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1、第二章对立型谈判的策略一、Fundamental Strategies这里指对立型谈判中买方可以运用的四种战略)Push for settlement near opponenfs resistance point 尽量作出一个接近于 卖方的拒绝点Get the other party to change their resistance point 说服另一方改变他们的 拒绝点If settlement range is negative, either :如果存在一个消极谈判空间,买方可 以有两种选择(消极谈判空间是指当卖方的拒绝点高于卖方的拒绝点时, 买方就不可能接受卖方提出的最低价。我

2、们把这种情况称为消极的谈判空 间)(1)Get the other side to change their resistance point (买方可以说 服卖方降低拒绝点以创造积极的谈判空间。积极的谈判空间是指的 买卖双方拒绝点之间的交集部分)(2)Modify your own resistance point (买方可以改变自身的拒绝点 以形成交叠)Convince the other party that the settlement is the best possible (使卖方相 信这是所能取得的最好结果)二、The keys to implementing any of t

3、he four strategies are(对立型谈判各种战略下 的两个重要任务,也就是说,无论采取何种战略,有所以对立型谈判情形中,有 以下两个任务是很重要的:)Discovering the other partys resistance point 找出对方的拒绝点Influencing the other partys resistance point 影响对方的拒绝点三、Tactical Tasks of Negotiators对立型谈判的四大战术任务Assess outcome values and the costs of termination for the other p

4、arty 评估 另一方的目标、拒绝点和中止谈判的成本(可以有两种方法完成任务,即间接估 计和直接估计)Manage the other party5s impressions管理另一方的印象(可以通过以下两种方式来实现)(1)Screen your behavior:掩盖谈判立场Say and do as little as possible就是尽可能少说话少做事(2)Direct action to alter impressions通过一些直接行为来改变印象Present facts that enhance ones position 选择性表述一些事实以加 强自己的立场Modify t

5、he other partys perceptions 改变自身的目标印象(1)Make outcomes appear less attractive 降低成果的吸引力(2)Make the cost of obtaining goals appear higher 提高成本(3)Make demands and positions appear more or less attractive to the other party - whichever suits your needs将自己的需求和立场对另一方 变得更有吸引力或更不具有吸引力4.Manipulate the actual

6、costs of delay or termination 控制因拖延或终止谈判 而造成的实际损失,有三种方法如下:(1)Plan disruptive action 制造混乱Raise the costs of delay to the other party增加延迟给对方造成的损失(2)Form an alliance with outsiders 联合抵制Involve (or threaten to involve) other parties who can influence the outcome in your favor涉及(或威胁涉及)其他可以影响对自己有利 结果各方,就是

7、说你寻找外围的帮助力量,这些力量能够影响谈 判结果,使这个结果你自己有种(3)Schedule manipulations 控制谈判时间One party is usually more vulnerable to delaying than the other 意思是如果 延迟谈判,一方比起另一方而言,会更加脆弱。我们就可以抓住这一点,根据自 已的目的有效地控制谈判时间四、Positions Taken During Negotiations (谈判中所采取的立场,这里提供有具 体的方法,因上课时已讲,故不重述)略五、Commitments: Tactical Considerations

8、(承诺战术)承诺战术包括三个方面的内容,即如何建立承诺(文章中讲到了 4种方法)、 如何放弃承诺(课文中讲了 4种方法),这些上课时已做详细的说明,不再重述了。六、Closing the Deal (中止谈判)课文中讲到了5种方法。这些上课时已做详细的说明,不再重述了。七、Dealing with Typical Hardball Tactics (怎样应对强硬战术)课文中讲了4种方法。这些上课时已做详细的说明,不再重述了。八、Typical Hardball Tactics (对立型谈判中的强硬战术)文章中讲了8种战术。这些上课时已做详细的说明,不再重述了。第三章合作型谈判的策略一、Key

9、Steps in the Integrative Negotiation Process (合作型谈判的关键步骤)Identify and define the problem 识别和定义问题(1)Define the problem in a way that is mutually acceptable to both sides 以 双方共同接受的方式定义问题(2)State the problem with an eye toward practicality and comprehensiveness 表述问题时要考虑实用性和全面性(3)State the problem as a

10、goal and identify the obstacles in attaining this goal把问题作为目标来表述,并识别实现目标的障碍(4)Depersonalize the problem 客观处理问题(5)Separate the problem definition from the search for solutions 把定义问 题与寻求解决方案分开Understand the problem fully 完全理解问题identify interests and needs on both sides 识别需求和利益Generate alternative solu

