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1、Letters of Invitation Lecture 13Learning ObjectivesDefinition of Invitation LettersFormats of Invitation LettersReply to Invitation LettersWriting of Invitation LettersTeaching Focus Part One Definition of Invitation LetterI. Definition of Invitation Writing The invitation letter is a kind of social

2、 letter, either used in the official commercial activities or unofficial occasions to invite some friends, colleagues, customers or clients and so on to attend the events such as party, ceremony, etc. 2. Types of Invitation Writing Invitation is divided into two types: (1) formal invitation (2) info

3、rmal invitation3. The Purpose of Invitation WritingAn invitation letter can be written for the following purposes:(1) To invite for a business anniversary.(2) To announce an engagement.(3) To announce an alumni校友 meeting.(4) To invite for the graduation party(5) To invite the spokesperson for a conf

4、erence or seminar. (6) To invited to a business social event.(7) To invite a prospective customer to a sales appointment.(8) To invite a wedding, anniversary or house-warming ceremony. Part Two The Format of Invitation Letter1. The Format of Invitation WritingAn invitation letter contains:The headin

5、gDateInside addressSalutationBody of letterComplementary closeSignatureEnclosure The BOARD OF DIRECTORS of XYZ CORPORATIONInvites you to attend a dinner party in honor of JONH SMIHTPresident and Chief Executive Officerto be held at the ABC Hotel, Atlanta on Friday evening, September 14 at 7:00 P.M.R

6、SVP1. The Format of Invitation WritingR.S. V. P. (RSVP)一封正式的邀请信总会写有RSVP, 这表示需要回复是否参加。是法语中“请回复”的缩写。正式打印的邀请卡都是用第一人称书写的。1. The Format of Invitation Writing注意:给一位已婚的有头衔的先生发社交邀请信通常包括邀请他的夫人。Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jennings request the pleasure of the company of Dr. and Mrs. Brian Sullivan(阿尔伯特.简宁先生及其夫人荣幸地邀请布莱

7、恩苏利文博士及其夫人)2. The Content of Invitation Writing The content of Invitation letter mainly focuses on the social event:(1) the occasion(2) the time(3) the place(4) the detailed information(5) more words and sentences to encourage the invitee to take part in the events.3. Sample of Formal Invitation Let

8、ter Formal printed invitation: reply expected The Management Team of the XYZ Corporation in honor of William R. Chesterfield requests the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake at a dinner dance on Saturday, September 12 at seven oclock Alexander Hotel-San Diego RSVP (000)000-0004. Sa

9、mple of Informal Invitation WritingAn Informal invitation letter to a barbecue Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Request the pleasure of your company at an interesting BBQ on Saturday, the twenty fifth of March at eleven oclock a.m. James Zhao R.S.V.P. Tel: xxxxxxx5. Sample of Invitation CardAn invitation

10、 Card to a Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Zhong Liang request the pleasure of Ms. Daisy Liangs company at the marriage of their daughter Zhang Ying To Mr. Dong Zhi qiang at Great Wall Hotel on Tuesday, the thirty-first of September nineteen hundred and ninety eight at half after five in the afternoon R.

11、S. V. P. Black Tie Part Three The Reply to Invitation Letter1. Accepting a formal InvitationDateName/TitleBusiness/ OrganizationAddressCity, State, Zip, CodeDear Name, Dr. and Mrs. John McDonald are pleased to accept the Winchester Corporations kind invitation to attend the dinner dance at the Alexa

12、nder Hotel on Saturday, September 12. Yours sincerelySignatureName2. Refusing a formal InvitationDateName/TitleBusiness/ OrganizationAddressCity, State, Zip, CodeDear Name:Mr. and Mrs. Alex Longman thank the Management Team of the ABC Corporation for thekind invitation to attend the dinner dance hon

13、oring William R. Chesterfield on September 12,but regret that they are unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Yours sincerelySignatureName Part FourWriting PracticeUseful Sentences for Invitation1. We hope that you and your wife will be able to join us on March 17 and look forward to seeing you

