1、YG 75/5.29 M型循环流化床锅炉整套启动调试方案及措施In tegrated Start ing and Commissi oning Test Schemes and Measures of YG75/5.29 M CFB Boiler编制:Comp iled by:审核:Reviewed by:批准:Appro ved by:目录1.Contents编制目的Purpose of compilation编制依据Basis of compilation设备概述Equipment overview锅炉整套启动调试范围Integrated starting and commissionin
2、g test scope of boiler组织分工Division of organization锅炉整套启动前应具备的条件Conditions to be ready before the boiler integrating整套启动试运步骤Process for integrated starting and commissioning test整套启动阶段调试进度计划Debugging schedule for integrated starting and commissioning反事故措施Anti-accident measures安全注意事项Safety considerati
3、ons编制目的Purpose of compilation为了顺利完成电厂 YG75/5.29M 循环流化床锅炉启动调试工作,明确调试工作任务 和职责分工,规范调试项目和调试程序,使调试工作有组织、有计划的进行。结合本机组特 点及同类型机组调试、运行经验情况,特制定本调试方案。Combining with the characteristics of machine set and the experience from the same type of machine operating and commissioning, this commissioning scheme is spec
4、ially formulated for the purpose to successfully complete the startup & commissioning of YG 75/5.29 M circulating fluidized bed boiler for power plant, clarify commissioning tasks and division of responsibility, standardize commissioning projects and procedures and to carry on the organic and design
5、ed commissioning.2.编制依据Basis of compilation设备生产厂家技术资料和实验要求。Requirements for technical data and experiment by equipment manufacturer本锅炉机组技术规范,调试要求 和安装使用说明书。Technical specification, commissioning requirements and operation manual for this boiler unit 3.设备概述Equipment overview锅炉本体Boiler body电站工程1 X75t/h
6、 CFB由济南锅炉集团有限公司生产,其型号为YG-75/5.29-M型循环流化床锅炉,该锅炉为 75t/h 次高压、次高温循环流化床锅炉,具有燃烧效率高、低污染 和节约燃料、便于调节等特点。该锅炉结构简单、紧凑,炉型与传统的煤粉锅炉类似。锅炉 本体由燃烧设备、给煤装置、床下点火装置、分离和返料装置、水冷系统、过热器、省煤器、 空气预热器、钢架、平台扶梯、炉墙等组成。锅炉采用床下油点火方式;流化床布风板采用 水冷布风板结构,布置钟罩式风帽,锅炉采用 3 台给煤机由炉前给煤;分离装置采用高温汽 冷旋风分离器。1 X75t/h CFB for power plant, whose type is Y
7、G-75/5.29-M circulat ing fluidized bed boiler, is produced by Jinan boiler group Co., Ltd. The boiler is circulating fluidized bed boiler of 75t/hintermediate pressure, intermediate temperature, which has the characteristics of high combustion efficiency, low pollution and fuel saving and easy to be
8、 regulated, etc. The boiler structure is simple and compact, and the profile is similar with the traditional pulverized coal fired boiler. The boiler is composed of combustion equipment, coal supply unit, ignition unit under bed, separation &return unit, water cooling system, superheater, economizer
9、, air preheater, steel frame, terrace stairs, oven wall, etc. The boiler adopts the ignition method by oil under bed; the grid plate for fluidized bed adopts water-cooled grid plate structure, bell-shaped hood, and boiler adopts 3 feeders to supply coal from the front of boiler; separating device ad
10、opts high temperature steam cold cyclone separator.额定蒸发量: 75t/hRated evaporating capacity: 75t/h过热蒸汽压力: 5.29MPaSuperheated steam pressure: 5.29MPa过热蒸汽温度:485 rSup erheated steam temp erature: 485C给水温度: 150rWater supply temperature: 150 C排烟温度: 145CExhaust smoke temperature: 145 C一次风预热温度: 140CPrimary a
11、ir preheating temperature: 140 C二次风预热温度: 140CSecondary air preheating temperature: 140 C石灰石颗粒度要求: 2mmLimest one grai n: 353。Hydrostatic test used water must be qualified and dem in eralized and the temp erature of steam drum wall should be kept more tha n 35 during test.C.环境温度低于5 C时应采取防冻措施。An ti-fre
12、ez ing measures should be take n whe n ambie nt temp erature below 5升压应缓慢,升压速度应 0.3MPa/min,压力升到10MPa以上时升压速度应 0.2MPaZmin。Boost P ressure slowly by the sp eed less tha n 0.3 MPa/min. Whe n the p ressure boosted over 10MPa, the sp eed should be less than 0.2 MP a/mi n.工作压力水压试验的合格标准:Acce ptance c
