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1、.PAGE :.;环境与资源学院硕士研讨生必读经典文献著作部分目 录 -序号作者、著作称号、出版时间引荐人备注杨桂华,钟林生,明庆忠. 生态旅游. 北京:高等教育,.程占红自然地理学张金屯数量生态学北京:科学,程占红吴必虎. 区域旅游规划原理.北京:中国旅游,.程占红Smith, S. L. J. Tourism Analysis: A Handbook (nd edition), Longman. .程占红史念海.黄土高原历史地理研讨,郑州:黄河水利,.王尚义中科院黄土高原综合科考队.黄土高原地域自然环境及其演化,北京:科学,王尚义中科院黄土高原综合科考队.黄土高原地域土壤侵蚀区域特征及其治

2、理途径,北京:中国科技,王尚义吴传钧主编,中国农业与乡村可继续开展问题,中国环境科学,秦作栋 HYPERLINK bookschina/Books/allbook/allauthor.asp?stype=author&sbook=于贵瑞 于贵瑞,全球变化与陆地生态系统碳循环和碳蓄积,气候,李洪建吴钦孝, 杨文治. 黄土高原植被恢复与继续开展. 北京: 科学, 李素清邬建国. 景观生态学格局、过程、尺度与等级. 北京: 高等教育, 武冬梅黄铭洪等著.环境污染与生态恢复,北京: HYPERLINK ./cgi-win/tcgif.exe?sgr 科学,李华环境科学、环境工程M.C.Fuersten

3、au;J.D.Miller;M.C.Kuhn. Chemitry Of Flotation.Publoshed by Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.Inc.New York,New York,程芳琴Carson, Rachel. . Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co段毅豪Graham, John D. and Jennifer Kassalow Hartwell. . T

4、he Greening of Industry: A Risk Management Approach. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press段毅豪陈国珍,荧光分析法,科学,.解静芳夏世钧 吴中亮主编,分子毒理学根底,湖北科学技术,解静芳王琳,王宝贞编著,饮用水深度处置技术,化学工业,环境科学与工程出版中心,北京,年月郭栋生Thomas G. Spiro, William M. Stigliani.Chemistry of the Environmental (Second Edition),清华大学李广科Nancy K. Kubasek, Ga

5、ry S. Silverman, Environmental Law(Fourth Edition),清华大学李广科Metcalf & Eddy Inc., Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse(Fourth Edition),清华大学李广科W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Jr., Industrial Water Pollution Control (Third Edition), 清华大学李广科Noel de Nevers, Air Pollution Control Engineering Second Edition清华大

6、学李广科George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel Vigil, Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and Management Issues. 清华大学李广科Bertil Hille () Ionic channels of excitable membranes. SINAUER ASSOCIATES INC., Sunderland, Massachusetts桑楠Alan A. Boulton, Glen B. Baker, Wolfgang Walz ().

7、 Patch-clamp applications and protocols. Human Press, Totowa, New Jersey桑楠张铣 () 毒理学,北京医科大学,北京桑楠孟紫强环境毒理学,中国环境科学,北京桑楠环境与资源学院硕士研讨生必读经典文献论文部分目 录 -序号作者、论文标题、出版时间引荐人备注Peter S. V. Ecotourism and Nature Conservation . Tourism Management,:.程占红自然地理学自然地理学Williams J,Lawson R. Community issues and resident opini

8、ons of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, , (): 程占红保继刚.旅游地生命周期实际与旅游规划.建筑师,:程占红程占红,张金屯,上官铁梁,张峰芦芽山自然维护区旅游开发与植被环境的关系研讨I植被环境质量分析生态学报,:程占红郭来喜.中国生态旅游可继续旅游的基石. 地文科学进展,:程占红郭舒. 生态旅游概念泛化思索. 旅游学刊,:程占红李贞,保继刚,覃朝锋. 旅游开发对丹霞山植被的影响. 地理学报,:程占红吴必虎,金华,张丽.旅游讲解系统的规划和管理.旅游学刊,:程占红吴必虎.旅游系统:对旅游活动与旅游科学的一种解释.旅游学刊,:程占红张广瑞. 生态

9、旅游的实际与实际. 旅游学刊,:程占红朱士光.我国黄土高原地域几个主要区域历史时期经济开展与自然环境变化概略, HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=ZGLD&NaviLink=%e%b%ad%e%b%bd%e%e%e%f%b%e%c%b%e%e%ae%ba%e%b%b t _blank 中国历史地实际丛 , HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLink&DBCode

10、=CCFD&TableName=CCFDyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=ZGLD*&NaviLink=%e%b%ad%e%b%bd%e%e%e%f%b%e%c%b%e%e%ae%ba%e%b%b t _blank 年 期王尚义朱士光.历史时期黄土高原自然环境变化及其对人类活动之影响, HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=GHDQ&NaviLink=%e%b%b%e%b%e%c%

