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1、关于虚拟语气之引导的虚拟条件句第一张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If第二张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If I _a swan(天鹅), Id be gone.If I _ a train, Id be late.And if I _ a good man,Id talk with youmore often than I do. If I _ to sleep, I _ _. If I _ afraid, I _ _. If I go insane, please dont put your wires in my brain.第三张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022

2、年6月If I _the moon, Id be cool.If I _ a rule, I _ _.If I _ a good man, Id understandthe spaces between friends.If I _ alone, I _ _.and if I _ with you, Id be home and dry.and if I go insane,Will you still let me join in with the game?第四张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If I _a swan(天鹅), Id be gone.If I _ a train,

3、 Id be late.And if I _ a good man,Id talk with youmore often than I do. If I _ to sleep, I _ _. If I _ afraid, I _ _. If I go insane, please dont put your wires in my brain.werewerewerewerewerecouldcoulddreamhide第五张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If I _the moon, Id be cool.If I _ a rule, I would bend.If I _ a g

4、ood man, Id understandthe spaces between friends.If I _ alone, I _ _.and if I _ with you, Id be home and dry.and if I go insane,Will you still let me join in with the game?werewerewerewerewerewouldcryQustions:Is he a swan?Is he a train?Is he the moon?No,he isnt.第六张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月虚拟语气 Subjunctiv

5、e Mood在表示一种纯属假设的情况或主观愿望时(情况与事实相反或者不太可能成为事实),动词需用一种特殊形式-虚拟语气-if条件句中的虚拟语气(虚拟条件句)第七张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If I _two rabbits yesterday, I _another big meal. (get,have)had got could have had表示过去情况的虚拟第八张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月卖火柴的小女孩If I _a match today, I _home now.(sell,go)soldcould go表示现在情况的虚拟第九张,PPT共二十九页,创作

6、于2022年6月If I _a human being tomorrow, I _the happiest girl in the world.(become,be)should become/were to become/becamewould be美人鱼的故事表示将来情况的虚拟第十张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If Jackie Chan _ as tall as Yao Ming, he _basketball in NBA. (be, play )werewould play表示现在情况的虚拟第十一张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If the God _me an

7、other chance,I_ the girl : I love you! (give,tell)should give/were to give/gavewould tell表示将来情况的虚拟第十二张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If the God _me another chance,I_ the girl : I love you!If Jackie Chan _ as tall as Yao Ming, he _basketball in NBA.If I _a human being tomorrow, I _the happiest girl in the world

8、.If I _a match today, I _home now.If I _two rabbits yesterday, I _another big meal.should give/were to give/gavewould tellhad got could have hadwerewould playshould becomewould besoldcould go第十三张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月时 间 If 条件从句主 句were/V-edWould/should/might/could) + have donehad donev-edshould do wer

9、e to dowould (sh/m/c) + dowould (sh/m/c.) + do过去现在将来虚拟语气在条件句中的基本情况归纳:第十四张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月Lets put it into use.- A conversation about a love story TomPeter第十五张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月Tom: Hi, Peter. Why do you look upset. Whats wrong?Peter: Jane refused to marry me.If she _ (accept ) me yesterday, I

10、_(be) the happiest man.Tom: Cheer up, Peter! If I _ (be) you, I _(send ) her another bunch of roses right now.Peter: Oh, yes! Thats a good idea!Tom: May you succeed!Peter: Oh, Jane, please marry me!If you _ _(marry)me tomorrow, you _(do) what you like.had acceptedwould have beenwere would sendshould

11、 marrycould do /were to marry/married第十六张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月If he had not stayed up last night, he would not be so sleepy now.Last nightToday如果他昨晚没有熬夜,他现在就不会如此疲倦。(stay up) if条件句中虚拟的特殊情况:从句说的是过去,主句说的是现在第十七张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月(1)错综虚拟句:当虚拟条件句所表示的与主句表示的时间不一致时,主从句根据各自所发生的时间选用虚拟语气形式。 If you had taken my

12、 advice yesterday, you would be much better now.If I_(not have)an exam tomorrow morning, I_(go)shopping with you yesterday.If I _(work)hard in Senior High, I_(not be)a miserable teacher now. were not to have/should not have/didnt have would have gonehad workedwouldnt be第十八张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月(2)虚拟条

13、件句的省略:if虚拟条件句中若含有were,had或should,可把if省掉,并把were,had或should提到句首。 If you had come earlier, you would have met him.Had you come earlier, you would have met him. If you were to fall ill, I would be worried.Were you to fall ill, I would be worried. If you should need anything, you could call me.Should you

14、 need anything , you could call me.第十九张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月 If I were Tom, I would refuse.Were I Tom, I would refuse. If she should be interested,I will phone her.Should she be interested,I will phone her. If I had known you were coming,I would have met you at the airport.Had I known you were coming

15、,I would have met you at the airport.第二十张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月Without water(看作条件从句), we could not live(看作主句).If there were no water, we could not live. Without /but for your help, I would have failed.If you had not helped me, I would have failed. My parents lent me money.Otherwise, I could not afford

16、 the trip.If my parents hadnt lent me money,I could notafford the trip. I rushed out in time, or I would have been buried in the ruins.If I hadnt rushed out in time, I would have beenburied in the ruins.(3)含蓄虚拟句:有些假设的条件不通过条件从句表现出来,而是暗含在上下文或with, without; or,otherwise,but for等引出的短语中。第二十一张,PPT共二十九页,创作


18、utIdidntknowthattheywerewaitingforme.A.hadcome B.wascomingC.wouldcome D.wouldhavecome第二十四张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月8.(2011江苏卷,34)Ileftmyhandbagonthetrain,butluckilysomeonegaveittoarailwayofficial.Howunbelievabletogetitback!Imean,someone_it.A.willhavestolenB.mighthavestolenC.shouldhavestolenD.musthavestolen第二十五张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月(2012浙江)Hadtheyknownwhatwascomingnext,they_secondthoughts.A.mayhaveB.couldhaveC.musthavehadD.mighthavehad第二十六张,PPT共二十九页,创作于2022年6月(2016年江苏卷)27.Ifit_forhisinvitationtheotherda


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