




1、埃及王子台词-英汉双语版?埃及王子?双语剧本主要角色配音表:摩西: 官志宏Moses : VAL KILMER雷明斯: 徐敏Ramesses : PALPH FIENNES西玻拉: 孙假设瑜Tzipporah : MICHELLE PFEIFFER米利暗: 蒋笃慧 Miriam : SANDRA BULLOCK亚伦: 孙中台Aaron : JEFF GOLDBLUM叶忒罗: 龙祥辉 Jethro : DANNY GLOVER西台: 佟绍宗 Seti : PATRICK STEWART皇后: 姜瑰瑾The Queen : HELEN MIRREN何泰: 孙德成Hotep : STEVE MART
2、IN胡威: 刘明勋Huy : MARTIN SHORT片名:埃及王子(The Prince of Egypt )The motion picture you are about to see is an adaptation of the Exodus story.While artistic and historical license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith
3、for millions of people worldwide.The biblical story of Moses can be found in the book of Exodus.古埃及,希伯来奴隶们在建筑区劳作众奴隶:唱泥,沙,水,草。(Mud, sand, water, straw. )监工:快点!(Faster! )众奴隶:唱用力拉,使劲拖,咬紧我的牙,拉。(Mud and lift; sand and pull; water and raise up; straw. )监工:快一点!(Faster! )众奴隶:唱皮鞭里我的背血在流着,(With the sting of t
4、he whip on my shoulder; )忍着伤口汗水的刺痛,(With the salt of my sweat on my brow; )我的神是否还听见你的人民在这哀号,。(Elohim, God on high, can You hear Your people cry; help us now, this dark hour. )引领我们,你的手,引领我们,带我走,拯救我们的身体和灵魂。(Deliver us, hear our call, deliver us; Lord of all, remember us here in this burning sand. )引领我
5、们,离开这水深炽热,引领我们,到新的家园。(Deliver us, theres a land you promised us; deliver us to the Promised Land. )城郊的希伯来奴隶的窟所里,约基别抱着婴儿看着窗外的士兵正在残杀希伯来人的婴儿约基别:唱(Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach, Al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d, )我想,这是我所能给你最后的一线生机,(My son, I have nothing I can give, but this chance that you may live, )祈祷能再见面。(I pr
6、ay well meet again, )神哪,请引领我们。(If He will deliver us. )众奴隶:引领我们,祈祷神引领我们。(Deliver us, hear our prayer, deliver us, from despair. )无法再忍受被奴役的残酷岁月。(These years of slavery grow too cruel to stand. )引领我们,离开这水深炽热,引领我们,自由的地界。(Deliver us, theres a land You promised us; deliver us, out of bondage and )引领我们,到新
7、的家园。(Deliver us to the Promised Land. )约基别抱着婴儿,亚伦和米利暗尾随,母子四人来到河边约基别:唱静静地睡吧,别哭,我的爱,(Hush now my baby, be still, love, dont cry. )随河流摇摆而去。(Sleep as youre rocked by the stream. )睡吧,请记得妈妈的呢喃,(Sleep and remember my last lullaby. )我在梦中与你相聚。(So I will be with you when you dream. )我的尼罗河,别流那么急,(River, oh riv
8、er, flow gently for me. )守护着我的宝贝。(Such precious cargo you bear. )推啊,往前推,带他远去,(Do you know somewhere he can live free. )引领他找到依归。(River, deliver him there. )约基别将婴儿放入篮筐中,篮筐顺水漂走,米利暗在岸边一路看着篮筐漂到宫内王后正在河边陪小雷明斯玩水,看到篮筐,翻开后抱起婴儿米利暗:唱弟弟平安了,愿平安跟随。(Brother, youre safe now, and safe may you stay. )我来到这为你祝福。(For I h
