



1、九年级上册牛津深圳版(广州深圳通用)Unit5 Grammar随堂练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空How can you continue(write) in such dim light?Who gets here(last)?Did you enjoy(you) at the party?二、单项选择Did you find very interesting to play volleyball?A. thisB. thatC. it一Do you enjoy volunteer?If you want this, youd better join us.A. being, knowingB

2、. to be, knowingC. being, to knowD. to be, to knowthink hes been drinking,Im not completely sure.A. ifB. though C. untilD. as一How do you like the short play?一Funny,the music of it is not so good.A. soB. though C. orD. becauseYoung he is, he is quite experienced.A. althoughB. becauseC. thoughD. butHe

3、 said he would come, he didnt,.A. thoughB. althoughC. asD. butEven I didnt understand a word, I kept smiling.A. althoughB. unlessC. thoughD. if8.I was tired, I still worked hard.A. Although B. IfC. WhenD. Unless9.the sun was shining,it wasnt very warm.B. Although, /A. Although, butC /, althoughD. Bu

4、t, althought was raining, we played baseball.A. WhenB. IfC. ThoughD. But11.the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day.A. IfB. Because C. Although D. As三、用although或though连接句子Milk is good. You should not drink too much of it.His mother went to work. It was Sunday.I

5、thought my English was quite good. I found it difficult to talk to foreigners in English.He was tired. He won the game.参考答案及解析writing 2. last 3. yourself 、.C 考查代词的用法。it作形式宾语,应选C。C 考查非谓语动词的用法。enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,want后跟不定式构 成want to do sth.“想要做某事,应选C。B 考查连词的用法。if如果,是否;though虽然,尽管;until直到为止; as由于,因为。

6、由“我认为他一直饮酒”和“我不能完全确定”可知,两者是让步关 系,应选B。B 考查连词的用法。though虽然,尽管。so因此,所以;or或者,否那么;because 因为。C句意为“他虽然年轻,但很有经验”。在这里只有though可以用于倒装句中。A句意为“他说他要来,结果没有来”。在此,though用作副词,意为“然而”, 位于句末或其他位置,而although, as, but没有此用法。C句意为“尽管我一个字也不懂,但我还是保持微笑。even though在此表示 强调,although多用于句首,排除,unless与if所表达的意思不正确,所以选C。A句意为“尽管我累了,但我还是努力工作”。B 句意为“尽管阳光明媚,但是天还是不太暖和although与but不能连用。C句意为“尽管天在下雨,但我们仍在玩棒球”。C句意为“尽管女孩只有九岁,但她每天照顾弟弟、做饭”。三、Although / though milk is good, you should not drink too much of it.Although / though it was Sunday, his mother went to work.Although / though I thought my English was quite


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