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1、剑桥少儿英语Starters B一级下All the letters are dressed up.actbendclapdrinkeatflyhideironjumpkicklistenmovenodopenpaintqueuereadsleeptouchvisittouchvisitqueuereadsleepnodopenpaintkicklistenmovehideironjumpdrinkeatflyactbendclapactbendclapdrinkeatflyhideironjumpkicklistenmovenodopenpaintqueuereadsleeptouchvis

2、itLets play with vowels! : : : e i: I u: u eI aI I e u I u u Lets play with words! /fmII/ /nutbuk/ /faund/ /frend/ /kzn/ /nmb/ /a:ns:/ /telIfun/ Uint 6 More fun at “word factory”. 单词工厂里的更多乐趣。New Words 生词happy-sadjust 仅仅minute 分钟ready 准备好的another 另一个 bad 坏的-good好的 wait 等待 sound 发音 same 相同的 name名字 bit

3、 一点 sit坐 family 家庭 meet 见面 meat 肉Words and expressions: 重点词汇讲解 just 仅仅你能翻译下面的句子吗?He is just a little child.他仅仅是一个小孩.Just a minute. 稍等。补充短语:just now 刚才 minute 分钟请大家回忆一下,我们学过的小时、秒都怎么表达? hour 小时 second 秒ready 准备好的 Are you ready? 准备好了吗? get ready for 为做准备 eg: My mother is getting ready for supper.我妈妈正在准

4、备晚餐。 another (不定数量的)另一个 eg:I dont like this book,give me another.我不喜欢这本书,给我另一本。(不定数量中的任意一本)比较:the other (两者中的)另一个eg:I have two books, one is a Chinese book, the other is an English book.我有两本书,一本是语文书,一本是英语书。(两者中的另一个) bad 坏的/差的/错的反义词:good 好的你能翻译出来下面的句子吗? eg:He speaks bad English.他说的英语很差劲。wait 等待一般搭配介词

5、for使用,等待某物如:wait for a bus 等车 wait for me 等等我 sound (名词)声音(动词)发音same 相同的注意same前必须加the eg:We are in the same class.我们在同一个班。在口语中,我们常说:The same to you.表示“你也一样,同样祝福你。”如:Happy New Year! The same to you!bit 一点儿具体用法: a bit + 形容词 a bit of +名词 eg: I am a bit cold. (形容词) 我有点儿冷。 I have a bit of water. (名词) 我有一

6、点儿水。 family 家庭回忆一下,family tree是什么意思? meet 见面很高兴见到你,怎么说?Nice/Glad to meet you!讲了这么多单词,同学们你们记住了吗?我们来做练习吧试着完成下面的句子:1、We are _ (为做准备)our English class now.2、Do you want _(另一个)cake?3、They have_(相同的)hobby.4、Tom _(在等待)his friend.5、This candy is_(有点)sweet.gettingreadyforanotherthe sameis waiting fora bitExp

7、ressions 短语 have got 有 just a minute 稍等 a little 一点 this way 这边走重点短语讲解 have got 有 相当于have 第三人称单数形式:has got eg:We have got many flowers. He has got a little dog. have got的否定式: have not got = havent got eg: I havent got a pen.问题:has got的否定式是什么? has not got = hasnt gothave got的一般疑问式:Have+主语+got?回答:Yes,

8、主语+have. No,主语+have+not. eg:Have you got an apple? Yes,I have. No,I have not.想一想,has got的疑问和回答是什么呢?试着翻译下面的句子:1、我有一个新书包。Tom有一个新铅笔盒。2、你有一个汉堡吗?是的,我有。3、他们没有水果。1、I have got a new bag,Tom has got a new pencilbox.2、Have you got a hamburger?Yes,I have. 3、They havent got fruit. a little 有一点(修饰不可数名词) eg:There

9、 is a little water in the glass. 杯子里有一点水。 just a minute 稍等 this way 这边走Text 课文Oh, how happy I am! I have got a name!Hi! Which is my name?Just a minute ! Its ready!Oh, another bad name!Hey!Please wait!We sound the same !Well, a little bit.But not the same.Can we be friends? Yes,we are in the same fam

10、ily.Hello,we are your friends.Same family word.This way, please!a,e,i,o,u. a,e,i,o,u.This way, please!Meet your new friends!There is a word game book for you!Thank you!课文讲解Oh, how happy I am! I have got a name!how happy I am!是一个感叹句,你们会翻译吗?have got 有我真高兴!我有一个名字!Hi! Which is my name?Just a minute ! It

11、s ready!which 哪一个Just a minute是什么意思呢?ready 准备好的哪一个是我的名字?稍等!准备好了!Oh, another bad name!你们还记得another的用法吗?又是一个坏的名字!Hey!Please wait!We sound the same!Well, a little bit.But not the same.wait 等待,后面可以搭配什么介词?sound在这里是动词,发音a little 有点,修饰不可数名词bit请等等!我们发音相同!有点相同,但不完全相同。Can we be friends? Yes,we are in the same

12、 family.can是情态动词,表示“能够”in,在里我们能成为朋友吗?是的,我们在同一个家族里。(这里可以意译为:我们是一家人。)We sound the same.我们听起来发一样的音。Can we be friend?我们能成为朋友吗?Yes, Were in the same family.是的,我们是在同一家庭。发音相似的有:big,pig;fox,box;hat,bat;red,bed反义词的有:sadhappy;leftright;hotcold;cleandirty;yesno种类相同的有:five,four;pink,blue,red;bed,chair;lemon,pea

13、rHello,we are your friends.你好,我们是你的朋友。Same family word.This way, please!a,e,i,o,u. a,e,i,o,u.family,家庭,在这里意译为“种类”相同种类的单词,请走这边!a,e,i,o,u. a,e,i,o,u.This way, please!Meet your new friends!meet 见面请走这边!见见你们的新朋友!There is a word game book for you!Thank you!There is是There be句型,表示某处有某物for在这里表示“给”有一本单词游戏书给你!