14、 then. 2. Thank you for your kind invitation to the dinner dance on December 9, which my wife and I will be happy to attend. Useful Sentences for Invitation3. Thank you very much for your kind invitation for dinner at the Bailey Restaurant on June 2. My husband and I are delighted to accept.4. I wou

15、ld be delighted to accept your kind dinner invitation, but my wife and I have already made arrangement to attend a wedding reception on that date.Useful Sentences for Invitation5. We regret that we already have another engagement at this time and will not be able to attend. 6. My wife and I regret t

16、hat owing to a prior engagement we will not be able to be present at the reception on August 10. 5. Useful Sentences for Invitation1. 我们希望您与您的夫人能够在3月17日与我们一起参加活动,我们期待着届时见面。2. 非常感谢您邀请我们参加12月9日的晚宴舞会,我和夫人将高兴参会 3. 非常感谢您邀请我们参加6月2日百利饭店的晚餐,我和丈夫非常高兴地接受邀请。4. 很高兴您盛情邀请我们参加晚会,不过我和夫人已经约好在当日去参加一个结婚喜宴。 5. 很遗憾,因有其他

17、安排,我们无法参加。6. 我和夫人非常遗憾,因为事先另有安排,我们无法参加8月10日的招待会. Part Five HomeworkI. Match Match the English words and phrases with proper Chinese meanings.A.鸡尾酒会 B. 确认出席 C.荣幸邀请 D. 着装要求 E. 竭诚邀请F. 宴会场地 G. 随附卡片 H.敬请出席 I. 请回复 J.以为名义( )cordially invite( )have the pleasure to invite( )R.S.V.P.( )request the honor of you

18、r presence( )dress code ( )cocktail reception( )banquet venue( )in honor of( )confirm participation ( )enclosure cardKeys to I. Match(E )cordially invite ( C)have the pleasure to invite( I)R.S.V.P. (H)request the honor of your presence(D )dress code (A )cocktail reception(F )banquet venue ( J)in hon

19、or of( B)confirm participation( G)enclosure cardII. Translating into Chinese1. We take pleasure in inviting you to come to the anniversary. 2. You are cordially invited to attend the formal dinner in honor of Peter Chang on Dec. 15. 2009, at 7:30 at International Hotel. 3. Please note that this is a

20、 black-tie event. RSVP with the names of those attending by this Thursday. 4. I am grateful to be able to accept your invitation and would be an honor to celebrate this memorable occasion with you. 5. Unfortunately, due to a previous commitment on that day, I am unable to celebrate this memorable oc

21、casion with you. Keys to II. Translating into Chinese1. 我们荣幸地邀请您参加周年纪念会。2. 竭诚邀请您参加定于2009你那12月15日晚7:30于国际酒店为Peter Chang 举办的酒会。3. 请注意着正装, 本周四前与会者请实名回复。4. 收到您的邀请非常感激并很荣幸能与您一起分享难忘的时刻。5. 十分抱歉,由于当时事先有约,实难赴会。III. Translating into English1. 十分荣幸地邀请您参加这个会议。2. 作为杰出公众人物,您的到来,我们将万分荣幸。3. 我们相信,您对我们的造访将增进彼此之间的了解,对

22、未来的合作有极大的益处。4. 真诚地盼望您能与我们一起共享盛事。5. 兹代表凯特布朗教授邀请您出席本月18日下午三点 到五点在我校大学生俱乐部举办的茶会,敬请光临。III. Keys to translating into English1. We take pleasure to invite you to attend this convention.2. As a prominent public figure, we would be honored by your attendance. 3. We do hope that you will be able to join us i

23、n this event. 4. We believe your visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding and be of great benefit to your future cooperation. 5. I am writing on behalf of Professor Kate Brown to request the pleasure of your company at a tea Party at the college club from 3 oclock to

24、5oclock on 18th of this month. IV. RearrangementPlease rearrange the following sentences into a proper invitation letter.A. Mr. Wang has been the President of ABC Company since 1999.B. On 7th July, we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of Mr. Wang, president of ABC Company. C. Please join us to say Good-bye


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