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1、最新2022年知名重点中学高考最后冲刺模拟卷英语不含听力蓝天家教网 :/ ltjiajiao 伴您快乐成长of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilitiesPAGE of rural drinking water source

2、s, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilitiesof rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of

3、 the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities2022年知名重点中学高考最后冲刺模拟卷英 语不含听力 2022.4本试卷分为第一卷选择题和第二卷非选择题两局部。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第一卷选择题共95分第一局部:语言知识运用共三节,总分值50分第一节:单词辨音共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分从A、B 、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线局部与所给单词划线局部读音完全相同的选项。1value( )AstationBdemandCbakeryDpracti

4、ce 2observe( ) AtermBteacherCexperimentDcooker3stomach ( ) AcheckBsandwichCchemistryDresearch4musician ( ) AtelevisionBadmissionCconclusionDsuggestion5with ( ) AteethByouthCthrowDsmooth第二节:语法和词汇知识共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。6Tibet regional government said 105 people had surrendere

5、d themselves to _ police by 11 p . m . on Tuesday for involvement in _ Lhasa riot that killed more than ten innocent civilians .Athe ; 不填Ba ; a Ca ; the D不填;the 7You _ be 18 years old before you are allowed to drive a car , and its also essential to get a drivers license . AcouldBmayCcanDhave to 8Le

6、ts go to the Blue Lagnoon . The soft music makes me relaxed _ . It makes me sleepy ABless me BMe , too CNot meDLet me see9For most Americans , their 18 th birthday _ the end of one part of their life and the beginning of another . ApredictsBtellsCmarksDsigns10My parents _ lost of food and money then

7、 to make sure I dont starve ; so starving is _ of my worries . Ado leave ; the mostBdid have left ; the mostCdo have left ; the leastDdid leave ; the least11The managers health was getting worse and worse because of heavy burden , so the doctor strongly recommended that he _ a holiday . AtookBwould

8、takeCmust taleDtake12Organizers of the Beijing Olympics said in Wednesday that the torch relay of this summers games will _ as planned . Ago aheadBgo outCgo upDgo down13Did you tell Holmes about what had happened to the train ? No , I didnt . He had rushed off towards the station _ I could say anyth

9、ing more AuntilBbeforeCwhenDas14Some people are unhappy with the rise of this supermarket giant , first _ after the earthquake in this area . AopenedBto be openedCbeing openedDhaving been opening 15A Chinese TV series with the theme of anti-Japanese war during the Second World War _ on Pyongyangs te

10、levision screens , drawing great attention from viewers .Ais broadcastingBhas broadcast Cis being broadcastDhas been broadcast16The height of the great tree in his garden is almost _ the one in my garden .Atwice that of Btwice ofCtwice thanDtwice more than 17Betty promised me to come round to keep y

11、ou company today But she _ . Ive been alone all day AwontBhadntChasntDdoesnt18When you come to China you cant help noticing a “ can-do attitude and a general sense that this is a society _ is looking ahead . AwhereBasCwhoDthat 19In a time of social reform , peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with

12、 the rapid changes of society . AtermsBpaceCprogressDtouch20We should be careful in our studies . This is _ everyone as carelessness causes mistakes . Abecause ofBtrue ofCup to Drelated to 第三节:完形填空共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。Im a 43-year-old mother or three young ki

13、ds with a Master of Science degree . I also 21 pizzas for a living I started doing it after 22 home with my children for four years . Caring for kids all day is a 23 opportunity for many women , but it wasnt right for me . I began suffering from 24 and decided to get a job so Id have more of my own

14、identity . Now I work nights when my husband is home so we dont have to 25 child care . After I learned the basics of pizza delivery like getting the 26 together and not getting lost I began my new “ career . Being 27 and organized by nature , I studied the tipping patterns of the town . Our communi

15、ty had a small , expensive liberal-arts 28 full of students who ordered lots of pizzas . Most of the kids were friendly and polite . 29 Friday and Saturday nights , some of the dorms had huge parties . 30 the stairs were sticky from beer the music was so loud that they couldnt 31 me knock on the doo