9、ave a prayer just for you. )祈祷你长大,快点回家。(Grow, baby brother, come back someday. )回来引领我的路。(Come and deliver us too. )王后抱起婴儿向宫内走去,小雷明斯在身后雷明斯:妈咪!(Mommy! )王后:走啊雷明斯,我们去让父王看看你的新弟弟,摩西。(Come, Ramesses, we will show Pharaoh your new baby brother, Moses. )众奴隶:唱引领我们,神哪快遣一个使者,来引领我们,到新的家园。(Deliver us, send a shep
10、herd to shepherd us, and deliver us to the Promised Land. )引领我们,到新的家园。(Deliver us to the Promised Land. )约基别:引领我们。(Deliver us. )十几年后,雷明斯与摩西在驾马车赛跑雷明斯:对马快点,你动作真慢,跟驴子一样!(Faster! You beasts! You run like mules! )两边墙的壁画上刻着法老驾马车的图案。摩西:嘿!雷明斯,你想不想让你的脸刻在壁画上啊?(Hey, Ramesses, howd you like your face carved on
11、a wall? )雷明斯:有一天,会的!(Someday, yes. )摩西:现在就刻吧!(How about now? )摩西驾马车将雷明斯将墙一侧挤雷明斯:咿呀!你差点害死我!(You almost killed me! )摩西:嘿嘿!怎么啦?你不敢玩了是不是?(Oh, come on! Wheres your sense of fun! )雷明斯:哦!你要玩是吗?(Oh, its fun you want? )雷明斯反过来挤摩西的马车,两人冲进平民窟里雷明斯:好啦!摩西,成认吧!你总是落在我后头!(Come on, Moses, admit it! Youve always looked
12、 up to me! )摩西:是啊,而且风景还不太好看呢!哈哈!(Yes! But its not much of a view! )雷明斯:排行老二!永远第二!(Second born, second place! )摩西:那可不一定!(Not for long! )两人冲进神庙的建筑区,引起一系列混乱后驾车远去雷明斯:你想我们会不会有什么麻烦哪?(You dont think well get in trouble for this, do you? )摩西:拜托!不会啦!(No! Not a chance! )后殿,法老西台背对着雷明斯和摩西,旁边站着两位祭司,胡威,何泰西台:为什么神赐
13、予了我统御一个王朝的能力,却赐给我这么冥顽不灵的儿子!(Why do the Gods torment me with such reckless destructive blasphemous sons! )雷明斯:父王(Father, hear what I. )西台:肃静!听我说!多年来我致力于建立一个王朝,而你却因为好玩,要把我辛苦建立的王朝给毁掉!难道我没教过你?(Be still! Pharaoh speaks! I seek to build an empire, and your only thought is to amuse yourselves by tearing it
14、 down! Have I taught you nothing? )何泰:请您别苛责自己,陛下。您是很优秀的教师。(You mustnt be so hard on yourself, Your Majesty. Youre an excellent teacher. )胡威:是啊,两位王子耽于学习并不是您的错!(Its not your fault your sons learned nothing. )何泰:他们学会了亵渎神。(Well, they learned blasphemy. )胡威:对!(True. )二人下摩西:父王,都是我的错,是我怂恿雷明斯的,应该由我来负责。(Fath
15、er, the fault is mine. I goaded Ramesses on, so I am responsible. )西台:哼,你负责。转身对雷明斯(Hmm, responsible. )你知道“负责的意思吗,雷明斯?(And do you know the meaning of that word, Ramesses? )雷明斯:我了解,父王。(I understand, Father. )西台:你了解从出生之后身上就负了什么样的责任吗?你要传承传统。当我到另外一个世界后,你将是掌管日与夜的伟大之神。(And do you understand the task for wh
16、ich your birth has destined you? The ancient traditions. When I pass into the next world, then you will be the morning and evening star. )雷明斯:一座毁坏的寺庙不会破坏百年来的传统!(One damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition! )西台:但是一个扶不起的阿斗,却会使一个王朝走向灭亡!(But one weak link can break the chain of a mighty d
17、ynasty! )王后上前拉住西台以示劝解西台:叹气你们可以下去了。转身(You have my leave to go. )雷明斯:父王(Father. )王后做出制止的手势,雷明斯转身,怒气冲冲,下。摩西看着雷明斯的背影,转身对西台摩西:父王,你明知道那是我的错,为什么还对他这么严厉?(Father, you know it was really my fault. Must you be so hard on him? )西台:摩西,你永远无法体会雷明斯接掌王位所必须承受的压力。他不能这么放任自己整天只知道玩乐,就算跟你也不行。(Moses, you will never have to
