1、.:.;在写此贴里事先阐明一下,由于不同的产品,不同的客户群。细一点有不同的国家,不同的贸易条件,不同的体积,不同的市场,客户专业的不同。所以请在阅读前先熟习一下我做的产品: 家具类/高端产品/货值大/体积大/欧美市场 这五点来作为参照物。 象我先写过的实际操作报价的补充,这里我再补充一点可操作性的东西,一种换位的新方法。由于我的客户群如今既不来源于展会我们是外贸公司,也不来源于自动联络的商业信函大家每天发出去的函件,我现有的客户,就只在于如何将产品信息让更多人可以看到,尤其是没在中国进口过,甚至是只在当地对此产品有兴趣想发布,或者是本人开个店将他的货物放在他展厅的,还有网络经销商。重点就在于
2、,如何将客户的询盘演化成买家,而且又回防止费样品,看厂,贸易风险或者资金垫付的完全空手套白狼的方法。 首先由于他发布产品会得到很多询盘,不下于两种。 1,简单引见本人公司,阐明对产品有兴趣。 2,SEND PRICE PLEASE 大家的定向思想:对方有采购义务,报一个有竞争力的价钱。或者赶快报价,赶快下单。 而实践上假设大家换位是一个国外进口商的时候,又当是如何呢。 首先客户能否了解他的产品和市场,了解盈利空间和价钱?假设是一个问价或者是对产品有兴趣的客户,他假设没有说想下单,大约多少,贸易条款未确定的情况下,他的报价便没有任何意义。客户普通问价会有这样几种情况: 1,他在他的目的市场觉得他
3、的产品有空间,需求价钱。 2,公司给于采购义务,需求价钱 3,对比供应商之间的价钱。 4,有客人下订单给他,他计算出利润后需求供应商的价钱作为参考。 5,他运营此类产品多年,想套出价钱来看能否有新的商机。 6,不懂产品,确实想买,问价钱后直接预备议论贸易进口事宜。此类客户极少,他甚至讯问他在当地如何操作。 而假设他没有完全决议要买,没有完全学习过他的产品,没有了解市场,没有和他协调过他中国这一边进出口的贸易条款。没有用他这一边的资料招徕过他本人的客户时。他的报价毫无意义,所以收到询盘后第一招就是分析客户,是不是买家。是最重要的,和对方的询盘详细和专业程度无关,首先要知道对方是不是客户,再分析是
4、大是小。 对于我处置这两种客户的方法,我做过很多实验,用一封信来验证。以前我总是尝试去反问对方,委婉探听对方内幕。而如今发现这样的方法并不礼貌,还尝试过只报几款价钱,不报全还有尝试让对方告知大约订单量和FOB OR CIF 条款再给对方报价。后来还是无法阻止客户的流失。四个月来,失去有能够下单的客户大约有30多个了。 如今我尝试用另外 一种方式,也是我要讲的重点。首先内功方面,他必需先确定他的市场,是高端还是低端。然后必需有一个随时在线的货代,不停的有参考性的竞争性海运 ,空运价钱。另外和工厂必需磨合一个好的交期,好的质量规范,高质量的照片支持和专业的产品描画。工厂和公司引见之类最好在网站上可
5、以完全表达出来,在往来信件里就不要把这些引见,广告类型的话说出来。然后网站上有美感的照片,以实物为主。而他附件里的其他的照片一定要以工厂的现场照片为主,绝对不能COPY其他照片,我在国外的论坛里曾经就被一些客户埋怨过中国的图片剽窃,工人人工低等言论。而这个操作以我的家具类产品为例。过程为: 客户学习谈样品单确认条款再报价等订金安排消费安排海运余款发货。 这个过程中一定要不断的和客户联络,汇报消费过程,这样才干产生信任。对于样品单来说其实可以接受一些 苛刻的付款方式 ,由于我如今的公司财力不大,所以我每个样单还是都赚了客户几千银子。换以后我会更有诚意。其实样品单可以进展100% T/T IN A
6、DVANCE的,接受30%订金只是为了大订单起模版作用。而其他的我不多说,关键谈一谈新方法中的联络技巧。我今天收到封美国询盘,只一早上就确认了一个样品单。而且 昨天联络的七个客户也 回复预备下样品单。 为什么呢,由于我知道客户要什么。我首先会通知他这些东西的市场和卖点,讯问他收到样品后的营销方式,网络或者是店面。然后帮他做一个预算,他买一个样品,下一个单大约需求多少钱,当然包括海运价和本钱价。一同的价钱,多少天可以收到,并且附上包装,废品,细节照片。在照片途中委婉解释交期和PAYMENT,委婉探听客户的内幕产品了解程度,在中国有无货代。然后奉劝客人能否以我这些提供的资料先去找客户,找到客户之后
7、再下单给我们。这个方法能让客人有选择性,心思选择会使他选择拿到SHOWROOM吸引客户或者是电子商务方式 我把这封简单的信贴出来,里面还有一些我的客户就是他的客户这样的说法,最好是接触几次后再通知对方 Well received your query with many thanks First of all we have cancelled the material as Chinese leather,split leather ,PVC ,#202 stainless steel and chrome plated items.because it will not make sens
8、e that the chair will not attract your market caused by quality problems(uncertain dangerous). 明示本人做的高端产品,不会由于资料引起质量问题。明确高端产品会吸引市场。 Regarding the shipment.currently we need 2 days for polishing one barcelona chair that we are offering the highly polished mirror shine #304 stainless steel frame.so it
9、 is at least 35days for the purchasing and production time with container order and 30days for the sample order.the reason why we take it long is purely guarantee the quality.as my client have told me:my client is your client.I must be responsible to your goods. 对于需求的交期恳求自动权,结合图片描画资料,为以后能够拖延交期缓气。 Pl
10、ease noted that we are devoting to do the best Mies pavilion chair in China.I understand all classics in suppliers in China.they are using Chinese joint venture leather 10.5rmb/feet for the upper part.split leather for the backrest and sides.polished #202 steel for the frame.but the price is just as
11、 ours.and the pictures are from other classics sites.However we do not want to be misunderstanding in comparing with your current prices. 希望客户不要将竞争对手的价钱相比较,也是让客户学习的过程。 Compared with us we are using full italian leather with #304 stainless steel.I think you can make a wise decision.I have just come b
12、ack from the factory showroom with taking many pictures.I will show them to you shortly because it is late in China now.I am most confidence on our barcelona chair that I have observed it carefully it is close to perfect. 让客户对本人的产品有自信心,当然要结合附件图片。 Payment is 30% deposit ,70% balance before delivery f
