1、PAGE 原文:碍Is 癌Europe癌 Becomi叭ng the 版Most Dy般namic半Knowled隘ge Econ安omy in 拜the Wor柏ld?哎Abstrac背t挨The art斑icle di叭scusses唉 the co摆ndition坝 and pe摆rspecti般ve of t哀he Euro爱pean Un瓣ion in 斑the kno敖wledge 扮economy耙 and th巴e feasi版bility 案of the 伴goal gi邦ven by 挨the Eur昂opean C芭ouncil 跋at the 岸summits碍 hel
2、d i澳n Lisbo靶n (Marc绊h 20背00) and挨 Barcel扒ona (Ma办rch 200吧2),罢that is隘,爸 摆to八 肮increas跋e Europ八ean R&D肮 expend氨iture t胺o 3 per芭 cent o按f GDP b坝y 2010.埃The art霸icle fo澳cuses o案n two a八spects:搬 compar靶ative p柏erforma邦nce wit隘h its d斑irect c暗ounterp办arts, i昂n parti熬cular t袄he USA;熬 and in氨tra-Eur按opean
3、d把istribu笆tion of霸 resour安ces and昂 capabi靶lities.芭 A set 班of tech坝nologic埃al indi澳cators 稗is pres唉ented t奥o show 袄that Eu伴rope is凹 still 翱consist奥ently b白ehind w氨hen com蔼pared t鞍o 扳Japan拌 and th哎e 矮US拜, espec翱ially i爱n R&D i盎nvestme霸nt and哎 the ge笆neratio罢n of in埃novatio半ns.背 扳A small摆 conver俺gence
4、o埃ccurs i百n the d扮iffusio搬n of in哀formati颁on and 袄com百municat柏ion tec八hnologi摆es (ICT埃s),岸the sec稗tor mos岸t direc巴tly lin跋ked to 安the con碍cept of昂 the n白ew econ扳omy. I凹n the f伴ield of暗 knowle板dge col伴laborat搬ion, 癌Europe耙 takes 版opposin蔼g paths芭 in the绊 busine邦ss and 袄academi败c world奥s. With蔼in 安Eur
5、ope澳, the l澳evel of安 invest笆ment in暗 scient伴ific an伴d techn澳ologica扒l activ艾ities i巴s so di版verse a办cross c隘ountrie鞍s that 阿it does蔼 not me坝rge int按o a sin氨gle con唉tinenta颁l innov碍ation s瓣ystem.挨Introdu板ctio哀n柏At the 哀Lisbon跋 summit邦 in Mar罢ch 2000翱, the E巴uropean巴 Counci疤l decla熬red its叭 intent白ion
6、 of 瓣making 岸the Eur俺opean r翱esearch氨 area (叭ERA) th暗e great蔼est kno凹wledge 皑economy奥 in the按 world.靶 At the岸 柏Barcelo鞍na版 summit奥 in Mar哎ch 2002板 it was蔼 stated办 that 胺Europe罢 should皑 reach 氨a ratio奥 of R&D班 to GDP板 equal 蔼to 3 pe拌r cent 版by 2010疤.How re爱alistic碍 are th拜ese tar巴gets? A蔼nd, how颁 is
7、俺Europe翱 doing 把in the 扒technol邦ogical 败race fi白ve year隘s after皑 the fi鞍rst ann奥ounceme白nt of t澳hese go按als?般The aim绊 of thi败s artic把le is t笆o prese疤nt some俺 eviden肮ce on t傲he dyna稗mics of氨 白technol哎ogical 百change 败in Euro般pe,懊 盎compare搬d to th颁e perfo安rmance 拌of its 拌direct 把competi爱tors, t罢he 捌Uni
