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1、英语试卷第I页(扶8页)2020河北中考英语试题及参考答案(word版含答案)2020年河北省初中毕业生.升学丈化课房试英语试卷注意事I.本证程拉N页,超分13分,考试时间120分仲2.答髓前.考生务必将姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答+相应位置上._九答选撵0时*将小1B选出答案后.照册4德里把答11卡上对应0目的智罗“: 涂鬻;等北选惮题时,稗答案写在答邂卡上,写在本成皆上无数4.考试结束后,将本试卷和智晚卡一并交回.听力部分I ,听句干,选出句子中所包含的信息 M5小也;何小区I牙,欣分5分JB. healthyB. a pair of 曲,心LJ. run tu the parkB. Me

2、ry i ,i nice girl.readyA. u hemMunixile二A. u rite on the cart)A Man is nice lo (he girl.(.lutky.j Imfx oTpencilsC play tn the yardC Man, knows a nite jJirl.A. Li Hua speaks English wclLB I.: Ihiaccmcs th】m AmericaC Li Hua like l:nglih very much.IL听句子,选出读句的最佳答语|八5小K;万小巴1A. Hurry up* Peter.A I wont do

3、 H again.S, A. Recc and beeTQ. A. h luo huLB,II call him later.B, It doesnt tnaltcr.B, Tall and sironyHes ill10, A Whm shall I do?B, What does he mean?III,听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8小题:每小题满分5什)Just 工 niinuicC. Yuu cun coiiK earlier.C. Fishing und boating.C. Tm fine.C, But whM do you ,ay now 分.满分X分,11. Where ar

4、e the speakers112. Wlut ua* ihcy domg?石浮三口老弓用英语试卷第2页(共8页)How much did (he boy pay for his shirt?A 30.B.40. ”C.45.Ufhat arc they going to have?A. A party,B A meeting.How many people will attend ii?A. Four.B Fc.C. A dinner.How long was Cindys holiday?A. One week.B. Two weeks.17 Where did Cindy ami her

5、 family stay in Sanya?A. In a hotel.B. At a friend s home.C. Three weeks.C. In their own house.What did they do most of the time?A. They went camping. B. They took photos. C. They wcni swimming. W.听短文和问戚,选择正确答案(共7小题:每小题I分,满分7分)Who is probably talking?A. A teacher.B. A guide.What is the speaker tryin

6、g to do?A. Tell a story.B. Give the homework.What do (he children have to do tomorrow morning?A. Go to the museum. B. Bring a pen with them.C. A parent.C. Find something intcivsting.C. Read their passage.Who can take part in tlie competition?A. College students.B. Middle school studentsWhen is the c

7、ompetition?A. On June 15th.B. On June 16th.What color should the dancers choose for their clothes?A. Red.B. Blue.C. Primary school studenis.C. On June 17th.C. White.What do the dancers need to do to attend the competition?A. Complete a form. B. Post a picture.C. Send an email.V.听短文填空(共5小题:祗小题1分,满分5分

8、)Information SheetName:Jim GreenAge:26.Place of birth:27.Experience:28. sellWant to do:29. work in aPossible working time:30. fromin a storeto September英语试法第4页(共8页)英语试卷第3页(共8贞)化石家庄卬考指词笔试部分VI.单助选汗II。八二:H 、 I ,,”造出可吸埴入空白处的晨化选项I)(ifTI), was gettingD NeedWhenmc、ouaniving1 TH P仆 you upA. at.Naixy. canou

9、arc good lor 一 cvvs. Faf some plc *ii viinr( her八 II ikirk. Slull I luni on iIk lighr1A.* gotC- gs”以34. you micII something burning? (io anJ w,l,u、1 lPPcn,1八 CmB- M”C. Muhtx hi a rckiuram. people usually cIkhc tb IhcpcrM)n in her T.iinily Iler two elder 61c【、are 卜小 marr心A. olderB.oldestC.youngerDyou

10、ngest37 Train ticketsonline. It is convenient.A. soldBeresoldC.are midD.have IdSome volunteers are going lo the ccntrul park. Ixt sjoin ihemput upB. clean upC. look upD. give upTin so glad (ku Inearly half of the test n。、.A. finishB. finishedC. will finishD. have finiMy cousin will drive me to schoo