18、 carry a burden like the crown I will pass to Ramesses. He must not allow himself to be led astray, not even by you, my son. )摩西:他在意的只是只是你的认同。他可以到达你对他的期望,他需要的只是个时机。(All he cares about is. is your approval. I know he will live up to your expectations. He only needs the opportunity. )西台:这样啊?也许是吧。你下去吧,
19、今晚你们都得到场。(Maybe. Maybe so. Go now, I should see you both tonight. )雷明斯的寝宫里,雷明斯坐在雕像的膝盖上,摩西吹着口哨打趣摩西:还不算太糟糕嘛!(Well, that went well. )雷明斯:你少烦我!(Just go away. )摩西:没那么惨吧?(Could have been worse. )雷明斯:一个扶不起的阿斗他居然这么形容我!(The weak link in the chain. Thats what he called me! )摩西:是啊,你还真可怜哪!(Well, you are rather
20、pathetic. )雷明斯:他说我不负责任,说我漠视传统,这清楚是指责我会使王朝走向灭亡嘛!(Irresponsible, ignorant of the traditions. He practicallyaccused me of bringing down the dynasty! )摩西:是啊,我可以预见。金字塔倒喽!呵呵。(Yeaha, I can see it now. There go the pyramids! Haha. )雷明斯:跳下没关系!你尽管笑我好了!(You can laugh about it! )摩西:雕像全都变成碎片散落一地,尼罗河也干涸了。你只要一只手,就
21、可以消灭这个世界上最伟大的王朝。(Statues cracking and toppling over, the Nile drying up. Single-handedly, you will manage to bring the greatest kingdom on Earth to ruin. )雷明斯:告诉我摩西,告诉我。为什么每一次你惹了什么事情,但是最后挨骂受罚的人却总是我呢?(Tell me this, Moses, tell me this. Why is that every time you start something, Im the one who ends u
22、p in trouble? )摩西将水囊盛满水,从窗台上朝下面的何泰、胡威扔去,然后迅速躲起来何泰&胡威:哦!我的天哪!雷明斯,你完蛋了!雷明斯,你给我下来!马上过来给我抱歉!哦,我的新衣服!天哪,真是气死我了! (Oh, man! Ramesses, youre in trouble! Ramesses, get down here! I think you owe us an apology! Oh my new thing! I am so upset! )雷明斯一脸无奈地转过头,摩西递过水坛摩西:该你玩喽!(You might as well. )雷明斯接过水坛将水向下面的二人头上浇去
23、何泰&胡威:我们会向法老王禀报哦!哦,又来了!你看! (Were gonna tell the Pharaoh! Oh! Look at me, Im drenched again. )摩西:嘿!我想通了!你知道你的问题在哪吗?(Hey, I figured it out! You know what your problem is, Ramesses? )雷明斯:什么?(What? )摩西:你太在意别人的想法了。(You care too much! )雷明斯:而你的问题呢,就是什么都不在意!(And your problem is you dont care at all! )摩西:有些事
24、啊,你确实考虑得比我周到。不过呢,今晚有个宴会你大概忘喽!(Oh, in that case. I suppose you care a lot more than I do, that were late for the banquet for example. )摩西推着雷明斯赶着去赴宴雷明斯:这下完蛋了,父王铁定会宰了我!(Im done for. Father will kill me! )摩西:别担忧!不会有人注意到我们溜进去的!(Dont worry! Nobody will even notice us coming in! )摩西掀开幕布,两人闯进前台,法老、王后和众人热烈鼓掌
25、雷明斯:不会有人注意到我们?(Nobody will even notice? )摩西:讪笑呵呵。(Haha. )王后:迎上前啊,年轻的王子们!耳语雷明斯,你父王刚封你为摄政王。今后你将负责督视埃及所有的寺庙。我建议你现在就到他的跟前,亲自向他道谢。对摩西很显然的,摩西,有人觉得他需要的只是一个时机。(Ah, the young princes! Ramesses, you were just named prince regent. Youre now responsible for overseeing all the temples. I suggest you get over the