11、b%e%c%ba%e%c%e%b%a%e%a%e%a%b t _blank 干旱地域农业研讨 , HYPERLINK mailto:GHDQ 编辑部邮箱 HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLink&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=GHDQ*&NaviLink=%e%b%b%e%b%e%c%b%e%c%ba%e%c%e%b%a%e%a%e%a%b t _blank 年 期王尚义王守春.论古代黄土高原植被, HYPERLINK ./KNS/N

12、avi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=DLYJ&NaviLink=%e%c%b%e%e%a%e%a%b t _blank 地理研讨 HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLink&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=DLYJ*&NaviLink=%e%c%b%e%e%a%e%a%b t _blank 年 期王尚

13、义王守春.古代黄土高原植被的地域分异及其变化C,黄河流域环境演化与水沙运转规律文献集(),北京:地质,:-王尚义侯仁之.煌县南湖绿洲沙漠化蠡测河西走廊祁连山北麓绿洲的个案调查之一, HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=ZGSS&NaviLink=%e%b%ad%e%b%bd%e%b%e%bc%a t _blank 中国沙漠 HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLin

14、k&DBCode=CCFD&TableName=CCFDyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=ZGSS*&NaviLink=%e%b%ad%e%b%bd%e%b%e%bc%a t _blank 年 期王尚义安芷生,黄土高原三万年然环境变化的初步研讨C. 黄土高原地域综合治理开发研讨,北京:科学出版,:-王尚义黄春长.论环境变化研讨中的假设干区域性问题, HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Val

15、ue=SXSZ&NaviLink=%e%e%a%bf%e%b%e%c%e%a%a%e%ad%a%e%ad%a%e%a%a(%e%aa%e%b%e%a%e%ad%a%e%) t _blank 陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版), HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=SXSZ*&NaviLink=%e%e%a%bf%e%b%e%c%e%a%a%e%ad%a%e%ad%a%e%a%a(%e%aa%e%b%e%

16、a%e%ad%a%e%) t _blank 年 期王尚义韩茂莉.黄土高原地域历史时期农牧区域的变化C,黄土高原地域综合治理开发研讨文献集,北京:中国环境科学,:-王尚义陈永宗.人类活动在黄土高原土壤侵蚀中的位置和作用C,黄河流域环境演化与水沙运转规律研讨文集(一),北京:地质,:-王尚义周自翔; 任志远;GIS支持下的土地利用与土壤侵蚀强度相关性研讨以陕北黄土高原为例 HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=STXZ&Navi

17、Link=%e%f%e%e%ad%a%e%d%e%bf% t _blank 生态学杂志 HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=STXZ*&NaviLink=%e%f%e%e%ad%a%e%d%e%bf% t _blank 年 期王尚义任志远,陕北黄土高原生态平安动态变化定量分析, HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=cjf

18、d&TableName=cjfdbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=GHDL&NaviLink=%e%b%b%e%b%e%c%ba%e%c%b%e% t _blank 干旱区地理, HYPERLINK ./KNS/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=IssueLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdyearinfo&Field=BaseID*year*issue&Value=GHDL*&NaviLink=%e%b%b%e%b%e%c%ba%e%c%b%e% t _blank 年 期王尚义Buchmann, N., . Biotic an

19、d abiotic factors controlling soil respiration in Picea abies stands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. , 李洪建Curiel Yuste, J., Janssens, I.A., Carrara, A., Meiresonne, L., Ceulemans, R., . Interactive effects of temperature and precipitation on soil respiration in a temperate maritime pine forest. Tree

20、 Physiology. , 李洪建Davidson, E.A., Belt, E., Boone, R.D. . Soil water content and temperature as independent or confounded factors controlling soil respiration in a temperate mixed hardwood forest. Global Change Biology. , 李洪建Dilustro, J., Collins, B., Duincan, L., Crawford, C., . Moisture and soil t

21、exture effects on soil CO efflux components in southeastern mixed pine forests, Forest Ecology and Management. , 李洪建Flanagan, L.B., Johnson, B.G., . Interacting effects of temperature, soil moisture and plant biomass production on ecosystem respiration in a northern temperate grassland. Agricultural

22、 and Forest Meteorology, , 李洪建Gaumont-Guay, D., Andrew Black T., Griffis T.J., Barr A.G., Jassal, Morgensten K., Jass, R.S., Nesic Z., b. Influence of temperature and drought on seasonal and interannual variation of soil, bole and ecosystem respiration in a boreal aspen stand. Agricultural and Fores

23、t Meteorology. , 李洪建Lloyd, J., Taylor, J.A., . On the temperature dependence of soil respiration. Func. Ecol. , 李洪建Raich, J.W., Schlesinger, W.H., . The global carbon dioxide flux in soil respiration and its relationship to vegetation and climate. lus, B, 李洪建Vincent, G., Shahriari, A. R., Lucot, E.,

