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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module1 Wonders of the world Unit1 Its more than 2,000 years old.知识目标单词wonder,band,review,ancient, composition, grade, pyramid, pupil,meeting, call, event, 词组listen up=listen carefully,do some reviews about, do some reviews with, on about= read about.句型1.How do you study for a

2、test?I study by working with a group.2.Its too hard to understand spoken English.3.The more you read,the faster youll be.技能目标To understand and get more detailed information about wonders from listening and reading.掌握Key vocabulary 和Key sentences和语法。练学生的听说能力Step 1情景导入T:Last period,we learned about tw

3、o natural wonders and two man-made wonders.Today we will go on with the wonders.Who can tell us more information about them?S:环节说明:通过和学生互动导入新课,学生为了更多地了解四大奇观,会积极主动参与讨论。Step 2完成教材Activities 4,5的任务1.Answer the questions. (Activity 4)(1)学生两人一组问答。(答案:1.Its on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland. Victor

4、ia Falls is about 1,700 meters wide. Betty thinks man-made wonders are more exciting. 4.The Terracotta Army is more than 2,000 years old.)(2)教师点名,部分小组展示,全班反馈。(3)教师进行课义难点讲解,让学生学会根据表达需要得体地使用不同时态的语句。2plete the sentences with the words in the box.(Activity 5)(1)检查学生是否知道方框中所给单词的词义。(2)学生观察所给单词,理解其含义,并根据语境

5、完成句子。 (3)全班核对答案。(答案;1.opinion 2.huge 3.discussion 4.eastern 5.though)环节说明:本活动考查学生根据语境运用已学词汇的能力。1._ / he was only twelve he could run faster than any kids in the school2. On Friday my parents and I had many _ /dsknz/ on how to learn English.3. The _ /i:stn/ sky was just turning pink.4. Many countries

6、 have sent up _ /mnmeid/ satellites to circle the earth.答案:Though;discussions;eastern;man-made.完成请完成 P1对应习题通过听读句子,给学生输入地道的语音语调, 学生在朗读对话中也学习了一些日常用语,并能运用所学知识对景观进行细节描述。Module1 Wonders of the world Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.知识目标单词below, shine, sign, silent, silver, sky, grey, 词组go though,

7、far away,fall down,at the bottom of句型1.I looked over them,but it was silent and there was no sign of it.2.I looked down to the Colorado River,a silver stream nearly one mile below me.技能目标能够描写祖国大好河山中的某个名胜古迹,激发学生热爱大自然,多亲近自然的兴趣与爱好。课文中的词组与单词在句子中的应用来描写风景 描写自然景观Step 1 情景导入1.T:Do you remember the names of

8、the natural wonders in Unit 1? Write the names on the board. (The Giants Causeway and Victoria Falls)2.Work in pairs. Talk about a great natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you. (Activity 1)(1)学生两人一组,根据方框中词汇的提示谈论自己了解的自然景观。 (2)教师点名,部分学生利用投影仪或多媒体课件介绍他们所熟悉的某个自然景观,全班分享。(3)也可采用头脑风暴的

9、形式,学生围绕大峡谷这一景观,说出他们已知的信息,然后教师通过多媒体补充其它信息。环节说明:本活动的目的在于激活学生已有的背景知识。教师可以在教学之前布置作业 ,让学生去网上或图书馆査找资料,收集信息,以作好准备。Step 2 完成教材Activity 2的任务Read the passage and complete the table. (Activity 2)1.学生个体活动,根据表格要求,快速寻读文章中的相关语句,摘录信息。 2.教师引导学生在寻读过程中关注包含数据的语句,从而缩小阅读范围,提高阅读效率。3.两分钟后,让学生关上课本,两人一组完成表格。4.核对答案,教师放课文录音,让学

10、生检查答案,并要求学生划出与答案相关的句子。(答案:How deep: nearly one mile;How wide: about fifteen miles;How long: more than 200 miles)5.学生阅读课文,尽量理解课文。同时找出短语及难于理解的词句。6.教师在教室巡回走动以帮助学生扫除阅读中的障碍。环节说明:本活动设计巧妙,通过练习强化了学生对deep,wide,long这三个描述景观的常用词的理解,并为后续写作和整个模块中心任务的实施奠定了良好的基础。Step 3 小结训练( )1.The cat went _the window into his roo

11、m.A.across B.through C.past D.over( )2.Its about 10 kilometers_from the city.A.far B.long C.away D.near( )3.A lot of buildings_ in that earth-quake.Many people were missing.A.falls down B.falls offC.fell down D.fell off答案:1.B 2.C 3. C完成请完成 P2-P3对应习题 本课时主要训练了学生的阅读理解能力。学生能快速寻读文本中相关语句,摘录信息,掌握重点短语的用法。但需

