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1、Airport EcomomicsThe Airport - Airline Relationship1 机场与航空公司之间的关系Consolidation of two airline modelsLow costIncreasing market share in all regionsPoint-to-point traffic (hub bypass) but some connections tooFinancial incentives, specially by smaller airportsIntercontinental airlinesLarger aircraft fo

2、r hub&spokeSmaller aircraft on point-to-pointIncreased deregulation means more competitionFewer super-hubs in long-term航空公司:两种商业模式并存低成本型航空公司在各地区的市场份额呈上升趋势点对点运行(绕道枢纽),但有时也需要中转 财政激励,特别是小型机场洲际航空公司大型飞机,多用于中枢/辐射型航线小型飞机,多用于点对点运行放松管制,竞争愈演愈烈长远看,超大型枢纽将寥寥无几LCC & Technology drive changeNew LCC routesNew point-

3、to-point routes are being opened resulting from lower cost structure of LCCsLCCs drive away legacy carriers (and associated feeding airlines) as these cannot competeThis puts pressure on smaller hubs as they loose their niche roles as intra-continental connecting pointsSome traffic is also eroded fr

4、om mega hubs, particularly P2P which may shift to secondary airports but this helps by releasing capacityTechnologySmaller long-range aircraft allow secondary cities to open direct non-stop intercontinental routes, but mainly to mega-hubsLarger aircraft allow cheaper flights via mega-hubsMega-hubs c

5、onsolidate their position as continental gateways低成本型航空公司&科技引领变革 低成本型航空公司开辟新航线运营成本较低,低成本型航空公司不断开辟新的点对点航线低成本型航空公司拥有老牌承运人(及相应的支线航空公司)不具备的优势对小型机场形成压力,小型机场将失去其洲内航线中转节点的重要地位一些航班(尤其是点对点航班)将从超大型枢纽机场撤出,转到二级机场,反而释放了容量科学技术小型远程飞机使得次级城市能够开辟洲际直飞航线,但主要飞往超大型枢纽大型飞机能够提供经由超大型枢纽的廉价航班超大型枢纽巩固其洲际门户机场的地位All airports affec

6、ted by a new paradigmMega-hubsFew can survive - these will mainly be the base of dominant intercontinental mega-carriersLarge investments will be required to maintain dominanceCompetition at a global scaleSome competition from P2P by Gulf carriersSecondary hubsDecreasing intercontinental hubbingSome

7、 long-haul P2PIncreasing pressure from LCCs in the form lower prices and alternative secondary airportsNeed to consider possible impact from HST新模式对各类机场的影响超大型枢纽超大型机场将寥寥无几,主要承担大型航空公司的基地职能日常运营耗资巨大全球范围内的竞争海湾航空点对点直航运营带来的竞争压力次级枢纽 减弱洲际枢纽功能拥有一些点对点远程直航航线低成本型航空公司的价格低廉和其它可选次级机场的竞争压力逐渐增长需要考虑高铁带来的潜在影响All airpor

8、ts affected by a new paradigmmInternational O&DsLower growth rates Need to attract LCCs to maintain traffic volumesMarket share erosion from secondary airportsPrice pressure from LCCsCompetition from alternative transport modes (HST)Regional airportsSever margin pressure from LCCsHigher competition

9、as increasing number of airports enter the market and aim to attract LCCsCompetition from alternative transport modes (HST)新模式对各类机场的影响国际O&D机场市场增长缓慢需要吸引低成本型航空公司,以维持业务量次级机场对市场份额的蚕食低成本型航空公司的价格优势其它可选交通工具(高铁)的的竞争支线机场 来自低成本型航空公司的价差压力越来越多的机场进入市场,竞相吸引低成本型航空公司,因此竞争更加激烈来自于其它可选交通工具(高铁)的竞争压力The situation todayM

10、ost airports (large and small) tend to overinvest in order to position themselves ahead of the competitionMany airport investment decisions are driven more by political pressures rather than commercial decisionsMost airports (large and small) do not fully exploit their commercial revenue potentialMa

11、ny small airports do not have the “critical” mass to generate considerable non-aeronautical revenueMost small airports and increasing numbers of medium-sized airports are trying to attract LCCs because of the considerable volume of traffic they generateIncreasing competition to established mega-hubs

