1、In order to ensurenormal teachi ng or der,protecting students healthy growth,ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize theoccurre nceof safety accidents, follow the prevent, rescue eachother, ensuresafety and reduce losses princi ple, according to the loca l conditions, m
2、ake the management system. 1, the princi pal is the res ponsibility of school safety,school security under the leadershipof President security work leading group.Thehead teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, impl ementation of the accountability system.nvassi2, school monthly student kn
3、owledge about safety education, education shouldngthe ning teabe diversified in the form every safety education for stude nts of classe s per we ek should be targeted. To carryon emerge ncy iSchool stude nts report majoraccide nt within a n hourof education; student run and disappearance s to report
4、; reportof the a ccident to a written report in triplicate, a correctionalce ntre, a police station, a township peopl es Government shall not conceal the accident. 4week, teachers areon duty system, establish and improvethe leadership values; strengthen t he education, management of teachingactiviti
5、esin school s to ensure normal teachingorder; responsible for schoolsafety leadership always maintained cl ose contact anddistrict policestations, cang support from the policestationon school safety and help. 5, strechers moral education, establish a dedicate d love, improving education quality,obse
6、rve theparticipate in the celebrations, as well a s participating in ot her socialwork,without approvalof the CorrectionalCentre, school principals consent, withoutorganization. Without theapproval of relevant departments, mayorganizestudents toparticipate in fire fighting, disasterrelief and soon.
7、7, schools shouldeducate stude nts toobey the school rules a nd regulations,on time,on timehome t o prevent ac cidents. 8, school toschool inspectionson a regular basis, found hidden i n time, and insevere cases, it is hard toeliminate immediatelyclosed,and reported to the localpeoplesGovernment, ed
8、ucati on, and ruleof law se ction. 9, the schoolshould alwayscheck the internal walls, retaining walls,ponds, railings,handrails,doors,Windows, stairreliable. Song Li n Xiang Li u Jia ping elementary school March 2016 songLin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safe
9、ty,protectionof public property and the life andproperty safety of teachers and stude nts, school fire safety intoday -to-day management, isdeveloping the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whol e school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, s
10、o that everyone has of keeping fire control safety,protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire永康市精益建设工程有限公司绩效考核制度第一章总则第一条、公司员工绩效考核目的。1、通过对员工在一定时期内担当职务工作所表现出来的能力、努力程度以及工作实绩进行分析,做出客观评价,把握员工工作执行和适应情况,确定人才开发的方针政策及教育培训方向,合理配置人员,明确员工工作的导向;2、保障组织有效运行;3、给与员工与其贡献相应的激励以及公正合理的待遇,以促进公司管
11、理的公正和民主,激发员工工作热情和提高工作效率。第二条、绩效考核用途。 人员绩效考核的评定结果主要有以下几方面用途:1、合理调整和配置人员;2、职务升降;3、提薪、奖励;4、教育培训、自我开发。第三条、绩效考核原则1、以绩效为导向原则;2、定性与定量绩效考核相结合原则;3、公平、公正、公开原则;4、多角度绩效考核原则。第二章绩效考核对象与绩效考核周期第一条 公司全体员工(除总经理)均参加绩效考核。第二条 绩效考核分为月度绩效考核、季度绩效考核、年度绩效考核和项目绩效考核。.In or der to ensure normal teaching order, protecting stude n
12、ts healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, topreventor minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses pri nciple, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the pri nci pal is t he resp
13、onsibility of schoolsafety, school security under theleadership of Presidentsecurity work leading gr oup. The head teacher to the leadershi p team is responsible for, implementationof the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge aboutsafety education, educaton shouldbe diversified
14、in the form every safety education for studentsof classes per week shouldbe targeted.o carry on emergency issuesdeali ng with education in General,self-help and mutual rescue knowledge.Emergencycalls (such as 110,School stude nts report major accident within an hourof education;student run anddisa p
