




1、一、中国海洋石油总公司中国海洋石油总公司(中国海油)是中国第三大国家石油公司, 负责在中国海域对外合作开采海洋石油及天然气资源,是中国最大的 海上油气生产商。公司成立于1982年,注册资本500亿元人民币, 总部位于北京,现有员工4.4万人。自成立以来,中国海油一直保持了良好的发展态势,由一家单纯 从事油气开采的纯上游公司,发展成为主业突出、产业链完整的综合 型企业集团,形成了油气勘探生产、天然气及发电、化工炼化化肥、 专业技术服务、综合服务与新能源、金融服务等六大产业板块。近年 来,通过改革重组、资本运营、海外并购、上下游一体化等战略的成 功实施,企业实现了跨越式发展,综合竞争实力不断增强,
2、树立起了 精干高效的国际石油公司形象。中国海油始终坚持“以人为本、关爱员工、互利双赢、协调发展” 的指导理念,“十一五”期间,中国海油将继续以科学发展观为指导, 坚定不移地实施协调发展、人才兴企、科技领先和低成本战略坚持 特色发展道路,以全面创新推动公司的高效高速发展,向国际一流能 源公司的目标扎实迈进。2006年,得益于国内和国际宏观经济发展的良好环境,在公司 “十一五”规划的指导下,公司各项生产经营指标创造历史最好水平, 综合竞争实力持续增长。全年实现销售收入1,324亿元,较上年增长 49%;实现利润总额490亿元,增长26%;上缴税费及留成油共321亿 元;截至2006年底,公司总资产
3、2,507亿元,增长31%;净资产1,371 亿元,增长30%。中国海油在实现高速发展的同时,保持了较高的发 展质量。全年人均创利111.4万元。截至年底,四家上市公司的总市 值超过3,700亿元人民币。在守法经营、加快发展、增加就业、保护环境、安全生产、关爱 员工的基础上,不断加大对扶贫、救灾、助学等社会公益事业的支持 力度。近几年,公司累计各种社会捐赠达2亿元人民币。2006年, 在扶贫、援藏、捐资助学、紧急救灾和其他公益方面投入资金达7,597 万元人民币,公司被中央电视台等十家媒体评为“最具价值公司的社 会责任榜样”。公司品牌价值不断提高,企业形象和社会影响力进一步提升。 2006年,
4、在由世界生产力科学联盟、中国生产力学会、第十四届世 界生产力大会中国组委会共同推选的“二OO六年世界市场中国十大 年度品牌”中,“中国海油”品牌榜上有名。四家上市公司在资本市 场持续保持优异表现,中海油有限公司连续三年入选亚洲金融杂 志评选的“中国最佳管理公司”。中海油服连续三年被标普推荐为全 球精选30支最具投资价值股。海油工程连续三年荣获,CCTV中国最 具价值上市公司”奖,在2006年被标普评为,全球挑战者”。总公 司、中海油有限公司和财务公司连续被标普和穆迪授予A-和A2级资 信评级,为国内企业的最高评级。如需了解更多信息,请访问网站:China National Offshore O
5、il Corporation (CNOOC) is the third largest state-owned oil company and the largest offshore oil and gas producer in China. Established in 1982, the Company has its headquarter in Beijing. It now has 44,000 employees and a registered capital of RMB 50 billion.CNOOC has maintained fast and quality gr
6、owth since its incorporation. It has developed from an upstream company into an integrated energy company, whiclpossesses well performing core business and related businesses along the value chain, with synergetic business portfolios including oil and gas exploration and development, technical servi
7、ces, chemicals and fertilizer, gas and power, financial services, and logistics services and alternative energy. In recent years, through effective strategies on company restructuring, assets operation, overseas acquisition and through expansion into mid and downstream, the Company has realized a le
8、apfrog growth with improved overall competitiveness and established an outstanding image as an efficient international oil company.CNOOC continues its pursuit for a harmonious development among people company, society and environment. During the Eleventh Five-year Plan period, CNOOC will continue it
9、s scientific growth and focus on the strategy of synergetic development, cultivation of a strong working force, competitiveness on technology research and development and low cost. Through efficient growth and innovation, the Company aims to develop into a world-class international energy company.In
10、 2006, CNOOC achieved record performance in operations and continuously enhanced its integrated competitiveness, steered by the Eleventh Five-year Plan of the Group and thanks to the favorable macroeconomic circumstances. Sales reached RMB 132.4 billion, which increased by 49%. Income increased by 2