13、riteria of hydrostatic test for op erati ng p ressure.关闭进水门,5分钟内压降不超过0.5Mpa ;P ressure drop is less tha n 0.5 MPa in 5 min after water incoming gate closed;受压元件金属壁和焊缝没有任何水珠和水雾的泄漏痕迹。No leak ing trace of water drops and sp rays at the metal wall and weld joi nt of comp ressi on components.降压速度要求 0.5 M
14、pamin ;压力降至1.01.5Mpa时对取样管、排污管、疏水管和仪表管道进行冲洗。P ressure dropping sp eed required to be less tha n 0.5 MPa/min; Wash samp li ng tube, blow-dow n pipe, drain pipe and in strume nt pipe whe n p ressure drop to 1.01.5 MPa.试验结束,将水位放至锅炉水位-50mm。Discharge water to boiler level of -50mm after test fini shed.点火前
15、的准备Prep arati on before ign it ing.锅炉点火前投入电除尘器的振打及加热装置。Put vibrator of electric p reci pi tator and heater into op erati on before boiler ign it ing.7.162 投入油系统进行循环,做油母管泄漏试验。Put oil system into op eratio n to circulate and test for the leakage of oil tube.依次启动引风机、一次风机、二次风机。Start in duced draft fan,
16、p rimary blower and sec on dary blower in turn.调整一次风量为一次总风量的 40%-50%,二次风量为二次总风量的 50%对炉膛和烟风道吹扫5-10分钟。Adjust P rimary air volume to 40%-50% of p rimary total volume and sec on dary air volume to 50% of sec on dary total volume. Blow furn ace and flue gas/air duct for 5-10 minu tes.吹扫结束后,检查确认满足油点火的允许条件
17、。Check and con firm the con diti on for ign it ing oil after blow ing.锅炉点火 Boiler ign it ing床下燃烧器点火,油枪选用500Kg/h出力的雾化片,调整一次风略大于最小流化风 量,点燃一只油枪。Ign it ing by combustor below bed. Adopt oil gun with atomized flake of 500Kg/h out put and adjust p rimary air to be slightly more tha n minimum fluidized air
18、 volume and ignite one oil gun.油枪点燃后,根据燃烧情况对油枪进行燃烧调整,使油枪雾化良好、配风合适、火 焰呈金黄色,无掉油、冒黑烟和刷墙现象。30分钟后点燃另外一只油枪。To achieve well atomized oil gun, proper air, golde n flame, no oil leak ing, black smoke and wall brushi ng, adjust the combusti on of oil gun accord ing con diti ons after ign iti on. Ign ite theot
19、her oil gun after 30 minutes.当床温达到550-650 C (视炉前煤化验情况而定),可向炉内投煤。Feed coal to furnace when bed temperature achieves 550-650 C (depend on the test results of coal in front of boiler).脉动”给煤 37.181当床温达到550-650 C,启动一台给煤机,以5-10%的给煤量 脉动”合煤,即每次 给煤 2-3 分钟,观察床温的变化,当床温增加氧量有所减少时,证明煤已燃烧。次以后,床温继续增加4-7 C /m
20、in,氧量持续减小,可以较小的给煤量连续给煤。Start a coal feeder with the pulse feeding volume of 5-10% at the temperature of 550-650 C , that is to feed 2-3minutes each time. Observe bed temperature changes and find the coal burned out when the added oxygen volume of bed temperature began to decrease. Bed temperature wo
21、uld continue increasing by 4-7 C /min and oxygen volume decreases consecutively after 3 times pulse feeding, so feed coal consecutively with a lesser feeding volume.保持炉膛下部床压 7KPa 左右,根据升温升压曲线投入另一台给煤机。Put another coal feeder into operation according to warming and pressure boosting curve in about 7KPa
22、 of bottom bed pressure in furnace.增加给煤量,当床温达到790800 C以上,且床温持续升高,可切除燃烧器。Increase coal feeding volume and switch off combustor if bed temperature achieves 790 800 C and still increase continuously.投煤停油过程中要加强监视床温、床压、主汽温、主汽压力的变化,如发现异常情 况应及时进行调整。给煤燃烧稳定后关闭油枪,调节一次风量以控制床温至合适的值及保证 床料流化质量良好。Reinforce monitor
23、ing the changes of temperature and pressure of bed and primary steam, adjust them in time if found exception. Close oil gun after stable combustion of coal and adjust primary air volume to control proper bed temperature and ensure the good quality of fluidized bed material.进入燃烧调节阶段,床温保持在 883 C左右Get
24、into the phase of combustion adjusting and keep about 883 C of the bed temperature.7.1.9 升温、升压Warming and pressure boosting升温升压过程中的控制 (参见附图 “锅炉冷态启动曲线 ”:)Control during the process of warming and pressure boosting(reference to attached drawing Boiler cold start-up curve)汽包上、下壁温差 48;Temperature differ