11、l today; but I dont knowA. wbal hell doB. where he ll goC. when wc,ll leaveD. why we*ll go thereVI.完形填空(共10小国年小题I分.满分10分)阅读卜面短文.从各小瞄所给的四个选项中选出量佳堆项.Vhcneer the exam scax)n coiiks. stress (-Lt) may come along. Here arc sonic :I lh have helped me and my fnends through this season.When the stress(lly hi

12、lling me. II nsj.iIK borrow vneighbors dog and 42 for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to nin for a while, or play ball games. Having some 43 drives ;iwa your stress easily most of the time.And 44you find music IxrlpfuL give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs willsurely ma

13、ke you45 . The best thing about this is that yot don t have to go 46 .But if you arc a book lover just like me. 47 a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to place youve 4X been. Putting yourself into a new world helps you Gnget your stress in (his world lor a little bit.Fur sure,【her

14、es nothing better than laughing, laughing is the best medicine. 11 can really kep _49. off your mind! Very often I call my hot frienJ and we 50 our good times or something funny, and I m feeling better before I know it.Remember many others also face the problem of sires、ust like you, and it is not s

15、omething ihat cannot be dealt uith.A. waysB. reasonsC. habitsD. resultsB. jumpB. sponsD sitD lessonsA. walkA. jokes44. A betbrvB. untilC. sinceD. if45. A. lovelyB. fncndlvC. happyD. slucpy46. A. somewhereB. ex cry whereC. nnywhcrcD. nowhere47. A. copyB. writeC printD. read48. A. eerB. neverC. seldom

16、D. always49. A. worryB. piiyC. surpnscD. pain50. A. think aboutB. talk aboutC. care aboutI), hear aboutVI.阅读理解( HI5小密:每小心2分.满分30分)阅读A. B. C. D四片/N,然后从一小删所待的四个选项中选出出佳选项In class, students are sharing their dream jobs.Jacob: Id like to be a mountain-climbing guide lor several realms. Number One. numnla

17、in climbing is very exciting. Mountain-climbing guides get to climb tall, dangerous mountain5, right? Number Two. I enjoy working outdoors and helping others. Number Three, mounuiin-cliinbtng guide travel u idcly and meet many fun people.Fred: My choice is lobe a vet (OIK). Why? I like animals. Anim

18、als bnng a lol of joy io our lives, but they ask for little in return. I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel bcucr. Pel owners arc happy when their pets are well. Finally, vets get to work with other people who like aninub.Anne: Ha my dream job? An accountant (公计)! I think its interesti

19、ng. Vm good at numbers, you know, and 1 also like helping people manage their money Good accountants arc well paid, and I want to manage my own money, of course. But the most important of all. accountants mostly work alone, and I like to work alone.Jessica: l*d like to become an animaior (动画片制作 A) a

20、nd make films like Toy Story. Shrek, and Cars. You see. I love drawing and I love working on computers. Td like (o help people relax and enjoy their life. Animators can make a lot of money, too. Jacobs dream job is to be.A. a vetB. an animatorC. an accountantD. a mountain-climbing guide. What is Ann

21、e s main reason for her dream job?A. The job is interesling.B. The job is well paid.C. She is good at numbers.D. She likr to work by herself.WtuH do I he four studcnu have in common?A. They enjoy working outside.B. They enjoy oflering help lo others.C. They hope (o meet fun people.D. They hope lo ma

22、ke a lot of money.BDans class knou Dan is in the hall before they see him. He raps (说11) when he passes inI he hall, lie raps when he comes into class. And he raps when he sits at his desk. He raps 3 hen he cun and he raps about almoi evenihing.Dan joined in a rap competition at school. When Dan rap

23、ped. his friends clapped (必 g for hint The kids thought his rapping uas great But could Dan win?Dan did win! Dan got the top place! All his classnutcb gave him a big hand. Dan i、a Uar in our school?* Mal said. Ben stood up and shook Dan*s hand. That was cool, Dan. You arc a hero!”Miss Mills said. “D

