1、CHINA NEWS 17 期一、【编者按】2二、【Staffn】2文章:秀出邮件新签名,秒杀咖啡杯2三、【Best Practice】6文章:Anne Wang: 稳稳地和成功,我对时间有耐心6四、【Staff Profile】9文章:我要和爱人一起在爱琴海边看日出日落9五、【Change Your Future】11文章:带着女儿畅游,美妙英语之旅11六、【Big News】14文章:华尔街英语国际新官网上线14七、【Work-Life Balanced】16妙招小,哪招最有效?16文章:抗一级页面:标题:秀出邮件新签名,秒杀咖啡杯 Newsignature competition二、【S
2、TAFFN】文章: 秀出邮件新签名, 秒杀咖啡杯小编的话:同事们,Duang 的一声,新一期的华尔街英语 China News 又来啦!春天到了,福利来啦!你已经换上的邮件签名了吗?秀出新签名就有机会赢华尔街英语定制咖啡杯哦,好机会不要错过!另外,本期的 Work-Life Balanced 栏目紧随近期最热话题,快来投票你的抗招吧!还有一个特大好消息,华尔街英语国际新官网上线,快来看看都有哪些新变化吧!Editors Note:Dear Colleagues, please enjoy the lasue of the Wall Street English China News. The
3、spring air has brought with it a great new opportunity for you and this newsletter will highlight this po, so keep reading! Have you already started using the newsignature? Show us your new signature for a chance to get tailor-made WSE logo tumbler. You cant afford to miss this great opportunity! El
4、sewhere, the Work-Life Balance column will look at how to survive the recenze problem. Join ushis hot debate and vote on the best way to get on with lifehe haze. The good news doesnt stop there: the offil global website of Wall Street English is now live. Log in and check the latest developments!一、【
5、编者按】二级页面:1. PC 端1)中文版:同事们,你换上的邮件签名了吗?如果你已经风行地换过签名,快来试试运气,华尔街英语定制咖啡杯等你来拿!只需回复本邮件展示你已经更换的新签名即有机会获得精美礼品!/RwWOvTA,抽出一分钟换上签名,也许幸运儿还没换签名的同事们,请参照就是你!本活动截止至 3 月 20 日,小编会随机抽选 5 名幸运获奖者,的 China News 中。小伙伴们赶快来参加吧!将在 19 期奖品如下图:2) English Edition:Dear colleagues:Have you updated yourtumbler!signature? Marvelous!
6、Get your spel perk a WSE logoJoining is easy:*Just reply thisit;and attach a screenshot of your new signature if you have updated*o to/RwWOvTA if you are going to change your signature. And reply to usASAP.Five respondents will be randomly drawn and the List of Lucky Winners will be announcedhe rele
7、ase of China News, Column 19.Click the keyboard, YOU are the LUCKY one!Prizes:2.版:1) 中文版:同事们,你换上的邮件签名了吗?如果你已经风行地换过签名,快来试试运气,华尔街英语定制咖啡杯等你来拿!只需发送邮件新签名截图到 chinanewswal即有机会获得精美礼品!邮箱/RwWOvTA,抽出一分钟换上签名,也许幸运儿还没换签名的同事们,请参照就是你!本活动截止至 3 月 20 日,小编会随机抽选 5 名幸运获奖者,的 China News 中。小伙伴们赶快来参加吧!将在 19 期注:邮件标题格式为 Staffn
8、 - newsignature.邮件签名截图示例:奖品如下图:2) English EditionDear colleagues:Have you just updated yourlogo tumbler!signature? Marvelous! Get your spel perksWSEJoining is easy:*Just reply thisto chinanewswaland attach ascreenshot ofyour new signature if you have updated it;*o to/RwWOvTA if you are going to chan
9、ge your signature. And reply yourto chinanewswaltitle is expected to be “Staffn - newsignature”Five respondents will be randomly drawn and the List of Lucky Winners will be announcedhe release of China News, Column 19.Click the keyboard, YOU are the LUCKY one!JOIN and ENJOY!Exle of signature:Prizes:
10、一级页面:编者按:本期非常高兴地邀请到Best ABs 活动的季军Anne Wang,一位优秀的 Ambassador Team Leader来和工作心得和生活感悟。Editors note:Anne Wang, an excellent Ambassador Team Leader, has won the third prize for the Best AB. We are pleased to invite Anne to share her experience in work and life.三、【BEST PRACTICE】文章: ANNE WANG: 稳稳地和成功, 我对时间
11、有耐心标题: Anne Wang: 稳稳地和成功,我对时间有耐心 Patience the Key toHappiness and Sucs二级页面:在 Best ABs 评选活动中,来自 SH13 的 AB TL Anne Wang 获得了第三名的好成绩。这位看上去十分恬静的,却有着令识。吃一惊的辉煌成绩以及对工作和生活独特而清醒的认标准话语术不是全部说起工作中的经验和心得,Anne 提到了标准话语术:“其实标准话语术是对工作的基本要求,如果严格说起来,大家的表达都差不多。但是不同的表情、肢体语言肯定会带来不同的效果。我会仔细观察,然后针对不同、职业、的人群,采用不同的方法技巧。我的亲和力更
