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1、第二学期小学三年级英语期末自查题Name_ Class_ No_ Marks_听力部分一、根据你听到的单词,将下列每组中的单词选出来,并将其标号填在题前括号里。(10分) A B C( ) 1、 thirteen fourteen fifteen( ) 2、 family funny friend( ) 3、 lock 1amp 1ion( ) 4、 my five I am( ) 5、 grandma grandpa grandmother( ) 6、 teacher c1ass student( ) 7、 hot dog hamburger how( ) 8、 strawberry fri

2、end sister( ) 9、 fat has he( ) 10、 goose giraffe girl二、根据你听到的内容,按顺序用数字标出。(分)三、选出你所听到的图画,在其下边的括号里打“”。(分)四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“”,错的打“”。(分)五、听写字母。(5分)六、听录音,涂色并连线。(10分)七、听录音,写出物体的数量。(10分)笔试部分八、情景反应,看下列句子的中找出相应的答句,然后给句子连线。(10分)1、Do you like pears? 1、I can see twelve.、Where are from? 2、No, I d

3、ont.、How many lions can you see? 3、No problem.、Can I use your pencil-case? 4、Im from Canada.、Where is the plane? 5、On the desk.九、找出下列不同类型的的单词。( )1、A、taxi B、bus C、chair D、jeep( )2、A、eighteen B、sixteen C、ninteen D、some( )3、A、duck B、Coke C、coffee D、milk( )4、A、in B、on C、under D、we( )5、A、W B、i C、 F D 、X十

4、、把图的序号填写在相应句子前面的句子里。第二学期小学三年级英语期末自查题听力材料一、1、thirteen 2、friend 3、lion 4、my 5、grandma 6、class 7、hot dog 8、sister 9、he 10、giraffe二、1、Look at the ant . Its small.2、The deer is short.3、Can I have a peach, please? Certainly!4、Tt, Tt ,taxi taxi.5、This is a lock.三、1、Do you like peaches? Sorry, I dont peache

5、s. I like pears.2、I go to school by bike.3、This is my CD.4、Where is the pencil? Its in the pencil-case.5、Look at the giraffe. Oh! Its so tall.6、The rabbit has a short tail.7、Where is the kite? Its under the tree.8、LMNOP. Listen to me.9、I like watermelons.10、Short, short, short. Make your arms short.

6、四、1、A A A ,say OK.2、A B C D E , clap with me.3、E F G , have a seat.4、E F G H I , close your eye.5、K K K , kick, kick, kick.五、1、Pp Pp , colour letter Pp green, Pp green, match it with the peach. 2、Jj Jj , colour letter Jj purple, Jj purple, match it with the jeep.3、Hh Hh, colour letter Hh pink, Hh pi

7、nk, match it with the hamgurger. 4、Bb Bb, colour letter Bb blue, Bb blue, match it with the boy.5、Gg Gg, colour letter Gg brown, Gg brown, match it with the goose.六、K , K, Write down the big letter K.h, h, Write down the small letter h.j, j, Write down the small letter j.I, I, Write down the big let

8、ter I.X, X, Write down the big letter X.七、1、How many books do you have? I have 12 books.2、How many chairs can you see? I can see 18 chairs.3、I can see 14 deers in the zoo.4、How many pears can you see? I can see 15.5、Look! I have 20 taxi.参考答案一、1、A 2、C 3、C 4、A 5、A 6、B 7、A 8、C 9、C 10、 B二、5 4 1 3 2 三、1、( )( )2、( )( )3、( )( )4、( )( )5、( )( )6、( )( )7、( )( )8、( )( )9、( )( )10、( )( )四、1、 2、 3、 4、 5、五、1、B-blue , boy 2、P - green , peach 3、J-purple , jeep 4、G- brown


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