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1、大学英语语法归纳总结精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 大学英语三、四级语法归纳时态和语态I、时态时态是表示动作发生的时间和表现方式的一种动词形式。每一种“时间+方式”就构成一种时态。从时间上看,有现在、过去、将来和过 去将来之分,从动作上看,有一股、进行、完成及完成进行之区别。(英 语动词有16种时态)在实际应用中以及 TOEFL等考试中出现最多的时态 也只有4种,即一般现在时,现在完成时,一般过去时及过去完成时。.用一般现在时表示将来的动作。在由连词 even if, unless, as soon as, if, wh

2、en, in case, before, after, until, once, the moment, as long as等引出状语从句中,谓语一般不用 will或shall 来表示将来的动作,仅用一般现在时。例如:eg. She will come to see you the moment she finishes her work.The boss won t give the workers pay unless they theirwork today. (03/12,43)A) finish B) finished C) will finish D) had finishedS

3、uch crimes may be so complex that months or years go bybefore anyone them.A) discoveredB) will discover (03/1,31, CET-4)C) would have discovered D) discoversB.某些表示起始的动词,可用一般现在时表示按预定计划或时刻表在短时 间内将发生的动作。这类动词有:be, go, come, start, leave, depart, arrive,begin, return 等。例如:The train leaves at five sharp.2

4、.现在完成时、过去完成时以及将来完成时之间的区别现在完成时:I.构成:have/has +过去分词J.语法意义及要点:A.表示一个过去开始的状态或动作持续到现在并可能继续持续下去,常同表示一段时间的状语连用。eg. so far, up to now , since, for a long time etc.eg. He has worked as a teacher for many yearsUp till now , nothing has gone wrong .Don t disturb Father. He letters all morning and haswritten te

5、n so far. (99/6,42)A) write B) has been writing C) has written D) was writingThis is the worst time of the year. It every day so far.(02/6, 42)A) is raining B) has rained C) rained D) rainsB.表示一个过去发生的对现在仍有影响的动作或事件。常与不确定的过去时间状语连用(eg. yet, just, before, recently, etc.);也同表示频度时间状语连用(eg. often, ever, ne

6、ver, sometimes, several times, etc).;还可同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用(eg.now, today, this morning, etc).但不能同特定的过去时间状语连用(lastyear, inl997 etc.)eg. I have never learned Japanese before .We have been quite busy lately /recently .OI am meeting Ivan tonight; I a Russian before.(01/1,49)A) didn t ever meet B) have ever

7、 met C) had never met D) have never metC.在时间或条件状语从句中,当表示将来完成时的意义时,要用现在完成时来代替将来完成时。Well start at 5 Oclock if it has stopped raining by then .I shall go to see you when I have finished my homework .Note:行为不能持续的瞬间动词(Instantaneous Verb) , eg. arrive, begin, come, go, start, leave, die, join, etc.通常不能用于这

8、一语法意义,即该类 动词在现完成时中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。He has joined the army for five years . (F)He has been in the army for five years。(T)2)过去完成时:X.构成:had+过去分词Y.语法意义及要点:表示某一动作或情况发生在过去某一时刻之前并持续至IJ该时亥黑Z. eg. David and Jenny had known each other for a long time before their marriage.AA. They had got everything ready befor

9、e the party began .The burglary before I arrived at the office; all I could dowas to call the police. (03/6, 56)BB. A) has occurred B) had occurred C) was occurring D) would occurCC. Note:与现在完成时不同的是过去完成时可以与表示具体过去的时间状语 连用。He said that he had seen her the day before yesterday.DD. 3)将来完成时:EE.构成:shall /

10、will +have+过去分词FF.语法意义及要点:表示某一动作在将来某一时刻或将来某一动作之前已 经完成或发生。GG. eg. He will have graduated from high school before his next birthday , HH. The shop will have closed already before you get there .精品资料II、语态仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料II、语态仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 #II. By the end of next year they together f

11、or twenty years.(01/1,48)JJ. A) will have worked B) had worked C) would work D) have workedKK. -May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five oclock tonight?(00/6,41, CET-4)LL. -Im sorry. Mr. Williams to a conference long before then.MM. A) will have gone B) had gone C) would have gone D) has gon

12、e NN. OBy the time he arrives in Beijing, we here for two days.(01/6,31, CET-4)OO. A) have been staying B) have stayed C) shall stay D) will have stayedPP.OBy the time you get to New York, I for London.(02/1,41,CET-4)QQ. A) would be leaving B) am leaving C) have already left D) shall have leftRR.SS.

