1、unit 1Can you swim?你会游泳吗?Yes, I can. No, I can t.是的,我会。不,我不会。What can you do?你会做什么?I can dance. I can t sing.我会跳舞。我不会唱歌。What club do you want to join?你想加入什么俱乐部?We want to join the chess club.我们想加入象棋俱乐部。 unit 2What time do you go to school?你几点去上学?What time do you usually take a shower, Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟
2、淋浴? 一I usually take a shower at six forty.我通常六点四十淋浴。 When do you go to work?你什么时候去上班?-At eleven o clock, so T m never late for work.十一点,我上班从来没有迟到过。-What time do they get dressed?他们几点钟穿上衣服?一 They always get dressed at seven twenty.他们总是七点二十穿上衣服。What time does your best friend go to school?你最好的朋友几点去上学?
3、一When do students usually eat dinner?学生们通常几点钟吃晚饭?一 They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.他们通常晚上六点四十五吃晚饭。When I get home. I always do my homework first.我到家后,总是先做家庭作业。In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。unit 3一Hey, Dave, How do you get to s
4、chool?喂,戴夫,你是如何到校的?一I walk. How about you, Sally?我是步行到校的。萨丽,你呢?I ride my bike.我是骑自行车到校的。I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school?一一我每天骑自行车上学。你怎么到达学校?一 I usually take the bus.我通常乘公交车上学.How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远? How long does it take you to get to school?你到学校要用多长
5、时间?-About 15 minutes by bike.骑自行车大约十五分钟。一Well, have a good day at school.祝你在学校度过愉快的一天。一You, too.你也是。For many students, it is easy to get to school.对于许多学生来讲,上学是挺方便的。There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校与村庄之间有一条大河。There is no bridge and the river runs the quickly for bo
6、ats.(河上)没有桥梁,而且河水湍急,不宜小船摆渡。unit 4Don teat in class.在课堂上不准吃东西。Don t arrive late for class. You must be on time.不准上课迟到,务必守时。Dont t run is the hallways.不准在走廊内乱跑。Don t eat in the classroom. You must in the dining hall.不准在教室里吃东西,务必在餐厅里吃东西。Don t listen to music in class.不准在课堂上听音乐。-Can we listen to music,
7、Cindy?我们可以听音乐吗,辛迪?一We can t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.我们不可以在走廊里听音乐,但在外面可以听。一Can we bring music players to school?我们可以把音乐播放器带到学校吗?一 No, we can t. And we always have to wear the school uniform.一一不行,而且我们总是要穿着校服。一 Does he have to wear a uniform at school?他在学校一定要穿校服
8、吗?一Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt.是的,必须要穿校服。/不,不必要穿校服。Get up now and make your bed.现在起床了,把床铺整理一下。Don t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!别把脏碗留在厨房里。 unit 5Let s see the pandas first. They re my favorite animals.一一咱们先看熊猫吧,我最喜欢熊猫了。Why?为什么?一Because they re very cute.因为它们非常可爱。Why do you want to see the
9、m?你为什么想看它们?He can walk on two legs.他(指狗)会立着行。一Why don? t you like the cat?你为什么不喜欢这猫?一Well, because she s kind of boring. She sleeps all day.因为她有点儿令人乏味,并且整天都在睡觉。一Why dont you like tigers?你为何不喜欢老虎?一Because theyre really scary.因为它们确实可怕。一Where are lions from?狮子来自什么地方?一Theyre from South Africa.他们来自南非。But
10、 I like tigers a lot.但我非常喜欢老虎。Our first flag had a white elephant on it.我们的第一面国旗上就绘着一头白象!People say that an elephant never forgets. ”人们说大象从来不会忘记。Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.大象能够长时间行走,而且不迷路。But elephants are in great danger.但是大象面临巨大的危险。We must save the trees and not buy thin
11、gs made of ivory.我们必须拯救树木,拒买象牙制品。unit 6一 What are they doing?他们在干什么?一They, re listening to a CD.他们在听光碟。That sounds good.那听起来挺不错的。Not much, Im just washing my clothes. What about you?没忙什么,只是在洗衣服。你呢?Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents arent at home. We can eat out. 你愿意和我一块吃晚饭吗?我爸妈不在家,我们可以下馆子
12、吃饭。-Are you doing your homework.你在做家庭作业吗?Yes, I am/No, T mnot. I m cleaning my room.一一是的,我在做家庭作业。/不,我在清扫房间Are they using the computer?他们在使用电脑吗?Yes, they are/No, they aren t. Theyre exercising.是的,他们在使用电脑。/不,他们在锻炼。Why are Zhu Hui* s family watching boat races and making zongzi?为何朱辉全家看划船比赛并且包粽子呢?So it,
13、 s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.所以对朱辉和他的房东家人来说,今晚和平时的晚上是一样的。10. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.朱辉非常想家并盼望着能吃到到妈妈包的美味粽子unit 7.上海的天气如何? Hows the weather in Shanghai?.一一喂,我是里克。一一里克你好,我是史蒂夫。近来可好?Hello, Rick speaking.一Hi, Rick. Its Steve. How
14、s it going?.听起来你玩得好开心。Sounds like youre having a good time.他正在朋友家学习。Hes studying at his friend , s home.要我给他捎个话吗? Can I take a message for him?.你能否叫他给我回个 ? Could you just tell him to call me back?.我正在加拿大看望我的姑姑,我玩得很开心。Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.我正在学习英语,而且学了很多东西。Im studying Engl