16、r , the crowds of happy students shouting “ Pizza ! Pizza ! always let me through . The first few days of each month , one of us drivers would take 32 turn to cover the public-housing developments . These customers did not always tip well , 33 I always liked seeing the children and adults sitting ou

17、tside and 34 the evenings when the weather was nice . I also deliver to multimillion-dollar homes now , but the 35 I make in tips has stayed the same . As I 36 to these beautiful houses , its easy to fantasize about a 37 tip . The person who answers the door always 38 young and , like the members of

18、 my own family , 39 educated . but I have 40 most of them dont : a job I love . 21Abuy BwaitCturnDdeliver22AstayingBcleaningCcomingDgoing23AbadBfantasticCdullDterrible24AdepressionBsatisfactionCexpressionDeducation25Acall forBdepend onClearn aboutDorders26AgoodsBnewsCbooksDorders27AcompetitiveBlazyC

19、changeableDquiet28AbarBcollegeCcompanyDhouse29AOnBInCAtDOf30AAfterBWhen CThough DIf31AhaveBmakeCnoticeDhear32AourBtheirCyourDmy33AthusBbutCevenDthen34AdescribingBenjoyingCconsideringDexpecting35AamountBnumberCdegreeDweight36Apick outBmake outCdrive upDshow up37AgenerousBhonestCfriendlyDmodest38Asees

20、BwatchesClooksDdeeply39AhighBhighlyCdeepDdeeply40AwhoBwhichCwhatDthat第二局部:阅读理解共两节;第一节每题2分,第二节每题1分第一节:短文理解共20小题;每题2分,总分值40分AAMy parents have always raised me to be very money-conscious , so I guess , in that sense , they are rather untraditional . Since I was a little girl , if I ever wanted to purch

21、ase anything , my parents would sternly (严厉地) remind me of the value of every cent , prompting me to spend my pocket money only when necessary . My mom actually came up with a system that we should strictly abide by in regards to money-spending . She gives me a certain amount of allowance (补贴)every

22、month , and whenever I buy anything with my accumulated (积聚的) money , I keep track of my receipts and record it in a little notebook , essentially a miniature version of my moms own accounting booklet . Being in control of my own money has really taught me to be careful in how I spend my money , by

23、giving me a sense of responsibility and ownership over it . As for earning money , aside from my allowance , my parents never really encouraged me to go out and find a job at typical American occupation locales (现场) , such as restaurants or clothing stores . Instead , they would prefer that I spend

24、my time focusing on my schoolwork , which I guess is where my parents become more traditional . Yet I still earn money here and there in little jobs , such as tutoring students at my school , and of course , writing for the paper . Though I have several friends already working , I am pretty happy wi

25、th my current situation , I am able to focus on my studies , all the while earning quite a bit of money , and also learning monetary ( 货币的 ) skills that are crucial to survival in the real world , and for that I am grateful . 41What happened when the author bought anything with her accumulated money

26、 ? AShe asked her parents to give her a large amount of money BShe controlled her own money without using it CShe kept track of her receipts and recorded it in a little notebook .DShe wanted to go out and find a job at typical American occupation locales . 42It can be inferred that the author _ Alov

27、es a little notebook Blikes spending money Cneeds working at restaurantsDis satisfied with the current situation 43The underlined word “ crucial in the last paragraph means _ AdangerousBimportantCimpossibleDdeadly 44The purpose of writing the passage is to help people _ Alearn to be money-consciousB

28、increase heir savingsCmanage their work wellDtest their power of self-controlBThe richest man in the world can now also claim a degree form the college he dropped out of three decades ago . Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates delivered the commencement address (演说,演讲) at Harvard University on Thursday , a

29、nd was awarded the L . L . D . honorary doctorate (博士头衔) . “ Our speaker is known as the most influential entrepreneur (企业家) of the personal computer revolution . He was named as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2022 , 2022 , 2022 and again in 2022 , said Harvards president , D