13、4)将来时间表示法:TT.be going to +V.表示不太明确的意图、打算。We re going to to build a new highway to the east.UU.be + to + V.表示正式的安排、指示、命令、禁止等。例如:VV. You re to do your homework before you watch TV.You re not to tell him anything about our plans.WW.be about to / be on the point of表示不久的将来,后者表示更近的将来,强调将来要发生的事情已临近。例如:I fe

14、el that something terrible is about to happen.I can see you now. I m on the point of leaving.XX.be due to表示将来的用法与时刻表、实施计划有关。例如:The train to Hangzhou is due to arrive at 13:15.精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 YY.英语动词有两种语态,一种叫主动语态(Active Voice), 一种叫被动语态(Passive Voice),分别表示主语和谓语动词的主动

15、关系和被动关系。.主动语态用于主动句,表示主语是动作的执行者;被动语态用于被动句,表示主语是动作的承受者。ZZ. 基本公式是:“是”动词+过去分词(被动语态有13种)AAA. 1. am/ is / are +P.P2. am/ is / are +being +P.PBBB. 3. was/ were +P.P4. was/ were +being +P.PCCC.5. has been + P.P6. had + been + P.PDDD. 7. shall / will be + P.P 8. should / would be + P.PEEE. 9. should / shall

16、/ would / must / need / may / might / ought toFFF. / can / could / will be+ P.P (情态动词)GGG. 10. be +to be + P.P (不定式)11. to have been + P.P 优成体)HHH.12 .being + P.P (动名词及分词)13. having been +PP(完成时动名词及分词)动词不定式符号to的处理。III. 感官动词 (verbs of perception ),如 see , watch, observe, notice, listen to, hear, feel

17、, etc;JJJ. 使役动词(causative verbs),如 make, have , let, etc;KKK.如后面接不定式作为其宾语补语时,该不定式不能带有“ to”这个符号。LLL.即:t感官动词s_MMM. 主语+使役动词 +宾语+不带to的不定式NNN.但当上列结构由主动语态转成被动语态时,不带to的不定式须换成带to的不定式。OOO. eg. We saw him cross the street. He was seen to cross the street. PPP. John heard Mary go-downstairs. Mary was heard to

18、go downstairs.QQQ.The sharp pain made her cry out. She was made to cry out bythe sharp pain.RRR.二、非谓语动词I、动名词动名词可以在句中作主语补足语、主语、宾语、表语。它具有动词特征,有时态和语态的变化。例如:SSS. Transplanting will soon start. (S) It s no use waiting. (S)TTT. Would you mind standing on your head? (O) My favoritesport is swimming. (P)His

19、 job is looking after the two dogs of the old woman. (S-c)1.某些动词后要接动名词UUU.某些及物动词后能用动名词而不能用不定式作宾语,其中最常用动词的有 admit, avoid , appreciate(赞赏),complete, consider, cant help ,delay, deny, dislike , enjoy, escape, excuse, endure, excuse, fancy, favour(赞同),finish , forgive , involve , imagine , mind , miss,p

20、ostpone, practise , prevent, quit, resent, risk , resist, suggest, etc.VVV. She suggested spending another day in the mountain area .WWW. Theres no way to escape doing the work .XXX. She is considering asking her employer for a rise .YYY. OI shall postpone my paper until I get enough information ont

21、he subject. (02/6, 55)ZZZ. A) writing C) written B) being written D) to writeAAAA. Maybe I ll the MA program after graduating from college.(03/1,54)BBBB. A) consider to take B) consider to taking精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 CCCC. C) consider taking D) consider on takingDDDD.

22、 OHe considers an MA program after graduation in twoyears.(03/6, 51)EEEE. A) taking B) to take C) took D) takenFFFF. Try to imagine the Pacific Ocean in a small boat.(03/12, 54)GGGG. A) crossing B) to cross C) to be crossed D) on crossingHHHH. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested at thenex

23、t town. (00/6, 34, CET-4)IIII. A) to stop B) stopping C) stop D) having stoppedJJJJ. That young man still denies the fire behind the store.(01/1,45, CET-4)KKKK. A) start B) to start C) having started D) to have startedLLLL. Note:在 need、want、require deserve等动词后的动名词相 当于不定式的被动式The clock needs/wants rep

24、airing . ( = The clock needs/wantsto be repaired .)The disabled deserve respecting . (= The disabled deserve to berespected.)MMMM. 在like、hate、prefer等动词后,如果表示一般倾向,则用动 名词作宾语;如果指具体的某次发生在将来的行动,则要用不定式。NNNN. I like reading books of this kind , but l dont like to read thatL book.OOOO. She prefers walking t

