高一英语下学期学情分析考试试题二 试题_第1页
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1、日期:2022年二月八日。响水中学2021-2021学年高一英语下学期学情分析考试试题(二)制卷人:打自企;成别使;而都那。 审核人:众闪壹;春壹阑;各厅日 期:2022年二月八日。总分:150分时间是:120分钟考前须知:1、本套试卷一共分两局部,第一卷为选择题,第二卷为非选择题。2、所有试题之答案均填写上在答题纸上(请将选择题之答案直接填涂到答题纸上),答案写在试 卷卜无效、第一卷(选择题,一共110分)第一局部:听力(一共两节,满分是30分)第一节(一共5小题;每一小题1.5分,满分是7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项里面选出最正确选项, 并标

2、在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间是来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。What does the man want to do?A.Send mail toSally.B.Contact Mary.C.Get Mary s address.How long will it take the woman to reach Beijing by train?A.5 hours.B.7 hours.C.10 hours.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A new dress.B.The weather.C.

3、A recent event.What can we learn about the man, s new roommate?日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。C. Favorable price for Youth Camp.D. Two free tickets to Echo Cove Cave.The purpose of this poster is to invite more people to.A. join the Cave ClubB. enjoy the underground woildC. work as volunteersD. protect t

4、he educational cavesBI must have been about fourteen then, and I put away the incident from my mind with the easy carelessness of youth. But the words, Carl Walter spoke that day, came back to me years later, and ever since have been of great value to me.Carl Walter was my piano teacher. During one

5、of my lessons he asked how much practicing I was doing. I said three or four hours a day.“Do you practice in long stretches, an hour at a time?“I try to.“Well, don* t. he exclaimed. TVhen you grow up, time won* t come in long stretches. Practice in minutes, whenever you can find them five or ton bef

6、ore school, after lunch, between household tasks. Spread the practice through the day, and piano-playing will become a part of your life. wWhen I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but class periods, theme-reading, and committee meetings filled my days and evenings. For two years I got pra

7、ctically nothing down on paper, and my excuse was that I had no time. Then I remembered what Carl Walter had said. During the next week T conducted an experiment. Whenever T had five minutes unoccupied, I sat down and wrote a hundred words or so. To my astonishment, at the end of the week I had a ra

8、ther日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。large manuscript ready for revision, later on I wrote novels by the same piecemeal method. Though my teaching schedule had become heavier than ever, in every day there were idle moments which could be caught and put to use. I even took up piano-playing again, finding th

9、at the small intervals of the day provided sufficient time for both writing and piano practice.There is an important trick in this time-using formula: you must get into your work quickly. If you have but five minutes for writing, you can* t afford to waste four chewing your pencil. You must make you

10、r mental preparations beforehand, and concentrate on your task almost instantly when the time comes. Fortunately, rapid concentration is easier than most of us realize.I admit I have never learnt how to let go easi1y at the end of the five or ten minutes. But life can be counted on to supply interru

11、ptions. Carl Walter has had a great influence on my life. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.What is the best title of this passage?A. Concentrate on Your WorkB. Good AdviceC. How I Became a WriterD. A Littl

12、e at a TimeWhich of the following statements is true?The writer owes great thanks to his teacher for teaching him to work in long stretches.The writer didnt take the teacher1 s words to heart at first.Carl Walter has had a great influence on the writer, s life since he became a student. Rapid concen

13、tration is actually more difficult than most people imagine.The underlined part “counted on “ can be replaced by.A. expectedB. concentrated日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。C. valuedD. enrichedWe can infer that the writer.can find sufficient time for mental preparations in advance , so he s devoted to work

14、instantlyis always tired of interruptions in life because his teaching schedule is always heavyhas formed a bad habit of chewing a pencil while writing his novelshas new books published each year however busy his teaching isCA breathtaking trick potentially left over from our ancestors might be foun

15、d in trs the abi1ily to sense oxygen through our skin.Amphibians, animals such as frogs that can live both on land and in water, have long been known to be able to breath through thei r skin. In fact, the first known lungless frog that breathes only through its skin was discovered recently in the ri

