



1、美语情景对话 第252期:The Prize获奖Todd: Hey, Ian, have you ever met anyone famous? 托德:嗨,伊恩,你见过名人吗?Ian : Anyone famous? Ah, yes, I have. I met the Duke of Edinburgh.伊恩:名人?嗯,我见过。我见过爱丁堡公爵。Todd: Mm, whos that? 托德:嗯,他是谁?Ian : He is the Queens husband and I met him at Buckingham Palace.伊恩:他是女王的丈夫,我是在白金汉宫见到他的。Todd:

2、How did that happen?托德:那是什么情况?Ian :Well, it was because I received an award.伊恩:嗯,那是因为我得了奖。Todd: What kind of an award?托德:什么奖?Ian : The award was called the Duke of Edinburgh Award and I completed the bronze award, the silver award, and the gold award, and if you complete all three, then you can go t

3、o Buckingham Palace and he gives you your award.伊恩:那个奖名为爱丁堡公爵奖,金奖、银奖和铜奖我都获得过, 如果你这三个都获得了,便能够前往白金汉宫,公爵会颁奖给你。Todd: The award is for what kind of job?托德:获得那个奖有什么要求?Ian : OK, well its for young people between the ages of, I think its 14 to 21, but Im not quite sure, and you have to do different challeng

4、es for each award. Now, for the gold award you had to do community service, and I visited an old man. I had to do a sport and I played badminton. You had to do an expedition, and we went hiking in the Brecon Beacons in Wales for five days and you had to do a skill and I did driving and you had to do

5、 each one for a year.伊恩:嗯,这个奖是为年龄在 14岁至 21岁的年轻人设立的,我 对年龄段并不是很确定,每个项都必须要接受不同的挑战。现在,要 想获得金奖,你必须要做社区服务,我是去探望了一位老人。还要参 与体育运动,我选择了羽毛球。同时还要实行探索活动,我们在威尔 士的布雷肯山徒步旅行了五天的时间,同时要想得到这个奖还要具备 一项技能,我的技能是开车,每项要求都要坚持一年的时间。Todd: So what was it like getting the award?托德:得到这个奖之后是什么感觉?Ian : Um, it was exciting and disapp

6、ointing at the same time because my friends and I, we were waiting at Buckingham Palace for quite a long time and we had all our best clothes on: our ties, our shirts, our trousers. We had very clean shoes. It was quite hot and we were waiting and we were waiting and in camethe Duke of Edinburgh. An

7、d he gave us our award. He askedus maybe one question each and then he went, so we only actually met him for about five minutes.伊恩:嗯,我既兴奋又有些失望,因为我朋友和我在白金汉宫等 待了特别长的时间,我们穿上了我们的衣服:我们打了领带、穿了衬 衫和正式的裤子。我们还穿了洗干净的鞋。当时非常热,我们等了又 等,然后爱丁堡公爵来了。他给我们颁了奖。他问了我们每人一个问 题,然后就离开了,所以实际上我们和他见面的时间只有 5 分钟左右Todd: So it wasnt

8、the most exciting time, meeting him a famous person.托德:所以,见到他,一个名人,并不是最兴奋的时光。Ian : No, he was a very busy man, but you know, I shook his hand, and that was it, but it was nice to see Buckingham Palace and it was a good day out in London.伊恩:不,他非常忙,你知道,我和他握手了,就这样,不过能 看到白金汉宫还是很高兴,而且那天的伦敦很适合外出。Todd: Sou

9、nds like it.托德:我想也是。重点讲解:1. quite(用于强调)相当;很;颇;eg. I felt quite bitter about it at the time.当时我对这件事感到相当怨愤。eg. Well, actually it requires quite a bit of work and research.嗯,实际上这需要花很多的工夫,做点研究。 eg. can state quite definitely it will be terrible.我能够非常明确地说,情况会十分糟糕。 (与否定词连用,表示语气较弱或不确定);eg. Something here is not quite right. 这里有什么地方不太对劲。eg. And at the beginning, I didnt quite understand what all this was about.我起初不太明白这个切究竟是怎么回事。2. shake ones hand与握手;e


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