12、进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力,同时关注学生对介词through,across的正确使用。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module1 Wonders of the world Unit 3 Language in use知识目标单词Interview,nervous,ancient,forget词组Go to the top of,walk into the lift,reach the 88th floor,look forward to 句型I looked to the east-the sky was becoming grey.They were having an E

13、nglish class at nine oclock yesterday morning.技能目标能听懂说出本课时的重要句型,能运用句式用英语谈论学习方法.时态时态Step 1 RevisionLet a few students introduce the Grand Canyon.Step 2 完成教材 Activities 19的任务1.完成Activity 1的任务。(1)学生个体活动,分析句子异同。(2)两人一组讨论,然后全班核对答案。(3)教师总结,给学生列表,以便学生对比识记。2.完成 Activities 2,3的任务环节说明:活动2,3考查学生在不同的时态和语境中,运用动词

14、的正确形式进行填空的能力。3.完成Activity 4的任务。(1)学生列出希望讨论的景观名称,两人一组,口头交流,然后根据记录完成表格。(2)部分小组展示,全班反馈。 4.完成 Activity 5的任务。 5.完成Activity 6的任务。(答案:1.looking forward to 2.millions of 3.go through 4.more than 5.at the bottom of 6.agree with)6.完成Activities 7,8的任务(1)学生看图,建立感性认识。(2)听录音,排序。全班核对答案。(3)再听一遍,完成表格。环节说明:活动7,8主要训练学

15、生听并获取细节信息且记录下来的能力。 7.完成Activities 911的任务环节说明:了解更多的世界奇观。通过海报,墙报、英语角等,展示所有的作品,从而帮助学生提高学习英语的积极性。Step 3 小结训练1.I _(stand)in the front of the classroom when the teacher_ (come) in.2.He looks forward to_(pass) the exam.答案1.was standing 2.came 3.passing完成请完成 P4-P6对应习题本节课主要涉及的语法内容是复习和对比一般现在时、现在完成时以及一般过去时与过去进

16、行时。通过练习加深学生对这些时态的认识,并能熟练运用。本节课主要突出区分时态的构成,即动词的不同形式。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档 Module 2 Public holidaysUnit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.知识目标单词found, flag, until, off, vacation, season, kid, band, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, twelfth, twentiet

17、h, since then, all kinds of, take a vacation, have fun, as soon as.词组More than;at the top;natural wonder;man-made some degree.句型1.In my opinion,man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.2.Betty and Darning are more interested in man-made wonders. 技能目标能说出本课时的重要句型,能运用句式用英语谈论学习方法To learn and

18、 review some words and expressions about festivals.学习时态结构。Step 1 Warming-up T: Welcome to our class. T:Lead in(1) Listen to a happy song and enjoy some pictures about the public holidays before the lesson. (2) To see a short movie about the things people to do during the public holidays. And then as

19、k the students: What things do they do when the holiday begins? Lead in our todaysS:(1) Listen to a happy song and enjoy some pictures about the public holidays (2). To see a short movie about the things people to do during the public holidays and answer the questions topic .Step 2Task1:Check the ne

20、w words.T:1. A little teacher show some pictures on the screen, ask some students to answer his questions to get the students to say out the new words.2.Organize the students to read the new words together.3.Check the answers of new words exercises .S:1.See the pictures and things to say out the new

21、 words. Read the new words together.3.Check the answers of new words exercises ( )1.The Great Wall is one of the greatest _ in the world.I agree you.A.wonder, with B. wonders, withC.wonderful, with( )2._students _the discussion yesterday. A.3 hundreds; joined B.3 hundreds of; join inC.Hundreds of; j

22、oined inD.Hundreds of; joined( )1.What_ you _to do this weekend?Id like the Great Wall.A.do; like; visitB.would; like; to visitC.do; want; visitingD.would; like; visiting( )2.He didnt have breakfast _ he got up late.so B.though C.because D.until 答案1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C完成请完成 P10对应习题本课时以师生问答的形式导入新课,引出本课时的主题

23、wonders。借助图片充分调动学生的积极性,让学生都能参与到口头表达中来。培养学生听并获取相关信息的能力。并帮助学生在语境中进一步了解四大景观。通过听读句子,给学生输入地道的语音语调, 学生在朗读对话中也学习了一些日常用语,并能运用所学知识对景观进行细节描述。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档 Module 2 Public holidaysUnit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.知识目标单词among, speech, pioneer, grow, cor