26、re and thank your father. Apparently, Moses, someone thought he just needed the opportunity. )摩西:上前敬爱的父王陛下!我认为最高祭司应该向新摄政王致上最高敬意!(My lord Pharaoh! I propose the high priests offer tribute to their new regent. )西台:好主意。何泰、胡威!(An excellent idea! Hotep! Huy! )何泰:胡威,那个米甸的女孩!(Huy, the Midian girl. )胡威:真是个好
27、主意!(Thats a good idea. )何泰:带过来!(Go get her. )胡威下,何泰上前施法术,烟雾升起何泰:埃及众神的力量!让我们为您献上来自遥远异国之邦,明艳动人、充满吸引力的异国美女。(By the power of Ra, we present for your delectation and delight, an exotic apparition stolen from a far away land. )烟雾中出现屏风,屏风落下,西玻拉双手被捆骑在骆驼上何泰:我们为您献上这朵美艳的沙漠之花!(We offer you this delicate desert
28、flower. )雷明斯:让我们好好看看这朵沙漠之花用手拖西玻拉的下巴(Let us inspect this desert flower. )西玻拉:咬雷明斯:躲呃,应该叫她沙漠之蛇吧(More like a desert cobra. )摩西:呵呵,看来你并不怎么讨她喜欢哦!(Haha. Not much of a snake charmer, are you? )雷明斯:既然如此就赏给你喽!(Thats why I give her to you. )摩西:不,我知道你很慷慨,但是(No no no, thats generous, but. )西玻拉:不管你是谁,都不能把我送给任何人,
29、尤其是你这个自大、被宠坏的王公贵子!(I wont be given to anyone, especially an arrogant pampered palace brat! )雷明斯:呵呵呵,你容许她对你这么无礼吗?(Are you going to let her talk to you like that? )摩西:你在埃及王子的面前,应该表现出适当的尊重!(You will show the proper respect for a prince of Egypt.)西玻拉:难道我现在表现得还不够尊重吗?走开!(But I am showing you all the respe
30、ct you deserve. None! )西玻拉挣脱牵在何泰手中的绳索,卫兵提刀上前摩西:对卫兵不,等等!扑上前抓住绳索不要动!(No, wait! Be still! )西玻拉:快把绳子解开!我命名你放开我!挣扎(Untie this rope! I demand you set me free! )摩西:不要动!(Be still! )西玻拉:让我走!(Let go! )摩西:哦是你说的!(Oh, as you wish. )摩西松开手,西玻拉向后倒下掉在水池里摩西:呵呵呵(Haha. )雷明斯:哈哈哈哈!来人!带她去清洗干净,然后再把她送到摩西王子的寝宫里。挽住摩西转身父王,如果您不
31、反对的话,我上任之后的第一件事,就是指派摩西,成为埃及境内皇室建筑的总掌司!取下戒指带在摩西手上(Haha. You there! Have her dried off, and send to Prince Moses chambers. If it pleases you, Father, my first act as regent is to appoint Moses as royal chief architect! )深夜,摩西回到寝宫,拉开床帘后发现一个侍从被绑住,另外有一根绳索一头绑在柱子上,另一头搭在窗外。摩西向窗下望去,看到西玻拉牵着骆驼试图逃跑。摩西顺绳索滑到地面,发现
32、西玻拉即将被巡逻的守卫看到摩西:守卫!(Guards! )守卫:转身摩西王子!跑近(Prince Moses! )西玻拉停下动作看着摩西摩西:呃我的寝宫里有个人被绑住了还不快去察!(Uh. Theres a-a man tied in my room. Well, look into it! )守卫:遵命殿下!跑下(Right away, sire. )摩西看着守卫跑远,回身继续跟踪西玻拉,一路来到希伯来奴隶的窟所。西玻拉、米利暗、亚伦在井边西玻拉:麻烦您给我一些水,我还有很长的路要走。(Please, I need water. I have a long journey ahead of
33、me. )米得暗:愿神保佑你。(May God protect you. )西玻拉:谢谢!(Thank you. )西玻拉乘骆驼远去,摩西走到井边看着西玻拉的背影。米利暗失手打破了水罐,弄湿了摩西的脚米利暗:哦!对不起,真的很对不起。请原谅,我我只是没想到会在这里看见你!认出摩西居然这么巧,就在就在家门口!呣,终于来了!(Oh, Im sorry. Im so sorry. I. Oh, please forgive me. I. I didnt expect to see. you. here, of all places, at-at-at our door. Mmm, at last!