25、o cycling .PPPP. I prefer to stay at home today .QQQQ. 在remember、forget、regret等动词后,如果用动名词作宾语,则表示该宾语的动作发生在动词谓语的动作之前;如果用不定式作宾语,则表示宾语的动作发生在动词谓语的动作之后。RRRR. I remembered locking the door . (= I remembered that I had locked the door.)USSSI remembered to lock the door . (= I remembered that l was to lock t

26、he door.)TTTT.I regret telling you about it . (= I regret that l told you about it.)UUUU.I regret to tell you he has fallen ill . (=I regret that I am to tell youhe has fallen ill.)VVVV.2.动名词作介词的宾语WWWW.动名词可作介词的宾语,与介词一起构成介词短语,在句中作定语、状语或表语。His dream of becoming a successful writer has come true .She l

27、eft without saying goodbye to us .XXXX.动名词作介词的宾语常用在某些词组后面。这类常用的词组主要有:be accustomed to, believe in , confess to, dream of, feel like , giveup , insist on, be interested in , look forward to , object to, have an (no) objection to , pay attention to , put off , be responsible for, succeed in, be tired

28、of , be (get) used to, worry about, etc.He is used to living on his own .He has made up his mind to give up smoking.YYYY. 3、带逻辑主语的动名词ZZZZ.动名词可以有逻辑主语,其构成形式为“名词或代词的所有格+动名词”。带逻辑主语的动名词又称为动名词的复合结构,在句中用作主语, 宾语,表语和介词的宾语。在非正式语体中,如果动名词的复合结构在句 中作宾语,也可以用宾格来充当动名词的逻辑主语。但需注意的是,在各 种英语测试中,专家们仍坚持在正式语体中用代词的所有格来作动名词的

29、逻辑主语。AAAAA. Your driving a car to New York took longer than I expected BBBBB.I appreciated her devoting herself to the cause Of education .CCCCC.Your mother will be astonished at your coming home so lateEEEEE.DDDDD. What we felt uneasy about was Li Mings having too much confidence in himself .(00/1,

30、 43, CET-A) you to delayC) your delaying I dont mindthe decision as long as it is not too late.4)FFFFF.making B) your delaying making GGGGG.to make D) you delay to makeHHHHH. H、不定式1.某些动词后要接不定式IIIII.某些及物动词后只能接不定式作宾语,其中最常用的动词有:agree,apply, afford , arrange, appear, ask, attempt, care, choose,continue

31、, claim, decide , dare, demand , desire, determine , expect,fail , fear, forget, hate, hesitate, hope, intend , learn , like , love, 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 manage, mean(打算),neglect, offer(主动提出),plan, prefer, prepare, pretend , promise , prove

32、, refuse, regret, remember, resolve(决心),seek, seem, tend, try , volunteer, want, wish, etc.JJJJJ. What do you plan to do tomorrow?KKKKK.She hated to move from such a nice village .LLLLL.In class teachers should try to get feedback from their students.MMMMM.2.不定式的被动式NNNNN.不定式有被动式,当不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动

33、作的承受者,不定式要用被动式,在句中可作主语,宾语,定语,状语, 复合宾语等。作定语时,通常表示在谓语动作后将要发生的动作。OOOOO. eg. The last question to be discussed today is how to do the job more efficiently .PPPPP. She preferred to be given more difficult work to do .QQQQQ.It is a great honor for me to be invited to the party.RRRRR.If the building projec

34、t by the end of this month isdelayed, the construction company will be fined.SSSSS. A) being completed B) is completed C) to be completed D) completed (01/6, 48, CET-4)TTTTT.3.不定式的完成式UUUUU.当不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,不定式要用完成式,在句中可作宾语,状语以及构成复合宾语,复合谓语。She seemed to have heard about the news already.He Was bel

35、ieved to have been a very rich man .VVVVV.4.不定式的完成被动式WWWWW.当不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者,且不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,不定式要用完成被动式,在句中可作主语,宾语或构成复合宾语,复合谓语。XXXXX.eg. The forest fire is reported to have been put out last nightYYYYY.It is supposed to have been finished without referring to anyreference books.ZZZZZ. O

36、Twenty soldiers were reported in that battle.(99/6, 44)AAAAAA. A) to have been killed B) having been killed C) to be killed D) being killedThe accident is reported at dawn this morning, killingabout ten people. (03/6, 42)BBBBBB. A) to have occurred B) to have been occurred C) occurred D) occurringCC

