1、In volv ing a young pers on in the developme nt of a digital resource in nurse educati on.Fen ton GSourceUni versity of Salford, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Frederick Road, Salford M6 6PU, Un ited Kin gdom. Electr onic address: g.fe nton salford.ac.uk.AbstractHealth policies across
2、 wester n societies have embedded the n eed for service user and carer perspectives in service desig n and delivery of educati onal programmes. There is a growing recognition of the need to include the perspectives of children and young people as service users in the design and delivery of child foc
3、used educational programmes. Digital storytelling provides a strategy for stude nt nu rses to gain in sight into the lived experie nces of childre n and young people. En gag ing with these stories enables students to develop an understanding of a young persons experienee of healthcare. This paper ou
4、tl ines a project that developed a digital learning object based upon a young persons experienee of cancer and student evaluations of the digital lear ning object as a teach ing and lear ning strategy. Over 80% of stude nts rated the digital lear ning object as in teresti ng and were motivated to ex
5、plore its conten t. In additi on, the evaluati on highlighted that liste ning to the young pers ons experie nces of her treatme nt regimes was in formative and assisted un dersta nding of a patie nts perspective of care delivery.Copyright ? 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.PMID: 23711757 PubMe
6、d - as supplied by publisher Ambulanee nurses experiences of nursing critically ill and injured children: A difficult aspect of ambulanee nursing care.Nord 41 C, Hult K, Engstr?m S.SourceFalck Ambula ns AB, H?ssleholm, Swede n.AbstractBACKGROUND:Ambulanee nurses work daily in both emergency and non-
7、emerge ncy situati ons that can be dema nding. One emoti on ally dema nding situati on for ambula nee nu rses is to nurse ehildre n who are ill.AIM:The aim of this study was to describe ambula nee nu rses experie nces of nursing critically ill or injured ehildre n.METHOD:Eight specialist ambula nee
8、nu rses were in terviewed and the in terviews were an alyzed using qualitative content an alysis.FINDINGS:The an alysis resulted in one theme, a difficult aspect of ambulanee nursing care, with five categories. The security of both child and parents was eonsidered to be paramount. Ambulanee nurses f
9、elt relieved when they handed over the responsibility and the child to the receiving unit. The ambulanee nurses felt that more training, educati on and follow-up was desirable in order to in crease their security whe n nursing childre n.CONCLUSION:Ambula nee nu rses are subject to stressful feeli ng
10、s while nursing childre n. As provid ing reassura nceto the child and its pare nts is a corn erst one of the treatme nt, it is importa nt for the ambula nee nu rses to take the time to build up a trusti ng relati on ship in such an encoun ter. Skill developme nt in the area might lead to in creased
11、security and reduce the men tal burde n result ing from n egative stress.Copyright ? 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.PMID: 23711561 PubMed - as supplied by publisherThe effects of state-level scope-of-practice regulati ons on the nu mber and growth of nurse practiti on ers.Reagan PB, Salsberr
12、y PJ.SourceDepartme nt of Econo mic and Research Scie ntist, Center for Human Resource Research, The Ohio State Un iversity, Columbus, OH. Electro nic address: patriciabreaga n .AbstractBACKGROUND:It is widely recog ni zed that there is sig nifica nt state-level variati on in scope-of-practice regul
13、ati ons (SSoPRs) for nurse practiti oners (NPs).PURPOSE:This study was desig ned to exam ine whether SSoPRs in flue nee labor markets for NPs.METHOD:Cross-seeti onal an alysis exam ining how SSoPRs in flue nee the nu mber and growth in NPs; data from the Area Resource File and 2008 Pears on report w
14、ere used.DISCUSSION:Restrictive SSoPRs reduced the nu mber of NPs by about 10 per 100,000 and reduced the growth rate by 25%. No differenee was found between states with the most restricti on and those with some restricti ons.CONCLUSIONS:These results imply that cha ngesto practice regulati ons shou
15、ld not be in creme ntal but should follow the curre nt practices in the least restrictive states. Results also in dicate that other factors (poverty, unin sura nee rates, rurality) decreasedthe number of NPs, suggesting that solving the primary care provider shortage will require multiple strategies
16、.Copyright ? 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.PMID: 23707068 PubMed - as supplied by publisherIn surer and employer views on pediatric obesity treatme nt: A qualitative study.Hampl SE, Davis AM, Sampilo ML, Stephe ns KL, Dea n K.SourceDepartment of General Pediatrics, Childrens Mercy Hospitals
17、 and Clinics/University of MO-Kansas City School of Medici ne, Kan sas City, Missouri, US代 Ce nter for Childrens Healthy Lifestyles and Nutrition, Kansas City, Kan sas, USA. HYPERLINK mailto:shampl shampl.AbstractOBJECTIVE:The effectiveness of group-based comprehensive, multidiscipli nary (stage 3)
18、pediatric weight man ageme nt programs is backed by a grow ing body of literature, yet in sura nee coverage of these programs is scarce to non existe nt, limit ing their reach and Ion g-term survival. The objective of this study was to better un dersta nd the perspectives of in surers and large empl
19、oyers on the issue of group-based treatme nt coverage.DESIGN AND METHODS:The authors performed a qualitative study utilizing structured in terviews with these stakeholders, followi ng accepted tech niq ues.RESULTS:Six major themes emerged: cost, program effective ness, corporate social resp on sibil