12、 from Gulf carriers当前形势多数机场(大型或小型)存在过度扩张的趋势对于很多建设机场的投资决定,政治考虑多于商业考虑多数机场(大型或小型)并未充分挖掘潜在的商业价值 很多小型机场未能吸引足够数量的公众,不能创造可观的非航空性业务收入 多数小型机场和日渐增多的中型机场力争吸引低成本型航空公司,以期带来可观的业务量。海湾航空承运人对超大型枢纽机场造成的竞争压力What can we expect in the short-medium termContinuous uncertainty in the airline business. Clear cut models to p

13、revail: i.e. Intercontinental and LCCsLess funding available for investment as a result of Global Financial Crisis and cuts in Government spendingGulf carriers and airports to play an increasing role in the movement of intercontinental trafficMany airports left with overcapacity due to over investme

14、nts. Thus, temptation to reduce charges to attract carriersHST to play an increasingly important role in intra continental traffic近期展望航空公司业务持续存在不确定性因素。当前盛行的商业模式泾渭分明,即:洲际航空公司和低成本型航空公司全球金融危机以及政府开支削减加大了融资的压力海湾航空承运人和机场在洲际运输的地位日益增强过度扩张使得很多机场容量剩余。由此,须减少机场收费以吸引航空公司高铁占有的洲内运输份额日益增加Airport management actionsR

15、ecognise the true traffic generation potential of the airport:As an O&D gateway: driven by population, GDP/capita and tourism, among othersAs a transit hub: driven by the strength of the resident airlineAs a logistics centre: driven by the strength of resident airlines, market position and competiti

16、on, and infrastructurePartner with the airlines:Understand their particularities as they are not all the same and there are specific requirementsProvide them with differentiated facilities specifically designed to meet airlines operational and financial needsCo-operation rather than passive relation

17、shipIndustry wide issues such as economic and environmental challenges demand increasing collaboration between airports and airlines 机场管理措施识别机场业务量增加的潜在因素作为O&D门户港:受人口总量、人均GDP以及旅游业等因素影响作为中转枢纽:受机场基地航空公司状况影响作为物流中心:受机场基地航空公司状况、市场定位和竞争压力,以及基础设施影响与航空公司结成伙伴关系充分认识各个航空公司的具体特点,以及它们的具体需求提供齐全的设施设备,满足各个航空公司运营规模和财

18、力需求变被动为主动,与航空公司寻求合作应对诸如经济形势和环保问题等行业性问题时,要求机场和航空公司加强合作Airport management actionsAirports to be run as businesses:Develop a sensible business planUnderstand the changing and evolving nature of the aviation industry: what is true today will not necessarily be true tomorrowMaximize revenue generation po

19、tential from non-aeronautical activitiesAirports are much more than air-to-ground exchange platformsRecognize the power of competitors: other airports and alternative transport meansCost control: maximize the economies of scale inherent in a monopolyCapital Expenditure:Undertake investments carefull

20、y not all airports can become mega hubs; capex is expensive and it must be paid backHowever, if real potential exists, do not deteriorate the strategic position for airline network developmentCapex should be demand drivenAlways try to adopt a modular and flexible infrastructure development approach

21、Airport master plan as a portfolio of real options instead of blue-print for a single future机场管理措施机场商业化运营制定合理的商业规划充分考虑航空业瞬息万变的特点:时代变,则形势变尽量扩大机场的非航空性收入产生的利润机场不仅仅是空地运输转换平台充分认识竞争对手:其它机场以及其它可选交通工具成本控制:须将垄断所固有的规模经济最大化资本支出机场扩建须谨慎并非所有机场都能成为超大型机场;资本支出耗费巨大,必须考虑回报同时还须抓住机遇,拓展航线网络资本支出取决于市场需求机场基础设施建设始终采取灵活的组合式方法

22、机场总体规划应实事求是,切实可行,不能仅仅是美妙的一纸蓝图What LCCs want from airportsFor LCCs price is important but so are other considerationsCapacity & operational environment 24/7 facilities asset utilisation maximised Quick turn-around times (eg power in/power out, short taxi times) Fit for purpose infrastructure Fees & c

