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1、.小学四年级上册英语期中试卷(广州版有答案)听力部分(40分)、听句子,选择句子含有的信息,把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。台匕 目匕( ( ( ( (10 分)1.)2.)3.)4.)5.)9.A. take a showerA. have booksA. two doorsA. thirtyA.eighty-fiveB. big flatB. read mealsB. two floorB. thirteenB. eightyC.small flat C.read books C. three doors C. threeC. eighty fiveA.forty tables)10.

2、A.libraryB.forty desksB.play groundC.thirteen desksC.swimming pool.听短语,根据所听到的顺序,用英语大写字母给下列图编号。塞困趣春冬节(10 分)II I II I I.听句子,判断所听到的句子是否符合图意,如符合,在图下的括号内写) 彘就1. ()2. ()高四3.()5,()n6. ()7.()8,()鱼9.()前10. ()“T”,否则写“ F”。(10分)i I Il四.听句子,选择最佳答语,把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(5分)B.Yes,there are.B.It is a bed.B.It is beauti

3、ful.B.No,it isnt.B.They are twenty.五.听对话,判断下列句子与对话内容是否一致,()1.A. No, there isnt.()2.A.It is pink.()3.A.Yes,I do.()4.A.It is large .( )5.A.There are twenty.C.They are some toys.C.No,it isnt .C.Thank you .C. I like it.C.Yes,there are.如一致,在题前的括号内写“T”,否则写“ F”。(5分)() 1.This is a picture of Ben s bedroom.(

4、)2.Thereis a large playground in Berfc school.()3.Thereare30trees behind the playground.()4.Thereare32classroom in Bens school.()5.Thereare55desks and chair in Be s classroom.笔练部分purple bathroom eighty bluecomputer六、单词分类。把同类单词写在相应的横线上。(15分)studyfortyin front ofunderthirteenmusicart kitchen behind re

5、d1.thirtylivingroomin 5.PE七、看图,选择与图文一致的句子,把其大写字母写在题前的括号。(10分)()1.A.This is a picture of a window.B.This isnt a picture of a study.C.This isnt a picture of a window.()2.A.-Is this a flower? -No,it isnt.B. Is this a flower? -Yes,it is.C.Is this a tree? -Yes,it is.s this? -It is a library.B.Whats this?

6、-It is a classroom.C.Whats this?-It is a swimming pool.( )4.A.There are some children on the playground.B.There is some child in the library.C.There are some children in the classroom.()5.A.This is a picture of a toilet.B.This is a picture of a floor.C.This is a picture of a kitchen.八、选择最佳答案填空,把其大写字

7、母编号写在题前的括号内。(10分)()1.The cat is next my dad.( )2.Please open your mouth two minutes.()3.in your bedroom?()4.-isthe wall?-It s pink.A.HowmanyB.What coulour()5.I do homeworkafter school.( )6.How many classrooms there in your school?()7.- Are they big small.-They are big.()8.Our school thirty-eight cla

8、ssrooms.( )9.Let show you new school.A.me; ourBme; we()10 Is it the music room?A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,there is.九、从B栏中找出A栏句子相应的答语。(5分)A栏B栏()1. Let play a game.A. There are thirteen.()2. How s big.( is your bed?C.Ok.() your house big or small?D.Yes,there is.s near the window.十、看图,完成句子。(10分)一 一 一1、 Now o yo

9、ur eyes:四年级英语2A CA.WABABBAjn the evening.参考答案D.G.B.H.J.E.F.A.I.C.F.F.T.T.F.F.T.F.T.F.B.A.C. B.A.F.T.F.T.F、l.fotty thitteen eighty.study Ouathfoom hachenny tn ftont of undet behindI.putple blue ted.music computet att七、A B B A C人、4.AABat is in tBABAA九、CAEBDI II十、l.pen 2.atch TV H一 Good motning 十二自FTTF

10、T ,卜5. I have a latgel hemthere3.tees 4uil is scho听大附M书tiHt lake OShOwer 白iWthe嘱vening.(每42We treSd-bOoks) at5sCh)ool.3.The bedthomrehas(tWo(dOOrs)od4iTOienBngretWeeey-ft1oeses in 帏 shop.5.Thisblack dtess is eighty-five yuan.-6.The map is bet A:Good. motning .a beaUIlfel living toom.B:.wotking in th

11、e lib_aty.一 A:Is this a pictute of yout school?一.A.a living t toom 7B.a oea CdA辕indows . 7.I have8.My mothet is in the kitchen now. 9.Ms White is._. a toilet D.a playgtound E.a wall F. aG.a house H .a bedtoom I ,a classtoom J.a swimming pool many classtooms ate thete in yout _.、is isn t a Kitcnen .2