30、erek Bok . Then Bok spoke more directly to Gates : “ Just think what you could have achieved if you had stayed another two years . gates told the students , many of whom will soon be launching into full-time careers , that work isnt the only thing of significance . “ Judge yourself not on the profes

31、sional accomplishments but on how well you have addressed the worlds inequities , how you have treated people who have nothing to do with you , he said . In recent months , Gates has been giving a larger portion lf his time and energy to the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation , which focuses on issues in

32、cluding global health and education . In 2022 , he plans to make the foundation his chief responsibility . But for the most part , the Microsoft co-founder stuck to the serious message about trying to make the world a better place . He urged the graduates not to get discouraged about seemingly intra

33、ctable (棘手的)challenges of poverty and poor health . As many as 30 , 000 people were expected to attend the outdoor commencement ceremony . Gates wasnt the only high-profile speaker on the Cambridge campus this week . On Wednesday , former President Bill Clinton delivered Harvards Class Day speech .

34、Gates and Clinton have collaborated (合作)on great efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic in developing countries . Recent past Harvard commencement speakers have included journalist Jim Lehrer in 2022 , actor and writer John Lithgow in 2022 and United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2022 .45We kn

35、ow from the text that Bill Gates _ Agot an important award from Harvard University Bleft the college for his career head of two years Caddressed at Cambridge University as a high-profile speaker Durged the graduates not fight the AIDS epidemic in developing countries 46What is the Bill Melinda Gates

36、 Foundation ? AIt claims a degree from the college one dropped out of BIt delivers the commencement address at Harvard University CIt fixes its eyes on issues about health and education throughout the world DIt makes every effort to help one attend the commencement .47Bill Gates has done all the fol

37、lowing EXCEPT that _ Ahe claimed a degreeBhe devoted much of his time and energy to his foundationChe gave a speech Dhe went to work with journalist Jim Lehrer 48It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _ Asome famous men went to Harvard University to deliver their commencement addresses afte

38、r success . BHarvard University only brings up some journalists , actors and writers CKofi Annan acted as a professor at Harvard University after retirement DJim Lehere , John Lithgow and Kofi Annan are Gates brothers .CFrankly , I very much appreciate myself . Yes , I admit Im in many respects not

39、as good as other people , but I dont think Im always not good . When I find what Ive done or written is okay , Ill remain pleased with myself for quite a few days , and in case I receive praise for it , Ill even become so excited as to add a few words to glorify myself . True , Im not modest at all

40、. people may call me conceited (自负的). But I think otherwise . I also appreciated other people . I appreciate anything good , Isnt it unfair to forget appreciating myself while appreciating others ? We Chinese are generally inclined (倾向的)to be modest , and we take pride in being so . For example , a

41、Chinese will call his own wife zhuojing , meaning “ my humble wife , and his own writings zhuozuo , meaning “ my poor writings . But if you should call his wife a “ rustic(乡巴佬的) woman or his writings “ trash , he would , Im sure , slap the table in a rage and declare he would make a clean break with

42、 you . As a matter of fact , there is probably no difference at all between what is said by him and you respectively . I dont think its wrong for you to freely praise yourself if youre really worthy of praise . As we know , there is an old Chinese saying disparaging (蔑视) a melon peddler , named Lao

43、Wang , who keeps praising his own goods . Well , why cant he praise his melons if they are really sweet and juicy ? Lao Wang sells melons for a living . How could he carry on business if he , by imitating the affectations of us intellectuals (知识分子) , were to show false modesty about his melons ? He

44、would sure enough die of starvation . Self-appreciation is therefore key to professional dedication (奉献) and enjoyment of work . One will lose confidence in continuing with writing when he ceases to admire his own essays . Needless to say , the same is true of those who make a living with their pens

45、 . 49The best title for the passage would be _ AOn Self-appreciationBTypes of AppreciationCPower of Appreciation DUses of Appreciation 50The underlined word “ zhuojing in Paragraph 4 means _ Awife high in positionBwife low in position Cwise wifeDfoolish wife 51The writer points out with an example a