8、ted 罢States半 and 坝Japan拌. It is百 often 版argued 唉that a 扒new clu斑ster of奥 innova叭tions, 绊informa佰tion an叭d com盎municat傲ion tec胺hnologi碍es (ICT伴s),啊and ass挨ociated吧 produc八tivity 癌growth 按is lead绊ing us 伴into a 班new ec昂onomy 败that wi爱ll deli癌ver an 扒expansi胺on of e摆mployme坝nt and 扳improve唉d stand敖ards
9、 of靶 living哎 (for 拜an over岸view, s翱ee Temp疤le, 200拔2).斑On the 稗basis o阿f the i俺mpressi罢ve perf斑ormance岸 碍of the 拜US econ袄omy in 跋the 199芭0s,绊it has 唉often b捌een sug蔼gested 按that we哎althy n搬ations 挨will re八ly on t笆heir ab岸ility t敖o adjus坝t to th办ese tra办nsforma隘tions, 碍and tha搬t those拌 countr矮ies not
10、巴 able t氨o adjus挨t will 袄be marg瓣inalize拔d and w搬ill los邦e the c艾ompetit埃ive rac搬e. The 啊accompa背nying p捌redicti阿on indi肮cates t斑hat Eur氨ope wil拔l have 隘slower 吧long-te癌rm econ斑omic gr扳owth th隘an the 办US beca班use of 扒its ins稗ufficie奥nt adju隘stment 拔to the 袄rules o跋f the 瓣new eco背nomy (翱Soete, 岸2001;
11、盎 Daveri扳, 2002)按.In oth昂er word碍s,昂 敖if the 芭old con肮tinent 澳continu懊es to l摆ag behi把nd the 盎US and 翱Jap肮an in t百echnolo叭gical d氨ynamism懊,th爸is暗 傲ould je哎opardiz肮e the a肮chievem凹ent of 爱the Eu芭ropean 案dream 伴in doma芭ins suc挨h as 袄welfare疤,绊 叭public 俺educati把on and 背health 岸care (s颁ee Rifk氨in, 200安4
12、);疤hence t皑he need摆 to upg笆rade th败e Europ板ean kno扮wledge 颁base in澳 the mo懊st aggr爸essive 版way.班 佰The ide疤a that 拜there i肮s a ne耙w econ肮omy is 笆certain罢ly fasc邦inating搬, and i盎t is ha板rdly su艾rprisin隘g that 靶it has 敖been so霸 promin板ent in 敖the bus艾iness w氨orld, t班he pol板itical 唉communi霸ty and 班the p
13、re稗ss.搬 跋John Ma懊ynard K板eynes k佰new ver傲y well 蔼that ex爸pectati扳ons pla绊y a fun坝damenta矮l role 氨i敖n foste奥ring th凹e busin办ess cyc斑le,隘 疤and the霸 hope t百hat som懊ething 扮as intr肮iguing 傲as a n案ew eco伴nomy co傲uld be 翱with us佰 has he办lped so拜me corp笆oration版s to su皑p昂port th稗eir sto矮ck mark挨et pric柏es,
14、般 肮some po斑liticia八ns to b爱e elect拜ed or r澳e-elect矮ed,氨 按and the搬 media 把to incr巴ease th肮eir sal柏es.爸 拜The aca坝demic c板ommunit芭y is no搬t immun吧e from 艾these t拜endenci隘es,肮 邦althoug班h its f巴unction巴 should氨 be to 把take id斑eas tha蔼t have 办spread 傲to蔼o quick霸ly with半 a pinc岸h of sa败lt,佰 瓣and it 八is no
15、s叭urprise矮 that a唉 good s吧hare of白 the op霸timism 扮vanishe邦d with 佰the sto般ck mark搬et rece斑ssio摆n that 伴began i鞍n Septe蔼mber 20挨00.氨A dose 板of scep艾ticism 斑does no肮t imply败 sharin耙g the b搬elief t袄hat the盎re is n霸othing 耙new und靶er the 肮sun:耙 肮now and版 then s爸omethin熬g new d奥oes occ埃ur in e啊conomic奥 a
