1、全国外语翻译证书考试英语四级口译授课人:朱玉清2009年4月19日1汉英长句口译六法(例文:信息社会峰会讲话稿)(2009年4月19日,后三种方法)2同类归一,排比相对未来的信息基础设施应能满足人们对智能化、多样化、个性化、多媒体化、全球化发展的要求。Future information infrastructure should satisfy our demand for intelligence, diversification, personalization, multimedia and globalization.3峰会及筹备工作应切实研究加快信息通信技术广泛应用的政策措施,推进
2、网络的结构调整和升级换代,使其逐步演进成为一个融语音、数据、图像为一体的宽带高速信息网,全方位、多层次地满足多种业务需求。 4During the Summit and the preparation process, we should work in practical terms on policies and measure that accelerate the application of infocom technologies, promote the architecture readjustments of network and its upgrading, facili
3、tate the evolution to high-speed broadband information networks that integrate voice, data and image and satisfy various service requirements in an all-round manner.5 归纳先行,逐层剥离The Summit and PreCom should do the following works: to study policies and measures that accelerate the application of infoc
4、om technologies, to promote the architecture readjustments of network and its upgrading, to make it evolve into a high-speed broadband information networks which integrate voice, data and image, so as to meet the need of the various business in an all-round manner. .(一 “to” 到底, 此法不是高质量的表达,但应试效果好。笔译时
5、更要慎用避免此法。)6信息通信与网络安全意义重大,备受各国政府高度关注。security is vital to infocom networks, about which governments the world over have shown greater com and network security is of great importance which wins the attention of all governments.7信息通信与网络安全涉及到技术、法律法规和世界范围的合作。Security of infocom networks invo
6、lves technologies as well as laws and regulations and requires international cooperation.Infocom and network security involves technologies, rules and laws as well as global cooperation.8峰会和筹备工作应考虑在世界范围内成立相应机构和体系确保通信和网络的安全可靠,严防病毒侵害,打击网络犯罪,同时研究、开发和利用先进的安全技术,确保网络上传输的信息受到保护,并通过法律法规手段,加强对网络安全的监管,保护通信和网络
7、安全。9During the Summit and its preparation process, the following should be taken into account: establishing international organizations and mechanisms that ensure the security and reliability of communication networks by fighting against viruses and cyber crimes; promoting research, development and
8、application of leading-edge security technologies so as to build secure communication networks and protect on-line information; strengthening control of network security and protection of communications networks through application of laws and regulations.10For that purpose, the Summit and the PreCo
9、m should consider the following works: to establish international institutions and mechanisms that ensure the security and reliability of communication networks, to fight against viruses and cyber crimes, to promote the R&D of advanced security technologies and their application, to ensure the prote
10、ction of on-line information, to strengthen control of network security and protection of communication and networks through application of laws and regulations.(一 “to” 到底, 此法不是高质量的表达,但应试效果好。笔译时更要慎用避免此法。)11 在未来信息社会中,知识和技能是促进经济发展的主要驱动力,是信息产业实现可持续发展的重要因素之一。12In the future information society, knowledg
11、e and skills will be a major driver for economic growth and one of the major contributors to the sustainable development of the information industry.In the future information society, knowledge and skills will be a key driving force for economic growth. It is also one of the major elements to the su
12、stainable development of the information industry.13消除数字鸿沟需要世界各国共同努力。bridging the “digital divide” requires joint efforts of all countries around the world.14特别是发达国家,应切实负起责任,在互利合作、注重实效、成果共享、促进发展的基础上采取实际行动,在资金支持、技术转让、人才培训等方面给予发展中国家以积极有效的帮助,为缩小数字鸿沟多做实事,帮助发展中国家加快信息化进程。15前置后移,灵活处理1. On the basis of the
13、principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, effectiveness, achievement sharing and promoting growth, developed countries in particular, shall truly shoulder their responsibilities and help the developing countries with financial support, technology transfer and human resources training. They shal
14、l also take practical measures to narrow the digital divide and help the developing countries to accelerate their national informationization.162. The developed countries in particular, shall truly shoulder their responsibilities and help the developing countries with financial support, technology t
15、ransfer and human resources training. They shall also take practical measures to narrow the digital divide and help the developing countries to accelerate their national informationization. All these shall be done on the basis of the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, effectiveness, achi
