



1、新目标英语八年级下复习B卷针对性练习题首字母填空If you want to run your company well, you will have to hire a 1.We need two e hands. There is too much work to do.I set up a stamp c club with my best friend.The d match between China and Japan makes many young people cry.The doctor took my t and said that I had a high fever.

2、Disneyland is just full of a, including roller coasters and lovely cartoon characters.The couple c the road are my father* s workmates.I love sports, e swimming.You have d the relationship between you and your father. What you should do is to make it up.A is the third season of a year.看图说话A: Who is

3、the old man?B: I think he is.A: What is that on his back?B: a .A: What are there in it?B: some A: What? s weather like in the picture?B:.A: what so you think the old man is going to do?B: I think she s going to a gift the little boy.三.汉译英.人类会否有一天生活在月球上呢?这仍然是个谜。(one day; still).要嘛是你,要嘛是汤姆回去参加那个关键的会议。

4、确定别穿那套过时的西 装去! ( go toout of style).在更现代的历史时期中,恐怖分子严重的影响了人们的正常生活。 (modern; affect).我过去喜欢这些乂俄罗斯风格的老房子,因为觉得他们有一些欧洲影响 在其中。(used to; have in it).在过去的十年中,三分之一的人口已经搬进了新城中。他们中大部分人都以修理汽车为生 (move; repair)四.补全对话Dad, do you think I should be a professional football player?1. speaking, I always have 2. against

5、football, because I think it s very dangerous to play football for a 3. ?I love football, you know. I take it as my life. And today the coach of the 4. football team came to our school and he watched us 5. football. He told me that I was a very good play and I should go to play for our country.He re

6、ally said that?Yeah! I never 6. to you, dad.But Jerry, he can t make sure that you can play as a chief player. 7. if you can* t play better than other players? Then you either don t have the chance to become a professional play 8. have the chance to continue your 19. .A: Maybe you are right. I need

7、to consider it 10. .五.选词填空easy; communicate; with; for; recent; compare; space; strange; attitude;human; as; use;WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CELL PHONES? (PART ONE)Along 1. the advance of science and technology, electronic products, such as computer, MP3, and cell phone and so on, 2. life changed a lot. Am

8、ong them, cell phone exerts a big influence on our daily life. It has dramatically changed our way of 3. and socializing. As to its virtues(美德)and defects (缺 陷)about cell phone, people, s opinions are widely different.4. , a professor named Baron conducted a survey among 2000 college students and co

9、nsulted their 5. towards cell phones. Conclusion was reached that the biggest advantage of cell phones is that it can connect the 6. with other people through short messages, which is very convenient 7. with traditional letter writing and also very cheap with the telephone call taking into considera

10、tion. 8. every coin has two sides, the very virtue of the cell phone is also the biggest disadvantage, which makes other people 9. find them with a call even a message. Cell phones are gradually intruding upon the private(私人的)10. of people.六.排序WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CELL PHONES? (PART TWO)For the most

11、 part, I agree with professor Baron s conclusion. Let me first illustrate its virtues. 1.It shortens the distance between people, no matter how far two people are. They can also easily get in touch with each other through a call. 2. The most obvious advantage of short message is that it makes people familiar and intimate. Sometimes, people feel awkward to say something to others through face to face communication or making a phone call. 3. All the discomfort will be diminished for the messages covering the emotional effect. 4. People can pass their blessing


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