16、nd so柏cial li背fe.瓣 八Major c佰hanges 稗have ta搬ken pla芭ce in t肮he last拔 decade版 and so唉me key 熬compone俺nts can奥 be sin隘gled ou吧t, in p扒articul八ar:矮1.伴The exp奥loitati坝on of k安nowledg蔼e has b叭ecome m隘ore and阿 more s拜ystemat埃ic,跋 哎with an耙 increa伴sing pr坝opensit蔼y by bu吧siness 翱compani八es to e败xploit 盎kno
17、whow拔 in the颁 search跋 for pr捌ofit an盎d growt暗h oppor挨tunitie摆s奥2.办The tra按nsfer a氨cross s败pace of板 commod百ities, 哀financi瓣al reso爱urces, 疤experti扮se and 坝informa靶tion ha鞍s becom扮e much 袄easier;罢 while 半technic百al feas艾ibility拌 has in按creased绊 expone背ntially巴, econo搬mic cos扒ts have哎 been d半ramatic板al
18、ly re疤duced扳3.澳The num昂ber of 摆players般 able t按o enter案 both o耙ld and 矮new fie盎lds has哀 also i坝ncrease凹d, lead扳ing to 耙an acce芭lerated懊 pace o爸f econo鞍mic com鞍petitio霸n.哀Section捌 I pres按ents a 碍broad s熬et of d肮ata des袄cribing笆 the te疤chnolog般ical st唉atus of凹 Europe按, with 绊regard 昂to both伴 invest拌me
19、nts 拔 by mea败ns of e敖xpendit艾ure on 稗R&D an跋d to pe搬rforman安ce in i败nnovati隘ve acti哎vities 哀 by me懊ans of 拔other t暗echnolo碍gical i碍ndicato半rs. We 俺compare扳 the EU办-15 and俺 the EU啊-25 wit败h North暗 Americ疤a and 疤Japan罢, and w疤e highl捌ight re邦cent ch氨anges. 癌Particu霸lar att邦ention 熬is devo八ted to 坝ICTs
20、,埃 百since t唉his sec癌tor is 把more st昂rictly 碍linked 斑to the 癌concept袄 of the佰 new e扮conomy摆,半 八and it 阿represe疤nts the疤 main i蔼nfrastr扮ucture 稗of the 班knowled案ge soci扮ety. Se盎ction I熬I analy吧ses the氨 phenom板enon of八 scient邦ific an背d techn哎ologica版l colla扮boratio拜n since般 it is 叭assumed斑, on th矮e one
21、h坝and, th挨at it r敖eveals 颁much ab疤out the版 attra般ctivene扒ss奥 绊of vari隘ous reg办ions of熬 the wo跋rld and吧, on th伴e other扒 hand, 伴that it把 is a k傲ey poli芭cy asse班t in th扳e desig芭n of an暗 EU str胺ategy. 稗Finally巴, in th懊e last 办section背, we di佰scuss t吧he stra扒tegies 扒Europe案 is usi摆ng to a稗chieve 班a more
22、半promine稗nt role绊 in the阿 global柏izing l啊earning俺 econom胺y.斑I. What艾 is the阿 News a氨bout th袄e Europ癌ean Tec熬hnology扒 Gap?般R&D and昂 Patent摆s氨The con班cern ab办out an 稗increas鞍ing tec胺hnologi般cal gap昂 is cer拜tainly 安not new懊: as ea跋rly as 绊the 196爸0s we h阿eard ab绊out th败e Ameri隘can cha俺llenge白 (Serva奥n-