11、6% to RMB 49 billion. Totalassets reached RMB 250.7 billion, increasing by 31% and net assets was RMB 137.1 billion, an increase of 30%. The Group paid tax and government share oil totaling RMB 32.1 billion.The Group maintained fast and quality growth. The annual income generated per capita reached
12、RMB 1.11 million. By the end of the year, the total market capitalization of the listed companies had reached RMB 370 billion.It abides by laws and regulations and helps provide job opportunities where it has operations. It operatessafely and minimizes its impact on the environment. It provides safe
13、 workplace for its employees as well as those from the contractors. And it is actively engaged in social and community activities including poverty and disaster relief, and supporting education and cultural events, etc. The Group has spent RMB 200 million in a variety of social programs in the past
14、fewyears. In 2006, it committed RMB 75.97 million to the community. The Company was awarded the Model Enterprise in Social Responsibility for Most Valuable Companies.There is significant and continuous improvement in corporate brand, image and influence. The Company s listed subsidiaries have mainta
15、ined outstanding performance in the stock market. In 2006, the CNOOC brand was included in the International Market - Top 10 Chinese Brands of 2006. For three consecutive years, CNOOC Limited was selected as the Best Managed Chinese Company by Finance Asia. COSL has been selected by S&P as the World
16、 Top 30 Stocks with Highest Investment Value for three consecutive years. COOEC, also for three consecutive years, was awarded as Most Valuable ListedCompany inChina by CCTV and was graded by S&P as the Global Challenger in 2006. CNOOC, together with CNOOC Limited and CNOOC Finance Company Limited,
17、were awarded A- and A2 byS&P and Moody s, whichare the highest among all Chinese companies, equivalent to China s sovereign ratings.二、中国海洋石油有限公司中国海洋石油有限公司(简称中海油,与其附属公司合称集团) 于1999年8月在香港注册成立,并于2001年2月27日和28日分别在纽约 证券交易所(股票代码:CEO)和香港联合交易所(股票代码:0883) 挂牌上市。2001年7月,本公司股票入选恒生指数成份股。集团为中国最大之海上石油及天然气生产商,亦为全球最大
18、独立 油气勘探及生产集团之一,主要业务为勘探、开发、生产及销售石油 及天然气。目前,集团在中国海上拥有四个主要产油地区:渤海湾、南中国 海西部、南中国海东部和中国东海。集团是印度尼西亚最大的海上原 油生产商之一,同时,集团还在非洲和澳大利亚等地拥有部分上游资 产。截至2006年12月31日,集团拥有净探明储量25.3亿桶油当量,全 年平均日净产量达457,482桶油当量。集团共有员工2,929名。总资产 约人民币1,553亿元。中海油总部设在北京,在天津、湛江、深圳、上海设有4家分公 司。如需了解更多信息,请访问网站:。CNOOC Limited (the ,Company” , the ,G
19、roup” )- incorporated in Hong Kong in August 1999, was listed on the New York StockExchange (code: CEO) and TheStock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (code: 0883) on 27 and 28 February 2001, respectively. The Company was admitted as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Index in July 2001.The Group is C
20、hina s largest producer of offshore crude oil and natural gas and one of the largest independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in the world. The Group mainly engages in oil and natural gas exploration, development, production and sales.The Group has four major oil production areas
