已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、UNITONEWHAT DAY IS TODAY?一、功能句(听、说、读)What day is today?It/s Tuesday.play ping-pong today.What day is tomorrow?Its Thursday.go swimming on Thursday.Lets .What are the seven days in a week?They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.二、单词与短语(听、说、读)(带的要求能写出单词的首字母)1.Sunday

2、Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7.Saturday play ping-pong (ping-pong)play basketball (basketball)play football (football)play chessgo swimming (swimming*go dancing (dancing*go boating (boating*)grandma uncle1when什么时候2thirty三十3home回家;在家;家4five五5first首先6now现在第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1get up起床2go to

3、 school去学校3go home回家4go to bed上床5five thirty五点半6havedancinglessons上舞蹈课第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1When do you go home?你什么时候回家?2At five thirty.在五点半。Unit 1 Lesson 3第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1fifty五十2nine九3twenty二十4sleep睡觉5good好的6one第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1go to bed上床睡 觉2watchthecartoons看卡通片3go to the drawing lessons去上美 术课4n

4、ine twenty九点二十5five fifty五点五十6one forty一占四占八、F-1 八、7.turn on翻开8Good night!晚安9.Sleep tight!睡个好觉!第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1What time is it?现在是几点?2It s nine twenty. It s time to go to bed.现在是九点二十。该上床 睡觉了。Unit Two Whats for breakfast?Unit 2 Lesson 5第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1dad爸爸2for为所需第二局部:短语3bread面包4milk牛奶5egg鸡蛋6an一,

5、一个7fruits水果8soy milk豆浆9noodles面条10baozi包子序号英文中文序号英文中文1have breakfast吃早餐2have bread吃面包3have milk喝牛奶4an egg一颗鸡蛋第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1What s for breakfast?早餐有什么?2We have bread, milk, eggs, and fruits.我们有面包、牛奶、鸡蛋 和水果。Unit 2 Lesson 6第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1fish鱼2rice米饭3noodle面条4down向下5ice cream冰淇淋6fried rice炒米饭7ri

6、ce noodles8lunch午餐第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1fish and rice鱼和米 饭2a mantou and a fried egg一个馒头和 一颗煎鸡蛋3sit down请坐4第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1Can 1 have fish and rice, please?我可以要鱼和米饭吗?2Yes . Here you are.好的。给你。Unit 2 Lesson 7第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1back回来2hungry饥饿的3hello喂,你好4dear亲爱的5orange橙子6vegetable蔬菜7evening晚上;黄昏8supper晚

7、餐第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1a hamburger一个汉堡包2an orange一个橙子3an egg一个鸡蛋4a hot dog一块热狗5a glass of water一杯水6a cup of tea一杯茶7a glass of juice一杯果汁8a glass of soy milk一杯豆浆第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1I m hungry/thirsty.我饿/渴了。2Have an orange/a glass of water.请吃橙子/请喝一杯水。Unit Three Welcome to my houseUnit3 Lesson9第一局部:单词1room房间2

8、love喜爱3bed床4chair椅子5sit坐6.sleepy困的第二局部:短语1come to my room来我的房间2read my books读书3ride my bike骑自行车4play with my toys玩玩具第三局部:句型1. Would you like to come to my room?你们想要来我的房间?2. Yes, wed love to.是的,我们想去。Unit3 LessonlO第一局部:单词1thirsty口渴的2kitchen厨房3fridge冰箱4spoon勺子5glass玻璃杯6chopsticks筷子7bowl碗8.use使用第二局部:短语1

9、go to my kitchen去我的厨房2have a big fridge有一个大冰箱3have some apple juice喝一些苹果 汁4on the table在桌子上1. Would you like to use my glass?你想要用我的玻璃杯吗?第三局部:句型1. Would you like to use my glass?你想要用我的玻璃杯吗?2. No, thank you.不用了,谢谢。Unit3 Lessonll第一局部:单词1bathroom卫生间2call打 3phone 4towel毛巾5shampoo洗发水6soap香皂7toothpaste牙膏8w