24、 Badot P., Epron, D., . Spatial and seasonal variations in soil respiration in a temperate deciduous forest with fluctuating water table. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. , 李洪建Xu, M., Qi, Y., . Soilsurface CO efflux and its spatial and temporal variations in a young ponderosa pine plantation in northe

25、rn California. Global Change Biology. , 李洪建陆大道,关于地理学的“人-地系统实际研讨。地理研讨,:-秦作栋蔡运龙,农业与乡村可继续开展的地理学研讨。地球科学进展,:-秦作栋刘彦随,陆大道,中国农业构造调整根本态势与区域效应。地理学报,:-秦作栋刘彦随,王大为,中国农业地理学研讨的进展与趋向。地理学报,增:-秦作栋宋长青,冷疏影,当代地理学特征、开展趋势及中国地理学研讨进展。地球科学进展,:-秦作栋冷疏影,宋长青,中国地理学面临的挑战与开展。地理学报,:-秦作栋蔡运龙,陆大道,周一星等,中国地文科学的国家需求与开展战略,地理学报,:-秦作栋郑度,陈说彭,

26、地理学研讨进展与前沿领域。地球科学进展,:-秦作栋郭焕成,王云才,我国农业地理学研讨的回想和开展趋势。经济地理,:-秦作栋LIU WEIDONG, LU DADAO, Rethinking the Development of Economic Geography in Mainland China. Environment and Planning A, , (): -秦作栋刘昌明, 郑度, 陆大道, 等. 地理学研讨的开展方向地理学期刊主编笔谈. 地理学报, , (): -李素清路雨祥. 地文科学与资源研讨的开展情势视察地文科学与资源研讨所时的讲话. 地理学报, , (): -李素清宋长青

27、, 冷疏影. 世纪中国地理学综合研讨的主要领域. 地理学报, , (): -李素清宋长青, 冷疏影. 中国地理学面临的挑战与开展. 地理学报, , (): -李素清蔡运龙, 陆大道, 周一星, 等. 地文科学的中国进展与国际趋势. 地理学报, , (): -李素清蔡运龙, 陆大道, 周一星, 等. 中国地文科学的国家需求与开展战略. 地理学报, , (): -李素清史培军, 王静爱, 气陈靖, 等. 当代地理学之人地相互作用研讨的趋向全球变化人类行为方案(IHDP)第六届开放会议透视. 地理学报, , (): -李素清郑度, 陈说彭. 地理学研讨进展与前沿领域. 地球科学进展, , (): -

28、李素清彭建, 王仰麟, 叶敏婷, 等. 区域产业构造变化及其生态环境效应以云南省丽江市为例. 地理学报, , (): -李素清傅伯杰, 赵文武, 陈利顶. 地理生态过程研讨的进展与展望. 地理学报, , (): -李素清郝蓉, 白中科, 赵景逵 等. 黄土区大型露天煤矿废弃地植被恢复过程中的植被动态. 生态学报, , (): -李素清李永庚, 蒋高明. 矿业废弃地生态重建研讨进展. 生态学报, , (): -李素清刘海龙. 采矿废弃地的生态恢复与可继续景观设计. 生态学报, , (): -武冬梅马克明, 傅伯杰, 黎晓亚, 关文彬. 区域生态平安格局概念与实际根底. 生态学报, , ()武冬梅

29、张金屯. 典范主分量分析及其在山西高原植被与气候关系分析中的运用. 地理学报, , (): 武冬梅肖笃宁, 李秀珍. 景观生态学的学科前沿与开展战略. 生态学报, , (): 武冬梅傅伯杰. 景观多样性的类型及其生态意义. 地理学报, , (): 武冬梅范英宏, 陆兆华, 程建龙, 周忠轩, 吴钢. 中国煤矿区主要生态环境问题及生态重建技术生态学报, , (): 武冬梅关文彬, 谢春华, 马克明, 等. 景观生态恢复与重建是区域生态平安格局构建的关键途径. 生态学报, , (): 武冬梅李文君, 杨明川, 史培军. 唐山市资源型产业构造及其环境影响分析. 地理研讨, , (): -武冬梅Ant

30、hony Bradshaw. Restoration of mined lands-using natural processes. Ecological Engineering, , (): -武冬梅Z. Miao and R. Marrs. Ecological restoration and land reclamation in open-cast mines in Shanxi Province, China. Journal of Environmental Management, , , -武冬梅C Corinne P. Rooney, Ronald G. McLaren and

31、 Leo M. Condron. Control of lead solubility in soil contaminated with lead shot: Effect of soil pH. Environmental Pollution, (): -李华环境科学、环境工程环境科学、环境工程环境科学、环境工程环境科学、环境工程Jan Mertens, Lotte Van Nevel, An De Schrijver, et al. Tree species effect on the redistribution of soil metals.Environmental Polluti