16、vers of Borneo.Now the same oxygen sensors found in frog skins and in the lungs of mammals (哺乳动物) have unexpectedly been discovered in the skin of mice.“No one had ever looked, “ explained Randall Johnson, a biologist researcher.Mice and frogs are quite distant relatives, so the fact they have these

17、 molecules ( 分 子)in common in their skin suggests they might well be found in the skin of other mammals, such as humans.4We have no reason to think that they arc not in the skin of people too,Johnson said.These molecules not only detect oxygen, but help increase levels of vital red blood cells,日期:20

18、22年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。which carry oxygen aiound the body. Normal mice breathing in air that is 10 percent oxygsn dangerously low level similar to conditions at the top of Mount Everest, and about half that of air at sea level. However, mice that had the oxygen sensor HIF-la genetically removed fromth

19、eir skin failed to produce this hormone (荷尔蒙)even after hours of such low oxygen.These findings, if they hold true in humans, suggest one could raise the level of oxygen circulating inside the body. This could help treat lung diseases and disorders such as anemia(贫血症)without injecting drugs, which m

20、ake up a multibillion-dollar market, Johnson said.Athletes also often try to get more oxygen delivered to their muscles in order to improve their performance. They often do this by training at high altitudes or in low-oxygen tents.The new study suggests they might want to expose their skin as wel1 a

21、s breathing in low-oxygen air to improve their performance. It s hard to say what exactly might be done, however- there* s a lot we don t know yet, “ Johnson explained.The scientists detai led their findings in the Apri1 18 issue of the journal Cell.Which of the following statements is TRUE accordin

22、g to the passage?A. Johnson believes that Oxygen sensors also exist in human skin.B.People have to surf the Internet to read detailed findings.C. It has been proved that these findings help treat lung diseases.skin.D. It has long been expected oxygen sensors exist in miceOne of the functions of the

23、molecules mentioned above iscarrying oxygen around the bodyimproving athletes performanceC. detecting oxygenD. increasing level of oxygenWhat is Johnson s attitude to the application of the findings to the athletes training?日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。A. Negative B. Doubting C. Positive D. HesitatingT

24、he best title of the passage may be.Gieat Findings Benefits Athletes A LotProgs And Mice Are Distant RelativesFirst Known Animal Breathes Through SkinHumans Might Sense Oxygen Through SkinDHumankind has tried to improve its standard of living since the very beginning of civilization. Back then, as w

25、el1 as today, providing food and security was the basic task for a person. However, nowadays the range of required goods has expanded significantly. People feel the need for not only some primary things, such as a piece of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuri

26、es. Providing humanity with these things is connected to the use of natural resources, which requires energy. In turn, the common sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost unavoidably associated with environmental damage.Economic growth is the increase in numbers o

27、f goods and services produced over time by an economy, and it is calculated in terms of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Before growth is calculated, inflation (通货膨张)is adjusted in order to take into account its misleading effect on the price of goods and services. Economic growth can also be expl

28、ained as the increase in expected output, which results from an increase in actual output, or total demand.There are certain aspects of economic growth which affect the environment. The first of日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。these is the fact that in order to produce more goods and products, at a faster

29、rate, the construction of large industrial plants is required. These plants produce a lot of waste, leading to the pollution of water and the atmosphere, which may cause negative long term health effects to nearby populations of animals, or people. Thpv a1 so lead to global warming.Industrial manufa

30、cturing leads to the constantly increasing energy consumption. The traditional energy sources, which are common 1 y used nowadays, are considered to be the greatest polluters to the environment. There also exist so-called eco-friendly sources of energy. They are sometimes preferred but replacing the

31、 tradi t ional sources wi th them al so requires time, during which people have to make some sacrifices to support these undertakings.In order to produce economically practical energy, a sometimes significant transformation of the natural site is often inevitable. This is expensive and, has harmful

32、effects on the environment. Application of wind energy would block airflows * natural speed which is the reason for their decrease in strength, after crossing the windmill. Consequently, the pressure balance that is brought about by this current will be affected, and it is important to remember that

33、 the environment and weather conditions are directly affected by atmospheric pressure.For these reasons, bringing about economic growth without any resulting environmental damage, whatsoever, is impossible.What does the passage mainly talk about?Pollution caused by plant construction.Effects of wind

34、mi1 Is on the environment.Economic growth and human civilization. Economic growth and environmental damage.日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。What docs the underlined word They ” in the third paragraph refer to?A. Goods and productsB. The industrial plantsC. Water and atmosphereD. Negative health effectsAcco

35、rding to the passage, the author holds the opinion that.economic growth should be calculated in terms of GDPuse of natural resources causes no damage to the environmentindustrial manufacturing may cause damage to the environmenta windmill is a perfect way to produce economically practical energy65.

