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1、抓考点,练规范Unit 3The world of colour and light课堂互动l.range vi(在一定范围或幅度内)变动,变化,排列,将排成行n种类,一系列,行,区域,射击,山脉The children s ages range from 6 to 15.这些孩子的年龄在六至十五岁之间。We ranged (over)the hills and valleys.我们在小山和峡谷中漫游。range between.and在和范圉内变化a wide range of范围广泛的range over/through 涉及,包括range from.to在到的范围内变化训练 IThe

2、price of beerfrom 50 cents to $4 per litre during the summer season.A ranged B.differed C.altered D.separated训练LI 这个图书馆的书一排一排放得井井有条。The library hasin perfect order.2distiibute vt传播,散布,发行,分类,分发This new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly (over the whole field). 这台新机器(在整块地上)播种得又均匀又快。distribut

3、e.over.把 分配给/分配到/散布于 distribute sth.to/among把某物分配/分发给 distribution n.分发,传播,分布训练The teacherthe presentsthe students.A.separated; fromB.divided; intoC.distributed; amongD.cut; among训练日 这个机构向地震灾民分发了食品和毯子。The organizationthe earthquake victims.3.negotiate vi.i判,洽谈,协商vt通过谈判达成(或解决),谈成We successfully negot

4、iated the release of the hostages. 我们成功地达成了释放人质的协议。I I Inegotiation n.谈判,磋商,协商 under negotiation 在商谈之中 negotiator n.谈判代表,协商者 negotiate with sb.over/about sth因某事与某人谈判或磋商训练日 政府声称它不会同恐怖分子进行谈判的。the terrorists.The government训练这个问题还在商讨之中。4探索,研究,探测We must explore all the possibilities.我们必须探讨所有的可能性。explore

5、for sth探测/寻找某物 exploration斤探险,探测,探究 explorer斤勘探者,探险者训练Columbus discovered America but did notthe new continent.A.expose B.explode C.exploit Dexplore训练Spain began the(探索)of the New World.5.assistance n协助,援助(l)Unless we receive more financial assistance from the government, the hospital will have to c

6、lose.如果得不到政府财政上的更多的援助,这家医院就得停办。(2)Can I be of “ny assistance ?我能帮什么忙吗?be of assistance 有帮助with the assistance of 在的帮助下assist sb. with sth./to do sth./in doing sth. 帮助某人(做)某事assistant n.助理,助手,副手assist e.帮助your assistance, we have finished the task fully.(2011-湖南邵阳市一中月考)A.In B.With C.For D.Under训练我们请他

7、帮助我们设计一座新桥。We asked him6.experiment vi实验,试验n实验,尝试We hope to find the answer to this problem by experiment. 我们希望通过试验来找出这个问题的答案。Is it right to experiment on animals?用动物做实验对吗?experiment on/upon用做实验experiment with. 尝试/试用experiment in有关的实验make/carry out/perforni/conduct/do an experiment 做/进行实验训练experimen

8、tal a妙试验的,实验的dogs.In order to find a cure for bird flu,the scientist made an experimentA. on B.in C.with D.at 训练口他们用猴子做实验来测试这种新药。7.stick vt.粘住,粘贴,卡住,插入She stuck her fork into the meat.她把叉子扎到肉里了。The paint was still wet and the door handle stuck to my hand. 油漆还没有干,门把手粘住了我的手。stick. into把插入/刺入get/be stu

9、ck in 陷入中stick to 坚持stick in卡在中,陷入中stick up for.支持stick together 团结在一起stick with sb紧跟某人stick out突出,醒目,(使)伸出,坚持到底训练How unfortunate!We werein a storm and our car wasinthe mud yesterday.A.set; stuck B.caught; set Cxaught; stuck D.lost; caught训练请伸出舌头。8.have an appetite for 喜爱,渴望Some people have an appet

