



1、9B Unit3一. 选择填空。( ) 1. You cant catch up with others _ you work hard.A. until B. after C. unless D. when( ) 2. _ the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, _ it is still very beautiful.A. Although; but B. /; although C. Although; / D. Because; so( )3. It is _ to cycle around Guilin.A. a great fun B

2、. a fun C. great fun D. a great funny( )4. Im busy now. Ive got _ to do.A. anything important B. important anything C. something important D. important something( )5. She will sing a song _ she is asked. A. if B. unless C. for D. since ( )6. Read it aloud _ the class can hear you. A. so that B. if C

3、. when D. although( )7. There _ in his room. A.are too many furnitures B. are too much furniture C. are too much furnitures D. is too much furniture ( )8. If we _ no action to protect giant pandas, there _fewer and fewer of them in the world.A. take; are B. take; will be C. wont take; are D. dont ta

4、ke; will be ( )9. The dried food _ for 2 months. A. stores B. can store C. can be stored D. store ( )10. Everyone was _ when they heard this _ news. A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited ( )11. The children without parents _ good care of by their teacher

5、s.A. are taken B. is taken C. take D. takes( )12. Tommy is _ go for a walk alone.A. enough B. enough old to C. old enough D. old enough to( )13. Mr. Wu always spend time _ us something about South Korea.A. speak B. speaking C. tell D. telling( )14. _of us knew anything about soul.A. None B. Nobody C

6、. No one D. Nothing( )15. There are _ shops in Myeong-dong Shopping District. A. two hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. two hundreds of二、完形填空For several years,Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phoneNow teleshopping is starting in EuropeIn some _16_ countries,

7、people can turn on their _17 and shop for clothes,jewelry,food,toys and _18_thingsTeleshopping is becoming popular in Europe_19_,the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries,and in one year,it can make $100 millionIn France,there are two teleshoppin

8、g channels,and the French _20 about $20 million a year in buying things through those channels In Germany _21_ last year,teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every dayThen the government allowed more teleshoppingOther channels can _22 for telebusiness,including the largest Amer

9、ican teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping companyGerman_23_ are hoping these will help them sell more things Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without _24_with all the traffic problems in cities,going shopping is not an easy thingBut at the same tim

10、e,other Europeans _25_ like this new way of buying thingsThey call _26_junk(垃圾)on the airMany Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things _27_on TVThey think high quality is the most important thing,and they dont believe they can be sure about the quality of the things _28_ The need for

11、high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be _29_the American companiesThey will have to be more careful about _30_ of the things they sellThey will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves( )16AEuropean BAsian CAmerican DAf

12、rican( )17Alights Bswitches Cradios DTV( )18Asome else Banother many Cthe other Dmany other( )19ASuch as BFor example CFor teleshopping DIt is like( )20Atakes Bcost Cspends Dspend( )21Ato Buntil Cunless Dby( )22Abegin B1eave Copen Dturn on( )23Apeople Bwomen Cbusinessmen Dofficials( )24Ato go out Bg

13、oing out Cto buy things Dbuying things( )25Astill Bdont Ceven Dwont( )26Ateleshopping BTV Cradio Dtelephone( )27Aappearing Bcoming out Cfor sale Dto buy( )28Ain the shop Bon TV Cthey bought Dby this way( )29Athe same with Bdifferent from Cas big as D1arger than( )30Athe number Bthe quality Cthe plac

14、es Dthe buyers 三、阅读理解。AThree rich ladies met every day by the river. They sat there and talked the whole day. Once the three ladies quarreled. One of them said. “Look, how white and beautiful my hands are!” Another one said, “My hands are more beautiful.” The third one said, “Mine are the most beaut

15、iful ones.” An old beggar woman came up to them. “Beautiful ladies,” she said, “Im hungry. Please give me something to eat.”But the three ladies gave her nothing. They only asked, “Tell me, old woman, which one of us has the most beautiful hands?”A peasant(农民)woman was also sitting by the river. She

16、 was poor and her hands were rough because of hard work. The old woman came up to her and said, “Im hungry. Please give me something to eat.” The peasant woman took out her only cake she had and gave her a half.The old woman ate it and drank some water. Then she took the peasant woman by the hand, b

17、rought her before the rich ladies and said, “Now, I shall tell you whose hands are the most beautiful. The hands of the poor peasant woman are rough because of work, but they give us food; they are far more beautiful than your hands which have never done anything.”( )31. The three ladies _.A. had a