24、n, following, lay, over, dish, ourselves, .词组lay the table, give thanks (to sb.) for (doing) sth.句型The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food.At the beginning,they did not have enough food.技能目标初步理解课文,掌握一些词汇及语句,训练学生的写作能力1. To master the new words.2. To learn some e

25、xpressions about Thanksgiving.3. To learn the adverbial clause of time. 1. To get information from the article.2. To write a composition by using the adverbial clause of time.Step 1情景导入1.The teacher shows the pictures of Thanks giving and asks questions.T:Which festival is this?S:Thanksgiving.T:Grea

26、t. When is it celebrated, do you know?S:On the fourth Thursday in November.T:Do you want to know how it is celebrated?S:Yes.T:Now lets look at the pictures and learn about it.2.T:Last period, we read the passage about Thanksgiving. We learn about its facts. Can you tell me its date, meaning, history

27、 and celebration?S1:S2:T:You may forget some of the facts. You should read the passage again.Step 2完成教材 Activity 1的任务和教材 Activities 3,4的任务。1.学生两人一组,根据图片讨论感恩节的由来及庆祝方式。下列问题可以帮助他们。(activity1)What do you think? Do you agree?Im not sure what they are celebrating. How about you?Can you see anything else?(

28、Ask them to describe what they can see and speculate about what people are celebrating, what their relationship is, why they are happy and so on.)2.完成教材 Activity 2的任务Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.1.教师带领学生浏览四个小标题,理解其含义。2.个体活动,快速阅读课文的各个段落,明确主旨,进行匹配。(答案:a-3,b-1,c-2,d-4) 3p

29、lete the table. (Activity 3)(1)学生阅读活动3的表格,仔细读短文两遍。(2)学生个体完成填空,教师可提示学生用关键词句归纳相关信息。(3)两人一组核对答案。教师点名,部分学生汇报,全班核对答案。(答案:1.the fourth Thursday in November 2.People give thanks 3.the first pioneers 4.grow corn; eating a dinner 5.a traditional dinner 6.Give thanks 7.the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade; the f

30、ootball games)2plete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. (Activity 4) (1)学生个体完成填空。(2)两人一组交流,核对答案。 (答案:1.pioneers 2.corn 3.plenty 4.among 5.lay 6.dishes)环节说明:1.2本活动为词汇应用活动。课文中学过的词语在新语境中出现,使得活动考查的不仅仅是阅读能力,还有语言的综合运用能力,需要学生分析句子间的逻辑关系和语境。3.4本活动从形象直观的图片入手,为学生了解话题、讨论话题、阅读篇章作好铺塾。Step

31、4 小结训练 ( )1.When is Thanksgiving?_ Thursday _ November.A. In the forth; in B. In the fourth; onC. On the fourth; in D. On the forth; on( )2.Thanksgiving is a time _ a special dinner _ family and friends.A. for; between B. with; among C. for; among D. with; between( )3.People can communicate _ e-mail

32、s.A.by sent B.by sending C.in sending D.with send答案:1. C 2.C 3.B完成请完成 P11-12对应习题本节课活动的目的是让学生初步理解课文,掌握一些词汇及语句。从学生的互动中可知是否达到教学目标。训练学生的写作能力,从学生汇报的答案可知大部分学生表现佳。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module 2 Public holidaysUnit 3 Language in use知识目标单词Present,shout,several,brightly词组go to the square,make much progress,sp

33、end some time,have a picnic句型1.They do not know that it is their parents who put the presents at the end of their beds while they are sleeping. 2.For me, i always like enjoying myself on the beach in the south,but it depends on the weather.技能目标To summarize and consolidate the adverbial clause of tim

34、eTo be able to write a passage to introduce the festival.Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the adverbial clause of time.Step 1 情景导入T:In this module, the main language aim is to understand adverbial clauses of time and to be able to make adverbial clauses with after, as s

35、oon as, before, since, until, when or while.Who can make sentences with since, until,as soon as, when or while?S1:S2:2.让更多的学生造句,教师点评,纠正错误。环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固所学语言点,同时提高学生口语的表达能力。引出本模块的语法知识。Step 2完成教材 Activities 19的任务1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or expression in the box. The

36、re may be more than one answer.(Activity 1) (1)学生个体活动,浏览方框中给出的词,完成句子。(2)两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对。2. Complete the conversation with the clauses in the box.(Activity 2)(1)学生浏览方框内的语句及对话。(2)学生补全对话,然后两人一组核对答案。(3)全班核对答案。3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about yourself. (Activity 3)(1)学生个体活动,阅读问题并思考答案。(2)两