25、ence between upper and lower steam drum wall首次启动应加强定期排污工作,应根据汽水品质要求适当增加定排次数。Reinforce intermittent blow-down during first start-up and increase the times properly according to the quality of steam-water.连排扩容器投入前,连排水走旁路直接进入定排扩容器。Continuous discharged water get into intermittent blow-down flash tank t
26、hrough bypass before continuous blow-down flash tank put into operation.升温、升压过程中的定期工作:Regular work during warming and pressure boosting.汽包压力约 0.050.1MPa 时,冲洗就地水位计,并仔细核对水位;Wash local water level meter and check water level carefully when the pressure of steam drum is about 0.05 0.1MPa.汽包压力 0.150.2MPa
27、 时,关闭锅炉各空气门;Close various air gates of boiler when the pressure of steam drum is about 0.150.2MPa.汽压 0 .2 0 . 3MPa 时,冲洗仪表导管;Wash instrument tube when the pressure of steam is 0.20.3MPa0.5MPa 时,稳定压力,热紧螺丝;Stabilize pressure and tighten screw in hot under the pressure of 0.5MPa.0.5MPa 时,关闭过热器疏水门;Close
28、drain valve of super-heater under the pressure of 0.5MPa.1.0MPa 时,投入连排扩容器;Put continuous blow-down flash tank into operation under the pressure of 1.0MPa.锅炉上水、升压过程中,各方人员应定期检查锅炉各部件的膨胀情况,发现有膨 胀受阻现象时应及时查明原因并消除之,否则应停止升压 .以下压力时应记录膨胀。Personnel of related parties should regular inspect the conditions of ex
29、pansion in the components of boiler duri ng the p rocess of water filli ng and p ressure boost ing. Ascerta in the causes immediately and elim in ate p roblems if found hindrance duri ng expansion, or stop in creas ing p ressure. Expansion should be recorded un der follow ing the p ressure :上水前后 Bef
30、ore and after water filling 0.3 0.4MPa1 1.5 MPa 2.0 MPa 4 OMpa7.1.10冲转与并网Impu Ise start ing and comb ined to the grid.蒸汽参数达到汽机冲转参数,蒸汽品质达到冲转条件时可进行汽机冲转工作。Steam turb ine could start by impu Ise whe n steam p arameter achieves the value of impu Ise starti ng of steam turb ine and steam quality reaches t
31、he impu Ise starti ng con diti on.汽机冲转过程中锅炉应稳定蒸汽参数,冲转前调整汽包水位在-50mm左右。The steam p arameter of boiler should be stabilized duri ng impu Ise start ing of steam turb ine.Adjust water level of steam drum to be about -50mm before impu Ise starti ng.汽机稳定3000r /min,进行电气试验。Make electrical test for steam turb
32、 ine whe n it is stabilized at 3000r/m in.电气试验结束,发电机并网带10-15 %额定负荷,运行4-6小时,发电机解列。Gen erator comb ines to the grid and op erates 4-6 hours carry ing rated load of 10-15% after electrical test and the n ste p out.调整蒸汽参数满足汽机要求,配合汽机做主汽门、调速气门严密性试验和超速试验。Adjust steam p arameters to meet the dema nds for st
33、eam turb ine and coop erate with steam turb ine to test the leakage and over sp eed for p rimary steam valve and sp eed gover ning valve.带负荷调试Debugging on load 7.2.1机组升负荷。Boiler un its raise load.发电机并网带初始负荷暖机。Gen erator comb ines to the grid and warms up with in itial load.保护全部投入;All the p rotecti o
34、n put into op eratio n.发电机并网后逐渐关闭旁路,进入滑压方式运行。Close by-p ass gradually after gen erator comb ined to the grid and the n get into variableIn creasep ressure op erati on.机组具备升负荷条件后,逐渐增大燃烧率,按照升负荷速率增加负荷。combusti on rate of un its gradually and also in crease load accord ing to in crease rate whe n the un
35、 its equipped with the con diti on of load in creas ing.锅炉投煤运行后,应严密监视过热器各级受热面的金属壁温不超标。Closely monitor the metal wall of heati ng surface of sup er-heater to en sure no limits exceeded after the boiler running with coal put into op erati on.锅炉机组满负荷后,应对各受热面进行全面吹灰一次。Blowi ng the soot of heat ing surfac
36、e comp letely whe n boiler un its on full load.锅炉机组满负荷后,各种热工保护及自动装置应能做到全部投入。All the thermal-d yn amic p rotecti on and automatics should be put into op erati on en tirely whe n boiler un its on full load.7. 3 满负荷试运 Test run with full load本台锅炉的蒸发量达到60-75t/h时即可开始72小时满负荷连续试运行计时,在72小时试运行期间,锅炉的平均蒸发量 6075
