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1、FUTURE SIMPLE FormationAffirmativewill + V1You will go to school.Ill post the letters tomorrow morning.Negativewill not / wont + V1 She will not go to work.She wont go to work.InterrogativeWillV1Will you sing tonight?What will you do tomorrow morning?Use:For future actions which may or may not happe

2、n.We will visit Disney World one day.For threats or warnings.Stop or I will shoot. I left the door open. I will close it right now.What would you like to drink?I will have a cup of coffee, please.Did you call Sue?No, I forgot it.I will call her tonight.On the spot decisions Dont worry. Ill help you

3、with your homework.I will love you forever.You will be rich. PredictionOfferPromiseI am hungry.I think Ill have a sandwich.He will probably stay at home.With the verbs: hope, think, believe, expect The expressions: Im sure, Im afraidThe adverbs: probably, perhaps etc.Time expressions: tomorrow, the

4、day after tomorrow, next week, next year, tonight, soon, in a week/year etc. Ill drive my new motorbike next week. I will phone my best friend tonight. Ill read a novel soon.Prediction , offer, warning, promise, threat, request, on the spot decision, fearon the spot decisionPrediction , offer, warning, promise, threat, request, on the spot decision, fearpromiserequestPrediction , offer, warning, promise, threat, request, on the spot decision, fearthreatPredictionPrediction , offer, warning, promise, threat, request, on the spot decision, fearpromisewa


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