23、harges Airport related costs represent relatively larger part of overall cost structure Optimise all-up per pax charges (aero charges, check-in, parking, handling etc) aimed at promoting efficient use of facilities Incentive schemes, marketing contributions etc 低成本型航空公司对机场的需求对于低成本航空公司来讲,价格因素非常重要,但还须

24、考虑其他因素机场容量与运营环境机场24/7 全天候服务设施利用最大化航班过站时间短(例如,接通/断开地面电源,滑行时间短)建立量体裁衣的基础设施 机场收费机场相关的收费占其总成本的一大部分 优化旅客收费(航空费、值机费、停机费、地勤费等),提高机场设施的利用率 激励机制,市场推广等What Network airlines want from airportsMarket generally the primary consideration for network carriersYield & load Dedicated infrastructure and branding Loung

25、es Dedicated check-in desks Security fast track Gates (airbridges) Fees & charges Landing fees / passenger fees Handling charges Discounts & incentive schemes Network Connection opportunities Breadth & depth of network Greater emphasis on the overall “door to door” travel experience of the passenger

26、s 网络型航空公司对机场的需求市场网络型航空公司考虑的主要因素收益&载运率专用的基础设施和品牌策略机场休息室专用值机柜台快速安检通道停机位(登机桥)机场收费起降费/旅客服务费地勤费折扣与激励机制航线网络中转连接机会网络的宽度与深度更注重缩短旅客的总体“门对门”旅行时间Managing the relationship with the airlinesIn a more challenging economic climate, the entire industry has become more cost conscious with a significant portion of th

27、e cost base not controlled by airlines Fuel Aircraft (in a tight market) Labour (in a global market) Airport related costs are not controlled by airlines, however, they are commercially negotiable 10 15 years ago airport costs were regulated Now direct negotiation between airport and airlines Most n

28、ew entries, capacity and frequency increases are the result of negotiations between airports & airlines Airline differentiation provides opportunities Agreements between airports and airlines cover more than just traditional services 与航空公司发展新型关系经济形势严峻时,航空公司对不可控成本越发谨慎燃油飞机(市场供不应求时)员工(全球市场)航空公司无法控制与机场相

29、关的成本,但是可以进行商业谈判10-15年前,机场成本受制于调控如今,航空公司与机场直接谈判新增航线、航班容量和航班频次由航空公司和机场共同商定航空公司个性化经营提供机遇航空公司与机场达成的协议不仅仅包括传统的服务领域,开辟新领域Managing the relationship with the airlinesChange in airlines approach created new discipline for airports Today it pays for airports to be pro-active airline marketeers Different carri

30、ers require different approaches legacy carriers & LCCs Key point in the airlines/airport relationship: cost transparency Win / win for airports & airlines Co-operation with rather than presentation to carriers Joint development of route cases Working together to face current challenging economic ou

31、tlook and environmental issues 与航空公司发展新型关系与航空公司发展新型关系给机场提出新的课题如今,在航空业中机场应主动寻求市场航空公司的需求各不相同老牌承运人&低成本型航空公司航空公司/机场关系的金科玉律:成本公开 机场与航空公司的双赢主动合作共同开辟航线共同应对当前的经济局势和环境问题Build-up of airline costs航空公司成本机构Airport Ecomomics29 2011 Airports Council International 29Build-up of airline costs航空公司成本结构Airport Ecomomic

32、s31 2011 Airports Council International 31Build-up of airline costs航空公司成本结构Build-up of airline costsAnd for Legacy carriers?.航空公司成本结构Airport performance Vs. airlines2004 performance relative to the European marketIATAs DG Bisignani:“IATA does not object to privatisation efforts that bring greater tr

33、ansparency and efficiency to airport management, and at the end of the day, lower charges. But we have no patience for privatisations that breed inefficiency, uncontrolled monopolistic behaviour or cross-subsidisation of troubled developments. You may have given Narita a license to print money”机场运营

34、Vs. 航空公司IATA 秘书长 (Giovanni Bisignani): “ IATA 并不反对机场私有化,前提是机场管理应更加公开,富有效率,并最终降低机场相关的收费。而私有化也可能导致机场管理效率低下、无法控制的行业垄断行为或者补贴混乱问题的出现,对此我们不能容忍。没有有效的监管机制,机场私有化就如同一个印钞机一样。”2004年机场运营(相比欧洲航空市场)Airport performance Vs. airlinesThe airline business and the airport business are fundamentally different. One cannot

