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1、国际贸易专业英语(商务词汇汇总)目录:258111416精选文库一、进出口贸易词汇mercethe activity of buying and selling, especially on a largescale 贸易2. Export DeclarationA form to be completed by the exporter or theirauthorizedagent and filedin triplicateby a carrierwiththe United State Collectorof customs at the pointof exit.出口申报单3.imp

2、ortto bring or carryin from an outsidesource,especiallyto bringin(goods or materials)from a foreign country for trade orsale进口4.import licenceA certificate, issued by countries exercising importcontrols, that permits importation of the articles statedin the license.The issuanceof such a permitfreque

3、ntlyisconnected with the releaseof foreignexchange needed to payfor the shipment for which the import license has beenrequested. 进口许口证5.export licenceA document secured from a government, authorizing anexporter to export a specific quantity of a particular commodity to a certain country. An export l

4、icense is often required if a government has place embargoes or otherrestrictions upon exports. See General Export License.出口许口证6.inquiryan act of asking for information询盘7.deliveryan item or items delivered on a particular occasion.交货8.ordera thingmade, supplied,or served as aresult of sucha reques

5、t订货9.Bill of LadingA document that establishes the terms of a contractbetween a shipper and a transportation company under whichfreight is to be moved between specified points for aspecified charge. Usually prepared by the shipper on formsissued by the carrier, it serves as a document of title,contr

6、actof carriage,and a receiptforgoods. Also see AirWaybill and Ocean Bill of Lading.提单10.Endorsement in BlankCommonly used on a bank check, an endorsementin blank is an endorsement to the bearer. It contains onlythe name of the endorser and specifiesno particularpayee.Also, a common means of endorsin

7、g bills of lading dawn tothe order of the shipper. The bills are endorsed For.(see Bill of Lading, Order).空白背书11.endorsedsign (a cheque or bill of exchange) on the back to make itpayable to someoneotherthan the statedpayee or to acceptresponsibility for paying it背书-2精选文库12.cargo receiptIs a receipt

8、of cargo for shipment by a consolidator(used in ocean freight).承运货物收据13. cataloguea publicationcontainingdetailsand oftenphotographs ofitems for sale商品目录14.Red Clause Letter of CreditA letter of credit that allows theexporter to receive a percentage of the face value of theletter of credit in advanc

9、e of shipment. This enables theexporter to purchase inventory and pay other costsassociated with producing and preparing the export order.红条款信用证15.export subsidyAn economic benefit granted by a government toproducers of goods or services, often to strengthen theircompetitive position.出口津贴16.favorabl

10、e balance of tradeWhen countries export more than theyimport, they are said to have a favorable balance oftrade.贸易顺差17.unfavorablebalanceoftradeWhentheyimportmore than theyexport,an unfavorable balance of trade exits.贸易逆差18.free tradezoneA portdesignatedby the government of a countryforduty-free ent

11、ry of any non-prohibited goods. Merchandisemaybe stored,displayed,used formanufacturing,withinthezone and re-exported without duties being paid. Duties areimposed on the merchandise (or items manufactured from themerchandise)only when thegoods pass from the zone intoanarea of the country subject to

12、the Customs Authority.自由贸易区19. most-favorednationtreatment(MFNT)The listofa countrysimportdutiesiscalleda tariffschedule.A singletariffscheduleappliesto allgoods, no matterwhat theircountryoforigin.A double or multicolumn schedule provides for differingrates dependingon thecountryoforigin.Most moder

13、n tradeagreements are made on the basis of what is calledmost-favored-nation treatment.最惠国待遇20.General AverageWhen damage to cargo on board a vessel exceedscarriers insurance, carrier will release cargo only withan acceptance agreement to claim only a general percentageof all the damage sustained.共同

14、海损21.Commercial InvoiceAn itemized list of goods shipped, usuallyincluded among an exporters collection papers.商业发票22.Ocean billsofladingA receiptforcargo in transit,and a contractbetween the exporterand an ocean carrierfortransportationand delivery of goods to a specified party at a specifiedforeig

15、ndestination.Issuedafterthevesselhas sailedand-3精选文库the cargo has been entered in the ships manifest.海运提单23.Customs liquidationThe finalization of a customs entry.清关24.Customs Bonded WarehouseIs awarehouse where imported goods maybe storedfora totalof threeyears withoutthe payment ofduty or taxes.保税