24、an did win! His next step is to rap on National Rap Sur on TV. We can all give Dan a big hand ” The class clapped and cheered for Dan. Miss Mills smiled.石就庄卬考指两英语试卷就 页(共8页),三石冢庄卬考指南.sj|ent- Dan;li、,Mills and his classnulcs were excited, but Dan threu htmsclfon10 加、“m no1 0 kid :not rap on IV. In cla

25、ss. Dan could no do his physics. He could not think. Df 3ye who 、g: nerxous a Im. bui he did not wish to rap on TV. Could he be lucky 3gan. _ 仲以】he Udnle ,o bc? Dan thought perhaps he would not attend the national compw 1 Wou,d 吗 have K)rap on TV.卬1no txrlp.、Irierxk sensed something was going on his

26、 mind They planned to 8*ve 1m1皿皿 hen Dan got lo class the next day. he saw a sign on the wall, h saic thought.54. How do D out new ideas, come to our club. We do lots of things in the lab to see what happens We meet m ice a week in the science club.8:30 a m to 4:30 p m.Thursday & Friday57 If student

27、s join the clubs, they A dont need to payC mu%t go every dayArt ClubIf)ou like &rt. spend a day in the Art Ro n During the day. well use diflcrcnt things: pencils, watercolors, oil paints. Well also h ive a special lesson from a gucl cartoonish uho will teach us how to draw cartoons.8 a.m. lo 4 pm.

28、MondayCollecting ClubIf you like collecting stamps, tickets, or postcards, come to our club! You can share what you collect and swap (久换)things uith other members to build your collection. We have lots of ideas about what to do to add to your collection without spending lots of mono Meet in Room 510

29、.2 pm jo 4 p m WednesdayB can*t choose over twoD must has especial Mk英语试卷第 页(共8页)英语试卷第 页(共8页)化石鸵庄中考指南A Policemen Saxe Peoples LivesC Service Workers Do Important JobsB. People Depend on Each OtherD. Workers Keep Community Running5. Whv kA 3 s ambers in the Collccung Club swap tilings? nuke posicards

30、.B. To make money” T makC 而5击 with each otherD.To make their collection belief;of the Science Club spend a lot of time. ,rying oik(|)cjr new ideasB. learning about scicnlists!”dying science lexibooksD. watching scicace FV programsWhich of the following is TRUE?A. Collecting Club mccu in Room 308. B.

31、 Members lean how to paint on Frutay.( Art Club has a special lesson on Monday. D. Members can pnnt photos in Science( lub.DEveryone needs help sometimes. People depend on one ano.hcr. Thats why communities pvuplc rvady to lend o helping hand to anyone who needs il.For example, what would we do with

32、out a community fire sial Kin? If a home catcho on l“cJackson place did Iasi week, ii might be burned down and people gel hurt.or w3y rc so lucky to have firemen lo come to save people and put out the fire, safely. It the tirv suuon hndri cornc so last, the Jacksons inigin have loM everything.And wh

33、at about our local police who protect our (amilics, our homes and valuable things1 Thu police have helped so many families this past year, espccia ly saving people und pels and proiccling our houses and other things a Her the heavy rains.Think about all the other service workers we have in this comm

34、unity. We have people who collect waste and rubbish and keep our community aniiary We have road workers who put up ;ind repair traffic signs and fix holes in the streets to protect not jut us. but our cars! And where would this community be without the (cachcn in our nzhool and the doctors, and nurs

35、es in our communicy hospitals?Think again about whar uc cat every day; think again about what 5c Kcar every day. We cannot produce ihctiL but we use them all the lime We get a la from all these tireless workers who keep our community ninnmg. We need these people in the community We depend on each ot

36、her. Lct*s support each other and help each other. Only in this way can we nuke our community a belter place.What happened to the Jacksons last week?A. Their pets were lost.B. Their car was badly burntC. Their house caught on fire.D. Tlicir valuable things were stolen.Who ottered help to families af

37、ter the heavy rains?A. Firvmcn.B. Doctors.C. Road workersD Local policeWhat does the underlined word “sanitary mean?Clean.B. Safe.C. Quiet.D. Busy.M. Which question could best help us Gnd out the writers puqxnc?A. Did the unter make us laugh?Did the writer want us to do something?Did the writer tell