12、好,更易让人放下认为女性 AB 比AB 在与人交流上相对有优势,因为防备心,打开心门,进行进一步的沟通交流。”Anne 做 AB 已经年了,她觉得自己在工作中收获了很多,不仅是工作上的启发,还有对生活的进一步思考。拼命工作,安静生活作为 AB,每天面对着大量的陌生人群,会收获喜悦,但的可能是遭遇沮丧,压力可想而知。Anne 说:“其实不仅是 AB,每个职业都有压力的,这没什么特别,我有自己的减压方法。我喜欢看,尤其是爱情片、推理片。有想看的我就会走进院,好好放松自己。我还会和同事或朋友一起去 KTV,一起唱歌聊天,非常轻松。当然我也会像大部分普通的时光。”一样去逛街买衣服。我还会去逛馆,喝咖啡
13、,让自己安静下来,享受静谧的我给 2014 年的自己打 75 分当小编问 Anne,2014 年可以打多少分,Anne 给了一个出乎意料的。她说:“我给 2014年的自己打 75 分。因为 60 分及格,80 分以上优秀,我觉得 2014 年的自己做得还不错,但是仍然有一些没有实现的目标,所以打 75 分,这是个“良好”的分数。工作上比较满意,但是目标不止是工作上的成绩,人是的,多面的,不只有工作。我希望自己能全面成长。我期待 2015 年的自己可以做到 85 分,为什么不是更高呢?因为 80 分以上就是优秀啦,但是总有些更高远的目标不是一下子就能实现的,我不着急,因为急躁就完成不了,我要稳稳
14、地往前走,我有耐心。而且我觉得自己的付出一定是值得的,时光没有虚度。”Anne 认为,华尔街英语不仅让她收获了工作上的成绩,的是改变了自己的性格,打开心门,交到朋友,也收获了更丰富的人生经历。不满足于现状是往前走的驱动力,祝愿在 2015 年定下 85 分目标的 Anne 能够顺利实现目标,并且稳稳地迈向自己的 95 分,100分。英文版:he Best ABn, AB TL Anne Wang, who works from WSE Center SH13, is thethird prize winner. She is a young lady wist appearance outsi
15、de and penetratinginsight within as well as her grehievement in work.Profesal Terms are Far from EnoughWhen it comes to work, Anne said: “Profesal Terms are basic requirements in our joband it differs little with other rolesany ways. Shes foundt individual expresand body languages make everyone dist
16、inctive. “I like observing people: they are menand women, young and old, with various jobs andalities. It is fascinating butchallenging in our work!” she said. When talking with different people, separatecommunicative skills are employed. Female ABs might take an advantage when dealingwith strangers
17、 moren male ABs due to their easygoingality which gives achance for further talk.”However, both have their strengths and I admire many topperforming male ABs. Having been an AB for almost three years, Anne claimst shehas gained precious experience in work and also started to think more and deeper ab
18、outlife.Work for Career and Live for LifeAs an AB, you deal wimounts of strangers as you potential cnts: you talk with thempatiently; you try to persuade them with great pas. Anne shared her experience, “It isnothing spel. Every job has its streo matter where you are. When faced with stressand disma
19、y, sometimes I choose to watovies at home, like love stories or detectivemovies. When movies of my taste are released, I go to cinema and relax. Its also nice tohang out with colleagues and friends. Topress, my friends and I go to KTV, or wemight only chat. Similar with other young ladies, I also li
20、ke shop. I also enjoy quiet andpeaceful plalike libraries or cafes.”Score for 2014: 75 posWhen asked self-assessment for the year 2014, Anne only gave herself 75 pos whichseems less deservingn expected. She explained, “y opinion, if you are below 60pos, you fail. But if above 80 pos,t awards for “gr
21、eat job”. It is truet I did do agood job last year but still with some goals unrealized. 75 pos is the grade for a “goodjob.” Achievement in work matters a lot but not for everything because life is not onlyabout work. I really expectl-around improvement both in work and life in 2015. 85pos may be a