36、Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?CP ( Central Point) P (Point) Sp (Sub-point 次要点) C (Conclusion)第二节 七选五(一共5小题;每一小题2分,满分是10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项里面选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项里面有两项为多余选项。Reflect on our relation with natureUK physicist Isaac Newton once said, “ 66. Indeed, Mother Nature can pro

37、vide almost everything human beings need if wo follow her rules. But if we break the rules, she日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。is likely to be cruel and lash out (迅猛攻击)at us.The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) in China and some other countries at the beginning of this year is an example.

38、67 and probably has an intermediate host (中间宿主).It s said that the virus originated from the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, Hubei province, where live wild animals were sold.The Wal 1 Street Journal reported that Dr Peter Daszak, president of the US-based health organization EcoHeal th Alliance, sa

39、id, “This outbreak is a lesson for us. On a global scale (规模),human population density (密度),wildlife di vers i ty, and land use change are what drive new pandemics (流行病)In the ancient times, peop1e needed to rely on nature to survive they held i t in awe(敬 畏 地).For example, the American Indians beli

40、eved that humans are a part of nature and nature is a part of humans.68However, as human beings master more knowledge and make more advanced tools, people try to change and even conquer nature. They use more land to make buildings, genetically modify (改 变)plants, capture some wild and odd animals to

41、 suit their own needs. In this process, humans gradually lose contact with nature and even throw it out of balance.69_, Brian Lamacraft at Medium said it s time for people to reflect on our relationship with our planet* and wreconnect with this world and everything that we ve been given . After al 1

42、, according to US poet Gary Snyder, u 70Nature is not the place to visit. It s our home.Nature is pleased with simplicity and nature is no dummy(虚伪).Chinese ancients always lived in harmony with nature and human beings.日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。It reminds us that the past outbreaks did severe damage

43、 to the human societyAlthough we don, t know for sure what first caused the NCP outbreakThe new coronavirus is similar to a virus found in a bat in 2021The only mother of human beings are now facing a great throat-environmontal problem.第二卷(非选择题,一共40分) 第四局部:语法填空(一共10小题;每一小题1分,满分是10分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的

44、内容(1个单词)或者括号内单词的正确形式。In elementary school, Georgewasn, t 71(exact) popular, buthe always had a couple of really good friends. In middle school, he was really good at science and math.72most kids were going to 73 movies on weekends, George preferred to design his ownspecial projects. He dreamed of ow

45、ning his own technology company someday. When George got to high school, some of the other students madefun of him forbeing into books and computers. This made George very upset, but he tried not to let anything keep his dream from_74(achieve).George got excellent grades and was admitted 75 both Har

46、vard and Yale, but hedecided to go to Stanford 76 there were many opportunities for people 77 wantedto work in Silicon Valley. This was the first time George 78(feel) acceptedby the people around him. He took many computer classes, and kept designing his own projects on weekends. During the summer m

47、onths, he wou1d take extra classes, and he ended up_79(graduate) a year early. He took a job 80 a computer programmer at Apple. After five more years日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。there, George left to start his own company, finally realizing his childhood dream.日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。A.He really like

48、s potatoes.B.Ho is fond of watching TV.C.He seldom visits his parents.5. What is the man looking for?A. Gloves.B. Bus tickets.C. A pen.第二节(一共15小题;每一小题1. 5分,满分是22. 5分)听卜.面5段对话或者独白。每段对话或者独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项里面 选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或者独白前,你将有时间是阅读各个小题,每一小每段对话或者独白读两遍。每段对话或者独白读两遍。题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒

49、钟的答题时间是。听下面一段对话,答复第6、7题。6.When will Mr. Miller pick up the speakers?At 9:00 am.At 2:00 pm.C.At 5:00 pm.7.Where will the speakers be at 6:00 pm?A. In the hotel.B. On the banana farm.C.In the butterfly park.听下面一段对话,答复第8至第10三个小题。8.Who is the woman?A. An architect.B. A saleswoman.C.A gallery worker.9.A.