37、t/h,控制主蒸汽温度与汽机相适应,一般情况下为 470 490C。Start timing the consecutive test running of 72 hours on full load if eva po rati on cap acity of boiler reached 60-75t/h. The mea n eva po rati on cap acity of boiler is 60 75t/h duri ng the 72 hours of test running. Con trol p rimary steam temp erature, which is u
38、sually 470 490 C , to correspond to steam turbine.连续运行72小时后,结束72小时满负荷试运工作。一般情况下应当停炉处理缺陷。End test running on full load 72 hours later. Gen erally sp eak ing, the p roblems found in the p rocess of test running should be solved after furn ace blowout.7. 3. 1 带负荷调试工作全部结束后 After debugging on load comple
39、ted7. 3. 2 进入满负荷试运的条件:getting into the conditions of test running on full load:主要监测仪表全部投入;All the major mon itori ng in strume nts put into op erati on.高加投入; High p ressure heater put into op erati on.电除尘器投入:Electric p reci pi tator put into op eratio n.蒸汽品质合格;Steam quality qualified.主要自动装置投入(汽压、汽温、
40、给水自动)。Major automatics put into op eration (steam pressure, steam temperature and automatic water feeding)733 全面检查记录设备运行工况及各项运行参数, 72 小时试运计时。Start timing the 72 hours test running and inspect and record the operation conditions of devices and various operating parameters completely.8 整套启动阶段调试进度计划Deb
41、ugging schedule for integrated starting and commissioning一般正常情况下为 8 15 天。The schedule usually takes 815 days.9 反事故措施Anti-accident measures机组启动调试工作是新建机组的一个关键阶段,防止试运期间机组非计划停运反事故措施,是使机 组顺利完成启动试运行,达到安全、稳定、经济的调整试运目的保证。The startup and debugging is a key phrase for a new built machinery set. The anti-accid
42、ent measures which prevent emergency shut down for the machinery set during test run period is the guarantee to make the machinery set smoothly complete the startup and debugging, and to realize the safe, stable and economical debugging and operation.试运期间机组非计划停机的因素很多,涉及设计、施工、调试、运行、制造厂家、 监理、生产等参建单位。因
43、此,必须以科学的管理方法来组织机组的启动调试和试运。在启委会的领导 下,各单位责任落实,层层把关,以实现共同目标。During test run, the factors for machinery set emergency shut down are too much, which involve design, construction, debugging, operation, manufacturer, supervisor, production and other units joined to construction. Thus, shall organize the st
44、artup & debugging and test run on basis of scientific management method. Under the lead of startup committee, every unit takes its responsibility, examines and inspects all the related works to realize the common goals.我公司在调试组织机构的运作中,明确调总是调试现场具体调试工作的总指挥,从 分系统调试试运开始,负责各单位,各专业之间的调试和消缺协调工作。各专业 负责人为各专业的
45、安全、 质量、技术第一负责人, 我公司安全体系、 质量体系的有效工作是防止 非计划停运的有力保证。 工作重点是:1) 落实质量验收制度, 不合格的项目不能带到下道工序;2) 严格执行工作票制度; 3) 加强试运中的指导、示范操作和监护; 4)调试人员必须以高度的责任心和责任感来对待调试工作,牢固树立 “精心组织,确保安全,认真调试,精益求精,创造精 品工程”的思想。During the debugging organization in operation, our company regards the center controlas the general director for fi
46、eld debugging. From subsystem debugging and test run, they take responsibility of the coordination works. The principal of each major is the technical person of the first responsibility for safety, quality and technique. The effective work which the safety system, quality control system of our compa
47、ny does is powerful guarantee to avoid emergency shut down. The key points for working: 1) carry out the quality acceptance and inspection system. The unqualified project cannot go into the next process; 2) strictly execute the job tickets system; 3) enhance the guidance, demonstration and guardians
48、hip in test run; 4) the debugging personnel shall debug the system with strong sense of responsibility and firmly establish the thought of“well organized, insure the security, careful debugging, seekincreasing perfection, create high- quality project ”.防止炉膛及烟风道瓦斯爆炸Prevent the furnace and fuel gas du