16、evement sharing and promoting growth.173. On the basis of the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, effectiveness, achievement sharing and promoting growth, developed countries in particular, shall take following measures: to truly shoulder their responsibilities and help the developing cou
17、ntries with financial support, technology transfer and human resources training, to take practical measures to narrow the digital divide and help the developing countries to accelerate their national informationization.184. The developed countries in particular, shall take following measures: to tru
18、ly shoulder their responsibilities and help the developing countries with financial support, technology transfer and human resources training, to take practical measures to narrow the digital divide and help the developing countries to accelerate their national informationization. All these shall be
19、 done on the basis of the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, effectiveness, achievement sharing and promoting growth.19 中译英长句处理六法小结看清结构,合理断句化整为零,巧妙连接同一主语,顺势而为同类归一,排比相对归纳先行,逐层剥离前置后移,灵活处理20实战演练汉英长句口译六法21 当今世界的相互联系不断增加,经济全球化的步伐加快,各国经济的相互依存正变得越来越明显。 Interrelation in the present-day world is
20、increasing. Economic globalization is picking up speed, and the economies of countries are becoming more and more interdependent. (合理断句)22 Interrelation in the present-day world is increasing,economic globalization is picking up speed. All these make the economies of countries become more and more i
21、nterdependent.(巧妙连接)23 我深信,香港市民一定能够以主人翁的姿态实现自己的抱负,建设香港的未来,共同追求民族振兴的宏伟目标。 I am confident that Hong Kong people will take up the role of master to realize their visions , to work for a better Hong Kong , to pursue the glorious goal of national revival.(同一主语,顺势而为)24 确保社会稳定,充分抓住机遇,全力振兴经济,更是全体市民的迫切愿望。 Th
22、e entire community shares the goals of ensuring social stability and grasping each day and opportunity to stimulate our economy.(注意逻辑,排比相对)25 在这样的情形下,不参与国际往来的闭关锁国或自我封闭式的发展、孤芳自赏等做法和表现,都不合时宜,被时代所淘汰。 Under these circumstances, to seek development by closing the country to international intercourse or t
23、hrough self-seclusion, to stand still and rest on ones laurels none of these would work and all of them would be eliminated by the tide of the times. (巧妙连接,顺势而为)26 随着中国加入世贸组织,我们与世界其他国家的联系将更加紧密,我们对外开放的要求也将更高。 With Chinas accession to the WTO, we will have closer links with the rest of the world and t
24、he requirement for our opening up will be even higher.(同一主语,顺势而为)27方法应用注意事项: 1、所有方法均需活学活用 2、上述方法不是“万灵丹”,实用为上 3、大量练习,使上述方法真正为己所用,切忌生搬硬套28口译技巧转换技巧29:词类转换: 1、动词转成名词 目前我国各地对各种消费品的需求量已大大增加。 There is a big increase in number for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.他们已经认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门工
25、业化。We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy. 30The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。Rockets have found application for exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。31 2、动词转成介词: 我们认为, 在北京的会见大大
26、有助于实现这种前景。 In our view , this meeting in BJ contributes significantly towards that future. 发展的道路是漫长的, 但是我们已经坚定地走上这条道路。 The road to development is long but we are firmly on it.32They call for a socialist republic of the people , by the people and for the people. 他们要求建立一个民有、民治、民享的社会主义共和国。She skimmed o
27、ver the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. 她转身越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。333、动词转成形容词: 我们要通过加强我们之间的经济、文化、科学、技术交流和人员往来加深了解。 We seek a deep-rooted understanding through the multiplication of our economic, cultural, scientific, technical and human ties. 我们都熟悉这样一个事实,自然
28、界中没有一个物体会自行开始或自行停止运动。 We are familiar with the fact that nothing in nature will either start or stop moving of itself.34注:英语中许多表达情感和欲望的形容词, 在句中往往充当表语,译成汉语时则习惯转换成动词,如:afraid 恐怕, anxious 焦虑,aware 意识到, content 满意,confident 有信心,delighted 高兴,grateful 感激,ashamed 丢脸,thankful 感谢35He was delighted that his w
29、ishes had come true.他高兴的是愿望都实现了Im thankful for America and thankful that we were able to resolve our electoral differences in a peaceful way.感谢美国人民,我们终于用和平的方式解决了选举中的困难。 I feel ashamed that I havent written for so long. 我很久未曾写信, 甚为惭愧。364、动词转成副词:那本书很快就要出版了。That book will be out pretty soon.他把窗子打开,让新鲜空
30、气进来。She opened the window to let fresh air in.The performance is on.演出已经开始了。375 、名词转成动词:我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。Our age is witnessing a profound political change.Formality has always characterized their relation.他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。386、名词转成形容词:在一定条件下,坏事可以变成好事。 Under given condition, the harmful can be transformed into the beneficial.真的、善的、美的东西总
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