14、谢谢!本课重点语法感叹句感叹句是表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情的句子。基本结构有两种:What + a/an + 形容词+名词+主语+谓语How + 形容词 + the + 主语 + 谓语试比较:多漂亮的一个女孩!What a beautiful girl she is!How beautiful the girl is!注意:以What引导的感叹句,句末主语和谓语可以省略。What a beautiful girl!eg:What a nice gift (it is)! = How nice the gift is!多漂亮的礼物! What a clever boy (he is)!= How

15、 clever the boy is!多聪明的男孩!试着完成下面的句子:同义句转换:What a fine day it is!(转换成How引导的感叹句)How happy the child is!(转换成What引导的感叹句)How fine the day is!多好的天气!What a happy child (he is)!多高兴的孩子! bat cap hat cab jam add a bed hen leg fed met set ee pig fish nit pin hit bit ii box cock hot frog pot fox o duck cup up bu

16、s mup hut uPart5.Spell and check. Make a new word. dogdotnobnodnotpodpompothobhodhoghophotbogloblogloplotmobmopgobgodgottogtopfobfopfoxbatbadbanbarcabcadcamcancapcardabdamfabfadfagfanfarfathadhaghaphashatlabladlaglamlapmacmadmanmap marmattabtagtantaptartatnabnagnappadpahpalpanparpatragrahramranrapra

17、tsacsadsagsapsatpenpegperpetredrepretrevsettegtenvetbedbenbetdebdenfedfengelgemgengethemhenhepherledlegletmenmetnetSame family word. This way, please.同一家庭单词,请往这边走。元音字母a的闭音节单词:apple,bat,had,pan,sat,add,cab,jam,pat,tag,cap,ant,cat,man,ran,dad,map,bag,bad,hat,sad,nap,flag,mat元音字母e的闭音节单词:hen,leg,red,yes

18、,Ted,ten,pen,pet,desk,net,let,set,met,end,fed,west,Ben,bed元音字母o的闭音节单词:log,box,fog,hot,mop,hop,dog元音字母u的闭音节单词:bus,fun,cut,cup,run,sun,hug,rub,bun,but元音字母i的闭音节单词:nib,pin,pit,lip,lid,six,hit,zip,kit(7)Look, read, choose and write. 答案:a,t,z,n,h,s,k,o,y,f,n,c (8)Picture puzzles. catpeapenfatteatenbusstar

19、 (9)Use your brain. 答案:beefeeteeth (10)An activity. bagbatcatcapmapmathathadbaddadsadsatpatpanmancanbanDanfanfatbagbigpigpitsitnithitkitkiddidhidcidcipzip(3)Pronunciation: 字母组合ir在重读音节中发 的音,发 时嘴型扁平,上下齿微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起。 (2)Study pronunciation: 字母组合or在重读音节中发 的音,发 时双唇收得小而圆,向前突出,舌身往后缩。 or short portera

20、short porterforty horseforty horsesListen, look, point and say. Spell the words:born,corn,form,norm,ford,lord,pork,porter,sort,short(3)Listen, write and say. 答案:1)corns 2)fork 3)torch 4)porter (6)Lets act. 注意:have/has+ sth.+ to do. 有什么事情要做e.g. Lucy has a story to tell.Lucy有个故事要讲。I have a new book to

21、 read.我有本新书要读。I have a game to watch.我有场比赛要看。(4)Lets chant and sing. 译文:单词,单词,我们来造单词。大单词,小单词,长单词和短单词。新单词,旧单词,有趣味的和令人厌烦的单词。单词,单词,我们来造单词。Part4.Lets chant and sing.Words, words, lets make words.Big words, small words, long words and short words.New words, old words, interesting and boring words.Words,

22、words, lets make words.Unit 6单词: minute分钟 sound声音 wait等待 name名字 family家庭 soccer足球 word单词 factory工厂 corn 玉米音标:or 作业:1单词5,中文1,听写 2音标10 3跟读磁带unit6,预习Unit7Thank you !一、单元要点 1知识概述 (1)加强拼音及词汇学习;(2)巩固元音字母的开、闭音节的读音及辨 认;(3)学习字母组合or在单词中发 的音;(4)能较熟练地拼写一些有规律的单词。2单元重点词汇 3交际用语 (1)How happy I am! Ive got a name. 多

23、高兴啊!我有一个名字啦!(2)Which is my name? 哪一个是我的名字? Just a minute. Its ready. 稍等一会,准备好了!(3)We sound the same. 我们听起来发一样的音。(4)Can we be friends? 我们能成为朋友吗?(5)This way, please. Meet your new friend. 请走这边,会会你的新朋友。二单元学习 1复习2重难点知识讲解 Bee:How happy I am! Ive got a name. 多高兴啊!我有一个名字啦!Plane:Which is my name? 哪一个是我的名字?Bird:Just a minute. Its ready.稍等一会,准备好了!Worker:Oh, another bad name.噢!又一个错误名! This way, please.请往这边走!Meet your new friends!会会你的新朋友!This is my favourite word game!这是我最喜欢的单词游戏! There is a word game book for you!有一本单词游戏书给你!


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