21、 offshore China, which are Bohai Bay, Western South China Sea, Eastern South China Sea and East China Sea. It is one of the largest offshore oil producers in Indonesia. The Group also has certain upstream assets in regions such as Africa and Australia.As at 31 December 2006, the Group owned net prov
22、ed reserves of approximately 2.53 billion barrels-of-oil equivalent and its average daily net production was 457,482 barrels-of-oil equivalent. The Group had 2,929 employees and total assets of approximately RMB155.3 billion.CNOOC Ltd. is headquartered in Beijing, while holds 4 subsidiaries in Tianj
23、in, Zhanjiang, Shenzhen, Shanghai.For more information, please visit ourwebsite:1、天津分公司中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司(简称天津分公司)隶属 于中海石油(中国)有限公司,位于国家滨海新区的核心区域天津市 塘沽区,是主要负责渤海海域石油天然气资源勘探开发生产的境外上 市公司。天津分公司的前身是中国海洋石油渤海公司的一部分,创建于 1966年。1980年实行对外合作,先后与康菲、雪佛龙、壳牌、安纳达 克等多家国际石油公司有合作业务。1999年天津分公司根据中国海油 全球发展的战略进行了重组,2003年又在中国
24、海洋石油总公司的统一 领导下,进行了深层次的用工与薪酬制度改革。到目前为止,有员工 630余人,固定资产总值约228亿人民币,累计发现原油地质储量40 多亿吨,拥有24个海上油气田,50多座生产平台,4个陆地终端,2006 年年油气生产能力已达到1561.7万方油当量。按照中国海油的中长期发展规划,2010年中国海油将实现国内油 气年产5000-5500万方油当量生产规模的战略目标,天津分公司将承 担年产3000万方油当量的艰巨任务。CNOOC (China) Ltd._Tianjin, which belongs to China National Offshore Oil Company
25、Limited, mainly conducts petroleum exploration and production on Bohai area. It is located in Tanggu District of Tianjin, next to Bohai in the East, near TEDA -the most promising land of China.CNOOC (China) Ltd._Tianjin was ever one part of COOBC (China Offshore Oil Bohai Company) built in 1966, and
26、 began its cooperation with Conocophillips, Chevron, Shell, Anadarko and other petroleum company since 1980. In 1999 CNOOC (China) Ltd. Tianjin conductedreorganization accordingto the strategy of CNOOC global development strategy. In 2003 the company conducted a complete employment and salary system
27、 reform. Until now, there is over 630 staff, 22.8 billion RMB capital asset totally, 4 billion tons of discovered geological reserve, 24 offshore oil/gas fields, over50 production platforms, 4 onshore terminals. The yearly production capacity is over 15.617million cubic metes oil equivalent in 2006.
28、According to CNOOClong term development program, by 2010 CNOOC plan to realize the strategic objective of 50-55 million cubic meters oil equivalent yearly production capacity. CNOOC (China) Ltd._Tianjin has to complete the task of 30 million cubic meters oil equivalent yearly production.2、湛江分公司中海石油(
29、中国)有限公司湛江分公司(简称湛江分公司)是中 国海洋石油有限公司下属的一家境内分公司,主要负责东经113 10,以西的中国南海海域石油天然气的勘探、开发和生产业务,总部 设在广东省湛江市。湛江分公司下设十个职能部门、一个勘探开发技术研究部门和崖 城作业公司、文昌作业公司、东方气田作业区、涸洲油田作业区、文 昌19-1油田群作业区等五个作业公司/区及哈斯基(Husky)合同区 联合管理委员会、丹文联合管理委员会、BG联合管理委员会等3个 联管会。公司拥有一支朝气蓬勃、锐意进取的高素质管理团队和员工 队伍,员工平均年龄36岁,其中大学本科学历员工占总人数的96%。经过20几年的发展,湛江分公司已
30、经在南海西部海域发现了 27 个油气田和33个含油气构造。目前已有5个油田和2个气田投入生 产,是中国海洋石油最重要的天然气产区。其中,崖城13-1气田和 东方1-1气田分别是中国海上最大的合作和自营天然气田。根据总公司制订的战略目标和已经落实的储量,湛江分公司制订 了宏伟的“十一五”发展目标。未来几年,公司投产的油气田将由目 前的7个增加到20个左右,油气产量将在2006年的基础上增加80% 以上,达到1500万方的产量。Incorporated in 1999, CNOOC China Limited- Zhanjiang, is one of the branch companies o