10、ite for risk.些人对冒险感兴趣。He had no appetite for hard work.他不喜欢卖力气。lose one s appetite 食欲不振 spoil/take away one s appetite 伤 了胃口 improve the appetite 食欲大增 to one s appetite合某人的口味/心愿训练不要在两餐之间吃东西,以免影响胃口。Don tby eating between meals.训练日 我生病的时候没有胃口。9.be admitted to获准进入,被录取He was admitted_to hospital sufferi

11、ng from burns.他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。(l)admit sb./o.准许某人 / 某物进入admit to sth./doing sth承认某事/做某事admit of sth容忍某事物admission n.允许进入,入学(入会、入场),许可,入场券 提乔 admit可接doing但不接to do作宾语。, and you willthat famous university.A.Working hard; admit intoC.Work hard; be admitted toB.If you work hard; be admitted toD.Work hard;

12、admit of训练她承认偷了自行车。She admittedlO.cutout裁剪出,切掉,切下,删除 停止做(或使用、食用)She cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.她从报纸上剪下广告。1 must cut out cigarettes/going to bed late我必须戒烟/改掉晚睡的习惯。 cut down砍倒,减少,削减,改短衣服cut away切除,剪掉训练cut through刺穿,抄近路穿过一Look! What do you think of my new dress ?Well, you look nice in i

13、t, but it seems a bit loose, you d better had itA. cut downB.cut off C.cut up D.cut out训练口 你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。关键句子ll.Besides the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 otherEuropean paintings, ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century.除了达芬奇 的作品,卢浮宫里还藏有其他欧洲画家从13世纪到19世纪创作的600余件作品

14、。本句的more than忌为比多,多于,more than还有卜列几种含义:接名词时表示“不止是,不仅仅是” O接形容词时表示“很,非常” o接动词时表示“非常,不止,超出” o接副词时表示“过于” o跟含有can (could)的从句时,常含有否定之意。训练We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got60.A. more than B.more of C.as much as D.so many as训练目More than one schoolclosed.Ae has B.have C.were D.are训练他非常愿意提供帮助。Hardl

15、y had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had forgotten our map in the room第二天早上我们刚离开宿舍就意识到我们把地图忘 在房间里了。hardly.when表示“一就”。该结构的hardly位于句首时常用部分倒装 结构,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。I had hnnily sat down for a rest when the doorbell rang.我刚坐卜来休息门铃就响 了。表示“一就”的结构还有:no sooner.than.; as soonas/imm

16、ediately/directly/the minute+从句;on/upon+(doing)sth.等。训练丨.-J Hardlyasleep when she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallen B.had she fallen C.she did fallen D.did she fall 训练国他-来你就可以走了。You may leave常考词汇large教材原文:A mural is a very large piece of artwork, such as a painting, that is done on the wall

17、.(P33)(2010 四川,12)The school was moved out of downtown as the number of students had grown too.A.small B.few C.large D.many答案:C the number of 为“ 的数重” 其后的形容 词应为大小,不用多少。又据句意学校被移出了市中心,应 该是学生的数量变得太大了 ,故选C。高频考点连词while的用法教材原文:Although we adore his work today, Van Gogh was not successful while he was alive

18、.(P35)(2010 全国 I T 25)Marv made coffeeher guestswere flnishing their meal.A.so that B.although C.while D.as if答案:C 根据选项此题考查连词的用法。so that译为以 便”表示目的,although译为“尽曾f富然” ,as if译为“好 像” f while译为“当的时候” f因itkwhile符合旨忌z选择C。句意:当客人们将要结束用餐的时候Mary煮了咖啡。考向烽火台教材vs高考高频考点that引导限制性定语从句教材原文:Is there anything special that I can bring you ?(P41)高频考点what引导宾语从句(2010 全国 II, 16)1 refuse to accept the blame for something was someone else s fault.A.who B.that C.as D.what答案:B 不定代词something作先行词f定语从句用that引 导。教材原文:This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if the museum wanted t


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