23、Schre敖iber,19吧68), an佰d simil傲ar conc皑erns we跋re reit八erated 按in the 瓣1980s a罢nd in t搬he 1990霸s (see,矮e.g., P蔼atel an颁d Pavit办t, 1987斑; Archi熬bugi an搬d Piant摆a, 1992啊). Euro凹pe is n扒ot the 把only re奥gion co澳ncerned哀 about颁 its te暗chnolog岸ical pe凹rforman瓣ce.扒Similar捌 worrie昂s were 罢echoed 伴in 巴America
24、拔 (Kenne癌dy,1988巴;Pianta盎,1988;N蔼elson,百1989) a哎nd we w啊ould do奥ubtless拜 find c版omparab俺le stat阿ements 笆in the 爱Far Eas隘t扮 as wel白l. But 爱saying 霸that on邦es nei罢ghbour白s grass癌 is alw拔ays gre哎ener do熬es not 板mean th霸at one 疤can dis扮miss th佰e issue鞍 of poo搬r perfo拌rmance 邦by the 拌Europea拌n econo挨my i
25、n k罢ey aspe暗cts of 袄knowled癌ge-base稗d produ绊ction唉A simil拌ar patt熬ern eme拜rges in班 terms 扮of busi扮ness R&靶D (BERD伴) as a 隘percent翱age of 隘the dom班estic p扒roduct 八of indu按stry (D矮PI), re埃ported 耙in the 柏right-h澳and col氨umns of叭 Table 扳2. In t按his cas皑e, the 敖differe芭nce bet鞍ween th靶e first皑 and th爱e
26、last 按EU-25 c佰ountry 稗is even隘 higher稗: 办Sweden绊 has a 佰BERD in背tensity柏 25 tim斑es high佰er than稗 暗Poland巴. Some 拔contras把ting te隘ndencie柏s also 办emerge:傲 indust扒rial R&矮D has d般ecrease哀d in ea碍stern E百uropean稗 countr坝ies suc扮h as 案Poland柏 and 伴Slovaki爱a懊, while熬 it has唉 increa碍sed in 懊almost 般all we
27、s邦tern Eu埃ropean 鞍countri拔es. As 挨a conse跋quence,邦the coe绊fficien版t of va啊riation凹 has in叭creased肮 for th阿e EU-15盎 and, e白ven mor癌e, for 般the EU-盎25.啊Table 2拔 re矮ports d蔼ata abo挨ut R&D 稗intensi矮ty.版As rega肮rds gro伴ss R&D 罢expendi碍ture(GE笆RD) as 斑a perce板ntage o耙f GDP, 按the EU-瓣25 inte案nsity i跋s equa
28、l敖 to 1.8盎3 per c靶ent,sub巴stantia傲lly low白er than绊 the US暗 (2.71 敖per cen绊t) and 敖Japan (扮3.11 pe跋r cent)阿. In th暗e secon岸d half 斑of the 败1990s J佰apanese扳 R&D in氨tensity澳 grew m坝ore tha吧n in th吧e 隘US佰, while跋 the in翱tensity傲 of the半 EU-15 澳grew ve爱ry litt捌le. Wit稗hin the暗 EU-25,颁 there 瓣emerges版 a c
29、lea稗r divid靶e betwe盎en, amo盎ngst ot半her thi奥ngs, no隘rth and凹 south.岸 The co翱untry w暗ith the埃 highes隘t level翱, 芭Sweden哎, has a矮n R&D i靶ntensit澳y that 扒is eigh胺t times捌 higher巴 than t靶he coun白try wit伴h the l斑owest, 唉Latvia瓣. Equal胺ly wide坝spread 笆gaps pe扳rsist i瓣n the E蔼U-15. T胺he coef暗ficient跋 of var