31、f CNOOC Ltd., a public listed company on New York Stock Exchange and the Stock Exchange of HongKong. Headquarted in Potou District of Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, the company is mainly engaged in oil & gas exploration, development and production to the West of 113 10 in South China Sea.The Company
32、 is equipped with a group of energetic and enterprising staff and a dedicated management team. With an average of 36years old, 96% of the employees are bachelor and above degree holders.With 20 years efforts in exploration and development, 27 oil & gas fields and 33 hydrocarbon-bearing structures ha
33、ve been discovered in the Western South China Sea, among which five oil fields and two gas fields have been brought into production. The Yacheng 13-1 is the largest producing gas field in cooperation with foreign parterners, and DongFang 1-1 is the largest self-financed gas field offshore China. CNO
34、OC Ltd.- Zhanjiang plays an important role in achieving CNOOC s strategic goal. Based on CNOOC s strategy and the company s proved reserves, the Company blue prints its strategic goal: Strong steady growth in production from 8.46 mm cubic meters oil equivalent in year 2006 to strive to reach the int
35、erim objective of 15 mm cubic meters oil equivalent.3、深圳分公司中国海洋石油有限公司深圳分公司(简称深圳分公司)主要业务 是在中国南海东部海域(东经113 10 -118)通过对外合作和自 营的方式,从事海上石油、天然气的勘探、开发生产,及受国家公司 委托执行其与外国石油公司之间签订的石油合同。南海东部海域自1990年第一个合作油田惠州21-1油田投产,至今 有18个油田投产,累计生产原油16190万方,创造了从1996年到2006 年连续十一年原油产量超千万方的业绩。近年来,深圳分公司创新思维,扎实工作,不断提高自主开发管 理油田的能力与
36、水平,在2003年成功从英国BP石油公司手中接管运作 第一个自营油田流花油田的基础上,陆续开发建设了 LF13-2、PY30-1、 XJ23-1等一批自营油气田和珠海天然气终端处理厂。深圳分公司积极推动深水领域的对外合作,已经成功地与哈斯 基、科麦奇、丹文、BG等多家外国合作伙伴开展深水勘探,涉及水深 1000-2000米,并在2006年通过钻探荔湾3-1-1井,发现了天然气地质 储量约1260亿方,是至今为止中国近海发现的最大的天然气藏。任重而道远,深圳分公司志存高远,脚踏实地,加大勘探、开 发的力度让南海东部海域产量再上新台阶,为祖国能源事业做出更大 的贡献。The main busine
37、ss of CNOOC Ltd. - Shenzhen is offshore oil & gas exploration, development and production in the Eastern South China Sea area(which is situated between 113010, to1180east longitude) through cooperation with foreign petroleum companies and self-financed operations. CNOOC Ltd. -Shenzhen also executes
38、petroleum contracts between CNOOC and foreign petroleum companies with the authorization of CNOOC.Since the first cooperative oilfield HZ 21-1 was commercially started up in the Eastern South China Sea in 1990, CNOOC Ltd. - Shenzhen has already successfully had 18 oil fields in production. The cumul
39、ative crude oil output totaled 161.90 million cubic meters by the end of 2005, creating a historical record of annual crude oil output surpassing 10 million cubic meters for 10 consecutive years from 1996 to 2006.In recent years, with the innovative ideas and down to earth spirits, CNOOC Ltd. -Shenz
40、hen has been ceaselessly improving its governance and competence on self-financed oil fields. Based on the take-over of the firstself-financed oil field - Liuhua Oilfield from BP in 2003, the company has successively developed a group of self-financed fields like LF13-2, PY30-1, XJ23-1 and completed