46、bout an old Chinese saying that _ Aself-appreciation is also an active way of attitude to life and work Ba false modesty will lose confidence in continuing with writing Cone person ceases to admire his own essays with self-appreciationDone doesnt praise his melons if his melons are really sweet and

47、juicy 52Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ? AIf I find what Ive done or written is wrong , Ill appreciate myself BI never appreciate other people because I think others are foolish .CIf you think poorly of your friends writings , perhaps hell be angry with you DLao Wang will di

48、e of starvation because he never praises his melons DBusiness Week ( Oct . 8 , 2022 )Business Week introduces the rankings of the most influential people in the world of sports . Prospect ( Oct . 2022 ) In July , Gordon Brown published a green paper called “ The Governance of Britain , The final sec

49、tion said that we need to be clearer about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be British . It proposed (建议) “ to work with the public to develop a British statement of values We asked 50 writers and intellectuals to give us their thoughts on this statement . Science

50、( Sep . 28 , 2022 ) In the journals 28 September 2022 issue , Science , in partnership with the National Science Foundation , is pleased to present the winners and honorable mentions in the fifth annual Science and Engineering Visualization (视觉) Challenge . Time ( Nov . 1 , 2022 ) Form the phone tha

51、t has changed phones forever , to futuristic cars , to a building made of water , to a remote controlled dragonfly (蜻蜓) a dazzling display of ingenuity (独创性)Guardian ( Oct . 17 , 2022 )Against all the odds , and seeing off competition from favourite to win Ian McEwan and Lloyd Jones , rank outsider

52、anne Enright , 45 , has been awarded the Man Booker prize for what the judges called a “ powerful , uncomfortable and even at times angry book 53What do these five books have in common ? AEach of the articles in each book is introduced in detail BThey are all published in the same year and have one

53、article digest CEach of them is commented by a great man in the world DThey all introduce the most influential people 54What would be the best title for the article from prospect ? AIn Search of British ValuesBThe Final Section CThe Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship D50 Writers and Intellec

54、tuals 55Who wins the Man Booker prize according to the passage ? AGordon BrownBIan McEwanCLlovd JonesDAnne Enright 56The passage is probably taken from a _ AreportBmagazineCtext bookDscience book EArchitects often have to deal with difficult clients (客户), but Lee Ehmkes are especially hard to work f

55、or . They sleep through meetings . They never pay . They dont even use bathrooms when they have to go .Nevertheless , Ehmke puts up with such rude behavior , and he does it happily Why ? Because he designs homes for gorillas , bears , lions , and other zoo animals . And he enjoys the challenge of lo

56、oking at the world through their exotic (奇异的) eyes . “ The role of a zoo designer is to think as much as possible about what will make each animal comfortable , happy , and active , says Ehmke , director of the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley . “ It would be wrong to say you can know what an animal is

57、 thinking and feeling , he “ But we do our best to get as close to that as possible when were designing homes for them . Most zoo visitors focus on the animals , not on the habitats and barriers that fence the animals in . But details like these have received extra attention since December , when a

58、female Siberian tiger escaped her enclosure (围栏) at the San Francisco Zoo . The 4-year-old , 350-pound cat killed one person and injured two others . The incident raised fears among zoo goers and sent staff at zoos across the nation rushing to evaluate how safe their own exhibits are . Still , exper

59、ts say , the tragic event should not scare people away from zoos . “ There have probably been 5 billion visits to zoos in the last 50 yeas , Ehmke says . “ It is the firs time this has happened .57What is Lee Ehmke ? AAn officialBA professorCA designerDA feeder58What does the underlined expression “

60、 Lee Ehmkes customers refer to ? AArchitectsBAnimalsCBathroomsDVisitors59Focusing on the habitats and barriers begins with _ Aarchitects designing homes for the zoo animalsBanimals looking at the world through their exotic eyes Ca female Siberian tigers escaping and killing persons Dthe nations rush


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