10、ant想要第二局部:短语1over there在那边2want to call my mum想给妈妈打 3use your phone用一下你的 手机4Go ahead,拿去用吧第三局部:句型1. Can I use the bathroom, please?我能用一下洗手间吗?2. Sure. / Sorry you cant当然可以。/对不起你不能用。Unit four Where is my shirt?Unit4 Lessonl3第一局部:单词1where在哪里2shirt衬衫3coat上衣4sofa沙发5find找到,发现6dress连衣裙第二局部:短语1on the desk在书桌

11、上2in the box在盒子里3under the bed在床底下4behind the sofa在沙发后第三局部:句型1. Where is my shirt?我的衬衫在哪?2 Its under the bed.在床底下。Unit4 Lesson 14第一局部:单词1this这个2that那个3schoolbag书包4scarf围巾5watch手表6cap帽子第二局部:短语1your jacket你的夹克2red scarf红领巾3in my schoolbag在书包里4wear a hat戴帽子第三局部:句型1. Is this your jacket?这是你的夹克吗?2. Yes,

12、it is. / No, it isnt.是的。/不是。Unit4 Lessonl5第一局部:单词1shorts短裤2not不3trousers长裤4socks袜子5shoes鞋6bag包第二局部:短语1your shorts你的短裤2in my bag在我包里3your trousers你的长裤4find them找到它们第三局部:句型1. Are these your trousers?这是你的裤子吗?2. Yes, they are. / No, they arent是的。/不是。Unit five How do you go to school?Unit5 Lesson 17第一局部:

13、词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1how怎样2bus公共汽车3by乘去4car小汽车5when什么时间6ship轮船第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1by bus公交车2on the school bus在校班车上3by bike骑自行车4go to work上班5on foot步行6every day每天第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?2I go to school by bus.我坐公交车去上学。Unit 5 Lesson 18第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1Work工作2she她3bike自行车第二局部:短语序号英文

14、中文序号英文中文1by car坐小汽车去2by taxi出租车3go to work去工作4by subway坐地铁5go to see her aunt and uncle去看她的姑 姑和叔叔6第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1How does you dad go to work?你爸爸怎么去上班?2He goes to work by car.他开车去上班。Unit 5 Lesson 19第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1He他2come来3taxi出租车4farm第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文12go to the park去公园3by taxi坐出租车4by subway

15、坐地铁5by bus坐公交车6gotothehospital去医院第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1Does he come by taxi?他坐出租车来吗?2Yes, he does. /No, he doesn t.是的。/不,他不是。Unit6 Lesson 21第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1they他们2sky天空3blue蓝色4green绿色5white白色的6snow雪7season8spring春天9summer夏天10autumn秋天11winter冬天11leaves树叶(复数)第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1four seasons ayear一年四季2se

16、ven days a week一周七天324 hours a day一天24 小时4第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1How many seasons are there in a year?一年有多少季节?2There are four.一年中有4个季节。Unit6 Lesson 22第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1cool凉爽的2cold冷的3make做4summer夏季5spring春季6autumn秋季7winter冬季第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1in autumn在秋天2colourful flowers五彩缤纷 的花3make a snowman堆雪人4in wi

17、nter在冬天第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1Do you like winter?你喜欢冬天吗?2Yes, I do. / No, I don t like winter.是的,喜欢。/不,我不 喜欢。Unit6 Lesson 23第一局部:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1Which哪个?2spring春季第二局部:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1fly a kite放风筝2go swimming去游泳3Play in the snow在雪里 玩4pick apples摘苹果5go ice-skating去滑冰6go camping去夏令营第三局部:交际用语序号英文中文1Which season