18、quarrel every day B. were rich but unkindC. had a talk about their hands every day D. lived by the side of the river( )32. The old woman asked for something to eat, _.A. but none of the three rich ladies gave anything to herB. but only one of the three ladies gave her half a cakeC. because she wante

19、d to know whose hands were beautifulD. because she wanted to know which lady was the richest( )33. The peasant womans hands were not so white as the three ladies _.A. because of the hard work she had doneB. but she was stronger than any of themC. so she didnt quarrel with the three ladiesD. but she

20、was more beautiful than any of them( )34. The old woman said that the peasant womans hands were beautiful than the three ladies because _.A. she liked dark hands better than white handsB. the peasant woman gave her half a cakeC. her hands had worked hard to provide food for peopleD. the three ladies

21、 didnt give her anything to eat( )35. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Half a Cake B. A Peasant Womans HandsC. The Rich Womans Hands D. Smooth(光滑的)Hands and Rough HandsBIf someone asks me: “Do you like music?” Im sure I will answer him or her: “Of course, I do.” Because I

22、think music is an important part of our lives.Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because its so exciting. And my favorite rock band, the “Foxy Ladies” (酷妹) is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves da

23、nce music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz music(爵士乐). She thinks jazz is really cool.“I like dance music and rock very much,” says my brother, “because they are amazing.”But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing music,” she says. Thats why she likes cou

24、ntry music, I think.( )36. The writer likes music because he thinks _.A. its an exciting part of our lives B. its an amazing part of our livesC. its an interesting part of our lives D. its an important part of our lives( )37. What kind of music does the writer like?A. Rock and pop music. B. Rock and

25、 dance music.C. Dance music and country music D. Jazz and country music( )38. Who likes dancing?A.The writer. B. Li Lan. C. Jane. D. No one( )39. The writers mother thinks that country music is _.A. amazing B. boring C. relaxing D. exciting( )40. How many peoples ideas about music are talked about i

26、n this passage?A. 4 B. 5 C. 6D.7四. 阅读下面短文,完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do, you can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things all over the world. But there a

27、re serious problems in big cities, too. Its expensive to live there, and there are many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or good places to l

28、ive in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities; others do not. Before they move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there.Living in big cities _42_There are many interesting things to_41_and to _43_ .You can go to different

29、 kinds of museums,plays and films. You can also buy things_44_ the world. DisadvantagesIts _45_ to live there.Its too _46_ there because there are too many people. People go there to study , find _47_ and receive good medical care.Its _48_ to keep the cities safe and clean.Before _49_ to a big city,

30、 we should think about the _50_ of living there.五、根据句意、中文提示首字母或括号内单词的,完成下列句子。51The Great Wall is_(令人惊叹的)52The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the_ (奇迹)of the world53Guilin_ (位于)on the two sides of the River Li54You will be_(吸引)by the beautiful design of the buildings55Please write a guide to an _ (亚

31、洲) country for the American exchange students.).56They got up early to watch the _(日出)57. Beijing is in _ (北方) China.58. Although theres still a long way to go. We must _ (继续) to the end.59. Cut out the pumpkin into different _ ( 形状 )60. Please pass me a pair of_ ( 筷子)61. Have you ever seen the rais

32、ing of the _ (nation) flag?62. You can experience the _ (beautiful) of the Great Wall.63. Youd better keep patient and not give up _ (easy)64. The bus is _(fill) with people so that we cannot get on it any more.65. Guilin is a very beautiful city in the _ (south) part of China.66.I decided to h_a ca

33、r for three days for my holiday67.Most people in Seoul speak K_,but some speak Chinese and English. .68.They have some _(difficult) in getting to the top of the mountain.69. The baby is _(interest) in listening to music.70. Jill was so _(sleep) that she fell asleep soon yesterday evening .六、根据短文内容及首

34、字母提示,填写所缺单词。It is well known that man is much cleverer than any animal. But which is the cleverest a 71 the animals? Some scientists t 72 it should be Alex, an African grey parrot. He is unlike any other animal. He can really t 73 with people!When he says “come here”, he really w 74 someone to come up to him.“Alex is as clever as a c 75 of 2 or 3 years old,” says Dr. Pepperberg. “He does not just repeat the s 76 he has been taugh


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