34、)摩西:终于来了?(At last? )米利暗:抓着亚伦,冲动地我不是说过吗,亚伦?我不是说过吗?时候到了他自然会回来!(Didnt I tell you, Aaron? Didnt I tell you? I knew he would return to us when he was ready. )亚伦:低声米利暗,你会害了我们的。(Miriam, do you want us flogged? )米利暗:走向摩西我就知道你关心我们的自由。(I knew you cared about our freedom. )亚伦:米利暗。(Miriam. )摩西:轻佻地自由?我为什么要关心这些?(
35、Freedom? Why would I care about that? )米利暗:因为你是我们的弟弟啊!(Because youre. well, youre our brother. )摩西:什么?(What? )米利暗:他们叹息他们没告诉你吗?(Be. They never told you? )摩西:莫名其妙地笑谁啊?告诉我什么?(Who nevr told me what? )米利暗:可是你人这在里!上前牵摩西的手你一定知道的!(But youre here! You must know! )摩西:躲避注意身分!奴隶!(Be careful, slave! )亚伦:拖住米利暗啊呃王
36、子殿下,她是因为白天的工作太累了。呃我不是说工作太多,我们非常乐在其中,不过她脑筋不清楚,不知道自己在跟谁说话。(Oh, my good prince. Um, shes-shes exhausted from the days work. Uh, not that it was too much. We-we quite enjoyed it. But-but shes confused and knows not to whom she speaks. )米利暗:挣脱我很清楚我在跟谁说话,亚伦!对摩西我知道你是谁!你并不是什么埃及王子!(I know to whom I speak, Aa
37、ron! I know who you are. You are not a prince of Egypt. )亚伦:米利暗!(Miriam! )摩西:你说什么?(What did you say? )亚伦:上前王子殿下,请别在意!拖走米利暗走吧,米利暗。我想跟你商量点事儿!(Your Highness, pay her no heed. Come, Miriam, may I discuss something with you? )米利暗:挣脱放手,亚伦!不,摩西!你一定要相信我!(No, Aaron. No! Please, Moses, you must believe! )亚伦:向
38、后拖够了!(Thats enough! )米利暗:你是我们的母亲约基别生的!(You were born of my mother, Yocheved. )亚伦:不要再说了!(Stop it! )米利暗:你是我们的亲兄弟!(You are our brother! )摩西:你越说越离谱!你得接受惩罚!(Now you go too far! You shall be punished! )亚伦:挡在二人中间向摩西跪下不!求求你!呃王子殿下!她病了!病得很严重!求你原谅我们!起身脱走米利暗好了,米利暗,别说了!(No! Please, uh, Your Highness! Shes ill, s
39、hes very ill. We beg your forgiveness. Please, Miriam, let us go. )米利暗:不!亚伦!对摩西母亲把你放在篮子里随着河飘走才救了你一命啊!(No, Aaron. Our mother set you adrift in a basket to save your life! )摩西:救了我一命?谁要杀我?(Save my life? From whom? )米利暗:回去问那个你称他做父亲的人!(Ask the man that you call father! )摩西:怒你竟敢无礼!(How dare you! )米利暗:神拯救你
40、并派你来引领我们!(God saved you to be our deliverer. )摩西:不要再说了!(Enough of this. )米利暗:就是你啊摩西!你就是引领者!(And you are, Moses. You are the deliverer. )摩西:够了!别说了!抓住米利暗将她摔在地上你会懊悔今晚说过这些话!转身欲离去(I said enough! You will regret this night! )米利暗:唱静静地睡吧,别哭,我的爱。随河流摇摆而去。睡吧,请记得妈妈的呢喃。我在梦中与你相聚。(Hush now, my baby. Be still, love