18、 do you like ?你喜欢哪个季节?2I like spring. I can fly a kite .我喜欢春季。我能放风 筝。英语二年级下课文及韵文中英对照Lesson 1Whats this?Its a clock.It tells the time.Whats that?Its also a clock.Its five oclock now.这是什么? 是一个钟表, 它显示时间。那是什么? 那也是一个钟表 现在五点了。现在几点了?七点半。该到上学的时间了。 你什么时候到家? 我在三点钟回家。滴答,滴答,滴滴答 钟儿高兴地唱 又工作又玩耍滴答,滴答,滴滴答 钟儿高兴地唱Merr

19、ily sings the clock.I have a round face but no eyes. 我有一张圆脸却没有眼睛。I have two hands but no legs.我有两只手却没有腿。I have no mouth but I can tell.我没有嘴但是我能告诉你。Its the time, the time that I can tell. 我能告诉你的就是时间。Lesson 2What time is it?Its half past seven.Its time for school.When do you come home?I come home at t

20、hree o clock.Tick, tock, tick, tock, Merrily sings the clock.Time for work and time for play. Tick, tock, tick, tock,Lesson 3Oh! Its a quarter to six now. 哦,现在差一刻钟六点了。Lets go home and watch the cartoons. 让我们回家看动画片吧。When do the cartoons begin?动画片几点开始?Ten to six.差十分钟到六点。Lets hurry.让我们赶快吧。Twelve good h

21、ours in every day, 每个白天都有很棒的十二个小时 Time for work and time for play; 有工作的时间也有玩的时间 Twenty-four hours for day and night, 白天和夜晚一共有24个小时 Some for darkness and some for light. 有光明也有黑暗Lesson 4Pass me the cards, please.请把卡片递给我。Here you are.给你。Pass me the books, please.请把书递给我。Here you are.给你。Lesson 5How many

22、seasons are there 一年有多少个季节?There are four.Which season do you like?I like summer.I go swimming in summer.I like winter.I go skating in winter. Summers hot, no school. Fall comes, it becomes cool. We all go back to school.in a year?有四个。你喜欢哪个季节?我喜欢夏天。我夏天去游泳。我喜欢冬天,我冬天去滑冰。夏天炎热,不用上学 秋天来到,天气变凉爽 我们都回到学校Les

23、son 6Lesson 6Do you like spring, Lingling? There are flowers in spring. Do you like spring?No, I dont.I like fall.玲玲,你喜欢春天吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。在春天有花朵。你喜欢春天吗?不,我不喜欢。我喜欢秋天。Spring, spring, Let us sing.We are all happy To sing for spring.春天,春天,让我们来歌唱吧 我们都快乐为春天而歌唱Lesson 7The sky is so blue today.今天天空如此的蓝。

24、The clouds are white.云彩是白色的。The grass and leaves are so green.草和叶子是如此的绿。lt,s a nice spring day.真是一个美好 的春天。Lets go out and play.让我们出去玩吧。Its a good idea. 好主意,Let/s go.走吧。Spring is bright with flower and song,春天是明亮的,带着花和歌曲Summer is hot and the days are long.夏天是炎热的,白天很长Fall is rich with fruit and grain,

25、秋天满是水果和稻谷Winter brings snow and the New Year again.冬天带来了雪和新的一年Lesson 8Remember to turn off the lights, please. 请t己得关灯Remember to turn off the computers, please.请记得关电脑。Lesson 9Welcome to my house.Let/s go to my bedroom.Your room is tidy.You have a big bookcase.You have a nice chair.Go to bed, Kate.Go

26、 to bed, Kate. Tired or not, Kate, Go to bed, Kate.欢迎来到我的房子! 让我们去我的卧室吧。 你的房间真整洁。你有一个大书柜。你有一把漂亮的椅子。Kate,睡觉吧。Kate,睡觉吧。无论累不累。快去睡觉吧。Lesson 10Can I use your bathroom, please?请问我能用你的卫生间吗?Sure.当然了。Its over there.在那边。I want to call my mom.我想给我的妈妈打 。Can I use your phone?我能用你的 吗?aunt三、语音词汇(听、说、读)要求能将单词补充完整(划线