30、俺iations办 has he啊ld stea芭dy, ind氨icating碍 that t背here ha皑s been 颁no over按all con按vergenc袄e.伴 柏 颁GERD 疤 GE拌RD 奥 Mea扒n Annua皑l BE背RD 罢 BERD隘 拜 奥Mean An败nual隘 挨 (佰%of GDP坝) (暗%of GDP扒) 奥Rate of疤 Growth笆 (% of皑 GDP) 暗 (% o把f GDP) 啊 R案ate of 八Growth澳 拜 佰In2001版-02 爸 in哎1996-07隘 八96-97to凹01盎-02 i伴n傲2002 鞍
31、 in靶1988(%)扒 蔼98to02袄USA唉2.71疤2.57芭1.1凹1.87摆1.94拔-0.9邦Japan坝3.11版2.80鞍2.1啊2.32胺2.10伴2.5埃EU-15暗1.89哎1.81案0.9案1.34傲1.14办4.2罢EU-25胺1.83背1.73鞍1.1半n.a芭1.08懊2.0氨Austnia傲1.92霸1.66搬3.0霸1.64挨1.13板n.a巴Belgium隘1.99拔1.84扳1.6翱1.75伴1.35把5.0疤Denmark八2.13百1.90昂2.3唉2.41耙1.33艾7.1斑Finland耙3.43拔2.63懊5.5敖1.37叭1.94佰5.6斑F
33、3.67板3.67敖0.0懊0.32碍0.47阿10.1哎UK柏1.87瓣1.86白0.1澳0.56爱2.74埃12.2百Czech R斑ep扒1.31斑1.14懊2.8半1.03拌1.18哎n.a岸Estomia靶0.60白0.57耙1.0办0.56颁n.a奥n.a熬Hungary吧0.99摆0.69凹7.5伴3.30拌0.26白8.5拌Latvia扒0.46扮0.44艾0.9肮1.87伴n.a蔼n.a背Lithuan坝ia岸0.56背0.61哀-1.7摆n.a艾n.a白n.a扳Poland把0.64盎0.71扒-2.1芭n.a碍0.28岸-17.5班SlovakR罢ep氨0.90碍0.93
34、耙-0.7昂0.36奥0.52绊-8.2按Sloveni皑a蔼1.54癌1.43搬1.5背n.a扮n.a胺n.a坝Canada邦1.81半1.69耙1.4把1.05傲1.07坝-0.5板Norway蔼1.66岸1.66白0.0爸0.96蔼0.92阿1.4澳Switzed懊and笆2.73坝2.73搬0.0皑n.a半n.a碍n.a胺EU-15安Coff.of斑 var.阿0.47隘0.47败0.64绊0.59把Max/min盎5.60白7.20半15.08昂17.10白EU-25笆Coff.of叭 var.八0.58罢0.58按0.77碍6.68凹Max/min挨8.00凹8.30坝25.50佰
35、10.50斑Table 3安 shows 俺the pat办ents gr板anted i盎n the 疤USA捌 and ap扮plied f稗or in 安Europe扮 per mi癌llion p坝eople. 罢Overall啊, the d芭ata sho扳w a rem胺arkable盎 increa笆se in t背he numb扮er of p俺atents 凹at both肮 patent白 office拔s as a 稗consequ蔼ence of扒 the in矮creasin拌g compe艾titiven般ess ove皑r intel皑lectual艾 prop
36、er哀ty righ安ts (see熬 Anders癌en, 200敖4). For背 patent熬s grant斑ed at t哎he US P八atent T敖rademar哀k Offic肮e (USPT碍O),安the hig埃h ratio熬 reflec坝ts the 肮fact th昂at inve皑ntors a半nd firm巴s are p瓣atentin跋g in th按eir own拜 domest跋ic mark白et but,爱fo隘r Japan埃 and Eu哀ropean 稗countri背es,叭it is r熬easonab扮le to a耙ssume
37、t鞍hat the巴y have 懊a compa暗rable 按propens叭ity to 熬patent 熬in the 暗US,百since f跋or both肮 of the埃m the U蔼S is an隘 econom瓣ically 唉crucia摆l marke佰t.啊It emer邦ges tha鞍t Japan半 has a 俺ratio m昂ore tha斑n four 颁times澳 higher白 than t傲he EU-2半5 avera耙ge.爸Not eve罢n the E懊uropean叭 countr阿ies wit阿h the h案ighest 罢pro
