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1、五年级下册教科版小学英语(配套新版本)全册精品教学课件Module 1 SeasonsUnit 1 Whats your favourite season?Period 1课堂导入Whats your favourite season?springsummerautumnwinterLets discussWhat can you do in this season?springplant trees plant flowerssummer go swimming go campingautumn fly a kite play outdoorswinter make a snowman go

2、 skiing 例句 The flowers in the garden are colorful. 花园的花是多彩的。单元新词colorful 多彩的 例句 Winter is my favourite season. 冬天是我最喜欢的季节。 单元新词winter 冬天 例句 I dont like watermelons, either. 我也不喜欢西瓜。单元新词 either 也 例句 The leaves begin to fall from the trees in autumn. 秋天树叶开始落下。 单元新词 autumn 秋天 例句 He is good at skiing. 他

3、擅长滑雪。单元新词 联想 skate 滑冰 ski 滑雪 例句 Lets plant some trees! 让我们种一些树吧! 单元新词plant 种植 例句 We went camping last week. 我们上周去野营了。单元新词 短语 go camping 去野营 camp 野营 1Play a game点击下列数字,根据出现的图片说出单词。 2 3 4 5 6单词练习根据图意和所给的首字母,写出句子所缺的单词。1. 2.3.4. 1. Hurry up! Lets go s_this Saturday. 2. Lily, shall we g_ c_ this weekend?

4、kiingoamping1. 2.3.4. 3. Spring is the best season for p_ trees. 4. Janet often g_s_ in summer with her best friend Xiaoling单词练习lantingowimmingLets talkListen and follow the tapeRead in groupsWhat s your favourite season, Ben? 你最喜爱什么季节,本? “Whats your favourite season?”常用于询问对方最喜爱的季节是什么,其中 favourite 意

5、为“最喜爱的”,可以用句型 (My favourite season is+)季节名称.”来回答。知识讲解 在favourite前多使用形容词性 物主代词或名词所有格。 I love swimming and summer is the best time for swimming. 我喜爱游泳,夏天是游泳最好的时候。 句型 “季节名称 +is the best time for+ 动词-ing 形式(+其他)” 表示某 季节是做某活动最好的时候,for是介词,后接动词-ing 形式。 知识讲解 例 Winter is the best time for skating. 冬天是滑冰最好的时候

6、。 for动词我是介词,跟在我后面你应该用ing形式。 I don t like summer and I don t like winter, either. 我不喜欢夏天,也不喜欢冬天。 句型 “ I dont like+名词+and I dont like+名词, either. ” 常用来表示自己两个事物都不喜欢。either 表示 “也”,通常用于否定句中。 知识讲解3我跟你们意思一样!但我们用法不一样!tooalsoeithertoo和also也表示也,但跟either用法不同,一般用于肯定句中。随堂练习单项选择。1. The children like _ trees and f

7、lowers in spring. A. plant B. planting C. plants 2. My sister cant skate. I cant skate, _. A. too B. also C. either either通常用于否定句句末,前面用逗号隔开。随堂练习 3. I _ spring because I can enjoy the colourful flowers everywhere. A. hate B. dont like C. prefer 4. I like going skiing _ I dont like winter. Its too col

8、d to go outside. A. and B. but C. so too.to.为固定搭配意为“太而不能”。Lets reciteXiaoling: Look at all the colourful flowers and the beautiful birds in the trees. I really love spring. Whats your favourite season, Ben?Ben: Summer. I love swimming and summer is the best time for swimming. Do you like summer, Jia

9、min?Module 1 SeasonsUnit 1 Whats your favourite season?Period 2Listen, write and match(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_summer autumn spring winter录音原文(1)The weather is hot in this season. But many people love this season because they can go swimming and enjoy ice cream.(2)This season is usually cool. Its a good s

10、eason to go hiking. The weather can be windy, so you can also fly kites in this season. Listen, write and match录音原文(3)Most people like this season. Its beautiful and the weather is usually warm. It is the beginning of a new year.(4)You will not like this season if you dont like cold weather. But if

11、your hobby is skating, this is the best time of the year for you.Listen, write and matchPlay a gameski 滑雪 fly a kite 放风筝 make a snowman 堆雪人play outdoors 在户外玩耍 plant flowers 种花 eat an ice cream 吃冰激凌【游戏指导】“我”做动作“你”来猜。以组为单位进行游戏,三人一组。组长向一名组员出示短语卡片,然后由这名队员根据短语内容做动作,另一名组员猜短语。猜的又快又准确的小组有奖励。ExampleWhat is h