35、 be measured and compared against the other on the basis of a few simple financial indicatorsLCCsEasyjet: 16,6%Ryanair: 27,5%Ljubljana: 50%Copenhagen: 61%AirportsEBITDAR Margins (07)机场运营 Vs. 航空公司航空公司运营根本上有别于机场运营。孰优孰劣,无法仅凭简单的数字做出判断。低成本型航空公司机场易捷航空: 16,6%瑞安航空: 27,5%卢布尔雅娜机场: 50%哥本哈根机场: 61%2007利息折旧及摊销前利润

36、率(EBITDAR Margins)Airport performance Vs. airlinesCash margin42%12%ROI11%5%Profit margin12%3%ROE13%7%Top 10 airport companiesTop 10 airline companiesAirports: BAA, Fraport, CPH, Vienna, Zurich. Airlines: Austrian, BA, LH, SAS, SwissAirport vs. Airline performance for a selection of companies in 2000

37、现金保证金42%12%投资回报率11%5%利润率12%3%净资产收益率13%7%前10位 机场企业前10位 航空公司名优机场和 航空公司运营的对比数据( 2000年 )机场运营 Vs. 航空公司(1)机场:英国机场集团,法兰克福机场集团,哥本哈根机场,维也纳机场,苏黎世机场。 航空公司:奥地利航空,英国航空,汉莎航空,北欧航空,瑞士航空Airport incentivesCompetition among airports is increasingSecondary airports Vs. main airportsTourist destinationsHubsAirports need

38、 trafficKey driver of revenue generationAirport traffic is derived demandIncentives are becoming increasingly commonProvide support for new servicesCareful management is keyWho benefits? Should the airport act alone?E.g. Tourism industry机场的激励机制机场之间竞争日益激烈二级机场 VS 一级机场观光旅游目的地枢纽机场机场需要运输量赢利的决定因素机场运输量属于派生

39、需求激励机制日渐盛行为开辟新的服务领域提供支持善于经营是关键谁是受益者?机场能否单独行动?例如,旅游业Airport incentives2001 - Brussels Airport complains to the EU that a number of advantages were being granted to Ryanair by Charleroi Airport and the Wallon region2002 the Commission launched an investigation to determine if this was compatible with

40、the “private market investor principle”The Commission determined that no private operator would have granted the same advantages. Hence, these constituted State AidHowever, the Commission determined that certain aspects of the aid could be compatible with EU transport policy because it facilitated t

41、he development and improved use of an underused airport that represented a cost to the community as a whole机场的激励机制2001年布鲁塞尔机场向欧盟申诉,指出瓦隆地区政府和沙勒罗瓦机场向瑞安航空提供补贴2002年究竟是否违反“私有市场的公平竞争原则”,欧盟委员会进行调查欧盟委员会认定不存在其它私人机构向该航空公司注资。由此,此类补贴属于政府补贴但是,欧盟委员会裁定此类补贴并非完全违反欧盟的“透明政策”规定,因为机场利用率较低将造成对当地社区的整体经济损失,而该补贴提升了机场的利用率。EU

42、 Directive on start-up aidAs a result of the Charleroi case, in 2006 the EU published the “Community guidelines on financing of airports and start-up aid to airlines departing from regional airports It acknowledged that: small airports often do not have enough passenger volume to break even (0,5 1 M

43、 pax?)Airlines prefer tried and tested hubs in good locations which provide rapid connections, have an established passenger base and have slots which they do not wish to loseairlines are not always prepared, without appropriate incentives, to run the risk of opening routes from unknown and untested

44、 airportsConsequently, the Commission accepts that public aid can be paid temporarily to airlines under certain conditionsHowever, it will not be acceptable to grant aid to new air routes corresponding to a high-speed train link欧盟指令:航线启动补贴鉴于沙勒罗瓦机场事件,欧盟于2006年公布了关于机场融资以及支线机场新增始发航线的启动补贴的指导意见该文件确认:通常,小型机场接待的旅客人数(50-100万)较少,难以平衡收支位置好、声望高的枢纽往往中转快捷,还因为已经拥有固定的旅客和航班时刻,所以航空公司更愿意固守大型枢纽缺乏动机,航空公司不愿冒险开辟新建


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