16、仓库25.dumpingsending (goods unsaleable in the home market) to a foreignmarket for sale at a low price.商品倾销26.exportsend (goods or services) to another country for sale出口27.Correspondent BankA bank that, in its own country, handles thebusiness of a foreign bank.通知行28.sight drafta draft payable upon pr

17、esentation.即期汇票29.transferable L/Ca letter of credit part of whose value when theapplicant defaults on another agreed method of payment可转让信用证30.markinformation placed on outer surface of shipping containers orpackagessuchasaddresslabels,identifyingnumbers,boxspecifications, caution, or directional w

18、arning.唛头-4精选文库二、贸易价格术语1.FOB (free on board)Seller is responsible for inland freight and allother costs until the cargo has been loaded on thevessel/aircraft.Buyeris responsibleforocean/airfreightand marine/airinsurance离岸价(船上交货价)2.C&F(cost and freight)Is a quoted price includes cost of goods andfrei

19、ght.成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)3.CIF (cost, insurance and freight)Is a quoted price includes cost ofgoods, insuranceand freight.到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)4.reightAll merchandise,goods,products,or commodities shipped bysail,air,road,or water other than by baggage,expressmail,or regular mail .运费5.wharfageA charge assessed by

20、 a pier or dock owner against the cargoor a steamship company for use of the pier or dock.码头费6.tariffcustoms,duty;Duties or a duty imposed by a government onImported or exported goods.关税missionThe amount paid to an agent,which may be an individual, aborker, or a financial institution for consummatin

21、g atransaction involving sale or purchase of assets orservices.佣金8.return commissionA commission which is paid back by the agent if apolicyis cancelledbefore itsnormal expirationdate.回佣,回扣pricepriceof product (service)which does not containValue AdeedTax 净价10.wholesale priceWholesaling is the sale o

22、f goods or merchandise toretailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional, orother professional business users批发价11.discount / allowanceA reduction from the full or standard amout ofa pice or debt折扣12.retail priceThe price paid by a consumer to a dealer or individualfor a vehicle. The dealer or i

23、ndividual sets the retail price of a used car by calculating the wholesale price paid plusreconditioning expenses and other costs零售价13.spot pricethe current delivery price of a commodity traded in thespot market现货价格14.current priceprevailingprice , the prices of goodsand services inthe reference per

24、iod现行价格 / 时价15.customs valuation Establishment, according to defined criteria, of the value of goods for the purpose of levying ad valoremcustoms duties on their importation海关估价-5精选文库16.price listmeans the listofcharges for the Productas found ontheSite andVAT at theprescribed rateand any othertax,

25、dutyor levy imposed by legislation.价目表17.stamp dutystamp tax,a tax collected by requiring a stamp to bepurchased and attached (usually on documents orpublications).印花税18.revenuethetotalincome a businessfirmor government receivesfromall source税收,收入19.forwardpriceReferstosalesinto thefutureof a physic

26、alcommodityby the use of forward contracting or futures and optionshedging.Itisa marketing toolforgrain buyers and sellers.期货(远期)价格,期货价20.deductionanamount thatisor may be deducted ; the act of deducting ;subtraction扣除(额);减除(额)21.averagecostUsuallyreferstoaverage totalcost , which isthe totalcostofp

27、roductionofa good orservice(includingthecostsoffixedinputsand variableinputs)dividedby thequantityproduced.平均成本22.interest rateThe fee charged by a lender to a borrower for the useof borrowed money,usuallyexpressed as an annual percentageofthe principal;therateisdependent upon the timevalueofmoney,t

28、he creditriskofthe bprrowed and theonflationrate.利率 Interest rates can be calculated as simple,compounded or effective.23.import surchargeA temporary tax on imports over and aboveestablished tariffs, usually enacted in times of economiccrisis进口附加税24.import licenceAn import license is a document issu

29、ed by a nationalgovernment authorizing the importation of certain goodsinto its territory.进口许口证25.exportlicenceAdocumentsecured from a government,authorizinganexporter to export a specific quantity of a particularcommodity to a certain country. An export license is oftenrequired if a government has

30、place embargoes or otherrestrictions upon exports. See General Export Licence出口许口证26.total valueface value * place value.总值27.world (International)Market priceWorld market prices ofcommodities exchange国际市场价格28.open accountCreditextended that isnot supported by a note ,mortage ,or other formal writte