22、n ideal grade for the coming 2015. You ask why not higher? Well, “Rome was not built in a day,” she ses. Higher grades are attractive but also difficulties and obstacles in reality always pop up. Some goals might be even unattainable. When 85% isboth good enough and achievable, Id rather make it my
23、aim for 2015. I always bevet it is a worthwhile journey to sucs and happiness.“During the journey, WSE has not only helped me achieve morey career, but alsomade a great differencey life experience. I have made a lot new friends here; mymind is muore open-wide; my life is enriched as well.nks, WSE!”
24、Well motivated,Anne will realize her dream step by step. We wish her the best!一级页面:编者按:冰桶提名机制:每期 staff profile 里的员工将会作为提名人,要求其他人一起来参与的问答,也许下一个提名人就是您?一起来围观吧!Our nomination system is like tag: each staeaturedhe staff profile nominates others to participate in our quiz challenge. Perhaps the nextto joi
25、n us could be you if your colleagues nominate you. Get ready.四、【STAFF PROFILE】文章: 我要和爱人一起在爱琴海边看日出日落Chris DuService Team Supervisor, TJ1ernational Plaza Center我要和爱人一起在爱琴海边看日出日落I dream of sitting by the Aegean Sea and seeing the sunrise and the sunset next tomy love.想来自TJ3 的 SM:Liam FitzpatrickI would
26、 like to nominate my colleague Liam Fitzpatrick, SM, TJ3 New World Store Center二级页面Chris DuService Team Supervisor, TJ1ernational Plaza CenterQ:在华尔街英语工作,你最开心的是?A:我一得我和华尔街英语一起成长,因为我从大学毕业之后就进入华尔街英语工作。我在这里工作近 10 年了。我最开心的两件事,第一件是一起工作的同事很棒,第二件事能够帮助学员们。能帮助员工学员们在英语上获得巨大的进步,我觉得很有成就感。Q: 你梦想中的旅行是怎样的?A: 我喜欢旅游。
27、我一直期待着和爱人坐在爱琴海边看日出日落。我相信这个梦想一定会实现!Q:What do you enjoy the most in Wall Street English?A:I always have the feelingt I am growing with Wall Street English, as this was myjob after graduating from university. I have been working here for almost 10 years. Thetwo things I enjoy the most are working with
28、my wonderful colleagues and helourstudents. Helmy staff develop and watching students taking great strides with theirEnglish learning is also very rewarding.Q: What is your dreaming vacation?A:I love traveling. Ive always dreamt of sitting by the Aegean Sea and seeing the sunriseand the sunset next
29、to my love. I beve my dream will come true!一级页面编者按:正是因为有每位员工的努力,华尔街英语正在改变着许许多多学生的未来!在此,小编特甄选了一些改变学生未来的故事与大家。At WSE, each and every one of you is devoted to changing the future of our students. Here, we would like to share one of the future-changing stories of our students below:五、【CHANGE YOUR FUTURE
30、】文章: 带着女儿畅游,美妙英语之旅Cindy TangStudent, WSE Nanshan Center,美妙英语之旅 Trip to US Turnso Learning Opportunities带着女儿畅游二级页面:1 中文版:Cindy TangWSE Nanshan Center我叫 Cindy,是华尔街英语南山中心的一名学员。作为的,我在两个女儿的教育问题上颇有点心得。我觉得小孩子就要放开天性让他们玩耍,在过程中收获成长。中学实践春天是外出旅行的季节,去年春暖花开时,我带着两个宝贝女儿远赴旅游。当飞机终于在降落时,两个小家伙兴奋不已,带着好奇心不停地问了我许多问题。母女三人游
32、西方文化。每天的学习更像是接受一场思想的洗礼,让我认识到不同民族的差异性。志趣相投的同学可以一起进步,还有很多时事话题可以拿来和写作。感谢华尔街英语,让人生更加丰富多彩!:超/v_show/id_XODk5MzUxNDE2.html(一级页面、二级页面均做成)2 英文版:My name is Cindy, a student studying in WSEs Nanshan Center in Shenzhen. As amother of two daughters, I always consider education methods for my children. From mypo
33、of view, good ways for kids to learn must meet two rules: one, it iseresting; andtwo, the authentic experience contributes to their growth. Traveling is definiy a greatway to grow and develop.Spring is a pleasant season for this type of journey. Last spring, I traveled to America withmy lovely daugh