27、局部)cake gate lake UNIT TWOWHAT DO YOU DO ON SUNDAY?一、功能句(听、说、读)Do you . on Saturday?Yes, I do. No, I dont.Do you have classes on the weekend?No, we dont.What do you do on Sunday?I (often) go to see a film.My parents and I go to the farm.二、单词与短语(听、说、读)(带“”的要求能写出单词的首字母)park cinema*bookstore*museum go

28、to the zoo (zoo*draw pictures (pictures*)read books (books*play with the animalsgo to see a film (film*go to buy booksgo to see my grandparents (grandma and grandpa)play football or basketballgo to the farm (farm*have classes三、语音词汇(听、说、读)Yes.Its on the table.Get up, Kate.Get up, Kate. Sleepy or not,

29、 Kate, Get up, Kate.可以。在桌子上。Kate,起床吧Kate,起床吧无论困不困快点起床吧Lesson 11Would you like to have some juice?你要来点果汁吗?Yes, please.Im thirsty.Me, too.Lets go to the kitchen.We have a big, new fridge. Apple juice, orange juice, Drink them with your food. Orange juice, apple juice, They will do you good.好的,请给我。我很渴。

30、我也是。让我们去厨房吧。我们有一个大的新冰箱 苹果汁,橘子汁合着你的食物喝果汁 橘子汁,苹果汁 他们使你身体强壮Lesson 12Would you mind opening the window?你介意翻开窗户吗?Not at all.不介意。Would you mind opening the door?你介意翻开门吗?Not at all.不介意。Lesson 13Mom, whats for breakfast today?妈妈,今天早饭吃什么?We have bread, milk, eggs, and fruit. 我们吃面包,牛奶,鸡蛋和水果。What would you lik

31、e? 你想吃什么?A glass of milk and a piece of bread, please.请给我一杯牛奶和一片面包。Bread and butter,面包和黄油,Spice and sugar,调味品和白糖,Which is better?哪个更好?Lesson 14Good evening, Dad.爸爸,晚上好。Are you tired?你累吗?Yes. Can you give me some orange juice, please? 是的。能给我一些橙汁吗?Here you are.给你。Thats really nice. Thanks.你真好。谢谢。Littl

32、e nose smells yummy, yummy food, 小鼻子闻到美味、美味的食物,Little nose smells nice, nice food.小鼻子闻到可口、可口的食物。Little mouth tastes yummy, yummy food, 小嘴巴尝到美味、美味的食物,Little mouth tastes nice, nice food.小嘴巴尝到可口、可口的食物。Lesson 15Mom, Im back. Where are you? Im in the kitchen. Are you hungry? Yes, I am.妈妈,我回来了 你在哪儿? 我在厨房

33、。你饿了吗? 是的,我饿了。非常感谢。不客气。别客气。不用谢。What do we have for supper?我们晚餐吃什么?We have rice, fish, and vegetables,我们吃米饭,鱼和蔬菜。I scream ,我尖叫,You scream ,你尖叫,We all scream for ice cream. 我们都为冰激凌尖叫。Lesson 16Thank you very much.My pleasure.You are welcome.Thats Ok.Lesson 17Where is my T-shirt?I cant find it.Is it in

34、your bag?No, it isnt.Is it under your bed?我的T恤衫在哪里? 我找不到它了。在你的书包里面吗? 不,它不在。在你的床下面吗?Yes, it is.是的,在床下。Thank you, Lala.谢谢你,Lala。Where are you going, my little cat?我的小猫,你去哪?I am going to town to buy a hat.我去城里买帽子。What? A hat for a cat?什么,猫的帽子?A cat to buy a hat?猫去买帽子?Lesson 18Is this jacket yours, Yang