41、 the construction of Zhuhai Gas Field Terminal.The company has actively promoted the foreigncooperation in deep water region. It has signed exploration contracts with many overseas partners such as Husky, Kerr-McGee, Devon and BG with water depth ranging from 1000 meters to 2000 meters.In 2006 OGIP
42、of 126 billion cubic meters has been discovered by drilling LW3-1-1 well; this is by far the largest natural gas reserve discovery in China.The down-to-earth spirit and lofty ambitions will help CNOOC Ltd. - Shenzhen make a further improvement. Putting more forces on exploration and development, it
43、will give greater contribution to the Chinese Energy Industry.4、上海分公司中海石油(中国)有限公司上海分公司(简称上海分公司)隶属中 国海洋石油(中国)有限公司,座落在繁华的徐家汇商业区,主要以 对外合作和自营方式,负责在中国黄海、东海和台湾海峡从事海上石 油、天然气的勘探、开发和生产。公司所辖海域总面积72万平方公里,具有非常广阔的石油天然气 资源勘探开发前景。目前,东海多个油气田正在为上海市及浙江沿海 地区提供优质的天然气,并将为上海市及浙江沿海的经济发展、城市 环境的改善和人民生活质量的提高发挥积极的作用。公司现有员工425
44、人,队伍平均年龄32.8岁,大学本科以上学历 人员占56.3%,专业结构涵盖地质、物探、钻井、开发工程、油气生产、企业管理等。Subordinate to CNOOC China ltd and located in xujiahui business district, CNOOC china ltd. Shanghai (CCL-shanghai) is mainly engaged in offshore exploration, development and production of oil and gas in the Chinas Yellow sea, and the Eas
45、t China sea through both independent operations and cooperation with international foreign partners.The CCL-Shanghai business sea area of 720,000 square kilo meters has broad foreground for exploration, and today the oil and gas fields in the eastchina sea are supplying shanghai and coastal cities i
46、n Zhejiang province with the natural gas of high quality. Which will contributes to the cities economic development,environmental improvement and the advancement of the people s life.Currently,CCL-shanghaihas 425 employees whose average age is 32.8. and among them, 56.3% has got the bachelor degree
47、or above, major in various fields including geology, geophysics, drilling, development & engineering, production, and enterprise management etc.三、中海石油研究中心简介中海石油研究中心(简称研究中心)是中国海洋石油总公司和中 国海洋石油有限公司的勘探、开发、工程科学研究和决策参谋机构, 主要为公司业务提供常规和纵深性的技术支持和技术服务,包括中国 海上油气田勘探、开发、工程技术研究,对公司海外油气投资项目进 行评价和风险分析,为公司中下游领域提供综合性
48、技术服务。同时, 承担国家高技术研究发展计划(简称普63”计划)、国家科技自然 基金和中国海油科技攻关等重要课题的研究。中海石油研究中心已形成了海洋油气勘探地质综合评价研究、油 藏工程研究、油气田开发工程设计和钻采工程研究等领域完整的学科 体系,拥有大规模并行计算机等先进的计算设备和盆地模拟、目标评 价、地震资料处理及解释、测井和试井分析、油藏数值模拟、油藏工 程评价、工艺计算、结构分析、经济评价、安全评价和环境评价等多 种类型的先进的专业软件,建立了地球物理、提高采收率、边际油田 开发、深水工程等四个重点实验室和一个博士后科研工作站。二十多 年来,先后开展了近千个地质评价和专题研究项目,承担
49、了50多个油 气田的环境评价、工程设计和工程项目管理,并承担总公司海外油气 地质开发评价;获得国家级科技进步奖24项,获得国家部委和海洋石油总公司级的科技进步奖数百项。中海石油研究中心还与国内外多所大学和研究机构保持着良好 的合作关系。迄今为止,先后与美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利、 日本、加拿大、挪威、俄罗斯、韩国、荷兰等0多个国家和地区的石 油公司、科研院所、大专院校、工程公司开展了一系列的技术合作、 技术交流和技术服务活动。为了适应中国海油“建设国际一流的综合型能源公司”的战略需 要,中海石油研究中心将在海洋油气勘探、开发和工程研究等领域进 一步开展科技攻关,研究和解决海洋石油勘探开发遇
50、到的重大技术难 题,增强核心竞争力,为公司可持续发展做出应有的贡献。CNOOC Research Center (the Center) is a subsidiary organization under the jurisdiction of China Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and CNOOCLimited. It is mainly responsible for providing technical support and integrated technical services to the company, including oi
