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1、The Loch Ness monsterBy HenryLoch: a lake or a part of the sea that is almost surrounded by land1. Does an ancient monster lurk in the depths of Scotlands Loch Ness? 2.Is this creature the last living dinosaur? 3.What secrets does the mysterious loch hold? 57For centuries, an international eye has b

2、een focused on Loch Ness and the belief that a creature, Nessie, lives deep within the isolated body of cold green water. Nessie /nesi/ noun (informal) =Loch Ness monsterThe Loch Ness monster is a creature said to live in Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland.A monk was the first person who claimed

3、 to have seen Nessie in the seventh century.The first photograph was taken in 1933 but the scientific community has never confirmed the Loch Ness monsters existence. 76several scientific studies have been conducted, including thorough sonar (水底音波探测器)surveys of the loch, and these have not showed any

4、 presence of such a “monster”. Many people believe that the size (21 square miles) and great depth of the loch (almost 800 feet), together with potential underwater caves, give the monster many places to hide. In 2006, some scientists brought up a new theorymaybe the monster was a paddling(嬉水的) elep

5、hant. “The reason why we see elephants in Loch Ness is that circuses used to go along the road and had a little rest at the side of the loch and allowed the animals to go and have a swim around,” a scientist said.Although there is still no clear explanation or evidence about a Loch Ness Monster, the

6、 suggestion of the monsters existence makes Loch Ness one of Scotlands top tourist attractions. Do you believe in nessie ?I believe ! As human beings,we all have some superstition,because we couldnt explain a lot of things even use the science.And we always stand by what we believed. So when someone

7、 come up with the opinion there has the Loch Ness Monster,we believe it in our subconscious .So the only explanation for the persistence of the myth of the monster is that people see what they want to see.the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science

8、; the belief that particular events bring good or bad lucksubconscious /sbkns; adj. usually before noun connected with feelings that influence your behaviour even though you are not aware of themNessie continues to appear on the lake, especially when the water is calm, much to the delight of not onl

9、y lucky tourists, but also the local people, who depend on the tourists coming to investigate for monetary income, which helps the local economy. Nessie is an unknown creature, that stimulates the publics imagination to thinking that there is a element of danger and terror about its character. Howev

10、er, that Nessie is “a shy, amiable and quite harmless creature, that doesnt pose a threat to people 63 48amiable /emibl/ adj. pleasant; friendly and easy to likeHave Apples maps found the Loch Ness Monster? Satellite image reveals mysterious shape lurking in the Scottish HighlandsA satellite high in

11、 the atmosphere, accessed using Apples satellite map app, may have provided proof that the legend lives on - with amazing images of a creature swimming below the surface of the world famous lochThis new sonar image was revealed just weeks after satellite images appeared to show a mystery object in the loch. A shadowy form, pictured, measuring around 100ft long (30 metres) with two giant


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