11、tions 产生可替代的方案Invent options by redefining the problem set:通过重新定义问题或问题集创建选项Compromise 让步Logroll相互妥协Modifying the resource pie 修改资源蛋糕Expand the pie把蛋糕做大Find a bridge solution搭桥式的解决方法Cut the costs for compliance 为妥协消减成本Use nonspecific compensation 非特定补偿superordination 上位Generate options to the problem

12、 as a given: 根据所给问题列出解决问 题的方法Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Surveys 调查Electronic brainstorming 电子脑力激荡法Evaluate and select among alternatives 评价和选择可供替代方案Narrow the range of solution options 缩小解决方案选择的范围Evaluate solutions on the Quality, Objective standards, Acceptability 基 于质量、客观标准、可接受性来评价解决方案Agree to evaluation

13、criteria in advance评判选择前要对评价标准达成一 致协议Be willing to justify personal preferences 愿意判定个人的偏好Be alert to the influence of intangibles in selecting options 在选择方案时 警觉无形因素的影响Use subgroups to evaluate complex options 利用小组来评价复杂的选择方案Take time to “coo暂潦谈判以冷却局势Explore different ways to logroll利用不同的方法去互相赞同Exploi

14、t differences in expectations and risk/time preferences (如利用风险偏好的差异、利用期望值的差异、利用时间偏好的差异)Keep decisions tentative and conditional until a final proposal is complete保持决策的暂时性及条件性,直到最终提议的所有方面都完成Minimize formality, record keeping until final agreements are closed 减 少保存手续与记录,直到达成最终协议第11第11章管理谈判僵局in一、Fundam

15、ental Mistakes that Cause Impasses 引起僵局的根本性错误Neglecting the other sides 忽TffiRi一 方的问题Too much of a focus on price 过多地关注价格Positions over interests 立场胜过利益Too much focus on common ground 过多地关注共同范围Neglecting BATNAs忽视最优备选方案Adjusting perceptions during the negotiation 在谈判中调整直觉二、How to Resolve Impasses 怎样解

16、决僵局1.Impasses need to be resolved on three level s:需要从三个层面上解决僵局Cognitive resolution 认识解决-Change how the parties view the situation 改变谈判方如何看待僵局 的情况的Emotional resolution 情感解决-Change how the parties feel about the impasse 改变谈判方对于僵局 和对方的感受Behavioral resolution 行为解决- Specify ways the parties can stop dif

17、ficult conflict dynamics 双方能够 停止动态冲突的具体途径Strategies for Resolving Impasses 解决僵局的战略(1) Reaching agreement on rules and procedures 在规则和程序上达成一致协议(创建基本准则包括以下七步)Obtain mutual agreement about the rules that will govern thenegotiation获得关于如何管理这个谈判的规则的共同意见Determine a site for a meeting 确定一个会议场所Set a formal a

18、genda设定一个正式的议事日程Determine who may attend the meetings 确定谁可以参加这个会议Set time limits for individual meetings为个人会谈和整个谈判部分 设置时间限制Set procedural rules 设置程序规则Follow specific dos and donts遵守可以做和不可以做的特殊行为规 范Reducing tension and synchronizing de-escalation of hostility 减少 紧张和降低敌意Separate the parties 分离当事人Manag

19、e tension 管理压力Acknowledge the others feelings: active listening 承认对方的感受, 积极倾听Synchronize de-escalation 同步降级Decide on a small concession that each side could make to signal good faith同步降级的意思是双方所做出的每一个小小的让步都能发出诚信的信号,同 时让僵局降级Improving the accuracy of communication 改善沟通的准确性Role reversal 角色互换Imaging: par

20、ties engage in the following activities 想象: 冲突双方完 成以下活动how they see themselve描述谈判者怎样看待自己how the other party appears to them描述对方在他们面前是怎样的how they think the other party would describe them 陈述谈判者认 为对方将会如何描述他们(谈判者)how they think the other party sees themselves 陈述谈判者认为对方是如何看待他们自己的Controlling the number a

21、nd size of issues 控制议题的数量和规模a) Fractionate the negotiation 化整为零Reduce the number of parties on each side 减少每一方参加的人数Control the number of substantive issues involved 控制讨论的实质 性问题的数量State issues in concrete terms rather than as principles 以具体的方式而不是原则陈述问题Restrict the precedents involved, both procedural and substantive 不论是在形式上还是在程序上都限制引用惯例Search for ways to divide


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