12、e doing?No, he isnt.Yes, I think so.Is he running?Is he skiing?Point and sayspringsummerautumnwinterI prefer. We can.转动转盘!Read and write(1)Its spring. Its _ and cloudy. Anna is wearing jeans and a _. Shes _ a kite.windy sweater flyingRead and write(2)Its summer. Its hot and _. Anna is wearing _ and

13、a T-shirt. She is wearing sunglasses, too. Shes _ an ice cream. sunnyshorts eatingRead and write(3)Its _. Its sunny and warm. Anna is wearing a _ and a skirt. Shes having a _ with her mum.autumnT-shirtpicnicRead and write(4)It s winter. Its cold and _. Anna is wearing a _, a hat and a pair of warm s

14、hoes. Shes making a _.snowy coat snowmanModule 1 SeasonsUnit 2 Its the middle of winterPeriod 1 Its January now.课堂导入ChinaAustralia Its the middle of winter. Its summer now. 例 We went on a holiday in the middle of July. 我们7月中旬去度假了。单元新词 middle 中间的 例句 We are classmates. 我们是同班同学。单元新词 classmate 同班同学 例句 I

15、m from Australia. 我来自澳大利亚。单元新词Australia 澳大利亚 例句 The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. 中国的长城是世界上最长的城墙。单元新词China 中国 例句 The baby is too young to eat rice. 这个婴儿太小了,不能吃米饭。 单元新词too.to. 太以致不 例句 If it doesnt rain, well go fishing. 如果不下雨,我们就去钓鱼。单元新词if 如果单词练习根据中文意思,将下列句子补充完整。1. Now, let me

16、 introduce a new _(同班同学)to you. 2. As a teacher, he likes standing in the _(中间)of the classroom. 3. Winter in China is _ December _(从到) February. classmate middle from toLets readAnswer the questions.(1)Where is Reg from?Hes from Australia.(2)Why is Reg in China?Because hes visiting Ben for the summ

17、er holidays.(3)When is summer in Australia?Its from December to February. (4)What does Reg like to do in summer?He likes to go swimming. (5)When can people go swimming in China?From July to August.When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China. 当澳大利亚是夏天的时候,中国是冬天。 when 在此处为连词,意为 “ 当的时候 ”,引导时间状

18、语从句。 知识讲解 例 When it is autumn in Australia, its spring in China. 当澳大利亚是秋 天的时候,中国是春天。 时间状语从句whenwhile asWhat s summer like in Australia, Reg? 澳大利亚的夏天是什么样的,瑞格? 句型 “ Whats+ 季节 +like in+ 地点?” 用于询问某地某个季节的天气状况, 相当于 “ How is the weather in+季节 +in+地点?”, 可用表示天气情况的形容词来回答。知识讲解 例 Whats winter like in China?中国的冬

19、天是什么样的? Its cold. 很冷。3It s too cold to swim now. 现在天气太冷以致不能游泳。“ too.to.”表示 “ 太 以致不”,too 后接形容词或副词,to 后接动词(短语)原形。 例 He is too young to speak. 他太小了以致不会说话。形容词动词原形随堂练习单项选择。1. Summer in Guangzhou is _ June _ August. A. from; to B. between; and C. from; and 2. My brother is12 years old. He is _ young _ dri

20、ve a car. A. to; to B. too; too C. too; to 3. January is in the _ of winter in Beijing. A. begin B. end C. middleLets recite “Hi, everyone!” said Ben to his classmates, ” This is my cousin Reg. He is visiting me for the summer holidays.” “ I dont understand,” said Xiaoling.” It is January now, the m

21、iddle of winter. How can you have a summer holiday?” “ Im from Australia,” answered Reg.” Our summer is from December to February, so it is summer in Australia now.” “I see now,” said Jiamin.” When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China.”Lets recite “ Whats summer like in Australia, Reg? ”

22、 asked Xiaoling. “ Its very hot, so we always go swimming,” answered Reg. ” Its too cold to swim now,” said Ben. “But if you are here from July to August, we can go swimming every day.”Module 1 SeasonsUnit 2 Its the middle of winterPeriod 2The Four Seasons in ChinaspringmonthsMarch 三月April 四月May 五月L

23、isten and choosesummermonthsJune 六月July 七月August 八月AutumnmonthsSeptember 九月October 十月November 十一月wintermonthsDecember 十二月January 一月February 二月Listen and chooseIf you are in China, in which season is the month you hear?1. A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.2. A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn. D.