38、pens跋ity to 俺patent,绊 Switze笆rland a伴nd Swed扒en, hav绊e the s版ame int八ensity 捌as 傲Japan. 懊Many Eu背ropean 拔countri案es,坝in both唉 the ea芭st and 岸the sou八th,repo爱rt no o绊r negli靶g俺ible pa按tent ac吧tivity 班in the 啊US.啊The dis百persion袄 within捌 the EU爱 is ext佰raordin拔arily h胺igh. It般 is dif啊ficult 柏to find靶
39、other 盎aspects阿 of eco奥nomic a案nd soci霸al life隘 where 矮the dis捌tance b罢etween 澳the top安 and th奥e botto扒m Europ芭ean cou傲ntries 爱is so w吧ide (on班 region八al vari把ations 哀in the 案Europea拌n syste办ms of i拜nnovati哎ons, se耙e Chesn矮ais et 挨al., 20绊00; Can哀twell a胺nd Iamm版arino, 拜2001).艾Patents懊 grante罢d in t
40、h哀e US ar般e compl摆emented摆 by pat爱ent app巴licatio拔ns at t岸h瓣e Europ捌ean Pat巴ent Off胺ice (EP拔O).暗Even in版 the Eu盎ropean 疤market,叭 Japan 爱has a p暗atent p败ropensi板ty abov疤e the a霸verage 柏of the 靶members凹 of the安 EU (re半spectiv翱ely,135哎 and 1岸14 pate癌nts per百 millio肮n peopl俺e),阿and the皑 US is 蔼also cl靶o
41、se to 板the EU 板average蔼 (107 p扳atents 办per mil扒lion pe傲ople). 柏The hig哎her gro般wth rat拔es in p爸atent a奥pplicat八ions at翱 the EP袄O for b唉oth the佰 EU-15 扳and the胺 EU-25 爱show th澳at the 矮constru哎ction o案f the E吧uropean稗 market背 is 办underwa半y,爱but wit蔼h remar隘kable r跋egional斑 variat艾ions. E岸astern 耙and s
42、ou袄thern c笆ountrie扮s do no笆t yet s罢eem to 哀partici懊pate in敖 the ge斑neratio版n of co柏mmercia岸ll爱y explo鞍itable 氨innovat案ions.鞍This is罢 hardly啊 surpri袄sing in澳 the li凹ght of 阿the v肮ery low俺 busine百ss R&D 伴perform阿ed.埃In sout氨hern co奥untries皑 such爸 as 按Spain半, 埃Portuga跋l熬 and 癌Greece矮,澳busines败s R&D s颁e
43、ems to斑 be lim案ited mo鞍stly to罢 imitat哀ion and矮 learni安ng.斑First,阿the evi捌dence h巴as allo熬wed us 搬to quan熬tify ho拔w 隘Europe安 is lag摆ging be哎hind th奥e other靶 two ma笆jor are埃as, in 叭both in埃vestmen隘t and p巴erforma矮nce in 办techn碍ology. 爸In tota氨l R&D i暗nvestme扒nt,拜the gap拌 betwee挨n Europ懊e and 敖Japan版
44、is eve埃n incre搬asing,皑and th稗at with百 the 瓣US绊 is not懊 reduci稗ng.霸This is爸 a part芭icularl拔y worry百ing sig扳nal sin艾ce R&D 哎is one 凹of the 白main in疤puts fo把r the g懊enerati把on of k癌nowledg暗e and t岸herefor肮e an en斑gine of搬 long-t敖erm eco扳nomic a扮nd soci隘al grow耙th.懊Second,版the gap阿 is mor癌e evide斑nt in
45、b挨usiness拌-relate笆d indic熬ators t拔han in 百publicl跋y funde罢d resea背rch.The扳 indica懊tors of埃 techno疤logical伴 activi班ties,su拔ch as b澳usiness摆 R&D an凹d paten扒ts,埃pro叭vide we瓣ak sign叭s of ca百tching 半up.白In scie绊ntific 岸publica矮tions E板urope i鞍s reduc稗ing the背 gap wi扳th the 佰US.Othe爱r indic艾ators o氨n huma
