1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Unit 1一,Views on language: 1、Structural view (language competence)结构主义语言观The founder: Saussure,lasen freeman&long The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:1、the sound system(phono
2、logy) 2、sound combinations(morphology)thediscreteunitsofmeaning 3、 thesystemofcombiningunitsofmeaning for communication(syntax) The structural view limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary 2 、Functional view功能主义语言观 Representative: Johnson、marrow、swain canal (the core:
3、 grammar) The function view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things功能不仅认为语言是一个语言系统,但也做事情的一种方式 Learners learn a language in order to be able to doing things with it Use the linguistic structure to express functions3、Interactional view 交互语言观(communicative compet
4、ence) Emphasis:appropriateness Language is a communicative tool,which main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people Learners need to know the rules for using the language in certain context二,View on language learning语言学习观1.Process-oriented theories:强调过程 are concerned with how
5、the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.2.Condition-oriented theories: 强调条件emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of
6、 input learners receives, and the atmosphere.3.Behavioristtheory,(Skinnerandwaston raynor) Athekeypointofthetheoryofconditioningisthat”youcantrainananimaltodoanythingifyoufollowacertainprocedurewhichhasthreemajorstages,stimulus,response,andreinforcement B the idea of this method is that language is
7、learned by constant repletion and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised.4.Cognitivetheory:Chomsky)thinksthatlanguageisnotaformofbehavior,itisanintricaterule-basedsystemandalargepartoflanguageacquisitionisthelearningofth
8、issystem.Thereareafinitenumberofgrammatical rulesinthesystemandwithknowledgeoftheseaninfinitenumberofsentencescanbeproduced.5.Constructivisttheory:(JohnDewey)theconstructivisttheorybelievesthatlearningisa procesinwhichthelearnerconstructsmeaningbasedonhis/herownexperiencesand whathe/heralreadyknows6
9、.Socio-constructivisttheory:(Vygotsky)heemphasizesinteractionandengagementwiththetargetlanguageinasocialcontextbasedontheconceptof“ZoneofProximalDevelopment”(ZPD)andscaffolding.Unit 2一,Whatmakesagoodlanguageteacher?ethicdevotion,professionalqualities,certain desirable personalstyles.四,principlesofco
10、mmunicativelanguageteaching(CLT)交际语言教学法原则 Communicationprinciple:activitiesthatinvolverealcommunicationpromotelearning.Taskprinciple:activitiesinwhichlanguageisusedforcarryingoutmeaningfultaskspromotelearning.Meaningfulnessprinciple:languagethatismeaningfultothelearnersupportsthelearningprocess.五,Ho
12、isacquiredthroughcommunication.Thelearnersdiscoverthestructuralsystemintheprocessofleaninghowtocommunicate.-regardsexperiencesofusingthelanguageasthemainmeansornecessaryconditionsforlearningalanguageastheyprovidetheexperienceforlearnerstoseehowlanguageisusedincommunication.六,PPP: presentation,practi
13、ce,production三. Principles for good lesson planning A. Aim B. Variety C. Flexibility D. learning ability E. linkage四. Components of a lesson plan教案的内容 A. Background information B Teaching aims C. Language contents and skills D. stages and procedures E. Teaching aids F. End of lesson summary G. Optio
14、nal activities and assignments H. After lesson reflection Unit 5二,The role of the teacher 教师的角色1. Controller: control the pace, the time, the target language, the student.2. Assessor: two things a. as corrector: correct the mistakes, organizing feed back the learnersb. as evaluator: to create a succ
15、ess-oriented learning, atmosphere, more praise, less criticism3. Organizer : task based on teaching to design tasks and to organize4. Prompter: to give appropriate prompts hints5. Participant: to take part in the activities6. Resource-provider: as a walking dictionaryUnit 6一, Critical Period Hypothe
16、sis 关键期假说This hypothesis states that if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age ,then due to changes such as maturation of the brain ,it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker. Unit 7 三,pennington grammatical pedagogy:collocational grammar should b
17、iuld on collocational relations between individual lexical items and their subcategoriesConstructive offer learners a way to build elements that can be continually added in sequenceContextual it means that elements and structures are taught in relation to their context.四,mechanical practice机械操练subst
18、itute drills 替换the students substitute a part in a structure so that they get to know how that part function in a sentenceTransformation drills转换 change a given structure in a way so that they are exposed to another similar structureUnit 81. A: passive/receptive words :words that can be recognized o
19、r compared in reading and listening but can not be used automatically in speaking and writing. B: active/productive words: words that can be recognized and also be used in speech and writing by learners.Unit 11 Sight vocabulary:words that one is able to recognise immediately are often referred to as
20、 sight vocabulary.Unit15Testing takes the pencil and paper form and it is usually done at the end of a learning periodAssessment involves the collecting of in formation or evidence of a learner s teaching and learning. Evaluation:can be concerned with a whole range of issues in and beyond language e
21、ducation :lessons courses programs and skills can all be evaluated ,四,blooms taxonomy 目标分类学1.knowledge知识:recalling facts ,terms,and basic concepts prehension理解:understanding of facts and ideas by organizing ,comparing,translating interpreting,describing and stating the main ideas3.application运用:appl
22、ying acquired knowledge,facts ,techniques and rules in a different context.4.analysis分析:identifying relationships,causes or motives,and finding evidence to support main ideas.5.synthesis综合:combing elements in a different way and proposing alternative solutions,creative thinking. 6.evaluation 评价:pres
23、ent and defend opinions by making informed judgement about information or ideas based on a set of criteria.、Teaching objectives中心the Ss will be able to understand the main idea of an article about XX and can write a list of XX for XX.词汇be able to name the new word about XX in english using pictures
24、as cues and be able to tell each other whatXX they like.情感be able to talk about their opinions or feelings about XX to each other.其他tell the five simple forms ofXX can role play the dialogue of XXWarming upStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTime1T asks the Ss a question, Why do you like it?The Ss talk about their favorite 3.Pre-reading1.Predicting based
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