24、 Winter.3. A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.4. A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.5. A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.6. A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter. 录音原文Listen and number(1)February (2)August (3)March(4)June (5)December (6)May Read and writeChina or Australia?

25、_ (1) Spring is from September to November._ (2) June, July and August are the summer months._ (3) People go to the beach and swim from December to February._ (4) The new year begins in winter.AustraliaChinaAustraliaChinaRead and write_(5) People often wear coats and warm clothes between June and Au

26、gust._(6) People eat mooncakes in the middle of autumn in this country._(7) Shops sell lots of ice cream in December._(8) People wear warm clothes in January.AustraliaChinaAustraliaChina总 结 1. June, July and August are the summer months. 2. The new year begins in winter. 3. People eat mooncakes in t

27、he middle of autumn in this country. 4. People wear warm clothes in January.China 1. Spring is from September to November. 2. People go to the beach and swim from December to February. 3. People often wear coats and warm clothes between June and August. 4. Shops sell lots of ice cream in December.Au

28、straliaPlay a gameChina or Australia? I.(描述季节特点) You are from.(猜测国家)Module 2 PlansUnit 3 We are going to have an English testPeriod 1课堂导入Whats your plan on this weekend?fly a kitego shoppinggo swimmingLets compare基数词序数词基数词序数词1 onefirst8 eighteighth2 twosecond9 nineninth3 threethird10 tententh4 fourf

29、ourth11 eleveneleventh5 fivefifth12 twelvetwelfth6 sixsixth20 twentytwentieth7 sevenseventh21 twenty-onetwenty-first基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th。1, 2, 3单独记,结尾字母 t, d, d。8去t,9去e,ve要用f替。整十基数变序数,先将结尾y改ie。若是碰到几十几,前用“基”,后用“序”。 例句 Whats your plan for this holiday? 你们这个周末有什么计划?单元新词plan 计划 例句 I have passed the test. 我通过

30、了这次考试。 单元新词test 考试 例句 Whats the date today? 今天是几号?单元新词 date 日期 例句 I am going to watch TV. 我打算看电视。 单元新词 be going to 打算;将 例句 Dont forget to turn off the light. 不要忘记关灯。单元新词 联想 remember 记住 forget 忘记 例句 Its imporant for us to go to bed early. 早睡对我们很重要单元新词important 重要的 例句 July is the hottest month in a ye

31、ar here. 这儿七月是一年 里最热的一个月。单元新词 month 月 例句 Were going to the museum this Saturday. 我们打算这周六去博物馆。单元新词 museum 博物馆 例句 Theyre having a meeting. 他们正在开会。单元新词 meeting 会议 例句 Welcome to our school open day. 欢迎来到我们学校的开放日。单元新词 open day 开放日 例句 There are nine pigs on my uncles farm. 我叔叔的农场里有九头猪。单元新词 farm 农场 短语 on t

32、he farm 在农场 例句 I like the second notebook. 我喜欢第二个笔记本。单元新词 second 第二 联想 two 二 例句 The third month of a year is March. 一年中的第三个月是五月。单元新词 third 第三 联想 three 例句 My birthday is on the fifth of January. 我的生日是一月五日。单元新词 fifth 第五 联想 five 五 例句 My family lives on the eigth floor. 我家住在八楼。单元新词 eighth 第八 联想 eight 八

33、例句 Today is October the ninth. 今天是十月九号。单元新词 ninth 第九 联想 nine 九 9Lets match1234A. visit the museumB. have a sports meeting.C. visit a farmD. go to the school open day单词练习圈出每组中不同类的词。1. A. one B. second C. third D. fifth 2. A. museum B. forget C. test D. farm3. A. important B. colourful C. Australian D

34、. meeting4. A. month B. May C. July D. March 5. A. ninth B. fourth C. eighth D. twelveLets talkListen and follow the tapeRead in groups What s the date, Ben? 今天是几号,本? The first of June. Why? 6 月 1 日。怎么啦? (1)句型 “ Whats the date? ”是 what 引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问具体日期,回答可用“( Its+) the+序数词+of+月份”,也可用“( Its+)月份+序数词”