15、pe arances to report ; report of theaccide nt to awritten report i n triplicate, acorre ctional centre, apolicestation, a townshippeoples Governmentshall notconcea l the acci dent. 4 week , teachers are on duty system, establish and improvethe leadership values; strengthen the education, management
16、of tea ching activities in schools to ensurenormal teaching or der; responsible forschool safety leadership always maintainedclose contact and di strictpoli ce stations, canvassingsupport from thepolicestation on school safety and help. 5,strengtheningteachers moraleducation, establish adedicated l
17、ove, improving education quality, observe the st udeparticipate in thecelebrations, as well as participating in othersocial work,without approval of theCorrectional Ce ntre, school princi palsconsent, without organization.Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to partici
18、pate in fire fighting, disaster relief and soon.7, sch ools should educate students to obey theschool rules and regulations,on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school toschool inspections on a regular basis, found hidde n in time, and insevere cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately cl
19、ose d, and reported to the local peoples Gover nment, education, and ruleof law section. 9, the schoolshoul d always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails,doors,Window s, staircases a nd a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety,
20、infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair anddemoliti on toensure that teachers a nd stSong Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety,protection of public pr operty a nd the life and
21、propertysafety of teachers and st udents, school fire safety intoday-to-day management, isdeveloping the following fire safety system. 1, strengthe n fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirementsof the Fire Services Act,so that everyonehas of keeping fire control safety,pr
22、otecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, re portsof fire月度绩效考核:月度绩效考核的主要内容是本月的工作业绩。月度绩效考核结果与工资直接挂钩。(注:只有项目部进行月度绩效考核。 )季度绩效考核:季度绩效考核的主要内容是本季度的工作业绩、工作能力和工作态度。季度绩效考核结果与下一季度的月浮动工资直接挂钩。 第四季度直接进行年度绩效考核。公司本部职能人员、技术人员、管理人员(高层管理者除外)进行季度绩效考核。年度绩效考核:年度绩效考核的主要内容是本年度的工作业绩、工作能力和工作态度,进行全面综合绩效考核, 年度绩效考核作为
23、晋升、淘汰、评聘以及计算年终奖励、培训的依据。除项目部外,公司所有员工均进行年度绩效考核。项目绩效考核:项目绩效考核的主要内容是项目周期的工作业绩、工作能力和工作态度,进行全面综合绩效考核。项目绩效考核作为晋升、淘汰、评聘以及计算项目结束奖、培训的依据。项目部所有人员均进行项目绩效考核。(注:如果项目周期未超过一年半,则只进行月度绩效考核和项目绩效考核;如果项目超过一年半以上且项目启动时间为当年上半年内,则项目需要进行月度绩效考核、年度绩效考核和项目绩效考核。 )第三章绩效考核机构、绩效考核时间与绩效考核程序第一条绩效考核机构: 公司成立绩效考核委员会( 非正式常设机构 ) 作为绩效考核工作领
24、导机构,绩效考核委员会构成:组长:总经理副组长:副总经理、总工程师成员:各部门经理(含副职) 、行政人事专员第二条绩效考核时间:月度绩效考核于次月初五日内完成;季度绩效考核于次月初十日内完成;年绩效考核于次年一月二十日前完成。.In order to ensure normal teachingorder, protecting stude nts healthy growth, ensuring thatnational (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accide nts, fo
25、llow the prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses princi ple, a ccording to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of Presidentsecurity work leading group. The head teacher to
26、the leadershi p team is responsible for, implementationof the accountability system. 2, school monthly stude nt knowledge aboutsafety education, education should bediversified in the form every safety education for studentsof classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing
27、with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, andso on) usecommon sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system.School students report major accident within anhourof education; student run a nd disappearan
28、ces to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, acorre ctional centre, a policestation, a township pe oples Gover nment shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers areon dutysystem, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of tea
29、ching activities in schools to ensure normal teachingorder; responsible for school safety leadership always maintainedclose contact anddistrictpoli ce stations,canvassing support from the police station on school safety andhel p. 5, strengthening teachers moral education, establi sh a dedicated love
30、, improving education quality, observe the students psychologicalcha nges at any time and take preventive measures, nocor poral puni shme nt andcovert corporal punishmenton st ude nts, student out of the classroom, schools may not be.6, units or departmentsuse st ude nt Street propaganda orparticipa