37、人一组,互问互答。(3)35组学生展示,全班反馈。4. Complete the passage with the words in the box. (Activity 4)(1)学生个体活动,浏览单词,通读语段,完成短文填空。(2)全班核对答案。5. Complete the passage with the expressions in the box. (Activity 5)(1)学生浏览方框中给出的短语,并理解短语的意思。(2)学生个体活动,阅读短文,根据要求填空。(3)部分学生回答问题,全班核对答案。6. Complete the conversations with the s

38、entences in the box. (Activity 6)(1)学生个体活动,补全对话。(2)两人一组核对答案。(3)部分小组展示,全班核对答案。7. Listen and talk about holiday plans. (Activities 7,8) (1)学生先阅读问题,然后带着问题听录音,有针对性地寻找目标信息。(2)小组活动,表达个人观点,陈述理由。(3)部分学生汇报,全班反馈。8plete the passage with the sentences in the box. (Activity 9)(1)学生个体活动,浏览方框中给出的语句,分析语篇行文的逻辑顺序,完成填

39、空。(2)两人一组核对答案。(3)部分学生汇报,并陈述选择的理由。环节说明:本环节通过听说读写等各种练习来巩固本模块的语言知识。同时训练学生听说读写能力。 1. Happy New Year to you! _. A. Youre welcome B. The same to you C. Congratulations2.Mothers Day is _ the second Sunday in May in the United States. A. on B. in C. at3.It will _ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuy

40、i by high-speed railway. Wow, how exciting! I cant wait. A. take B. spend C. cost答案:1.B 2.A 3.A 完成请完成 P13-P15对应习题本节课活动的目的是让学生学会造含有状语从句的句子;能写有关节日的语句或短文。此节需加强训练。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module 3 HeroesUnit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.知识目标单词including, medal, attend, abroad, doct

41、or, degree, whatever, amazing, will, victory词组once again, give up句型(1) Whatever she does, she never gives up! (2) Thats amazing!(3) Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis players in the world.(4) She trained hard, so she became a great player later.(5) I think shes a good student as

42、well as a good player.技能目标听:学生能够判断听力材料的人物关系、时间发生地点和主要内容等信息。说:学生能够谈论自己心中的英雄。语音:学生能够掌握句子中的停顿方法。情感态度:学生能够从自己心目中的英雄中学习正面、积极的力量,并影响自己。1. 本模块重点单词及交际用语。2. 用所学知识描述英雄人物。1. 使用原因和结果状语从句。2.状语从句的正确使用。Read the words and expressions in Unit 1.Daily report: Talk about your heroes: Whos your favourite hero? Why?Step

43、1情境导入A hero is a person who does something extraordinary and who we admire as a result. Show some pictures about the people who became heroes of all types: sportspeople, musicians, ordinary people in extreme situations, characters from films, etc.Talk about why they have become famous.( Use because

44、and so)Step2 Listening1.小听力,一听(自主完成,合作释疑)Now please listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1). Whos the hero? Den Yaping(2).What are they listening to? Our Heroes.二听:Finish Activity 2, choose the best answer.1. Who are the speakers?A.A student and a teacher B.Two students C.A person on the ra

45、dio and a gues2. Where are the speakers?A.At a station B.In a classroom C At home 3. What are they talking about?A.A famous person B .A teacher C.A friend2.大听力 (多层听)一层听:Listen ,1) 1. Who are the speakers?A.A student and a teacher B.Two students C.A person on the radio and a guest2. Where are the spe

46、akers?A At a station B In a classroom C At home 3. What are they talking about?A.A famous person B.A teacher C.A friend二层听:Listen again,complete the table. (学生独立完成后,小组内交流答案。) Facts about Deng YapingWhen she was five,SheWhen she was twenty-four,SheAfter she stopping playing,She began to After seven y

47、ears study abroad,SheStep3 Speaking Guessing gameWhen she was five ,did she?When she was, did she?.Step4 Reading1. Read the conversation and talk about your answer to the question: She says she is not _. She has a very _. She helped _. Whatever she does, she _.2. Key sentences.Shes my hero because s

48、hes one of the best table tennis players in the world.She started playing table tennis when she was five.Whatever she does, she never give up!She trained hard, so she became a great player later.3. Finish Activity 5 in Page 19.4. Read in groups.Step 5 Make a survey.A: Whos your hero? B: Its Jackie C

