



1、大作文素材练习 5:请将以下中文素材写成英文不需要字对字地翻译,只需要表达类似的意思,并且避免语法错误就可以。练习步骤:第 1 步手写:先看中文,然后写英文,手写完成。第 2 步自查:对照版本参考自查,自己修订错误;第 3 步复盘:重新中文写英文,仍然要求手写。(最好是等两天之后再做第 3 步)(对于目标 6.5-7 分、基础比较好的同学,可以自行决定省略第 3 步)如果需要提交作业,则进行第 4 步:输入电脑,必须以 WORD 文档格式提交# (33)投资科研可能会导致的负担。在很多国家,的有限。人们希望的钱能够花在教育、医疗服务和交通等方面。如果需要支付所有的研究项目,可能会导致财政压力。

2、但是如果私营公司参与科研项目的话,这个问题就能得到解决。# (34) 这项措施意味着需要投入很大比例的去补贴公共交通,可能会导致的财政负担。这也意味着在其他领域的花费,比如教育和医疗都会相应地减少。为了应对这些支出,高的税,这种政策通常是公众不欢迎的。可能会收更#(35),全球化的趋势促进了世界经济的发展。例如,国际贸易让一个国家可以专门发展某些行业,然后和其他国家交换产品,结果能够极大地提高生产力。贸易也能够为发展中国家创造就业,而且发达国家的人可以买到价廉物美的商品。# (36) 语言的载体,语言的已经导致了文化多样性的减少。由于语言是文化的通常意味着文化的损失。例如,的某些少数民族地区,

3、人们不愿意学习当地的语言。年轻一代对于社区的历史和了解得非常少。如果这种趋势继续下去,当地的文化将会这是人类文明的损失。,1# (37) 国际旅游的快速发展可能会损害当地的环境。有些景点非常受欢迎,每年都有大量的游客去参观。当地接纳这些游客。有些游客在旅游的时候必须修建的设施去不文明行为,比如喧哗、扔,结果破坏了自然景观。# (38) 在建造居民楼的时候,人们往往地关注房子的安全、空间和采光。通过关注建筑的实用性,能够降低建筑的成本,充分利用材料和土地资源。在很多城市,住房短缺是一个严重。人们需要实用而且便宜的房子,建筑的外观不是那么重要。# (39)以前经常是几代人住在一个屋檐下,这种模式能

4、够有助于节约生活成本,增强家庭的凝聚力。随着生活条件的改善,人们能够有能力买房或者租房了。他们需要建小家庭,而不是和父母一起住。的独立和隐私,所以他们愿意组# (40)这种模式能够促进工作的。在有些公司,更愿意招聘男员工,因为人们认为女员工往往要做会影响她们的职业发展。但是,在招聘的时候的家务,可能女性是的。因此,虽然雇佣同样数量的够有助于消除工作中的和女性员工似乎没有必要,但是它能。2(33) Theernments investment in scientific researay lead to anernment budgeteconomic burden on taxpayers.o

5、st countries, theis limited. People hope themedical service, transporernments money can be spent on education,ion, etc. If theernmenl pres to pay for allre. However, ifresearch programs, it may cause great finanprivate companies are involved in scientific research programs, thisproblem could be solv

6、ed.(34) This measure means theernment needs to allocate a largeproportion of its budget to subsidize the public transport, whiay leadto a finanl burden on theernment. It also means the spending onother areas, such as education and healthcare, would decline accordingly.Theernment may levy higher tax

7、to cover its cost and this policy isusually unpopular with teral public.(35) There is no doubtt the trend of globalization gives a boost to theworld economy. For instance,ernational trade allows a country to focuson some certain industries, and then exchange their products with othercountries. As a

8、result, the productivity increases significantly. Trade alsohelps to create more jobs in develocounties can buy high quality goodscountries and people in developedow pri.(36) The extinction of languages has caused the decline of culturaldiversity. As language is the carrier of culture, the disappear

9、ance of thelanguage often means the loss of culture. For exle, in some minoritygroups in China, people do not want to learn their local languages. The younger generations know little about the history and customs of their communities. If this trend continues, the local culture would disappear andit

10、is a loss of human civilization.3(37) The radevelopment ofernational tourism may cause damage tothe local environment. Some scenic spots are very popular and every yearthey are visited by a huge number of tourists. The localernmens tobuild more facilities tomodate so many tourists. Some tourists sho

11、winappropriate behavior, like shouting or litteringthe natural scenery is damaged.heir tour. As a result,(38)he construction of residential buildings, people tend to pay moreattention to the safety, space and lighting of a house. By focusing on thepracticality of buildings, we can reduce the cost of

12、 buildings and make thebest use of materials and land resour.any cities house shortage isa serious problem. People demand more practical and affordable housesand how the building looks is not very important.(39) It was commonhe pastt several generations lived under thesame roof and this pattern help

13、ed to save living cost and enhance the bond of the family. With peoples living standard improved, they can afford tobuy or rent a house. As they want more independence and privacy, theyprefer to set up small famis rathern to live with their parents.(40)This pattern would promote gender equalityhe workplace. Insome companies, the employers are more willing to hire male employees.This is becauset peopeve females tend to have more houseworkto do, whiay affect their caree


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