35、。 ( 2 )“ Why? ”意为 “ 怎么啦 ?”,用于引出交谈的话题。知识讲解 We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. 我们明天晚上要去看电影。 “ be going to+动词原形 ” 意为 “计划/打算做某事”,时态为一般将来时,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。 其中 be 随主语人称和数的变化而变化,going to 不变。知识讲解be going to表打算,准备计划将来干。表可能,有必然,通过现象来推断。随堂练习单项选择。1. Whats the _ today? Its July 11th. A. day B. wea

36、ther C. date 2. Jiamin is _ a picnic with me this afternoon. A. going to has B. going to have C. go to have be going to后跟动词原形。随堂练习 3. February is the _ month of a year(年). A. first B. two C. second 4. Do you have _ to tell me? A. important something B. anything important C. something important 注意区分基

37、数词和序数词的用法。something一般用于肯定句中,anything一般用于否定句和疑问句中。Lets reciteJanet: Whats the date, Ben?Ben: The first of June. Why?Janet: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget.Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow.Lets reciteJanet: No. Mikes birthday par

38、ty is on June 11th.Ben: Is there anything else important this month?Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget.Module 2 PlansUnit 3 We are going to have an English testPeriod 2Lets playWhats the date?MayJulyAprilAugust18 9 3 21May 18ththe 18th of MayJuly 9ththe 9th of

39、 JulyApril 3rdthe 3rd of AprilAugust 21stthe 21st of August FridayLets talkMarch 21stvisit the museumA: Whats the date?B: Its March 21st.A: What are they going to do?B: Theyre going to visit the museum.Theyre going to visit the museum on March 21st. SaturdayApril 12thA: Whats the date?B: Its.A: What

40、 are they going to do?B: Theyre .Theyre going to . on . have a sports meeting TuesdayMay 9thA: Whats the date?B: Its.A: What are they going to do?B: Theyre .Theyre going to . on . go to the school open day ThursdayJuly 25thvisit a farmA: Whats the date?B: Its.A: What are they going to do?B: Theyre .

41、Theyre going to . on . Listen and writeWorld Earth DayApril _World Museum DayMay _22nd 18thListen and writeWorld No-Smoking DayMay _ World Basketball Day December _31st21st录音原文(1)On the twenty-second of April, the class is going to clean up the park.(2)On the eighteenth of May, the class is going to

42、 tell about the history and changes of museums.Listen and writeListen and write录音原文(3)On the thirty-first of May, everyone is going to do something to tell people not to smoke.(4)On the twenty-first of December, the students are going to have a basketball match.Ask and answerWhats the date.?Its.What

43、 are you going to do?I am going to.Look and match新年教师节儿童节妇女节劳动节Say and writeMums birthdayApril 17th sports meetingOctober 8th(1)Mums birthday is on _.(2)The school sports meeting is on _.April 17thOctober 8th school tripJune 1st farm visitMay 23rd(3)The school trip is on June 1st.(4)The farm visit i

44、s on May 23rd. Tree Planting DayMarch 12th school open dayFebruary 20th(5)Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.(6)The school open day is on February 20th.Module 2 PlansUnit 4 Have a good time in HainanPeriod 1课堂导入海南Hainan 例 We have a good time in Hainan. 我们在海南过得很愉快。单元新词 have a good time 过得愉快 例句 He is

45、going to travel around the world. 他打算周游世界。单元新词 travel 旅行 例句 We must go over themountain. 我们必须越过那座大山。 单元新词 mountain 大山 例句 Were interested in mountain climbing. 我们对爬山很感兴趣。单元新词 climb 爬 短语 mountain climbing 爬山 例句 They played very happy on the beach. 他们在沙滩上玩 得很开心。单元新词 beach 海滨 例句 Tom usually has a nap at

46、 noon. 汤姆通常在中午睡一会儿觉。单元新词noon 中午单词练习根据图意和所给的首字母,写出短语所缺的单词。 _ c_at n_have a g_ t_play on the b_ountainlimbingoonoodimeeachLets readTick or cross.() (1) Were going to Hainan for five days.() (2) Were going to fly there.() (3) We will climb a mountain on the 23rd.() (4) We can go running on the

47、 beach.() (5) We will visit a farm on the third day.() (6) Were going to fly back on the evening of the 26th.on the 24thfourthat noon of the 27th知识讲解 Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. 下个星期我们将去海南旅行五天。 句型 “主语+will+动词原形(+其他) ”用于表达某人将要做某事,时态为一般将来时。will为情态动词,与后面的动词原形共同构成句子的谓语,没有人称和数的变化。be