31、n evidence of indebtedness. Becausethis method poses an obvious risk to the supplier,it isessential that the buy s integrity by unquestionable.赊账-6精选文库29.average priceThe price of a home determined by totaling the salespricesof allhouses sold in an area and dividingthatnumberby the number of homes.平

32、均价格30.Portof DischargePortwhere vessel is offloaded and cargo discharges.卸货港-7精选文库三、贸易保险、国际组织术语1.Insurer:insurance company: a financial institution that sellsinsurance 保险人2.Insured:a person whose interests are protected by an insurancepolicy 投保人Insurance policy:An Insurance contract determines the l

33、egalframework under which the features of an insurance policy are enforced. 保险单4.proximatecause:an eventsufficientlyrelatedtoalegallyrecognizable injury to be held the cause of that injury.近因原则Total Loss:Totaled (shorthand for total loss) is a term used in the insurance industry. Generally, the insu

34、rance providerwill only pay out the lesser cost of buying a replacementvehicle, instead of paying to repair the old one to its previous state. 全部损失 / 全损6.PICC:Peoples Insurance Companyof China. a Chinese insurancecompany中国人民保险公司7.I.C.:China Insurance Clause中国保险条款8.W/W clause: Warehouse to Warehouse

35、Clause仓至仓条款9.All Risks:Thisisan insurance term and the “ AllRisks ” insurancewill normally cover against all risks of whatever natureprovided that they are risks and not certainties. 一切险10.W.A./W.P.A :(WithAverage or With ParticularAverage) An insurancetermmeaning that partial loss or damage of good

36、s is insured.Generallymust be caused by sea water.Manyhave a minimumpercentage of damage before payment. May be extended tocover loss by theft, pilferage, delivery, leakage, andbreakage.水渍险11.F.P.A. :(Freeof ParticularAverage) A term used in marine insurancepoliciestoindicatethatwhiletheunderwriteri

37、sunwillingtoassume liabilityfor ordinary partiallossesdue to the peculiar qualities of the particular articleor to its form of package, he is willing to bear partiallosses,thedirectresultof stranding,sinking,burning,collision, or other named peril平安险War Risk: The possible aggressive actions against

38、a ship and itscargobya belligerentgovernment.Thisriskcan beinsured by a marine policy with a risk clause.战争险13.Strike , riots and civel commotion:S.R.C.C. ) An insurance clause referring to loss or damage directly caused by strikers, locked-out workmen,-8精选文库persons participationinlabor disturbances

39、,and riotsofvariouskinds.The ordinarymarineinsurancepolicydoesnot coverthisrisk; coverage againstitcan be added onlyby endorsement.罢工、暴动、民变险14.Claim :an assertion of a right (as to money or property)索赔15.Disputes:disputeisa commencementof a conflictbetween statementsof accepted fact and a new or una

40、ccepted proposal thatdisagrees with, argues against, or debates the acceptedknowledge or opinion.争议16.Penalty:the act of punishing罚金条款17.Arbitration:(law) the hearing and determination of a dispute by animpartial referee agreed to by both parties仲裁18.Force Majeure:allevents which arebeyond thecontro

41、l of the Partiesto this Contract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidableor insurmountable, and which arise after the EffectiveDate and Which preventtotalor partialperformanceby andParty.不可抗力19.Arbitral tribunal:An arbitraltribunal(orarbitrationtribunal)isa panelofone ormore adjudicatorswhich isconven

42、ed andsits to resolve a dispute by way of arbitration.仲裁庭20.ArbitrationClause:Isastandardclausetobeincludedinthecontractsofexportersand importers,as suggestedby theAmericanArbitrationAssociation.Itstatesthatanycontroversy or claim will be settled by arbitration inaccordance with the rules of the Ame

43、rican ArbitrationAssociation.仲裁条款21.Certificateoforigin:A statementsignedby theexporter,orhis agent,and attestedtoby a localChamberofCommerce,indicatingthat the goods being shipped,or a major percentageof them,originated and were produced in the exporters country产地证明书22.Inspectioncertificate:A docum

44、ent certifyingthatmerchandise (suchas perishable goods) was in goods condition immediatelyprior to shipment.品质检验证书23.WTO:(WorldTrade Organization) an internationalorganizationdesigned to superviseand liberalizeinternationaltrade.世界贸易组织24.IMF :(InternationalMonetary Fund) an internationalorganization