12、.-Is this a schoolbag ? -Yes,it is.B:Thete ateclasstooms.3.Thee ate two piclute.s on.lhe w旬l, 4.Th 5.ThA:chaEfanswfmheisofaool6inryeut -B:No,thete isn .t.*岑慌然twocats?windoere is a(pictute beside the window. school?te is a computet on the desk.7.T十H9.Thete ;s(a map on the des My xname is xTom.T ,Ate

13、thete any toys unc classtooms and five teachei;stooms in the school.We have lessons in(the classtool- 3.weicome to mynew study. 4,Is yout school latge ?.How many.building.In ftont of the classtoom building,thete is a latge playgtound.We have PEclasstooms ate thete in yout school? _Wessons thete-Oppo

14、sjte the playgtoundjhete js a(swimming pool.Behind it,thete is a 五. Mum: Is this a (pictute of yournew school;Ben?btown building.Thete ate(thtee(computet tooms,one latge music toom and a libtaty Ben tiYetsBildibig aindbeautifuLMum,二- Mum:Is thete agatgi k s schoorha Ben:Yes,thet2 Mum:How m).Ber(:The

15、te a四.1.oCKJsy beadet stooms i?(2.ats undetncoioiin ithe chV写 F.叱 isnyouste?Thete ate 20asstoomMum:What,心。Ber(:Thete ate(1/L/1, La/DI I Im . tooms,one latge music toom and a libtaty ete ate many . books in the libtaty. e playgtound in yout school? id theteiate thitty ttees beside the pl te ate 20 cl

16、asstooms and any classtooms, ate thete in you )3.Tom has PE lessons on the p te thitty-two.二.Opposite the playgtound,thete is a dinning hall. inyout classtoom? 0)5.Thete. ate .many books in the libtatyx K bi . C o m e fotty-Tive desks andchaits.oSmndi Toms school.Mum:Do you have a tidy desk ?Ben:Yes

17、,I do.UnitlClothes1.-Can I help you,sir?对于这种问题,如果你需要对方的帮忙,可以礼貌地说 -Yes,please.如果你不需要别人帮助,也可以说-No,thanks.d like buy the toy mouse.Id like to=I would like to=I want to我想要做某事。Id like some apples. I d like后面可以直接接物品。注意:单独一个like用在句子中表示“像;喜欢”,请比较分析出下列like 在下列句子中的意思以及用法。例如,I like playing football. You look l

18、ike your father.从上面句子知道like表示“喜欢”时,后面的动词要加ing.-What can I do you?-1 d like to buy a pair of shoes.a pair of意思是“一对的;一双的;一条的”,“两对的用two pairs of,同样,a cup of tea 可以变成复数 two cups of tea.What can I do for you?=Can I help you?Eg:Are the twenty pounds?A.shoes B.shirt C.this pair of socks 注意:This pair of soc

19、ks twenty yuan.This coat is only 80 yuan. I 1l take them.Hl take them.表示“我将买它们。”这里的take相当于buy,如果要买的东西是只有一样,或者是不可数单词,应该说Hl take it.练习检测:The socks are thirty yuan. I 1l take.正确区分how much 和how many 的不同用法。How much?I用在问物品价钱。回答用 ItsTheyre注意:How much后面接is还是are,要看后面的物体是单数还是复数。例如: How much(is,are) the dress?

20、How many?用在问物体的数量。回答用 There is还是There are,主要看后面的名词是单数还是复数举例:-How much is your pen?-It s ten yuan.-How many rulers are there in your pencil-case? -There are ten.2.巩固练习:1.is this pair of socks? 10 yuan.C.How muchis it?It s five pounds.A.How B.How many6英语中的加法用and表示“加”,用is“ A+B 等于多少” -What s A and B?-It

21、s C.(结果是等于C.)8.876fiftyYes,I doeventyeighty ninety one根据回答有do/,可知道问句的开头是DoP一(1)Do you ?-Yes,I do./No,I don t.Do they ? -Yes,they do./No,they don tDoes he ?表示多少-涮 第几”的词叫数词。表示数目多少的数词叫基数词,基数词表示 两位数时O喻下位数和ree位fo叱时滁连的eseven ;裳乐三例数弹n在百位数和?ev9和做痣殳力崎,耳娘祟叫温架之嘲een请正确谈ighteen*的nneteen仰5 20-100442)65-_._yoephav