41、, dont cry. Sleep as youre rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember my last lullaby. So Ill be with you when you dream. )摩西回头,似乎想起了什么,又仿佛害怕什么一般,转头逃走。路上摩西撞倒一位老者老人:惊恐地Huh-huh. 路人:Did you see him? Its Moses! 摩西爬起身一路跑进王宫摩西:唱月光般的雪白,那曾经是我爱的所有,我爱恋的一切。(Gleaming in the moonlight. Cool and clean and all Ive e
42、ver known, all I ever wanted. )香馨弥漫之间,彩石筑成华美的皇宫,我爱恋的一切。(Sweet perfumes of incense, and graceful rooms of alabaster stone, all I ever wanted. )这不是梦,这是父亲母亲哥哥,尊贵的皇宫。(This is my home, with my father mother brother, oh so noble, oh so strong. )这不是梦,这是我的所有,我的家庭和恩宠。(Now I am home, here among my trappings a
43、nd belongings I belong. )别用你扭曲的谎话,改变我的所有。(And if anybody doubts it, they couldnt be more wrong. )我是尊贵的埃及王子,继承骄傲的历史荣耀,荣耀归于我。(I am a sovereign prince of Egypt, a son of the proud history thats shown, etched on every wall. )这里就是我爱恋的一切,我爱恋的一切,我爱恋的一切(Surely this is all I ever wanted, all I ever wanted, a
44、ll I ever wanted. )摩西在梦中见到了十几年前的一幕,西台下令杀掉所有希伯来人的婴儿,约基别将婴儿放进篮子顺水漂走身后一群士兵追杀而至摩西从噩梦中惊醒,执火把来到宫殿深处,在壁画上看到梦中的情形,无数婴儿被投给鳄鱼为食。摩西绝望地跪倒在地上。西台走近,将手放在摩西肩上西台:希伯来人繁衍得太快了他们也许会群起叛乱(The Hebrews grew too numerous. They might have risen against us. )摩西:哀求地告诉我你没有那么做(Father, tell me you didnt do this. )西台:摩西有的时候,为了大局着想,
45、适当的牺牲是无可防止的。(Moses, sometimes, for the greater good, sacrifices must be made. )摩西:手抚摸壁画上的婴儿适当的牺牲?(Sacrifices? )西台:抱住摩西哦,孩子,他们只不过是些奴隶。(Oh, my son. They were only slaves. )摩西惊恐地看着西台,挣脱他的怀抱后跑远宫内,河边,摩西坐在台阶上看着河水,王后走近王后:摩西(Moses. )摩西:你就是在这儿捡到我的?(Is this where you found me? )王后:摩西请你试着去了解(Moses, please try
46、to understand. )摩西:原来,我所知道的一切,所拥有的一切都是谎话。(So, so, everything I thought, everything I am, is a lie. )王后:抱住摩西的头不!你是我们的儿子!我们爱你!(No! You are our son, and we love you. )摩西:你们为什么选择我?(Why did you choose me? )王后:不是我们选的,是众神的旨意。(We didnt, Moses, the Gods did. )唱这是你的地方,随着神的河流,带你来到这家园,神的恩宠。(This is your home, m
47、y son. Here the river brought you, and its here the river meant to be your home. )该心怀满足而忘记河的另一边。(Now you know the truth, love, now forget and be content. )面对它安排的命运,不要再疑心埋怨。(When the Gods send you a blessing, you dont ask why it was sent. )摩西将头埋进王后怀里神庙的建筑区,雷明斯将数卷图纸放在案几上雷明斯:昨天晚上,众神赐予我一个先见。我不仅要重新整修这座寺庙