13、or the container order. 100% T/T in advance for the sample order. 学习后将PAYMENT列出来,要比较合理。 We have done 7 improvements in 2 years that the classics will be definately welcomed by your market.please let me know if you can learn the above material and lead time that I will send you the price.also approx
14、order quantity or sample order project,forwarder availability in China will be highly preferred, 委婉套一些信息,并且再加强一下自信心。 Many thanks and kind regards Respectfully Joe Lau 这个过程之后客户普通都会和他议论贸易条款或者产品本身,添加回复几率。这样离价钱就远了,当他曾经有兴趣学习终了之后,再报价,价钱他心里有底,怎样来的,。MOQ,LEAD TIME,PAYMENT,SHIPPING PERIOD,SHIPPING CHARGE,QUAL
15、ITY,PLAN,SAMPLE ORDER,FORWARDER,SHOWROOM心里都知道齐了,再知道PRICE,是不是就可以直接PLACE下去了呢? 以下是客户的一些回复:给大家分享一下我的任务成果。 Hi Joe, I appreciate your approach very much, thank you for the explanations. Weve been in that business for many years, so we know about the material range used for this product line (I mean design
16、ers furniture), thatswhy were requesting detailled material descriptions from prospective suppliers. And actually you did this part very well. First of all I want to ask you if we can have the ability to see your sample products exported before to any retailer in the U.S. ? If you can give any retai
17、lers address here we can examine there easily your products. Otherwise a representative of our company should visit your factory and examine the products in China. The forwarder from China is not a problem, we have a consultant in China for paperwork etc. If we can establish a business partnership i
18、n the future shipments will be container based. We would like to see also the latest product pictures you took and prices. Thank you for your cooperation, hope to hear from you soon. Regards 第一封 Hi Joe, Thank you very much for the pics and the prices, they look good, howver I do have some additional
19、 questions for you, regarding the Barcelona chair, I saw in your dimensions that the height you have is 87 cm, however the real one is 76 cm , can you make that adjustment if required, and does your chair has leather straps at he back and under not visiable, and the third question how thick are your
20、 cushions. Further I would like to know if your partner factory can make some additional fibreglass items if requested, I will send you some pics from some of the items so you can see what the possibilities are. Than I really like to order some sample items from you, as the ball and the egg chair, s
21、o where do we go from here i will transfer the amounts requested, and than you can arrange a forwarder who will ship it to us, at our costs. let me know what to do, I hope to hear from you soon, gerard 第二封 Oh, I meant to thank you for the many pictures that you have sent me. Moreover, I thank you fo
22、r documenting the shipping procedures and packaging of the item. I am very, very impressed. I will share your images with the client. They too will be impressed, I have no doubt. Again, many thanks. Best, Erkan 第三封 Hi Joe Lan, I thanks you very much for all the information, I am really impressed wit
23、h your choice of materials and your pursuit for perfection, these are the companies we like to work with since we serve the higher segments of the European market, so regarding your terms and conditions these are no problem for us.So lets take this a little further and show me the new pics you have