51、l & gas exploration, development and engineering research in China s offshore area and overseas investment analysis & evaluation. Meanwhile, it undertakes some key study projects of National Hi-tech Research and Development Program (National 863 Program), National Natural Science Fund and some high-
52、tech subjects conducted by CNOOC.Having formed a comprehensive study system of offshore oil geological exploration evaluation research, reservoir engineering research, oil field developing engineering design and drilling & production engineering research etc, the Center possesses various kinds of co
53、mputer facilities and advanced equipments and software for basin modeling, prospect evaluation, seismic data process and interpretation, logging and well test analysis, reservoir numerical modeling, reservoir engineering evaluation, process simulation calculating, structural analysis, and economical
54、, safety and environment appraising. The Center has also set up a Post-doctoral Research Station of its own and 4 key laboratories in the fields of Physical Geography, Improved Oil Recovery (IOR), Marginal Oil Field Development & Engineering in Deep Water. In the recent over 20 years, the Center has
55、 implemented thousands of projects of geological study and special subject study, undertaken the environment impact assessment (EIA), engineering design and project management of over 50 oil & gas fields in china9 s offshore area and the geology & development assessment in overseas projects. 24 of i
56、ts research programs have been awarded for scientific advancement at national level, and hundreds of which have been awarded at ministry level.The Center keeps a close relationship and successful cooperation with many universities and research institutes domestically and internationally. Up to now,
57、it has conducted successful technical cooperation, exchange and service with oil companies, research institutes, universities and engineering companies from 20 countries and areas such as the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada, Norway, Russia, South Korea and Holland ect.In accordancewith
58、 the strategic objective of ,buildCNOOC into a first-class international energy company , the Center will conduct further research in offshore oil & gas exploration and development to tackle the key technical problems, enhance core competitiveness and make greater contributions to the sustainable de
59、velopment of CNOOC.四、中海油田服务股份有限公司中海油田服务股份有限公司(简称中海油服),是一家综合型油 田服务全面解决供应商,业务以物探勘察服务、钻井服务、油气井技 术服务及船舶服务为主,服务贯穿石油及天然气勘探、开发、生产的 各个阶段。中海油服拥有中国最强大的海上石油服务装备群。其中包 括15艘钻井平台、70艘各类工作船、5艘油轮、5艘化学品船、7艘地 震船、4艘勘察船及FEWD、ONTRAK等上千套先进的油田技术服务设备。 中海油服拥有相对完整的油田技术服务链,可以通过一体化总包实现 与客户的共赢。在近四十年与国内外公司合作的过程中,中海油服在引进、消化、 吸收国际先进
60、技术以及管理经验的基础上,集成创新了一大批具有自 主知识产权的先进技术,并成功运用于实践,以保持公司的领先地位。中海油服的作业区域涵盖了中国及南美、北美、中东、澳大利亚、 非洲、欧洲、印度尼西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、俄罗斯等油田技术服务市 场,并在中国近海油田服务领域处于主导地位。无论在哪里作业,中 海油服员工始终坚持遵守国际惯例的健康、安全、环保标准,并专注 于为客户提供一流服务。公司已通过ISM (国际安全管理)国际认证, OHSA统计指标保持行业领先水平。与此同时,公司正努力务求达到ISO14000环境管理标准和OHSA18000业健康安全标准。2002年11月20日,中海油服在香港联合交易所
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