34、ters. They were so excited about nearly everything and kept askingquestions as soon as we landedhe United Ses. We visited different plaoferests like the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and the most plain WashingtonD.C and we visited Hollywood in California. We werehe middle of where so manymovies
35、 are made. I was so please about how curious my daughters were about America and I tried my best to answer their questions according to my understanding. I trulybeve it was a terrific chance for them to learn from this family journey.America is considered a melting-pot of cultures and people from al
36、l over the world; thisfact made it extremely important to know the cultural differenU.S.s diversity grew from this trip. We also witnessed the romand my respect for the flair of French tourists;itions of the youngwe sasate of Italian visitors; and admired the sunny disBrazilian men we met along the
37、way. With theseeractions, Id like to extend my sincerenks to WSE because the school offered me a confident foundation of English whichhelped me communicate to Americans and allowed me to make my childrens experiencesmooth, safe and fun. My family certainly benefited from my studies in WSE iy realway
38、 which will provide userful memoriest will last a lifetime.WSE is so helpful to open cultural doors for its students. In WSE, students can get nativeEnglish-speaking teachers who not only teach students language but also western culture which helps us get ready to deal with the potential culture sho
39、ck of being in a new country.Students with sameerests cane good friends, study together and makeprogress together. At WSE, writing topics can beeresting and meaningful whenconnected with current ies or experienlike my trip to Washington D.C. andHollywood. I am so lucky and happy to be a student in W
40、SE and my daughters are too. Icannotnk WSE more.nk you for enriching my life and my childrens lives too!一级页面标题:华尔街英语国际新官网上线 Wall Street Englishernational Launches New二级页面Offil Website六、【BIG NEWS】文章: 华尔街英语国际新官网上线华尔街英语国际新官网已于一月份正式上线,地址是。新官网计划作为公司的信息和中心,并且到华尔街英语在各个国家的的官网上,以便任何关于新官网valerie.kirkwal,请联系 V
41、alerie Kirk,邮箱地址英文版:人们了解当地市场的信息。新官网包含华尔街英语品牌识别的视觉标识,感知标识,以及品牌调性。在接下来的几周,会引入全球网络新模板,新模板也遵循了同样了设计原则,旨在使用户熟悉界面,无需重新适应。总而言之,的目的是让的者在所有的都能有的,一致的体验,如此有助于增强在全球范围的品牌识别。新官网将会在教师和员工招聘方面发挥重要作用正在策划活动,例如和领英合作,将流量引至新官网的招聘页面。如此,可以更高效地为不断发展壮大的华尔街英语招募最优秀的。还计划通过新华尔街英语的品牌知名度和全球认知度。随着新官网的上线,原来的官网地址已经重新定向,原来的媒体室现已关闭。任何资
42、料需要更新,请前往新官网Wall Street Englishernational offilly launched a new corporate website in January:. The new website is designed as an information and news hubabout ouranization and seamlessly links all WSE country websites so people seeking more information about our local markets can have faster acs to
43、 information.The new site incorporates the look, feel, and tone of our brand identity.he comingks, we will beroducing the new global web templates which are also built with these same principles and are designed to help you focus on performance with our digital presence. The overall goal is for visitors to have a seamless, consistent experience across all our sites, reinforcing our global brand identity.The new corporate site will have a strong roleeacher and staff recruitment too
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