24、taken and the FOB prices of all the classic items you sell. Then I want some more information from you since you also offered me the Ball chair I may assume that you also do fiberglass furniture or do you outsource that to partner factories.and is your company interested in working on new designs an
25、d the development from that.what I like to hear rom you is what possibilities you have to offer, besides the classics since I saw on one of your pictures also a white upholstered modern stainless steel chair. I will inform you a little bit more abour our company we are located in Bali, where we desi
26、gn high quality solid wooden furniture for several high end retailers in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, you can have a look at our range at , however most of our customers also are looking for modern classics and retro furniture as the ball chair and several other products as modern stainless stee
27、l items and upholstered furniture.for all these requests we are looking for reliable partners whi like to work and thinks with us.at this stage we export around 8 till 10 containers a month from China mostly modern classics as the Barcelona , eames lounger and stool the LC 1/2/3 series, but as I men
28、tioned before we are absolutely looking for the best quality available.and regarding your knowledge about steel and leather qualities and designers backrounds I feel that you and your company will offer that expertise we are looking for. So I hope to see and hear from you soon, regards, Jane 第四封 Dea
29、r Joe I am the manager of a french company. We have show rooms in France and we are interested in different of your products. I am very impressed by the luxury material you are using,and from every words I can see your confidence of your products. The picture looks so nice.here are the items I am in
30、terested. Product Item:HZ-CF012 and HZ-CF005 In a first time to see the real quality as picture shown of your product, we would like to buy one sample of both references. Is it possible ? And what is your best price for the both samples C&F france - Marseille ? Thank you by advance for your answer,
31、and I hope do good business in the future. Best regards. 第五封 hello mr. lau, thank you for the really good service by sending me so much fotos from your studio. I have decided to order next week 3-4 barcelona chairs and- if I will sell them in Germany- one or two ball chairs. I really trust your comp
32、any and especially you and I won磘 need any test-sendings. You will get the entire money after I have sold these articles here in Germany, this will take one week. After that I will give you the information that you have got the money. I said my customers that the production- as you said- will take 2
33、0 days and the shipping 25 days. You see, I磍l first get the money from my customers and then I磍l get the payment to your account. Thank you for the patience and the real good communication, your informations were very helpful for my plannings and my orders which will be done at your company in futur
34、e. many many greetings to shenzhen! Yours, Antonio 第六封 大家拿到单之后到深圳来请吃饭哦。嘿嘿 这里转一个处置询盘的阅历谈 对于供应商如何接触买家,给大家提几点建议: 一、应付买家的网上查询:应该要有一个辨伪程序,否那么一旦业务做开,他会淹没在电子邮件的海洋里。普通从买家查询的内容,他就能判别出来哪些是实盘,哪些是虚盘。应该重点处置那些针对性很强的、可以称得上是询盘的电子邮件。对于无价值的询盘,要敢于果断舍弃。 假设以为每个询盘都是要向他买货不免过于天真。有的询盘过于空泛,也许只是客户做市场调查的一种手段。假设他不放弃空泛的信息,能够他每天只能做一些处置电子邮件的事了。 二、处置买家的查询一定要留意方法和技巧。要擅长透过电子邮件的表象看到深层去,了解询盘者真正的意图。他能否是真正的买家或者中间商甚至是他的竞争对手?他购买的动机是什么?他的购买才干如何? 掌握这些以后,他就可以有高超的回复处置才干,可以抓住客户的心思,让买家更快、更好的了解他的企业及产品。 三、要非常清楚他的产品包括质量能否适宜目的市场?要设法了解国内其它同行的质量和价钱程度。如今获取同行的产品信息是多么轻松啊! 您要明白,一份询盘,国外客户不会只发给他一家,而会同
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