



1、一、英译汉(每题 1 分,共 10 分)1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、CholedocholithiasisParonychiaPrimary hypErysipelasarathyroidisamArteriovenous malformationsDisseminatedravascular coagulationSupracondylar fracture of the humerus-germinal cell tumor of the Neurogenic bladderAeis二、汉译英(每题 1 分,共 10 分)1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、肛瘘破伤风十

2、二指肠憩室胰岛素瘤周围癌骨筋膜室综合征脊髓休克经切除术(写出全称)狭窄二尖瓣关闭不全三、专业英语翻译(60 分)StepsAirway. The cruhe Initial Resusciionlstn managing an injured patient issecuring an adequate airway. The mechanical removal of debris and the chin lift or jaw thrust maneuvers, both of Which pull the tongue and oral musculature forward from

3、 the pharynx, are often useful in clearing the airway of less severely injured patients. However, if there is any question about the adequacy of the airway, if there is evidence of severe head injury, or if the patient is in profound shock, moredefinitive airway control is appropriate. he vast major

4、ity of patientsthis involves endotrachealubation. Unfortunay, control ofthe antheairwayissometimesmorecomplexnsimplyplacingendotracheal tube. The presenceunconscious patient is always aof cervical spine injury insibility, and injudicious movementof theneckintheprosofendotrachealubationcanbedevasing.

5、Breathing. It there is decreased respiratory drive or an unstablechest wall, assisted ventilation is usually nesary. The threecommonreasonsfor ineffectiveventilationfollowingsucmost sful tube,ionplacement of an airway are malition of the endotrachealpothorax, and hemothorax. Therefore, palpation and

6、 ausculof the chest are nesary diagnostic adjuncts at this po. A supine(antero terior AP) chest x-ray examination can validate the physicalexaminationandbetterdefinechestwallandpluralabnormalities. Although there is usually time to perform a chestradiograrior to invasive therutic procedures,he patie

7、nt withprofound hemodynamic instability and a high suspicion of tenpothorax, a needle catheterprescan be both diagnosticand ther utic. Under these circumstanpres of the chest before the radiograph is appropriate.Circulation. Whensible, control of the hemorrhage precedes placement of theravenous line

8、s. This may be as simple as a compressive dressing over a bleeding wound or large veor may require broader compres, such as application of a patic antishock garmenthe patient who has an obvious pelvic fracture. ravenous cannulas are usually placed percutaneouslyhe arm or groin. They should be large

9、bore, and a minimum of two should be placed. Lines should not be inserted distal to extremity wounds with potential vascular injury. Alternatives are cut-down by either theantecubital or saphenous route, or raosseus in children underof 3. With the exception of the use of the large roducer catheter, subclavian venipuncture is not a ra route for fluid administration and is bestfor monitoring response to fluid therapy. Fluid resusci ion begins wi 1000-ml. bolus of lac ed Ringers solution for an adult, or 20


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