15、ish and Im learning a lot.我很高兴再次见到他们。Im so happy to see them again.现在是下午,我正坐在游泳池旁边喝着橙汁。Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.你暑假过得怎么样? Hows your summer vacation going?.你正在刻苦学习还是在高兴地玩耍?Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?.我和我的家人在山里度假。My family and I ar
16、e on a vacation in the mountains.我想给你打 ,但 坏了,所以我就给你写明信片了。I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you.unit8.这附近有一个邮局吗? Is there a post office around/near here?.付费 在图书馆的对面。The pay phone is across from the library.付费 在邮局和图书馆之间。The pay phone is between the post office and the libr
17、ary.付费 在图书馆的前面。The pay phone is in front of the library.需要我帮助吗? How can I help you?.它离这里不太远。Its not too far from here.这附近有饭店吗? Are there any restaurants near here?.我喜欢看猴子四处攀爬。I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.它们看起来像我和我的朋友们打闹时一样! They look like my friends and me when we fight.要去公园,你只需要穿过中心大
18、街。To get to the park, you just have to cross Center Street.IL在我家和一家服装店之间有一个邮局。There is a post office between my house and a clothes store.那里很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.当我读书时,时间过得很快! When I read books, time goes quickly!.你可以很容易到达图书馆。You can get to the library easily.沿着北路走,
19、然后向左拐。它在公园的对面。Just go down North Road and turn left. It is across from the park.unit 9.他长什么样?一一他确实很高。What does he look like?He is really tall.今晚你要去看电影吗? Are you going to the movie tonight?.对,但是我可能晚一点。Yeah, but I may be a little late.先在电影院前面与他见面吧。Just meet him in front of the cinema first.哦,他留着棕色头发,戴
20、着眼镜。Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses.他长得高还是矮?一一他不高不矮。他中等身高。Is he tall or short? He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height.他留着棕色的短卷发。He has short curly brown hair.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样。They tell him what the criminal looks like.然后,乔画出罪犯的肖像,警察把它放在报纸上和电视上寻找此人。Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal,
21、and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述得不一样。 Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.而且,他们并不总是记得牢靠。Also, they dont always remember well.unitlO.您需要什么?我还没想好。一What would you like?Im not sure
22、 yet.可以为您点菜了吗? May I take your order?.牛肉汤里有蔬菜吗? Are there any vegetables in the beef soup?.你想要多大碗的?一一我想要一大碗。What size would you like?Id like a large bowl.我们也想要宫保鸡丁和麻婆豆腐外带米饭。Wed also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice.人们在过生日时喜欢吃什么? What would people like to eat on their birthday?.在很多国家
23、,人们吃插着蜡烛的生日蛋糕。In many countries, people have birthday cakes with candles.蜡烛的数目是过生 Fl 的人的年龄。The number of candles is the persons age.过生日的人必须许愿,然后吹灭蜡烛。The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.如果他(她)一口气把蜡烛全部吹灭的话,许的愿望便会成真。If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish wi
24、ll come true.在中国,过生日吃蛋糕变得流行起来。In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.他们从来不切断面条,因为长长的面条是长寿的象征。They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.它们是生命和好运的象征。They are a symbol of life and good luck.unit 11.你上周的学校旅行怎么样?一一精彩极了。How was your school trip
25、 last week? It was excellent.卡萝尔学了许多农事。Carol learned a lot about farming.这位农场主带着卡萝尔参观了农场。The farmer showed Carol around the farm.从十二月到六月农夫们种植草莓。The farmers grow strawberries from December to June.卡萝尔摘了一些草莓并把它们带回了家。Carol picked some strawberries and took them home.我探望 了乡下的祖父母。I visited my grandparent
26、s in the countryside.那儿的天气怎么样? How was the weather there?.沿途我们看到 了一些农场和村庄。We saw some farms and villages along the way.在博物馆,我了解了很多有关机器人的事情。At the museum, I learned a lot about robots.我以前并不知道它们能和我们一起下国际象棋。I didnt know they could play chess with us.然后导游教我们如何制作机潜入模型。Then the guide taught us how to make
27、 a model robot.总之,这是令人兴奋的一天。All in all, it was an exciting day.所有的东西都是关于机器人的,我对那并不感兴趣。Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that.礼品店里的东西很贵。The things in the gift shop were so expensive.我一点都不喜欢这次行程。I didnt like the trip at all.unit 12.一一你上个周末做了什么? 一一周六上午我打羽毛球了。-What did you do last weekend? 一On Saturday morning. I played badminton.我在自然历史博物馆当导游了。I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.他们有一间蝴蝶室,里面有200多种蝴蝶!They have a but
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