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1、报刊选读19春在线作业1-0003试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 30 道试题,共 60 分)From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at _.Bryant ParkBrooklyn BridgeCentral ParkSocrates Sculpture Park答案:A2.On average , a person with an undergraduate degree now earns almost _as much as someone with only a high school

2、diploma, up from 1.5 in 1975.oncetwicethree timesfour times答案:B3.mural.a type of musican artistpainting done on a wall答案:C4.severto put or keep apartwork hardcombine答案:A5._ is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health Plans.Gerald D. KleczkaJohn Dl DingellSusan M. PisanoStephanie Sue Stei

3、n答案:C6.Where did the investment in Wales come from?U.S.AJapanFranceGermany答案:B7.applicantperson who applies for jobdark and unpleasantdisproportionate答案:A8.How old was Moriarty when he was taken from his family?4623答案:A9.About 5 ,6 million people , or_ _ percent of the 40 million Medicare beneficiar

4、ies, are in H.M.O.s.13141516答案:B10.deterioratebecome worse in quality or conditiondestroywell wealthy答案:A11.brunt.the main impact or forcehelp sbnever refuse others答案:A12.Whats the CIAs opinion on dealing with Iraq?remodel the successful war strategy in Afghanistanadvocate a coup or destabilization

5、to topple Saddamrun a war in Iraqothers答案:B13.Who was at the center of the storm?Edwina CurrieJacques ChiracJohn MajorHelmut Kohl答案:C14.gripecomplain continuallyincite, stimulatefind fault and complain答案:A15.The vice presidential running mate of Gorge W. Bush Jr. in the 2000 Election was _GorePowerC

6、heneyNixon答案:C16._is a distinct advantage if you want a career at what passes for the American establishment.gilt-edged diplomawealthy familyAbilityAlumni connection答案:A17.The proportion of women among full-time faculty members doubled between 1972 and 1997 , to - percent.38362042答案:B18.What is the

7、State Department s attitudes towards the reports that the new authorities in Kabul announced their intention of inviting the former Afghan monarch, King Zahir Shah, back to Afghanistan?The State Department welcomed the reports.The State Department opposed the reports.The State Department held neutra

8、l position.Others答案:A19.A pink slip is _.a notice of unemploymenta notice of promotiona notice of employmenta notice of pay increase答案:A20.assailfuture generationa sudden, violent disruption or upsetattack with ridicule or censure答案:C21.What damaged the caves over the years?wind, rain and sandwester

9、n plundererstouristsall of above答案:D22.bulkyof or for cookingtaking up much spacenever give up答案:B23.reprisalwork hardnever give uppunishing others for harm done to oneself答案:C24.Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?WTOWHOUSOEU答案:B25._is a spokeswoman for

10、the American Association of Health Plans.Gerald D. KleczkaJohn Dl DingellSusan M. PisanoStephanie Sue Stein答案:C26.reinforceto politely refuseexperimental testgive more force or effectiveness答案:C27.emphaticallyintensivelycareful, circumspectcondemn openly as being evil or reprehensible答案:A28.inpatien

11、t hospital care病人救助病人管理住院病人医疗护理答案:C29.How much will it cost to kill the countrys beef and diary animals? _10 billion20 billion15 billion10 million答案:A30.tackleto try to deal with a difficult problemmeet troublemake a hole答案:A二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 40 分)31.Institute for American Values is a New York-based

12、 institute, a non-profit group that promotes the importance of family and fatherhood答案:正确32.The investment in Wales comes from Japan.答案:正确33.Women in their fifties are actually more likely than any other age group to describe their lives as “first rate”.答案:正确34.While in an economic slump there could

13、 be sharp policy battles over priorities as advocates for workers demand more government aid.答案:正确35.An entrepreneurial is someone who starts or organizes a commercial enterprise答案:正确36.The Scots and the Welsh worry a lot about those Japanese companies.答案:错误37.While low-wage jobs are the early magnet for many , there is also evidence of upward mobility.答案:正确38.Economic develo


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