45、that overseesthe globalfinancialsystem by followingthemacroeconomicpoliciesofitsmember countries,inparticularthosewithan impacton exchange ratesand thebalance of payments.国际货币基金组织EFTA :(European Free Trade Association)a European trade bloc which was established as an alternative for European-9精选文库st

46、ates who did not join the then-European Economic Community. 欧洲自由贸易联盟AFTA: (ASEAN Free Trade Area) a trade bloc agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supporting localmanufacturing in all ASEAN countries.东盟自由贸易区27.JCCT :(China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade)中美商贸联委会NAFTA:(N

47、orth American Free Trade Area) a trilateral trade blocin North America created by the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 北美自由贸易区UNCTAD: (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)It isthe principalorgan of the United Nations General Assemblydealing with trade, investment

48、and development issues.联合国贸易与发展会议30.GATT :(General Agreement on Tariffsand Trade) the outcome of thefailure of negotiating governments to create theInternational Trade Organization (ITO).关贸总协定-10精选文库四、贸易价格术语1.stocksmass nounthe capital raised by a business or corporationthrough the issue and subscri

49、ption of shares资本,股本2. cash saleA legal term denoting a mercantile transaction in whichtitle to merchandise passes when the buyer pays the seller.现货3. purchasethe acquisition of something for payment;购买, 进货4. bulk salesometimes called a bulk transfer, is a sale of goods by abusiness that represents

50、all or substantially all of itsinventorytoa singlebuyerunlesssuch a salewould be commonin the ordinary course of its business.整批销售,趸售5. distribution channelsDistribution (or place) is one of the fourelements of marketing mix. An organization or set oforganizations(go-betweens)involvedin the process

51、of makinga product or service available for use or consumption by aconsumer or business user.销售渠道6. wholesalehistorically called jobbing, is the sale of goods ormerchandise to retailers, to industrial, commercial,institutional, or other professional business users, or toother wholesalers and related

52、 subordinated services.批发7. retail tradeRetailing consists of the sale of goods or merchandisefrom a fixed location, such as a department store or kiosk,orby post,in smallor individuallotsfordirectconsumptionby the purchaser.零售业8. hire-purchasemethod of buying something by paying over an extendedper

53、iod 分期付款购买9.exclusiveright InAnglo-Saxon law,an exclusiverightisa de facto,non-tangible prerogative existing in law (that is, the poweror, in a wider sense, right) to perform an action or acquirea benefit and to permit or deny others the right to performthe same action or to acquire the same benefit

54、.独家经营 / 专营权10.unfair competitionCommercialconduct thatthe law views as unjust.不合理竞争11. dumpingselling goods abroad at a price below that charged in thedomestic market商品倾销12. antidumpingthe act of a manufacturer in one country exporting aproduct to another country at a price which is either belowthe

55、price it charges in its home market or is below its costsof production反倾销13. unfavorable balance of tradeAn expression denoting a situationwhere a geographical entity (be it a nation,region,state,orcity)imports more goods and services than it exports.It is-11精选文库used to descibe the situation for bot

56、h individual goods orservices and for all goods and services combined.贸易逆差14. freetradeFree tradeexistswhen the inernationalexchange of goodsis neither restricted nor encouraged by government-imposedtrade barriers.Subsequently,the determination of thedistributionand levelof internationaltradeisleftt

57、o theoperation of market forces.自由贸易15. non-tariff barriersEconomic, political, administrative or legalimpediments to trade other than duties, taxes and importquotas. 非关税壁垒16.favorablebalanceof tradeAny excess ofcreditsoverdebitsattheend of a given accounting period.贸易顺差17.partialshipmentA processin

58、which a store ships/providesonlysomeof the goods/services in a single order. Therefore, thePostAuth amount would be less thanthe amount of the approvedPreAuth for the order.分批装运18.restraintof trademass noun(Law)actionthat interfereswithfreecompetition in a market (律) 贸易限制,贸易管制19. SettlementAs the sa

59、les transaction value moves from the merchanttothe acquiringbank, to theissuer,each partybuys and sellsthesales ticket.Settlementis what occurswhen theacquiringbank and the issuer exchange data orfunds duringtransactions.清算, 交割20.tradeconsultationAn actofprocess where adviceisgivenorviewsare exchang

60、ed. 贸易磋商21. bonded warehousea customs-controlled warehouse for the retentionof imported goods until the duty owed is paid.保税仓库chain debts Competitive products or knock-out products; blockbuster; core product ;Downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll toimprove efficiency三 角 债 .23. sanctionA coercive me


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