49、ct from gas explosion在可能存在瓦斯气体的烟风道和炉膛装设瓦斯泄放排空管及对应阀门、防爆门。In the fuel gas duct and furnace which there possible exists methane gas, install gas releasing pipe and corresponding valve and explosion door.确保锅炉油枪严密性良好,不往炉内漏油,油枪雾化良好,确保燃烧完全。Ensure boiler oil gun is rigorous, no leakage to furnace, along wit
50、h oil gun pulverization is good and it is burned completely.锅炉尽量避免长期低负荷和空气量不足的情况下运行。Boiler is better to avoid operating in low load for long time and air amount not enough.加强煤质和颗粒度的分析并及时调整,避免燃烧不完全形成瓦斯沉积。Strengthen the analysis to coal quality and grain size and make adjustment in time. Avoid the imp
51、erfect combustion forming gas deposits.紧急停炉后,及时检查所有油门是否关闭, 检查给煤机完全停运, 停炉压火前,料层温度须降低至800820C以下、氧量提高到14.5%以上。After the boiler is shut off in emergency, check all throttles whether be closed. The materialslayer temperature shall be reduced to below 800 820 C , oxygen content coal feeder is increased mo
52、re than14.5 before coal feeder and furnace shutdown.加强锅炉观火设施和火检的维护,以使其能正常投入运行。Enhance the maintenance of boiler fire observing equipment and fire checking, so as to put into production smoothly.防止锅炉尾部再燃烧Avoid boiler tail combusting once again尾部烟道各部测温元件在安装前必须认真校验,有校验合格证方可安装。 The thermometric eleme nt
53、s in rear flue shall be verified before in stallati on. The p arties who has certificate for checkout can carry out the in stallati on.运行中密切注意尾部烟道负压和温度的变化情况,异常时必须查明原因,采取措施及时处理。During op erati on, pay much atte nti on to the n egative p ressure and temp erature, whe n there are some abno rmalities, s
54、hall find out causes and han dle them in time.(3)加强旋风分离器的严密性和返料器的连续运行状态检查。Check the tight ness of cyclone sep arator, con secutive op erati on state of materials retur ner.(4)随时检查锅炉燃烧情况,不得出现锅炉冒黑烟和燃油雾化不良现象。At any time, check the combustio n of boiler and shall not app ear black smoke and fuel oil pul
55、 verizatio n.9.3防止锅炉超压、超温Avoid boiler over pressure and overheat各压力、温度测量元件安装前,必须经过校验,有合格校验报告后方可安装。Before in stalli ng the p ressure and temp erature measuri ng eleme nts, they shall be checked out and only the p arty with certificate can carry on the in stallati on.锅炉进行水压试验前,必须做好防止超压的安全措施,专人负责到位。Bef
56、ore hydrostatic test for boiler, shall take the measures to avoid over pressure and the sp ecial person shall take its res pon sibility.锅炉运行人员必须严密监视锅炉各部壁温、烟温和汽温,严格按措施规定执行,不得私自放大。Boiler op erators shall strictly mon itor the wall temp erature, flue gas temp erature and steam temp erature for boiler a
57、ccordi ng to the rules.对锅炉烟风调整挡板和减温水调节门,要在投运前进行认真调试和检查,有问题及时联系安装消除。Before pu tt ing in to op erati on, the flue gas and air adjusti ng baffles of boiler and warm water adjusti ng valve shall be carefully debugged and checked. Con tact for in stallati on and elim in ati on if any p roblem occurs.9.4防
58、止锅炉汽包满水和缺水P reve nt boiler drum from full water and shortage of water汽包各水位计及水位取样变送器安装时,必须保证与汽包正常水位中心线持平,并有严格记录、签证,各水位计及采样器中心线误差在合格范围内。Whe n in stall the water gate of drum and water level samp li ng tran smitter, shall kee p them in line with the center line of normal water level and have strict rec
59、ord and visa, meantime the center line error of each water gage and sampler is within the acceptable range.汽包水位计水侧取样管孔位置,必须低于汽包水位停炉保护动作值, 并应有足够的裕量。The sampling tube position at water side of drum water gage shall be lower than the boiler shutdown protection value of drum water level, and shall have
60、some allowances.汽包水位测量系统应采取正确的保温、 伴热防冻措施,以保证汽包水位测量系统的正常运行及正确性。Drum water level measuring system shall be taken proper measures for heat insulation, heat tracing and antifreezing to ensure that drum water level measuring system is in normal operation and its exactness.运行人员应经常检查各水位计的偏差值,并查明其原因。Operato
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