冀教版九年级全Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 5 Jane's Lucky Life 教案_第1页
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1、Lesson 5: Janes Lucky Life教学设计 教材内容的分析和理解: 本单元围绕“stay healthy”这一话题来展开。旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解健康的重要性,获得健康知识,来保持自己的健康,前几课都是以生病或注意饮食方面来告诫学生身体健康的重要性,本课主要残疾人的故事,让学生学习残疾人乐观的精神和坚强的性格,引导学生要拥有健康的心态,所以,我认为本课是本单元的升华篇,也为后面的第六课做好铺垫,让学生明白人不仅要身体健康,还要心理健康,这样才能彻底远离医院,远离医生。学情分析: 对于九年级学生来说,大部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习的基础和能力,但还有一部分学生的基础较

2、弱,因此,我在教学设计时,就要做到优困兼顾,在教学活动中尽量让学困生参与其中,给他们更多的机会。通过同学们之间的合作学习,降低学习的难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦,通过各种任务的驱使,来提高学生们的英语的语言综合能力,使各层次的学生都有收获。三.Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge goals :Master words and expressions ,and have the ss get the knowledge form the text .2 .Ability aims :Train the studentsability of reading English by

3、 various ways ,and understand the text all by themselves.3 .Emotion goals: Have the ss know the disabled peoples life , call on the world to love the disabled, meanwhile get the ss to learn about the spirits of the disabled,then stimulate them to learn English more and more, and have a good attitude

4、 towards life.四Teaching Emphasis : 1. Have the ss learn and use the words andthe language points of this lesson2. Let the ss know the spirits of the disabled五Difficult points : 1. Cultivate the students ability of reading and the ss know the main idea of the story.2. Get the ss to learn about the sp

5、irits of the disabled,then stimulate them to learn English more and more, and have a good attitude towards life. 六Teaching methods : activity based teaching: class/individual/group work(本课采用任务型阅读教学法,在任务驱使下, 结合提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。)七Teaching aids : ppt ,some papers about writ

6、ing。八Teaching time: Period 1九.Teaching procedure:Class opening: Greet the ssStep1: Lead-in: Frist, design some situations about losing slights ,hearings, arms or legs by having the ss know the disabled ones life, Then have them learn something from some famous disabled people (设计理由:以这样的问题提问,会让学生感同身受

7、,引起他们的兴趣,了解残疾人的生活状况,并导入本课的话题。)Step 2: Learn some metrials about the disabled ,have them learn the new words ,checking up if they have previewd well. (设计理由:此项活动目的不仅让学生了解残疾人的生活现状,也检测了学生对于单词的预习和掌握情况,也为下一步做听力练习奠定了语言基础,适当减轻了听力难度,同时使学生能对课文有一个整体的了解,学会怎样获得文章中的关键信息。)Step3:Play the audiotape. Have the class l

8、isten and write (T)or(F),then do a quick quiz, Correct the answers.(设计理由:此目的在于培养和锻炼学生的听力能力,“Do a quick quiz”活动设计不仅能够活跃课堂气氛,也能使学困生参与其中,感受和体验学习的快乐,也能够让学生初步了解课文。)Step 3.Read and learn the text :1. Skim and match the exercises, then the ss know Janes life clearly.2. Read the text carefully and answer th

9、e questions with aiming at knowing the text well . .(设计理由:有了听力铺垫,这一部分的问题回答显得很简单.语言点的理解也很容易了,并很快概括出文章的中心句.启发学生自己讲出要用健康的心理对待生活,并珍视自己的健康.)Step5 Practice by filling in the blanks and writing a composition with some papers which give some information to make it easy(设计理由:通过短文填词的形式,让学生去运用本课所学到的几个重点短语,学以致用

10、并起到反馈的作用。写作练习不仅能够锻炼他们的写作和口语水平,也为了让他们明白和理解残疾人的生活,b并向他们学习,珍惜自己的健康生活,好好学习。)Step5: Summary up by discussing their harvest of this class. asking: What have you learnt from this lesson? What words? What phrases? what have you learnt from Jane?And telling the ss : No matter what problems well meet in our l

11、ife ,we should : Be active Be happy Be confident Health is the most important in our life ,Everyone should cherish it. We are healthy, we should cherish our life .(设计理由:面对人生的坎坷,估计有的学生考虑的层次较低,有些同学还带有消极的想法和做法,而没有积极进取的思想和正确对待生活的态度,所以教师应积极引导。)Step 6: Homework1. Read the text more and more.2 make some sentences with the important phrases of this lesson. 3. go on finishing your composition after class.Design of BB:Lesson 5 Janes Lucky Life be unable dare to do focus on damage ones body be married to sb Reflections: 在教学这课时,我先设计人生可能会面临的困难,模拟残疾,给学生营造身临其境的氛围,再利用名人效应趣味引导法,很自然的导入到课文里面,这样就引起学生们的学习积极性;教


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