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1、7B Unit 8 Pets同步练习一、单项填空( )1.The little boy is watching the goldfish swimin the tank.A.toB.fromC.aroundD.at( )2.Who teaches you?A.skateB.to skateC.to skatingD.skates( )3. Are they watching the girls? Yes. And they often watch the girls.A. dance ; to danceB. dancing ; danceC. to dance ; dancingD. dan

2、cing ; to dance( )4. It s dangerous for children to playfire.A.formB.onC.atD.withbecause my mother asked me( )5. I didn t go to the park with my classmates tomy little sister at home.A.look afterB.look atC.look forD.look like ( )6.There are many kinds of in the river.You can gothere.A. fish ; fishin

3、gB. fishes ; fishC. fishes ; fishingD. fish ; to fish( )7. Whatyour cat like? It s lovely and cheerful.A.doesB.isC.looksD.are( )8. How often do you clean your room?A.This afternoonB.Only onceC.For four daysD.Three times a week( )9.Youto take your schoolbag to school tomorrow.A.do not needB.need notC

4、.needn tD. A, B and C()10. Don t justyourself.A.care ofB.take careC.care inD.care about()11.Goldfish are.A.easily to look afterB. easy to look afterC.easily to look after themD. A , B and C()12.We should keep our classroom.A.cleaningB.cleanedC. cleanD. A , B and C()13.What about going boating this w

5、eekend?Thatgreat.A.hearsB.soundsC.listensD.sounds like()14. I looked for my pen, but I can t find it.A. everywhere ; anywhereB. anywhere ; everywhereC .somewhere ; everywhereD. everywhere ; somewhere()15.Tom fightshis brother food sometimes.A. for ; forB. with ; withC. with ; forD. for ; with()16.Th

6、e tomato soup smells .I want to taste it.A.wellB.goodC.badD.badly()17.That mountain looksan elephant s trunk.A.likeB.asC.forD.at()18.He is interesteddancing and singing.A.toB.inC.forD.behind()19.My cat often playsmy dog.A.withB.toC.atD.and()20.English is difficult.A.to learnB.to learn itC.for me lea

7、rningD.for him to speak it二、完形填空Once 1 was a white cat. He was very lazy. Every day, his mother 2 hisYou must 4hands and face. One day, his mother said, “ My son, you re 3 .to catch mice and do all 5of things yourself.“ The white cat didn this mother. He only knew his mother could do everything 7 hi

8、m.Whenhismotherwas 8,he couldn t wash9.He was very dirty. His friends didn t liketo play 10 him. He had to go home. 11 home, he saw some old mice. They12 here and there. The white cat was very hungry. But he 13 notcatchthem.When his mother 14home, he was crying. His mother said,“Now you know, youmus

9、t learn to do things 15)1. A. there B. hereC. thatD. where)2. A. washes B. washed C. watched D. watches)3. A. enough old B. old enough C. very young D. clever)4. A. studyB. studiesC. to learn D. learn)5. A. rightB./ C. kind D. kinds)6. A. hearB. listen toC. listened D. listen)7. A. forB. atC. with D

10、. to)8. A. insideB. at home C. outD. in)9. A. himB. itselfC. herselfD. himself)10. A. atB. withC. forD. near)11. A. InB. AtC. ByD. On)12. A. satB. walkedC. ranD. lived)13. A. mayB. willC. didD. could)14. A. gotB. came toC. got toD. went to)15. A. sometimes B. right C. yourself D. yourselves三、阅读理解Do

11、you know that fish come out of eggs when they were born? After the baby fish comes out of the egg, it eats the food in the egg. When it is big enough, it leaves the egg. It swims in the water. You can see the eyes and the nose. Its ears are hidden ( 藏)in the head.Some fish eat other fish.The fish th

12、at eat plants have smaller mouths and teeth.The fish that eat other fish need larger mouths and stronger teeth.Fish are usually dark on the top and light on the bottom.()1. Fish start as.A.eggsB.fishC.foodD.plants()2.At the very beginning the baby fish.A.eat the food in waterB.eat the food in the eg

13、gsC.drink milkD.drink water()3.Fish leave eggs when.A.their mothers tell them toB.they know how to swimC.they are big enoughD.they are still very small()4.While fish are swimming in the water, you cannot see their.A.topsB.headsC.eyesD.ears()5.The fish with larger mouths and stronger teeth are.A.dark

14、 on the top and light on the bottomB.light on the top and light on the bottomC.fish eatersD.plant eaters四、词汇运用Dont be so( 粗鲁的)to others. You must be polite to others.Li Bai wrote lots of great(诗)in his life.I am surprised with my mouth open(充分地)Do you know where the boy( 躲藏 ) last night?My grandma s

15、 warm(触摸 )always makes me feel comfortable.The parrot( 重复 ) my words again and again when it saw me.My teacher will give a( 讲座 ) on pets next Monday.In some ways, I don t ( 同意 )with Mr White.(mouse) can be dangerous because they may make people get ill.Last winter, I(teach) myself to skate.Children,

16、 stop(fight)! Do you think it OK to be so rude to each other?People here(build) another hospital in their town next year.He(weigh) the little baby yesterday and he was four kilograms.My grandmother(brush) her dog s fur every day.Many people think cities are too(noise).There is nothing wrong with(kee

17、p) a snake if you like it.16My little dog is very cute and easy(look) after.五、句型转换Goldfish are easy to look after. ( 改为同义句 ) to look after goldfish.This is not a good idea.Put your fish in the sun.( 合并为一个句子)not a good idea your fish in the sun.I think goldfish are expensive. ( 改为否定句 ) Ithink goldfis

18、hexpensive.I ll look after my grandfather until the end.( 改为同义句 ) I llmy grandfather until the end.Give the goldfish some food.( 改为否定句 ) give the goldfishfood.She has a dog. Its name is Eddie.(合并为一个句子)She has a dog Eddie.My dog is cleverer than the other animals.( 改为同义句 )My dog isof all the animals.I have lots of bread.( 改为同义句 )I eatbread.The bird uses some sticks to build a nest.( 改为同义句 )The bird builds a neststicks.We have the art lesson twice a week. (就画线部分提问)you have the art lesson?答案:1-5 CBBDA 6-10 CBDAD 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 BABAA1-5 ABBDD 6-10 BAC


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