35、yang? 洋洋,这件夹克是你的吗? No, its not mine.不,它不是我的。 Its Maomaos.它是毛毛的。你的头太圆了 你的脸太扁了 不能戴帽子No. His jacket is under his bag. 不,他的夹克在他书包下面。Your head is too round, And your face is too flat To wear a hat.Whoever heard of a cat with a hat?谁听说过小猫戴帽子?Lesson 19I like your new coat.Its beautiful.Thank you.Its my bir

36、thday gift.You have a nice gift.I wish I had one.我喜欢你的新上衣。它真漂亮。谢谢。它是我的生日礼物。你有一个漂亮的礼物。我真希望我也有一个。John, John, Went to bed With his pants on,John, John,穿着裤子在床上睡着了,One shoe off And one shoe on!一只鞋在地上,一只鞋在脚上!Lesson 20你放学后去哪?我要回家。我要去游泳池。你放学后去哪?我要回家。我要去游泳池。Where are you going after school?Im going home.Im g

37、oing to the swimming pool.Lesson 21There are so many cars and buses in the street. 在街道上有许多小汽车和公共汽车。There are also some taxis and vans.也有许多出租车和货车。They all run so fast.Let/s be careful.他们全部行驶地很快 让我们小心点吧。 小男孩,小男孩,你想骑车去兜风吗? 小自行车,小自行车 我想骑车去兜风。Little boy, little boy, Do you want to go for a ride? Little b

38、ike, little bike, Id like to go for a ride.Lesson 22There are so many toy cars.Can I have one?OK.这里有许多玩具汽车。 我可以买一个吗? 可以。Which color do you want, pink, orange, or brown? 你想要哪个颜色的,粉色,橙色,还是棕色? I want a brown one.我想要一个棕色的。It looks cute.它看起来很可爱。Train, plane, and ship,火车,飞机和轮船,Which do you take for your t

39、rip? 你想乘哪个去旅行? Ship, plane, and train,轮船,飞机和火车,For my trip 111 take the plane. 我要乘飞机去旅行。Lesson 23How do you go to school every day?你每天怎样上学?I go to school on foot.我步行上学。How does your dad go to work?你爸爸怎样去上班?我希望我能飞翔,我希望能触摸蓝天.展翅高飞,我希望我能飞翔He goes to work by car and my mom goes to work by bike.他驾车去上班并且我妈

40、妈骑自行车 去上班。I hope I can fly,I hope I can touch the sky.Spread my wings and fly high, I hope I can fly.Lesson 24Dont forget to bring your drawings to school tomorrow. 明天不要忘记把你们的画带到学校来。Dont forget to bring your markers to school tomorrow. 明天不要忘记把你们的画笔带到学校来。要求能将单词补充完整(划线局部)eagleleafpeachqueenkneeUNIT TH

41、REEWHAVS YOUR NUMBER?一、功能句(听、说、读)My number is eleven.Whats your number?Whats Lalas number?His number is twelve.What/s Kates number?Her number is fourteen.A: How many pigs do you have on your farm?I have sixteen pigs.A: How many girls do you have in your class?We have twenty girls in our class.A: How

42、 many classes do you have this afternoon?B: I (We) have (only) two.二、词汇(听、说、读)(带的要求能写出单词的首字母)onetwo threefour*five支six*seven*eight上nine*ten eleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentypig(s) duck(s) sheephorse(s) cow(s) hen(s) girl(s) boy(s) 三、语音词汇(听、说、读)要求能将单词补充完整(划线局部)

43、tigerFridaynineiceUNIT FOURTHERE ARE MANY ANIMALS一、功能句(听、说、读)There are many animals in the zoo.Are there elephants in this zoo?Yes, there are four.No, there arent.A: Do you like cats?Yes, I do. I like dogs, too.There are so many toys.二、词汇(听、说、读)(带的要求能写出单词的首字母)elephant(s) monkey(s) panda(s) bigsmallcat(s) rabbit(s) tiger(s


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