1、议论文题型分类大全搞定这一步,稳稳上6.5分!Two Questions=Reports原因分析(causes) + 解决方案1.原因分析(causes) + 有何影响2.原因分析(causes) + 随机(鬼才知道会问什么)3.造成的问题(cause) + 解决方案-特别注意4.Two Questions=Reports很多人不认识自己的邻居。(原因+解决)1.全世界的城市越来越相似。(原因+影响)2.爸妈在家扮演的角色有很大不同。(原因+会不会有改变)3.人类寿命越来越长。(导致的问题+解决)4.report类型的核心段(原因+解决方案版本)1. 直接改写原题,不需要背景引出(扩充或者缩减
2、原题)提前总结原因/空话过渡)+承上启下(2.Firstly, 第一个原因分析。(idea-support)3. Secondly, 第二个原因分析。(idea-support)4.过渡句-(强调一下这个问题很严重)so measures should betaken to combat this situation. 实事求是(政府基本上必须出来)5. 总结(重复原因/解决方案)2016-9-16分析原因的角度1. 不能只局限在中国;2. 通过年代对比找到原因(越来越多/少);3. 一定要找到题目里的主体,轻松往下写;2016-9-16解决方案-切实可行1. 政府-至关重要(收税/花钱/颁布
3、法律);The government could impose higher tax on so that .What the government should do is to invest in./financially support to./spend money doing.The government ought to require .to .by legislation.个人家长学校公司authorities2016-9-16范文-11. 第一段超简单;2. 原因只写了一个,大量的support解释;3. 解决方案先粗略,然后很仔细;2016-9-162016-9-16201
4、6-9-16范文-2第一段后半部分太繁琐;原因分析给了两个idea,非常标准;解决方案非常精确;结尾段清晰;整个结构非常标准;2016-9-162016-9-162016-9-16范文-3剑桥考生范文,分数是6.5;语法错误很多,但是大部分时候表达清晰;原因分析太偏向不健康的饮食,对缺乏锻炼解释太少;解决方案很细致,考官会喜欢;这个范文是给大家增加信心用的;2016-9-162016-9-162016-9-162016-9-16report(+)1. ()/)+(2.ly, (idea-support)3. Secondly, (idea-support)4.-To my knowledge,
5、 there are (/.)5. (/)2016-9-16Some employers thinkare more importantt formal academic qualificationsn life experienandalqualities when they look for an employee. Why is it thecase? Is it aitive or negative development?2016-9-16Nowadays , more importance is attached to formal educational qualificatio
6、nsn life experience andal qualities when a company is recruiting new employees. The reasons behind this phenomenon aremultiple, and I beve it is aitive developmenthe long-run.ly, university qualifications provide direct proofs of candidates competencies. Employers can have a clear picture of what un
7、iversities and course the candidates have attended, and what scores they haveachieved . Unlike life experienandalities, qualifications arefiable dahat can bemeasured easily and quickly. In addition, people holding qualifications coulpt to the new job muchmore smoothly. They normally need less on-job
8、 training when starting a job, and unlike those withouthigher education, they have better ability acquired in university education.erms of critical thinking, problem-solving and expertiseTo my knowledge, giving priority to higher qualifications resultsore advantagesn disadvantages.The most obvious b
9、enefit ist it encourages young people to pursue higher academic education, whichbroadens their carerospects. From the society, it will create a highly educated and developedsociety if everyone chooses to receive higher education.In, university qualifications are neededhis knowledge-based society and
10、 I beve this trendbrings more benefitsn drawbacks. Ifernments allocate more money to tertiary education, it willsurely bring about long-term benefits to both individuals and the society as a whole .2016-9-16Report 类型的第一段一般不需要背景句,题目中的现象本身就是背景,所以只需要直接开始改写的工作就可以了。2016-9-16report()1)any countries school
11、s have severe problemswith students behavior. What do you think are thecauses? What solutions do you suggest?Poor student behavior seems to be an increasinglywidespreroblemany countries. I thinktmodern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.2016-9-16report()2). The average weight of citizens h
12、as been increasingany countries. What do you think are the causes?What solutions do you suggest?The increasehe average weight of people seems tobe an increasingly widespreroblemanycountries. This essay willysesible reasons forthis andtry to suggest some solutions.2016-9-16report()3). People know lit
13、tle about their neighbors. What doyou think are the causes? What solutions do you suggest?The lack of communication andneighbors seems to be commoneraction betnany countries. Ibevet modern lifestyles are responsible for this.2016-9-16report(There be)4). Children and teenagers are committing morecrim
14、esn before. What do you think are the causes?How should they be punished?There has been an increasehe number of crimescommitted by children and teenagers. I think there aretwo major reasonst can explahis.2016-9-16report类型的介绍段(把题目里的概念细化一下)5). There are some activitiest are harmful to peoples health,b
15、ut they are still popular with many people. What do you think are the causes? What solutions do you suggest?改:It is common senset activities like smoking cigarettesor staying up late result in health problems. Unfortunay, aconsiderable proportion of people are still obsessed with them. y opinion, mo
16、dern lifestyles are responsible for this.2016-9-16report“+”In, unhealthy eating habits and sedentarylifestyle have caused the rise in obesity. Solutions tothis problemwith theernment which couldtake measures mentioned above to improve the levelof healmong teral population.2016-9-16report类型的结尾段类型二:你们最喜欢的升华In conclusion, measures proposed above should betaken to minimize the adverse effects of increasing juvenile delinquency. This is no longer a problem for individual families, but
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