46、n霸 resour版ces (Co罢mmissio翱n, 2003昂) confi板rm the 安impress坝ion of 搬potenti靶ally go安od inte巴llectua败l capit安al in t扮he EU t斑hat doe版s not t坝ranslat白e into 吧mor稗e resea敖rchers 芭in the 盎workfor翱ce,碍especia案lly in 按the ind隘ustrial摆 sector袄.懊Third,熬there a翱re huge碍 differ盎ences b碍etween 按Europea凹n count胺r
47、ies. I般n almos暗t all t敖he indi凹cators 矮taken i邦nto acc瓣ount, a爸 group 皑of sm奥all and鞍 medium埃-sized 癌countri懊es,such唉 as Swi笆tzerlan般d,Swede斑n,Norwa爱y,耙Finland阿,般the Net昂herland熬s and D俺enmark,澳show pe阿rforman邦ce that凹 is on 敖a par w绊ith or 翱even hi靶gher th艾an the 挨US and 拜Japan. 败Switzer澳land伴 and
48、瓣Norway跋 are no白t membe扒rs of t案he EU,a翱nd the 坝others 扮are rat袄her sma敖ll to b叭e able 柏to rais矮e the E耙U avera半ge.按Fourth,扳it is e按vident 叭that th哎e integ般ration 扮of ten 白new mem巴ber cou案ntries(霸plus th吧e forme熬r East 胺Germany唉) has j搬ust beg疤un and 隘that th蔼ese cou八ntries 摆are at 敖a very 版differe澳
49、nt over埃all tec颁hnologi吧cal lev捌el from拜 the EU吧-15 gro板up.East艾ern cou案ntries 扳such as哀 Sloven罢ia, the搬 Czech 癌Republi啊c, Esto瓣nia and敖 Hungar八y are o啊n a par般 with a皑nd some叭times e般ven abo爸ve sout半hern Eu坝ropean 拌countri背es such吧 as Ita矮ly,Spai昂n,Portu盎gal and叭 Greece唉,靶but the哎 overal稗l Europ暗ea
50、n are俺a at th巴e perip艾hery of佰 scient啊ific an氨d techn绊ologica啊l advan澳ce,澳 隘limited坝 until 罢now 哎to sout白hern Eu熬rope an吧d Irela耙nd,伴has now胺 become摆 larger背. Growt唉h rates阿 in the扮 ten ne肮w count挨ries ha挨ve,on a罢verage,岸 疤been sl隘ig拔htly hi埃gher th靶an the 白EU-15 b安ut,over靶all,矮the low拜-tech a绊rea o
51、f 爸the EU 坝has con绊siderab啊ly incr袄eased.爱This ar捌ticles熬 next a暗rea of 版i疤nvestig稗ation i哎s the I唉CT sect爸or,疤 板the mos霸t close颁ly asso瓣ciated 耙with 板the new哎 econom胺y (Dave绊ri, 200白2).暗Here Eu隘rope, d懊espite 敖origina扮lly lag矮ging be叭hind th盎e 耙US颁 and Ja熬pan (se坝e Gamba傲rdella 昂and Mal袄erba,19案99;
52、办Fagerb稗erg et 按al.,199爱9;Vivar八elli an扒d Piant绊a,办2000),肮is slow熬ly catc翱hing up疤.蔼 氨Table 5把 shows 百that 癌the US 百and Jap叭an, res版pective爸ly,氨 霸invest 班7.2 per办 cent a靶nd 7.5 疤per cen霸t of th吧eir GDP隘 in ICT埃 while 按the EU-扒25 inve佰sts 6.5唉 per ce爸nt, but背 in the哀 second袄 half o败f the 1哎990s th癌e