48、 going to表示近期就要发生的事情。will表示将来,时间较远。I can t wait to see all the lovely deer. 我迫不及待想看所有可爱的小鹿。 句型 “主语 +cant wait to+动词(短语)原形(+ 其他)”用于表示某人迫不及待想做某事, to 后接动词原形。 知识讲解cantwait to do我得用原形。随堂练习单项选择。1. We are going to travel _ five days. A. of B. for C. on 2. How many _ are there in the zoo? A. child B. deer C

49、. pig 3. Would you like to go _ a picnic with our classmates? A. for B. to C. at how many后跟可数名词复数,deer单复数同形。Lets recite Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will g

50、o mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. On the 26th we are going to visit a farm. I cant wait to see all the lovely deer. That evening we will camp under the stars. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. Im sure w

51、ell have a good time in Hainan.Lets reciteModule 2 PlansUnit 4 Have a good time in HainanPeriod 2Play a game说出图片对应的短语。go to the beach see a filmgo mountain climbinghave a painting lesson go for a picnicvisit a flower showListen and match录音原文(1)What is Ben going to do this Friday evening?Hes going to

52、 see a film this Friday evening.(2)What is Ben going to do this Saturday?Hes going to go for a picnic with his family this Saturday.(3)What is Ben going to do next Saturday?Hes going to visit a flower show next Saturday.Listen and matchListen and match录音原文(4)What will Ben do tomorrow?He will go to t

53、he beach tomorrow.(5)What will Ben do tonight?He will have a painting lesson tonight.(6)What will Ben do next Sunday?He will go mountain climbing next Sunday. Look and sayA: Is the boy hot?/ Does the boy feel hot?B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does.A: What is he going to do?B: He is going to eat ice cream.L

54、ook and sayA: Is the boy thirsty ? Does the boy feel thirsty?B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does.A: What is he going to do?B: He is going to have a picnic.Look and sayA: Is the boy hungry ? Does the boy feel hungry?B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does.A: What is he going to do?B: He is going to have a hamburger.Look

55、 and sayA: Is the boy sleepy ? Does the boy feel sleepy?B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does.A: What is he going to do?B: He is going to go to bed.A: Is the boy sick ? Does the boy feel sick?B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does.A: What is he going to do?B: He is going to see a doctor.Look and sayLook and sayA: Is the

56、 boy bored ? Does the boy feel bored?B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does.A: What is he going to do?B: He is going to play with a ball.Read and tick or cross.() (1) The Webbs are going to stay on the farm for two nights.() (2) The Webbs are going to take a walk on the farm on the first day.() (3) The Webbs w

57、ill always eat in the restaurant.() (4) The Webbs are going to work on the farm.() (5) There is a river on the farm.() (6) The Webbs will ride horses on the second day.Module 3 InvitationsUnit 5 Would you like to go with us?Period 1课堂导入 What are you doing this Saturday?go on a picnicplay basketball

58、go awimming 例句 Would you like to dance with me? 你愿意和我一起跳舞吗?单元新词would 将;将会;愿意 例句 Nothingis impossible. 一切皆有可能。 单元新词 nothing 没有东西;没有事情一切皆有可能! 例句 Thatsoundsa good idea. 那听起来是一个好主意。单元新词sound 听起来 例句 He saw the school gate was closed. 他看见学校大门紧闭。 单元新词 gate 大门 例句 She got up at 8:00 a.m. yesterday. 她昨天上午八点起的

59、床。单元新词a.m. 上午;午前 例句 Weare allcoolkidswithour owninterests.我们都是拥有 自己兴趣的酷孩子。 单元新词cool 太妙了;酷 例句 The boy has some problems (in) studying maths. 这个男孩在学 习数学方面有一些问题。单元新词 短语 no problem 没问题 problem 问题 例句 Were going to have a basketball match next Sunday. 下周日我们将 举办一场篮球比赛。单元新词 match 比赛 例句 We went to the city c

60、entre last Saturday. 上周六我们去市中心了。单元新词 centre 中心市中心 例句 My mother will go to supermarket this Saturday. 这周六我妈妈会去 逛超市。单元新词 supermarket 超市单词练习阅读句子,在方框中选出与句子意思相同的词。A. invitation B. problem C. gate D. supermarket E. nothing( ) 1. There isnt anything here. ( ) 2. It is a very big door. ( ) 3. You can buy ma


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