32、on,(): -李华Gian Lorenzo Calzoni, Fabiana Antognoni,et al.Active biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution using Rosa rugosa plants.Environmental Pollution,(): -李华M. Azizur Rahman, H. Hasegawa, M. Mahfuzur Rahman,et al.Accumulation of arsenic in tissues of rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) and its distributio

33、n in fractions of rice grain.Chemosphere,(): -李华David J. Levy-Booth, Rachel G. Campbell, Robert H. Gulden, et al.Cycling of extracellular DNA in the soil environment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,(): -李华Wang.F.L, Bettany. L.R. Influence of freeze-thaw and flooding on the loss of soluble organic car

34、bon and carbon dioxide from soil. Journal of Environmental Quality,():李华Wang Qingren, Liu Xiumei, Cui Yanshan, Dong Yipping,.soil contamination and sources of heavy metal at individual sites of industry and mining associate with waste water irrigation in china. Acat Scientlae Circumstance. ():-李华Pao

35、la Castaldi, Laura Santona, Pietro Melis.Heavy metal immobilization by chemical amendments in a polluted soil and influence on white lupin growth. Chemosphere. , ():-李华Ernst, W.H.O.Bioavailability of heavy metals and decontamination of soils by plants. Appl.Geochem., :-李华Maria Nikliska, Marcin Choda

36、k, Ryszard Laskowski. Characterization of the forest humus microbial community in a heavy metal polluted area. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, ,():-李华David Weedon a; Stephen Grano b,;Timothy Akroyd b;Keila Goncalves c;Rogerio Moura. Effects of high Mg+ concentration on KCl flotation: Part I Laborator

37、y research. Minerals Engineering () 程芳琴David Weedon a; Stephen Grano b,;Timothy Akroyd b;Keila Goncalves c;Rogerio Moura. Effects of high magnesium ion concentration on KCl flotation:Part II Plant research. Minerals Engineering () 程芳琴Fangqin Cheng;Yang Bai;Chang Liu;Xiaohua Lu; Chuan Dong. Thermodyn

38、amic Analysis of Temperature Dependence of the Crystal Growth Rate of Potassium Sulfate.Ind.Eng.Chem.Res. ,程芳琴M.B.M. Monte a, J.F. Oliveira b. Flotation of sylvite with dodecylamine and the effect of addedlong chain alcohols. Minerals Engineering () 程芳琴Rohit H. Dave and Pushpito K. Ghosh.Efficient R

39、ecovery of Potassium Chloride from Liquid Effluent Generated during Preparation of Schoenite from Kainite Mixed Salt and Its Reuse in Production of Potassium Sulfate. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , , -程芳琴Blesa, M. J. et al, Low-temperature co-pyrolysis of a low-rank coal and biomass to prepare smokeless fue

40、l briquettes, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Spain, , , (), -程芳琴Jun Cheng, et al, Sulfur removal at high temperature during coal combustion in furnaces: a review, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, China, , , (), -程芳琴Zygarlicke, Christopher J. et al, Alkali influences on sulfur

41、 capture for North Dakota lignite combustion, Fuel Processing Technology, United States, , , (), -程芳琴Tosun, Yildirim I, Clean fuel-magnesia bonded coal briquetting, Fuel Processing Technology, Turkey, , , (), -程芳琴Yaman, S. et al, Fuel briquettes from biomass-lignite blends, Fuel Processing Technolog

42、y, Turkey , , , (), -程芳琴McClellan, R.O. Risk assessment: Replacing default options with specific science. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment , no. (): -段毅豪Kosson, D.S., H.A. vander Sloot, F. Sanchez and A.C. Garrabrants. An Integrated Framework for Evaluating Leaching in Waste Management and Utili

43、zation of Secondary Materials. Environmental Engineering Science , no.: (): -段毅豪Jones, D., S. Domotor, et al. Principles and issues in radiological ecological risk assessment. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity no. - (): -段毅豪Lioy, P. Assessing total human exposure to contaminants: A multidiscipl

44、inary Approach. Environmental Science and Technology , no. (): -段毅豪Greenberg M, J. Burger, C. Powers, T. Leschine, K Lowrie, B. Friedlander, E. Faustman, W. Griffith, and D. Kosson. Choosing remediation and waste management options at hazardous and radioactive waste sites, Remediation. Winter, (a):

45、-段毅豪Zhu, Y.G. and G. Shaw. Soil contamination with radionuclides and potential remediation. Chemosphere , (): -段毅豪Burger, J. Incorporating Ecology and Ecological Risk into Long-term Stewardship on Contaminated Sites. Remediation (): -段毅豪Chess, C. and K. Purcell. Public participation and the environm

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