



1、人教PEP版五年级上册英语科第一至第二单元测试卷听力局部一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。2. Miss Chen is our C.teaC.weekdayC.thisC.whatsC.his()1.A.meet()2.A.Tuesday()3.A.these()4. A.watch()5. A.is二、听录音,补全句子。1.the baby.B.meB.ThursdayB.thoseB.washB.ifsteacher.She is 3. You should do homework 笔试局部一、辨音,发音相同的打“T”,不同的打“F”。()1. foot food()4. old of二、

2、选出不同类的一项。()()()()()2. meat()5. likeB.themB.washB.happyB.EnglandB.orangeB.oftenB.tomatoesB.porkB.weekendB.elevenmeet(fine(C.himC.goC.helpC.AmericaC.watermelonC.alwaysC.finishesC.beefC.MondayC.first)3. youryellow)6. manymy三、按要求,填单词。2.this (对应词)1. see (同音词)3.make (三单)5.party (复数)3.make (三单)5.party (复数)

3、4.she (宾格)6.Tuesday (缩略写)7.no (同音词)8.who#s (全写)lO.sun (形容词)lO.sun (形容词)9.do not (缩略写) 四、选择()l.We have computer and music weekend.A. onB.atC.for()2.We often watch TV Saturday evening.A. inB.onC.at()3.1 can play football my father.A. beefB.sandwichC.apples()4.1 can play football my father.A. andB.toC.

4、with()5.Do you often read books in the evening?A. YesJ dont B.NoJ dontC.NoJ do()6.1 need a box of .A.crayonsB.crayonC.pencil()7.There is h in the word home.A.anB.aC.one()8.Here is a schedule you.A.forB.giveC.to()9.一 Mike and you good basketball players? 一No, weA.Do9 don/t. B.ArerentC.Does,doesnt()lO

5、.Chen Jie can play pi pa.A.aB.theC./五、用说给词正确形式填空。l.They are (Mike)(wash).He likes (it).Robin can (help)my grandpa.He is (help).Sarah likes (do) shopping with (she) mother.There (be) some orange in the glass.My father is strict.He (make) (I) finish my homework.Miss Li wil (be)they) Chinese teacher.六、

6、按要求完成句子We have a new maths teacher.(否认句)Zooms father is tall and strong.(一般疑问句并肯定回答)Chen Jie has English and art on Mondays.(划线局部提问)Our music teacher is Mr Yang.(同上)I often watch TV at home (同上)Miss Li short and fat.(提出问题)don/t j money, have / enough, we .七、翻译。I a new football.We can with我想要一个新的足球。我

7、们能一起玩。We have English Monday and 星期一和星期三我们有英语课。Oliver is and 奥利弗又聪明又勤奋。Do you to music?你经常听音乐吗?She usually books the park.她通常在公园看书。You should every day .你应该每天做体育运动。八、阅读,判断正(T)误(F)My name is Amy.Today is Wednesday.We have Chinese,Englismusic and science in the morning.We have P.E. and art in the afte

8、rnoon.I like music class.l like singing.Kerry is my classmate.She likes our art teacher. She can draw well.Jerry likes Chinese class.He likes China very much.AII the boys and girls in our class like science.The teacher is very funny and kind .1 like my class.()l.Amy and Kerry are classmates.)2.Kerry has Chinese,English,music and s


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