a time of learning; it is qu

25、ickly becoming the key to success in our times. Because getting ahead in todays workplaces isnt just about getting good grades or test scores in school, which are important. Its also about having real experience with the world beyond your borders experience with languages, cultures and societies ver

26、y different from your own. Or, as the Chinese saying goes: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.”1Where did the speaker probably give the talk to the audience?AIn a university. BIn the Parliament Hall.COn the Internet. DIn a tourist attraction.2The passage shows

27、 that the worlds future depends on .Agetting good gradesBtraveling abroadCconnections among young peopleDtexts and emails3What is the meaning of the underlined word “compete” in Paragraph 3?A完成 B比较 C竞争 D抱怨4In the speakers opinion, what is the key to success in our times?AGoing to a university.BDoing

28、 more exercises.CStudying abroad.DGetting good test scores.5Where may the passage come from?AA story. BA news report.CA scientific magazine. DA speech.C15、Swimming in the water of Hawaiis Big Island is a fun experience. And it can be more exciting if there are dolphins swimming around and jumping ou

29、t of the sea too. For many people, it would be a wonderful dream to swim with these lovely animals! However, this may not be good for dolphins. They may get hurt because of human interaction (互动).Dolphins are active and usually look for food at night. In the day, they like to rest in shallow bays(浅湾

30、). Many people think the dolphins are awake during the day as they swim. But when they sleep they rest half of their brain and keep the other half awake to breathe, so they may be sleeping even when theyre swimming in the water.From 2010 to 2013, spinner dolphins (飞旋海豚) of Hawaiis Big Island appeare

31、d to human activities more than 82 percent of the time, according to Julian Tyne, a researcher at Australias Murdoch University.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says disturbing the animals in their near-shore habitat could force them to swim to less pleasant places where th

32、ey may be attacked by sharks and other animals.Moreover, when people are around, dolphins become more active. Thus, they cant get enough sleep. “Disturbing their resting behaviors can actually affect their long term health and the health of the dolphin population.” Ann Garrett of NOAAs National Mari

33、ne Fisheries Service said.As a result, the NOAA wants to make rules to help protect the dolphins. For example, people may not be allowed to swim with the Hawaii spinner dolphins. Or they may stop people from swimming in shallow bays when the dolphins are resting. Tour operators must also be taught t

34、o watch for signs to know when the dolphins are in their resting state.1Which of the following about dolphins is NOT true?AThey keep half of their brain awake while sleepingBThey like to stay in shallow bays during the dayCThey spend most of their time sleeping at nightDThey may be sleeping even whe

35、n theyre swimming2When dolphins are disturbed in their near-shore habitat, they _.Awould swim to youBcould likely sleep longerCcould become less activeDcould move closer to danger3The writer of the article mainly wants to_.Aintroduce spinner dolphinsBtell you different types of dolphinsCask you to s

36、wim with dolphinsDadvise you not to disturb dolphinsD16、When I spent Christmas away from home in Europe for the first time, I was only 14 and it was absolutely terrible. I am now married and live in the US. So there is little possibility for me to go home for Christmas. Now I am able to get through

37、Christmas with some moments of joy:First, you are advised to search your area for stores that carry items from your home country or town. Buy food, candles and some other things that mean something to you.Hold on to the traditions from your home that you think are important even if other people thin

38、k they are stupid. But keep in mind to be open for new traditions from wherever you might be, because those traditions are as important to those people around you as yours are to you. For me that includes celebrating Christmas on the 24th.Call, write Christmas cards, buy gifts and mail them to loved

39、 ones, just as if you were there. If you try to pretend (假装) as if the holiday doesnt exist, you are just going to make it worse.Introduce your traditions to your loved ones, especially your kids. It will only enrich their celebration of the holiday to have some unique (独一无二的) traditions in their ho

40、me. Little by little it will become their tradition and its fun for them to try something new.Find clubs, churches or organizations that are from your home country. Chances are that they will have some celebration with some of your traditions which you can join in.Food is one of the most important f

41、actors in any kind of tradition. Find the recipe (食谱) of that cake your grandmother used and make it your tradition to bake that particular cake.Call up your parents and get them to send you some of your favorite childhood ornaments (装饰品) for your tree.Pay attention to new traditions, talk to your f

42、amily about which ones you want to make your own and stick with them.If you are far away from home, Christmas can never be the same as you experienced it before, but it is important to remember these traditions while appreciating the new ones. Keep an open mind and find a compromise between old and

43、new traditions.1The author spent his 14th Christmas _.Aunpleasantly in the USBjoyfully in the USCunpleasantly in EuropeDjoyfully in Europe2Why does the author advise people to hunt in some special stores?ABecause people can buy some discounted goods there.BBecause people can feel less homesick there

44、.CBecause its an old Christmas tradition.DBecause they offer goods from the hometown of the people.3Which of the following statements does the author agree with?AIts great for children to have some unique traditions.BPeople should join in all kinds of clubs to celebrate Christmas.CPeople should give

45、 up traditions which are stupid in other peoples eyes.DIt is popular to celebrate Christmas on the 24th around the world.4The writer suggests giving a call to parents on Christmas mainly to _.Aexpress love to themBfollow the traditionCask for some ornamentsDset an example for childrenE17、NameConfede

46、ration of European BaseballAsian Hockey FederationSouth American Volleyball FederationConfederation of African FootballLogoFormation1953196319461957HeadquartersLausanne, SwitzerlandKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaRio de Janeiro, BrazilCairo, EgyptAreaEuropeAsiaSouth AmericaAfricaMembers38301256Officiallanguag

47、esEnglish, Spanish,French, German,Italian, DutchEnglish, Chinese,IndianSpanish, PortugueseEnglish,French,ArabicW1When was Asian Hockey Federation set up?AIn 1953.BIn 1963.CIn 1946.DIn 1957.2Which organization has the most members?ABCD3In how many organizations can English be spoken as an official la

48、nguage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.4If you want to know something about volleyball, you can go to .ABCDF18、SAFETY RULES ON THE MTR TRAINSAt the station:Be patient.Line up on the platform(站台)and wait for the train.Be polite.Let passengers get off first.Do not rush onto the train.It is dangerous.When you h

49、ear abeepsound,do not get on the train.The door is closing.Wait for another train.On the train:Do not eat or drink on the train.It makes the train dirty.Do not run on the train.Give up your seat to old men or women,the disabled or women carrying babies1The text is mainly about how to_.Abe a careful driverBbuy MTR ticketsCbe a good passengerDkeep safe at home2People who will get on the train should_.Await in lineBopen the doorCask for helpDleave the seats3When you hear a “beep” sound, _ .Aclose the doorBrush onto the trainCget of


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