48、,我还要让这座寺庙成为埃及境内最伟大壮观的寺庙。甚至千年之后,人们将声渐小(Last night, the gods granted me a vision. Im not merely going to restore this temple, I will make it more grand, more splendid than any other one in Egypt. )摩西一路走近,看着希伯来奴隶们做着种种苦力活雷明斯:揽住摩西的双肩摩西!你看!没想到当初我们小小的无心之过,竟然演变成今天立功的时机!我们两人有这样的成就,父王一定会很快乐的!(Moses! Look! Fat
49、e has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity. Father will be pleased. )摩西听到身后高台上,一个监工对年老奴隶怒吼的声音监工:好!站起来!告诉你用力一点!听到没有?快点!(Put your back into it! Faster! )摩西看到离监工不远处,米利暗和亚伦看着两人雷明斯:兴致不减地这只不过是刚刚开始。这道大门后面,将会是一座比太阳还要耀眼的全新白色之城。这里呢,是神像。(This is just the beginning. A gateway will open to an
50、entire new city of white limestone, more dazzling than the sun. And here, a statue of Hapi. )监工:我叫你快一点!鞭笞奴隶(I said hurry! )雷明斯:石像两侧再加两个大门柱(Two great column halls. )摩西回头看向高台上米利暗:住手!谁快叫他住手啊!(Stop it! Somebodys got to stop this! )亚伦:拉住米利暗我们根本帮不上忙!(Theres nothing we can do. )鞭打声,奴隶的惨叫声不断传进摩西的耳朵摩西:住手声渐大住
51、手!住手!不准你鞭打他!向监工跑去(Stop it. Stop. Stop it! Leave that man alone! )雷明斯:回头,惊讶地摩西?(Moses? )摩西将监工推开,监工从高台摔下,众人聚拢,另一名监工驱散人群监工:滚开!全部滚开!滚开!看着地上的尸体,回头谁干的好事?!(Out of my way. Out of my way. Move! Who did this? )众人:指摩西在上面!就是他!在那里!(Up there! Its him! Up there! )摩西望着下面不停喘息,回头跑开米利暗:拖住摩西!(Moses! )摩西:挣脱,向下面跑雷明斯:拦住摩西
52、,怎么回事?被摩西推开摩西!(Moses, whats going on? Moses! )摩西一路跑远,雷明斯驾马车追上来拦住去路雷明斯:摩西!摩西!(Moses! Moses! )摩西:让我走!(Let me go! )雷明斯:不!等一等!(No! Wait! )摩西:你也看到了!我刚刚杀了一个人!(You saw what happened. I just killed a man! )雷明斯:我知道该怎么处理我我可以让它像没发生过一样!(We can take care of that. I will make it so it never happened. )摩西:你怎么做,都改变
53、不了我杀人的事实!(Nothing you can say can change what Ive done. )雷明斯:我就是埃及!掌管日与夜的伟大之神!我说白天是黑夜,它就是黑夜!反正一切都会照我所说的。拦住摩西而我说,你是,无辜的!(I am Egypt, the morning and the evening star. If I say day is night, it will be written, and you will be what I say you are. I say you are innocent. )摩西:推开不管你怎么说,都不重要!你不会了解的!我不能再待在