50、 From his friend.B. From a website.C.From a magazine.How did the man know about the gal 1ery?What does the man think of the exhibition?He didn t like it at all.He liked the video a lot.日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。第五局部:完成句子(一共10小题;每一小题1分,满分是10分)Dont forget to(与保持联络)your teachers and classmates.The twin

51、s tried out for the Chinese Poetry Conference and they(领先)in the preliminary contest last month.(在的帮助下)Mike, I have made great progress in my English study.The teachers (对要求严格)us, so we ar eno t allowed to play computer games at school.To my surprise, they had(亳不费力地找到)my homo.Our limited resources(快

52、要耗尽了)now. We must do what we can to save the Earth!There arc lots of different ways(将你的信息传达清楚)when you arc putting together an ad campaign.China has(做出宏大奉献)maintaining the ever-lasting peace of the world.In order for a now sport to(被参力H) the Olympics, a current sport must be dropped.The police insis

53、ted the witness(告知他们)what was going on.第六局部:书面表达(满分是20分)近年来许多名校成为旅游景点,这引起了广泛的公众关注。为此你班展开有关“Should university campuses be open to tourists?”的讨论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给China Daily报社写一封信, 介绍讨论情况并发表白己的看法。反对者影响在校学习的学生,分散其注意力;大量游客涌入校园,会带来平 安隐患。日期:2022年二月八日。赞成者拉近学生和社会间隔,利于文化交流;一些大学已成为社会文明的象征,应该让人们去感受那里的气氛。你的建议/看法(至

54、少谈两点)日期:2022年二月八日。注意:1词数:150左右。信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计人总词数;2短文须包括表中的全部内容,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连接;Dear Editor,Best regards,Li Hua日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。响水中学2021年春学期高一年级学情分析(二)英语试题答案听力(1.5X20=30)1-5 ACABC 6-10 CACAC11-15 BBABC16-20 BABAC单项选择(1X10=10)21-25 CBCBC 26-30DCBCA完形填空(1.5X20=30)31-35 DDBCB31-35 DDBCB36-40

55、AABDA41-45 CCABD46-50 ABCDC阅读理解(2X15=30)51-53 CDA51-53 CDA54-57 DBAA58-61 ACCD62-65 DBCB七选五(2X5=10)66-70 BFCEA语法填空(IX 10=10)71. exactly72. While73. the74. being achieved75. to/into76.because/since77. who/that78. had felt79. graduating 80. as完成句子(IX 10=10)日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。keep in touch withl

56、ed the way/ took the loadWith the help/ aid ofare strict with/ are hard onno difficulty (in) findingare running outto get your message acrossmade great contributions tobe added to(should) inform them of 书面表达(20)Dear Edi tor,Recent years have witnessedthe fact that campuses of famous universities hav

57、e become one of the popular tourist destinations, which has aroused great public concern. T m writing to tel 1 you about the discussion we ve had about whether the uni versi ty campus should be open to tourists.Some students argue that tourists shouldn, t have access to university campuses. They thi

58、nk the tourists visiting the campuses will make it harder for students to focus on their studies. Worse still, with so many tourists entering thceampuses, some safety problems will probably arise.However, others hold opposite opinions. They insist that this can bring students and society closer toge

59、ther and is good for cultural exchange between people. Besides, some日期:2022年二月八日。日期:2022年二月八日。universities have become a symbol of social civilization and people should be given the chance to experience the atmosphere.As far as I, m concerned, several factors should be considered before opening univ

60、ersity campuses to tourists. First, campuses should only be open to tourists on weekends or duringholidays. Second, the number of tourists should be strictly limited to guarantee safety. (150 words)Best regards,Li Hua听力材料Text 1M: Do you know Sally* s new address? She s got some mail here and I d lik


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