37、CCCC. OThe bank is reported in the local newspaper in broaddaylight yesterday. (01/1,63, CET-4)DDDDDD. A) being robbed B) having been robbed C) to have been robbed D) robbedEEEEEE.5.带逻辑主语的不定式短语FFFFFF.不定式可以有逻辑主语,其构成形式为“for+代词的宾格(或名词)+不定式”。带逻辑主语的不定式短语可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语或 状语等。 TOC o 1-5 h z GGGGGG.It is not

38、 easy for you to catch up with them in a short time.HHHHHH.I think it better for you to see the doctor .IIIIII.What we want is for you to understand the matter clearly.JJJJJJ.I sent him some pictures for him to see what Paris is like.KKKKKK.6.带疑问词的不定式短语LLLLLL.不定式前可以加某些疑问代词,如 who、what、which ,或疑问副词,如

39、when、where how、why等,构成一种特殊的不定式短语,可 在句子中作主语宾语、表语或状语等。MMMMMM. How to improve English is often discussed among the s students.LNNNNNN. We havent decided when to visit the place .OOOOOO. The most difficult thing in learning English is how to speak the language well.PPPPPP. You havent answered my questio

40、n where to set these books .QQQQQQ. 7.某些动词后的不定式作宾语补足语时,不定式不带to,这些动词是:feel, have, hear, let, make, notice, see, watch, etc.RRRRRR. eg. Suddenly l felt the atmosphere in the room become tense .SSSSSS. I often hear them sing this song .TTTTTT.OAs we feltthe ground to shake, we all hurried out and stood

41、 in the open.(03/6, 50)UUUUUU. A) to begin B) begun C) has begun D) beginVVVVVV. m、分词分词分为现在分词和过去分词两种,主要起形容词和副词的作用,可在句中作表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。1、现在分词与过去分词的区别WWWWWW.现在分词与过去分词的区别主要体现在时间和语态上。现在分词表示正在进行的动作并表示主动的意义,而过去分词表示已经完成的动作并表示被动的意义。XXXXXX. Cf: a changing world ( 一个变化着的世界)VS a changed world(一个已经起变化的世界)YYYYYY

42、.Surprising news (令人惊讶的消息) VS surprised people (感到惊讶的人们)ZZZZZZ.2.分词作状语AAAAAAA. 作状语时,表示时间、原因、方式、结果、条件、让步和伴随情况等。另 外作状语时,它的逻辑主语应与句子的主语一致。BBBBBBB. eg. Hearing the news , he heaved a sign of relief.CCCCCCC. Given another chance , Ill do it much betterAll things, the result is satisfactory. (99/6, 50)DDDD

43、DDD. A) considered B) to consider C) considering D) are consideredChildren may improve their speech by listening to people talk, afact that may go. (01/1,59)EEEEEEE. A) not to be noticed B) unnoticed C) being unnoticed D) not to noticeFFFFFFF.OI think that with the railway, the highway is muchbetter

44、.(02/6, 44)GGGGGGG. A) comparing B) compared C) to compare D) comparehis homework, the schoolboy dashed to theplayground to join his friends in the game. (03/6, 48)HHHHHHH. A) Finished B) With finishing C) Finishing D) To finishIIIIIII.OAs a rule Mr. Smith went for a walk after supper,by awhite lapd

45、og.(03/6, 52)JJJJJJJ. A) following B) followed C) to follow D) having followedKKKKKKK.OThe boy looked at the stranger carefully,who hecould be.(03/12, 42)LLLLLLL. A) to wonder B) wondered C) wondering D) having wonderedMMMMMMM. in this way , the situation doesnt seem sodisappointing.(00/1,68, CET-4)

46、NNNNNNN. A) To look at B) Looking at C) Looked at D) To be looked atOOOOOOO. These surveys indicate that many crimes go bythe police, mainly because not all victims report them.PPPPPPP. A) unrecorded B) to be unrecorded C) unrecording D) to have been unrecorded (00/6, 26, CET-4)QQQQQQQ. in a recent

47、science competition, the threestudents were awarded scholarships totaling $21,000.RRRRRRR. A) Judged the best B) Judging the best (01/1,46, CET-4)SSSSSSS. C) To be judged the best D) Having judged the bestTTTTTTT. in the United States, St. Louis has now become the 24thlargest city. (01/6, 60, CET-4)

48、UUUUUUU. A) Being the fourth biggest city C) Once the fourth biggest cityVVVVVVV. B) It was once the fourth biggest city D) The fourth biggest city it wasWWWWWWW.OHe wasnt appointed chairman of the committee,not very popular with all its members.XXXXXXX. A) to be considered C) being considered(02/1,