54、这里了!(What you say does not matter. You dont understand. I cant stay here any longer. )雷明斯:摩西!(Moses! )摩西:够了!原来我相信的一切,都是谎话。喘息我不再是我了(No! All Ive ever known to be true is a lie. Im not who you think I am. )雷明斯:你到底在说什么?(What are you talking about? )摩西:去问那个我曾经称他做父亲的人吧!转身走开(Go ask the man I once called fa
55、ther. )雷明斯:摩西!见摩西转身,哀求地别走(Moses! Please. )摩西:再见,哥哥走远(Goodbye, brother. )雷明斯:呐喊摩西!摩西!(Moses! Moses! )摩西走过沙漠、山谷日出、日落。烈日下,摩西被绊倒,他愤怒地脱下鞋子扔掉,又脱下身上的饰物扔掉,摘下手上的戒指欲扔,凝视片刻后又套回手指上。沙暴起,摩西张开臂膀感受风的力量沙暴停了,一只骆驼将摩西从沙丘中拉起,摩西看到骆驼身上挂着水囊摩西:追上去抓着水囊哎有气无力等等等一下(Hey, wait. Please. )骆驼将摩西牵到水池帝,摩西畅饮后听到小女孩的声音小女孩们:啊!你们要做什么!放手!让我
56、们的羊喝水!救命啊!走开!走开啦!(Ah! What are you doing! Help! Let our sheep drink! Let us alone! Get away! )两个男人正和三个小女孩争夺一口井。摩西解下系着两人骆驼的绳索摩西:哎!你们两个!这是你们的骆驼吗?(Hey, you! Arent these your camels? )两个男人:呃(Ah!)摩西:拍骆驼屁股驾!两只骆驼跑远(Hut-hut!)两个男人:啊!追回来啊回来啊!不要跑!回来!(No, no! No, no! Wait! Wait, stop! )三个女孩惊讶地看着摩西,摩西精疲力尽地拄着井沿,井
57、沿塌了,摩西掉进井里摩西:哇哦(Whoa! )三个女孩用绳子拉摩西上来,西玻拉走近西玻拉:你们几个在做什么?(What are you girls doing? )小女儿:我们要从井里救出一个滑稽的人!(Were trying to get the funny man out of the well. )西玻拉:你们要从井里救出一个滑稽的人?哈,这种事我还是头一次听说呢!(Try to get the funny man out of the well. Well, thats one Ive never heard before. )摩西:哇哦!(Whoa! )西玻拉:听到声音吃一惊哦天哪!
58、呃下面的人别担忧!我们会救你的!抓紧哦!(Oh, my.Oh, uh, dont worry down there! Uh,well get you out. Hold on! )摩西被拉上来,西玻拉认出摩西西玻拉:是你?(You. )摩西:嗯?傻笑(Huh? )西玻拉:放手摩西:再次坠井哇哦!(Whoa! )西玻拉:得意向下面看了一眼嗯哼!悠然走开(Mm-hmm!)二女儿:所以爸爸才说,她永远嫁不出去!(Thats why Papa says shell never get married. )帐篷内,一群老妇人给摩西清洗摩西:窘迫不用了,真的,拜托,真的,我真的不需要。哦,别刷那里,不要,
59、好痒哦!我全身被你们刷遍了!哦!我错了。(You dont have to do this, ladies. Please, Im really.Im really quite.No, not there, please. That tickles. Ladies, youve cleaned every inch of me. Whoa, I-Im wrong. )叶忒罗:对四个女儿让我过去!让我过去!我要看看他!对摩西啊!欢送欢送欢送!抱起摩西后放下你可是我们米甸族的贵客!你的到来,就如同神的恩典。解下外衣给摩西披上今天晚上,你就是本族的贵客!哈哈哈哈哈下(Let me through,
60、let me through. I want to see him. Ah! You are most welcome! You should not be a stranger in this land. You have been sent as a blessing. Tonight, you shall be my honored guest. Hahaha. )西玻拉:他是我父亲叶忒罗,米甸族的总祭司。(My father, Jethro, High Priest of Midian. )夜晚,摩西来到帐外,人们围坐在篝火旁小女儿:拉来!跟我坐!(Psst! Sit with me!
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