53、EU-25拔 contin八ued to 瓣grow at澳 an ann瓣ual rat隘e of 4.叭1 per c版ent, hi搬gher th澳an Japa巴n (2.2 版per cen挨t) and 埃in the 澳opposit俺e direc按tion fr半om the 按US,阿 唉which e版xperie伴nced a 昂decline啊 (1.7 挨per cen翱t).蔼Within 靶the EU,瓣a mild 碍but sig哎nifican败t conve百rgence 俺has occ癌urred b挨etween 鞍the 15八 and th
54、班e 25 co爸untries拔.唉 半The eas巴tern Eu扒ropean 斑countri芭es for 斑which d跋ata are啊 availa巴ble sh搬ow an e搬ven gre扳ater gr搬owth ra霸te.Cons绊equentl霸y,芭 邦the EU爱-25芭s dispe版rsion h翱as been矮 substa熬ntially扳 reduce扒d.跋 傲 Mea艾n Annua白l Me扒an Annu凹al Me班an Annu爱al Me爱an Annu跋al Me爸an Annu班al Me唉an Annu颁al靶 瓣 Gra
55、n拔ted Pat邦ents Gr背anted P伴atents 瓣 Rate 昂of Grow斑th Appl摆ied Pat背ents Ap半plied P叭atents 拌 Rate o扮f Growt俺h班 氨 at U邦SPTO 艾 at 笆USPTO 碍 96-9埃7to00-0胺1(% at半 EPO pe癌r m 爱at EPO 捌per m 碍 96瓣癌97靶 鞍 per 靶p ople(败02-03) 板per p o败ple(02-哎03) 阿 坝 peop傲le 2002八懊03 peop岸le 1997阿唉98 00蔼翱01(%)板USA佰301熬260败3.0背10
57、nd叭38扮20凹13.8埃65颁41百9.6盎Italy肮30柏25爸4.2版61唉46霸5.6搬Luxembo挨urg伴81白49盎10.3蔼350澳239佰7.9扳Netherl埃ands把84蔼65白5.3熬356霸217唉10.4阿Portuga埃l翱1板1按3.6案3凹2蔼12.1芭Spain芭7哎5笆6.9稗16盎10蔼9.0爸Sweden俺179伴118安8.6岸287安181啊9.7瓣UK疤63扮52靶3.7芭81哎68摆3.5拌Cyprus爱1凹1白-0.6按29罢17霸11.4氨Czech r叭ep袄4佰1芭21.9班5安2板16.8唉Estonia伴3绊0柏48.4柏3
58、半2版3.7拜Hungary艾6翱4般9.8阿6皑3扳13.1绊Latvia霸1扳0胺33.1翱0疤0案14.5柏Malta般5八3罢14.1芭28隘8埃14.7吧Poland捌0班0奥1.7斑1唉0扒8.7耙SlovakR邦ep拜1凹0斑22.9埃2袄1鞍7.4袄Sloveni肮a霸9巴6罢6.6按19佰10拌Canada隘109傲77爸7.3拔42敖21唉Norway奥55埃32俺11.7拜70颁46爸Switzed暗and拔183奥155俺3.3埃504凹352背EU-15唉Coff.of阿 var.瓣0.73靶0.69笆0.78扮0.74叭Max/min八158.30矮124.90阿1
59、03.5拌123.20吧EU-25拜Coff.of斑 var.巴1.20耙1.16阿1.22蔼1.20叭Max/min蔼487.90拌574.40氨821.00佰853.00胺If we c叭onsider八 the蔼 compos澳ition o岸f the I盎CT sect啊or,澳 按while t搬he 1980拌s saw t半he dram挨atic ri叭se of J八apan an摆d other把 East A伴sian ec耙onomies败 in har熬dware t癌echnolo瓣gies(fo耙r 爸an over隘view,懊 肮see Fre昂eman,1
60、9百87;Math扳ews,半2000), 般in the 傲1990s t颁he US m熬anaged 摆to reco疤ver its板 tradit佰ional e柏conomic搬 leader疤ship in哎 knowle白dge-int瓣ensive 疤industr盎ies by 暗exploit白ing and傲 dissem斑inating般 ICT in熬 the se柏rvice s敖ector. 伴Within 颁the tri背ad, 艾Japan唉 and th百e other岸 East A班sian ec板onomies靶 contin板ue to h跋av
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