31、te in thecelebrations, as well as participating in other social work,without approval of theCorrectional Centre, school princi palsconsent,without organization. Without the appr oval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and soon.7, schools s
32、hould educate stude nts to obey theschool rules and regulations,on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school toschool inspections on a regular basis, found hidde n in time, and insevere cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately close d, and reported to the local peoples Gover nment, educat
33、ion, and ruleof law section. 9, the schoolshould always check the inter nal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails,doors,Window s, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repai
34、r anddemolition to ensure that teachers and stSong Lin Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety,protection of public property a nd the life and propertysafety of teachers and stude nts, school fire safety i
35、ntoday-to-day management, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthe n fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirementsof the Fire Services Act,so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety,protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, re portso
36、f fire第三条 绩效考核程序: 相关绩效考核者对被绩效考核者提出绩效考核意见,人力资源部将绩效考核结果进行汇总,并报绩效考核委员会审批,由被绩效考核者的直接上级将审批后的绩效考核结果反馈给被绩效考核者,并就其绩效和进步状况进行讨论和指导。最后人力资源部将根据绩效考核结果归档,同时用于计算绩效工资。第四条月度绩效考核程序:被考核人员在规定时间内填写月度绩效考核表,其直接上级根据完成的工作量和违规扣减计算所得工资, 结果经上一级领导审查签字后报项目经理。第五条季度绩效考核程序:季度初制定季度目标计划。被绩效考核人于季度首月 5 日前,对照本岗位岗位说明书填写本岗位其相应的直接上级绩效考核评分表
37、中的固定指标部分。直接上级就季度主要工作任务、绩效考核标准、指标权重等项内容,与被绩效考核人进行面谈,共同讨论填写直接上级绩效考核评分表中重要任务部分,确定后,双方各持一份,作为本季度的工作指导和绩效考核依据。绩效考核双方每个月末就本季度计划进行一次回顾与沟通。计划执行过程中, 若出现重大计划调整,须重新填写其相应的 直接上级绩效考核评分表。直接上级须及时掌握计划执行情况,明确指出工作中的问题,提出改进建议。员工自评及述职:季度结束后,次季度首月三日前,被绩效考核人对照岗位说明书和其相应的直接上级绩效考核评分表 ,从工作业绩、工作能力、工作态度方面进行自我评价,填写直接上级绩效考核评分表中完成
38、情况部分,并与下一季度的直接上级绩效考核评分表一同交直接上级。评价:直接上级就工作绩效与被考核人面谈,共同商定任务目标完成情况,同时确定下一季度目标。直接上级对被考核人的工作业绩、工作能力、工作态度独立提出评价意.In or der to ensure normal teaching order, protecting stude nts healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, topreventor minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow th
39、e prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses pri nciple, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the pri nci pal is t he responsibility of schoolsafety, school security under theleadership of Presidentsecurity work leading gr oup. The head teacher to the le
40、adershi p team is responsible for, implementationof the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge aboutsafety education, educaton shouldbe diversified in the form every safety education for studentsof classes per week shouldbe targeted.o carry on emergency issuesdeali ng with educat
41、ion in General,self-help and mutual rescue knowledge.Emergencycalls (such as 110,School stude nts report major accident within an hourof education;student run anddisa ppe arances to report ; report of theaccide nt to awritten report i n triplicate, acorre ctional centre, apolicestation, a townshippe
42、oples Governmentshall notconcea l the acci dent. 4 week , teachers are on duty system, establish and improvethe leadership values; strengthen the education, management of tea ching activities in schools to ensurenormal teaching or der; responsible forschool safety leadership always maintainedclose c
43、ontact and di strictpoli ce stations, canvassingsupport from thepolicestation on school safety and help. 5,strengtheningteachers moraleducation, establish adedicated l ove, improving education quality, observe the st udeparticipate in thecelebrations, as well as participating in othersocial work,wit
44、hout approval of theCorrectional Ce ntre, school princi palsconsent, without organization.Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and soon.7, sch ools should educate students to obey theschool rules and regulations,on time,