22、et30hpounds?do 问fflh胭烈,does 用 does 答。Are you 开头的问句用 Yes,I am. 或者 No,I m not.回答。Are you a young man?Do you like wearing dress?some用在肯定句和表示请求的疑问句中,any用在不表示请求的疑问句中some和any表示一些,可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,some 一般用于肯定句中,如: There is some milk in the bottle.any用于否定句和一般疑问句中,如 There isn t any tea in the cup.如,Do you ha

23、ve any dresses?(Do you have any? 的意思是 “你们这里有吗?)”10.-Whose are those sport shoes? They re Mr White s.Whose意思是“谁的,those指离说话人较远的一些东西。答句中的they (它们)指的是those sport shoes 。名词所有格所有格表示与其他词的所有关系”。名词的所有格分为两种情况:ft-of,中文理解为“的”。表示有生命的东西的名词所有格在词尾加“s”the woman s dress I want to buy a girl s pink dress.若是复数并以“威 论曲尾的

24、名词只加 。例如,the boys books(这些 男孩们的书).表示无生命的东西的名词的所有格一般与of结成短语:a map of China- (Who s, Whose) shirt is this?-That s the (woman, woman s) skirt.-are the trousers? (Who, Whose)-They are the(boy, boy s) long socks.-(Who s , Whose) he? He s Jim.11、关于have 与has的选择Mr Chen has a pair of blue shorts.第三人称单数包括:she

25、,he,it,单数名词,单个人名。当主语是第三人称单数时,后面就用has,其它情况一般用 have.如Theyhave some caps.注意:例句中的has不是由后面的单位词a pair of的单复数决定的,用have 还是has取决于前面的人称。练习检测: The man(has,have) two pairs of shirts.The children(has,have) some bags.12.There be 句型复习练习:彦习检测: There 一( is,are) some orange juicethere are+S 齿There二_二(s,are), an apple

26、 on the ta there is+S词单数或不可数名词,lb示“石”例子:Look,there are three trousers on the bed.ble. 请侬艮据答答猜猜问何,并写在横线上。. A:? B; Yes,I d like to buy a coat.A:? B:It s 98 yuan.A:? B:They re fifty pounds.A:? B:It s Mrs white s.、把下列词组译成英语。1. 一双袜子2.两双鞋子3.一条短裤4.三件红衬衣5.五件粉红色的女衬衣 6.两百条裙子7.早上好9.我想买一 10.有什么可以帮你? 11.给你13你有没有

27、一? 14 白色运动鞋三、选择最佳答案。Can help you ?A. I B. me C. myI d like buy that coat .A. on B. for C. to3.is the skirt ? It s ninety yuan .How many B. How much C. WhatThis book is nice . I 1l take.A. this B. they C. itThere is in my bedroom .A. a shorts B. a pair shorts C. a pair of shortsThese socks are two yu

28、an .A. hundred B. a hundred C. hundredsThis jeans is yuan .A. ninety three B. ninety-three C. ninty-threeTwenty and twelve is.A. thirty B. thirteen C. thirty-twoand sixteen is sixty-six .A. Fifteen B. Fifty C. SixtyThirty and is seventy-two .A. Fourteen B. Forty C. Forty-twoAre the twenty pounds?A.s

29、hoesB. shirtC.this pair of socks-T-shirt is this? It s Ben s.A.WhosYou mean the man a black hat?She is a white dress.Ten and Ten twenty.四、用括号内所给名词的适当形式填空Is this(apple)? No, it isn t. What are these ? They are(orange).Pass me(pencil).Give me some (egg), please. Are those your (shoe)? Yes, they are.Th

30、ose shoes are (Tom).Is the big (orange) Linda s?This (T-shirt) is big.五、课外阅读:根据短文判断下面的句子与短文是否一致,如一致写“T:否则打“F” .My name is Sally.I have a sister and two brothers.My sister s name isMary.She s wearing a beautiful blouse and a skirt.One brother is Ben,the otheris Mike.Ben is wearing a blue T-shirt,a pa

31、ir of shorts and a pair of sport shoes.Mike is wearing a red shirt and a pair of jeans.( )Sally has two sisters and a brother.() Mike is wearing a T-shirt,a pair of jeans.() Sally s sister s name is Mary.() Ben is wearing a pair of shorts.() Mary is Mikess ister.() There are three children in Sally

32、s family.Janet is from Britain.She is a beautiful woman.She likes buying clothes.Yesterday when she went shopping in Tianhe Mall,she bought a skirt,a blouse,two dresses and one pair of jeans.s two hundred and ninety nine yuan.One dress is purple and its four hundredand forty-eight yuan,the other dress is yellow and its two hundred and sixtyyuan.The jeans are blue and they a


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