49、53, CET-4)YYYYYYY. B) considering D) having consideredZZZZZZZ. OWe left the meeting, there obviously no point instaying.(02/6, 58, CET-4)AAAAAAAA. A) were B) being C) to be D) having Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completelyto the outside world. (03/1,43, CET-4)BBBBBBBB. A) having been

50、 lost B)to be lose C)losing D) lost -(be lost to)CCCCCCCC.3.分词作定语DDDDDDDD.分词常用来修饰名词或代词作定语。单个的分词作定语时,通常放在被修饰词之前;分词短语作定语时,通常放在被修饰词之后。但有些单个的过去分词作定语时,也可放在被修饰词之后。Hes a spoilt child .The man standing over there is our English teacher.EEEEEEEE. 4.分词作宾语补足语FFFFFFFF.分词可在感觉动词和使役动词后作宾语补足语tGgGGGGGG.常用的感觉动词主要有:se

51、e, hear, notice, watch,Jfind , observe, smell, etc.HHHHHHHH.常用的使役动词主要有:Set, have, keep, leave, set,make, let, etc.IIIIIIII.止匕外,分词还可在 want, like , wish , order等表示希望、要求、jJjjjjjj.KKKKKKKK.LLLLLLLL.命令等意义的动词后作宾语补足语。She watched her baby sleeping .I got my hair cut .I dont want you worrying about me.MMMMMM

52、MM.OThey had their new house in the earthquake lastweek.(02/6, 52)OOOOOOOO.NNNNNNNN. A) be destroyed B) being destroyed C) to be destroyed D) destroyedAs a member, he tired hard to make his voice inthe committee.(03/6, 46)PPPPPPPP. A) heard B) hear C) hearing D) be heardThe wounded soldier had the m

53、essage straight to thearmy commander. (03/12,46)QQQQQQQQ. A) sent B) to send C) to be sent D) being sentRRRRRRRR. Corn originated in the New World and thus was notknown in Europe until Columbus found it in Cuba.(00/1, 45, CET-4)SSSSSSSS. A) being cultivated B) been cultivated C) having cultivatedD)

54、cultivatingTTTTTTTT.OYou will see this productwherever you go.(00/6, 30, CET-4)UUUUUUUU. A) to be advertised B) advertised C) advertise D) advertisingVVVVVVVV.OWith the development in science and technology man canmake various flowers before their time.WWWWWWWW. A) be bloomed B) bloom C) bloomed D)b

55、looming (01/6, 36, CET-4)XXXXXXXX.OThe president promised to keep all the boardmembers of how the negotiations were going on.YYYYYYYY. A) inform B) informing C) be informed D) informed (01/6, 54, CET-4)ZZZZZZZZ. 5、分词与连词的连用AAAAAAAAA.分词可与各种连词(如:when , while , once, until , if,unless, though , although

56、 , even if, as, as if, as though 等)连用。连词 + 分词(短语)的结构在句中作状语,相当于状语从句。BBBBBBBBB. eg. Shell get nervous when speaking in public .CCCCCCCCC. He went on talking , though continually interrupted .Though in a big city, Peter always prefers to paintthe primitive scenes of country life.DDDDDDDDD.A) grown B)ra

57、ised C) tended D) cultivated(03/1, 32, CET-4)EEEEEEEEE.6、分词的独立结构FFFFFFFFF.分词作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子的主语应该一致;否则,分词应有自己的逻辑主语,构成分词的独立结构。独立结构一般位于句首,作伴随状语以及在科技文章中表示附加说明时,它常位于旬末。GGGGGGGGG. 分词的独立结构由“名词、代词+分词”构成,可以表示时 问、原因、条件、方式或伴随情况等。HHHHHHHHH. eg. Weather permitting , the football match will be played on Wednesday.I

58、IIIIIIII. Her son having been sent to school, she began to do some shopping .JJJJJJJJJ. He returned three days later , his face covered with mud and his clothes torn into pieces .KKKKKKKKK. There were two parties yesterday evening , each attended by some students。LLLLLLLLL.OThe sale usually takes pl

59、ace outside the house, with theaudience on benches, chairs or boxes.MMMMMMMMM.A) having seated B) seating C) seated D)having been seated (00/1, 46, CET-4)NNNNNNNNN. OSo many directors, the board meeting had to be put off.(01/1, 58, CET-4)OOOOOOOOO. A) were absent B) been absent C) had been absent D)

60、 being absentPPPPPPPPP.OAll the tasks ahead of time, they decided to goon holiday for a week.(01/6, 56, CET-4)QQQQQQQQQ. A) been fulfilled B) having been fulfilled C) were fulfilled D) had been fulfilledRRRRRRRRR.OAll flights because of the terrible weather, theyhad to go there by train. (02/1, 67,


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