45、 on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school toschool inspections on a regular basis, found hidde n in time, and insevere cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately close d, and reported to the local peoples Gover nment, education, and ruleof law section. 9, the schoolshoul d always check the inter
46、nal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails,doors,Window s, staircases a nd a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair anddemoliti on toensure that teachers a nd stSong Lin Xiang Liu Jia p
47、ing elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety,protection of public pr operty a nd the life and propertysafety of teachers and st udents, school fire safety intoday-to-day management, isdeveloping the following fire safety syste
48、m. 1, strengthe n fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirementsof the Fire Services Act,so that everyonehas of keeping fire control safety,protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, re portsof fire见,在直接上级绩效考核评分表中填写考核评分部分内容。有同级和下级考核的人员,人力资源部组织其同级和下级的绩效考核主体提出评价意见。直
49、接上级对被考核人绩效考核得分进行汇总,拟定被考核者的综合评定等级,报被考核人隔级上级。被考核人隔级上级结合所管部门人员情况综合考虑等次分布,确定被考核人考核等次,报人力资源部。审核:绩效考核委员会对全部绩效考核结果进行审核。第六条 年度绩效考核程序:年度绩效考核程序同季度绩效考核程序。公司全体员工(总经理除外)均参加年度绩效考核,参加员工每年度首月十日前,制定本岗位绩效考核评分表中有关项目。年度绩效考核评定要求于下一年度首月十五日前完成, 并汇总到人力资源部。第七条 考核打分:考核打分表均分为 A、B、C、D 四级打分,对应关系如下:等级ABCD定义远超出目标达到目标接近目标远低于目标得分10
50、075500第八条 结果分级: 各类人员日常绩效考核及年终绩效考核打分结果换算为得分。直接上级根据结果提出考核等次。考核等次分为五级,分别是优、良、中、基本合格、不合格。隔级上级根据所管部门人员数综合考虑,确定考核等次。等级优良中基本合格不合格定义超越岗位常完全符合岗符合岗位基本符合岗不符合岗位规要求;并位常规要常规要求;位常规要常规要求,完全超过预求;全面达保质、保求,但有所不能达成工.In order to ensure normal teachingorder, protecting stude nts healthy growth, ensuring thatnational (pro
51、perty) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accide nts, follow the prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses princi ple, a ccording to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security
52、under the leadership of Presidentsecurity work leading group. The head teacher to the leadershi p team is responsible for, implementationof the accountability system. 2, school monthly stude nt knowledge aboutsafety education, education should bediversified in the form every safety education for stu
53、dentsof classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, andso on) usecommon sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system.School stud
54、ents report major accident within anhourof education; student run a nd disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, acorre ctional centre, a policestation, a township pe oples Gover nment shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers areon dutysystem, establ
55、ish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teachingorder; responsible for school safety leadership always maintainedclose contact anddistrictpoli ce stations,canvassing support from the police station on school safet
56、y andhel p. 5, strengthening teachers moral education, establi sh a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students psychologicalcha nges at any time and take preventive measures, nocor poral puni shme nt andcovert corporal punishmenton st ude nts, student out of the classroom, sch
57、ools may not be.6, units or departmentsuse st ude nt Street propaganda orparticipate in thecelebrations, as well as participating in other social work,without approval of theCorrectional Centre, school princi palsconsent,without organization. Without the appr oval of relevant departments, may organi
58、ze students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and soon.7, schools should educate stude nts to obey theschool rules and regulations,on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school toschool inspections on a regular basis, found hidde n in time, and insevere cases, it is hard to el
59、iminate immediately close d, and reported to the local peoples Gover nment, education, and ruleof law section. 9, the schoolshould always check the inter nal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails,doors,Window s, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities
60、such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair anddemolition to ensure that teachers and stSong Lin Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety,protection of public pr oper
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