49、han!A: Why?B: Because hes a great star. I think all his films are fantastic!Name HeroWhyJimJackie ChanBecauseReport like this:Jims hero is Jackie Chan, because Jackie Chan is a great film star and all his films are fantastic. So Jim likes it very much. Jim studies very hard so that he can be a succe

50、ssful person like Jackie Chan in the future( )1.He will go on working hard. He will not _ his dream.A.get up B.give upC.look up D.give out( )2.Im your teacher _ your friend.A.too B.also C.as well D.as well as答案:1.B 2.D完成请完成 P19对应习题本节课活动的目的是通过听力理解,让学生学会通过信息联想到其他信息。在现阶段来说这对学生比较困难,今后的教学中指导学生多进行听力练习,培养学

51、生这方面的能力。活动的目的是通过练习复习本单元的语言点及状语从句,通过听说写多方面的训练,让学生基本掌握本单元的重点知识。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module 3 HeroesUnit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hardon his own.知识目标单词army,Canada,Canadian,treat, treatment, Dr=doctor,词组give ones life to,First World War,in spite of, in the end, take care of.句型Th

52、ere were few doctors, so he had to work very hard.Norman Bethune is one of Chinas most famous heroesDr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to have a rest.技能目标读:通过阅读My hero-Dr Norman Bethune,让学生掌握并运用略、精读的技巧,即略读找大意,精读搜索相关信息。写:能够描写自己喜爱的英雄人物的基本简介和理由。掌握重点词汇、语法、句型,理解文章大意及结构,能够灵活运用so that, so , becau

53、se 引导的状语从句。如何引导学生通过白求恩这篇文章的学习,学会描写英雄事迹。Step 1:Warming-up1. Lead in the topic by a picture and show the teaching aims to the Ss.2. Talk about the pictures. Ask the students to look at the pictures about heroes in different fields.3. Learn some new words and try to remember them.Step 2:Listening and v

54、ocabulary1. Ask the students to list some heroes they have known before, and say some thing about them, such as their age, born, occupation, personal features, etc.2. Play the tape and have them read and follow. And then choose the best answer.Step 3:Explain the important and difficult pointsNorman

55、Bethune is one of Chinas most famous heroes 曼白求恩是中国最有名的英雄之一,(1) one of +名词复数 意思是“之一” 如:Heroes was one of the best films at that year.英雄是那一年最好看的电影之一(2) hero 的复数形式是在词尾加 -es.相类似的还有:potatoes, tomatoes ,但应注意photo, radio, video, 的复数形式为photos, radios, videos2. There were few doctors, so he had to work very

56、 hard.(那里的)医生很少,所以他的工作很辛苦.so 在句中引导一个结果状语从句.它可以和because 引导的原因状语从句互换如:Our teacher worked too hard so she fell ill again.(=Our teacher fell ill again, because she worked too hard.)我们的老师工作太辛苦了,所以她又病倒了.Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to have a rest. 白求恩大夫不停歇地努力工作(1) without sb/sth/doing sth.

57、如:I cant see without glasses .我没戴眼镜,看不见。Fish cant live without water .鱼没有水就不能活。He went to school without having breakfast.他没吃早餐就去上学了.(2) stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”,stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做某事”.如:When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking.老师进来时,学生们停止了说话.She stopped to have a look.她停下来看了看.4. h

58、e cut his finger during an operation, but he continued his work.在做手术期间他割伤了他的手指,但他继续工作。continue to do sth.表示继续做另一件事(发生改变)continue doing sth.表示继续做这一件事(没有发生改变)例句:(假设“我”原来做作业)I continue to do my homework. 我继续去做家务。I continue doing my schoolwork. 我继续做作业。5. In the end, he died of his wound. 他因伤口感染而死。(1) di

59、e意为“死”,表示生命的结束,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;强调动作,是间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:His father died five years ago. 他父亲去世五年了。(2) die可以用于进行时态,表示“即将死去;奄奄一息”。例如He is dying. 他快要死了(3) 常用短语1) from 意为“由于而死” 一般常用于由外伤、衰老引起的死亡。例如: The old man died from a car accident last year.这个老人去年死于一场车祸。2) die of意思同die from, 它一般指由于疾病、情感等原因引起的死亡。例如

60、:His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992.他的祖父1992年死于肝癌.3) die out 意为“(家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”。例如:Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.恐龙在六千五百万年前灭绝了。Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick .白求恩发现了一种新的照顾病人的方法。take care of 意思是“照顾,照料”,相当于look after. 但应注意,当表示“好好照顾”时,要分别用take good care of 或loo


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