38、 us about how to become a teacher?D Did the untcr teach us uhai to do when a fire breaks out?What is ihc best title tor the passage?XL(X.任务型阅小七,触卜 2针,淌“I。分)同律卜曲如文.报求本成“加.ft.八sueRemember booU” The piper kind Wilh page% In the del 卜 orc U, ,_ rifwlin IOO IinfbnMion. people read book、and ncu spopen ShM

39、lcnl% spent nKx)king tor mkimution in the oki book、fur htwiKuork. New MudE、can J 外 o inicniet in uxond%, The library was a place where everyone wan quiet. Si ng 不:; Never! Walch a movie oo phone while they are reading? Impottiblc* But students videos about their rc5carvh topic as they write a paperB

40、efore computcri. articlo were handuntten. If a student made a misukc. H.山ihe ptper auay and sum writing all over again. Now? If a student makes a mistake, he can ju rcmove or cut it. Studenu type oil their computecdil freely But they sh(ulthcrDid yuu thml th.were chatting 时夭)with someone in the real

41、same room? No? Theyre chatting with everyone in their own rocm.Technology helps us get important intormation in no time. In areas where bad wcaihcr i、a problem, we can gel warnings from our phone. Our local radio or TV station can give information about where to get help or what to do to keep our fa

42、mily and hoinc safe.Technology is our Inend!66题完成句R 67、68题简略回答问熟:69理找出并写下第四段的主题句i 70四将文中画线句子译成汉语.to gc: information.In the old days before computers, peopleHow can a student correct his mistake while wnting on the computer?6X. Why should students save their wnting in time on the computer?X.词语运用(共10小

43、题1号小题1分,满分10分)阅读卜面短文,在空白处填入一个动当的单词或括号内维词的正确形式.Mum and I were just going out when it began to rain. We had(o stay at home, and I 71 (feel) quite bored. Mum got 72 idea. She suggested teaching n:c to make dumplings. I thought it could be fun, so I said OK. Mum cut the meat and cabbages into small piec

44、es 73 (quick). Then she showed inc 74. to mix them with salt and oil. “Mixing is the most important of all Ihe 75 (step)/ she said. I also made some other prq)arations with her help. When everything was ready, dad came back home 76 his office. Together the three of n7 (we) wrapped (包)the dumplings.

45、At last, we 78 (cook) them. They were so delicious that I a,c -29 (many) than twenty. That was the 80 (one) time I learnt to make dumplings. It was enjoyable?傅所蛉司济建成旬心观求符介诩L用1U 1给出,皿.心. hE 、EM 用.小、.“M X11M. * me. K 时gjjo0t 工 near, * Ihew、KL -on lime. Kate. the. returned 一recunr a wami swkxxiKgive he

46、r a big hugsaygoodbjvkus his motherXL 第3作(包牯 I,两拓小a ”分, HMV r =。小v M1W成句(华 MSi W小ta i 分.用 fr 5 -tiff一大小司一”使用B)书面表达满分15分)李硕今年五岁他的妈妈疫情期间去支援武汉请根据泗幅图片及工力注心短文须包括每幅图片的主要信息,可适当发挥,提示词语供参考.(2)文中不得出现真实的地名.校名和人名:thwas gpMg t。Wuhan to heb弋石宏正卬考指用2020年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试英语试题参考答案听力部分IN,听力选择题每小题1分,计25分) TOC o 1-5 h z

47、.A2. B3.C4.B5. A6.C7. B8. B9. A10. C.C12. B13. A14. A15. C16. B17. B18.C19. A20. B21. C22. B23. A24. C25. AV,听短文填空(每小题1分,计5分)26. 18? eighteen (years old) 27. Canada28. cakes29. gift30. July评分说明:所填信息与答案不同,但和答案应思和同且与腮耳要求相符,可酌情给分。笔试部分VI.单项选择(每小题1分,计10分) TOC o 1-5 h z 31. A32. B33. C34. A35. B36. D37. C38. B39. D40. Cvn.完形填空(集小题i分,计io分)41. A42. A43. B44. D45. 46. C47. D48. B49. A50. BVI阅读理解(母小题2分,计30分)5LD52. D53. B54. A55. B56. C57. A58 D59. A60. CC 62. ID 63. A


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