20、ity, sec on dary pare ntal (employee) ben efits, coverage opti ons and new ben efit determi natio n.CONCLUSION:Future efforts to secure payment for group-based pediatric weight man ageme nt programs should address these key themes.Copyright ? 2012 The Obesity Society.PMID: 23712982 PubMed - as suppl
21、ied by publisher J Clin Nurs. 2013 May 8. doi: 10.1111/joc n.12204. Epub ahead of printNursing students attitudes towards provision of sexual health care in cli ni cal practice.Hua ng CY Tsai LY Tse ng TH, Li CR, Lee S.SourceInstitute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Chung Shan M
22、edical University, Taichung, Taiwan; School of Nursing, Chung Shan Medical Un iversity, Taich ung, Taiwa n.AbstractAIMS AND OBJECTIVES:To investigate nursing students attitudes towards providing sexual health care in clinical practice and to iden tify associated factors.BACKGROUND:Sexual health care
23、 is an importa nt comp onent of holistic health care. Nurses personal sexual knowledge and attitudes are show n to in flue nee provisi on of sexual health care.DESIGN:This is a descriptive, cross-secti onal study.METHODS:We selected 146 senior nursing stude nts by convenience sampling from nursing s
24、chools in two medical uni versities in cen tral Taiwa n. Data were collected using the Nursing Attitudes on Sexual Health Care scale developed based on thePermissio n/LimitedInformation/SpecificSuggestions/Intensive Therapymodel. Higher scores in dicated more positive attitudes. RESULTS:Participants
25、 mean age was 22 35 years. Mean total Nursing Attitudes on Sexual Health Care scores ran ged from 45-75 (61 40 017). Nursing students most positive attitudes towardsPermissio n/LimitedIn formati on/SpecificSuggesti ons/lnten sive Therapysexual healthcare in terve nti ons were at the Permissi on leve
26、l, and least positive attitudes were at levels of Specific Suggesti on and Inten sive Therapy. The top three positive items were as follows: accept patients expression of sexual concerns, initiate discussions and encourage patients to talk. Male nursing students had n egativeattitudes towards sexual
27、 healthcareinterventions, which became more positive as age in creased, especially at the Limited In formati on level. CONCLUSIONS:Nursi ng stude nts had differe nt attitudes towards differe nt levels of sexual health care in the Permission/Limited In formati on/Specific Suggesti ons/lnten sive Ther
28、apy model. Attitudes were associatedwith age and gender. The Nurs ing Attitudes on Sexual Health Care scale is useful and reliable for identifying nurses attitudes towards provid ing sexual health care.RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE:ThePermissi on/LimitedIn formatio n/SpecificSuggesti ons/lnten sive
29、 Therapy-based Nursing Attitudes on Sexual Health Care scale helps to identify nurses attitudes. A better understanding of nurses attitudes towards provisional sexual health care will provide information needed to develop appropriate education programmes to improve delivery of sexual health care. ?
30、2013 Joh n Wiley & Sons Ltd.PMID:23651413PubMed - as supplied by publisher10.1186/1472-6963-13-174.Why give birth in health facility? Users and providers acco unts of poor quality of birth care in Tanzania.Mselle LT, Mola nd KM, Mvungi A, Evje n-Oise n B, Kohi TW.SourceSchool of Nursing, Muhimbili U
31、ni versity of Health and AlliedScie nces,Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.n HYPERLINK mailto:akutz akutz.AbstractBACKGROUND:In Tanzania, half of all preg nant wome n access a health facility for delivery. The proporti on receiv ing skilled care at birth is even lower. In order to reduce maternal mortality an
32、d morbidity, the government has set out to in crease health facility deliveries by skilled care. The aim of this study was to describe the weaknesses in the provision of acceptable and adequate quality care through the accounts of women who have suffered obstetric fistula, nurse-midwives at both BEm
33、OC and CEmOC health facilities and local com mun ity members. METHODS:Semi-structured in terviews in volvi ng 16 wome n affected by obstetric fistula and five nu rse-midwives at mater nity wards at both BEmOC and CEmOC health facilities, and Focus Group Discussi ons with husba nds and com mun ity me
34、mbers were con ducted betwee n October 2008 and February 2010 at Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitati on in Tanzania and Temeke hospitals in Dar es Salaam, and Mpwapwa district in Dodoma regi on.RESULTS:Health care users and health providers experie need poor quality caring and working environ
35、ments in the health facilities. Wome n in labour lacked support, experie need neglect, as well as physical and verbal abuse. Nurse-midwives lacked supportive supervisi on, supplies and also seemed to lack motivati on.CONCLUSIONS:There was a consen sus among wome n who have suffered serious birth inj
36、uries and nurse midwives staffi ng both BEmOC and CEmOC maternity wards that the quality of care offered to wome n in birth was in adequate. While the birth accounts of women pointed to failure of care, the nu rses described a situati on of disempowerme nt. The bad birth care experiences of women un
37、dermine the reputation of the health care system, lower community expectations of facility birth, and sustain high rates of home deliveries. The only way to in crease the rate of skilled attendance at birth in the current Tanzanian con text is to make facility birth a safer alter native tha n home b
38、irth. The findings from this study in dicate that there is a long way to go.PMID:23663299PubMed - in processPMCID:PMC3654954年轻人在护理教育领域数字化资源的发展分顿.克来源英国索尔福德(邮政编码: M6.6PU )福雷德里克路索尔福德大 学护理学、助产学及社会工作学。邮件地址: HYPERLINK mailto:g.fentonsalford.ac.uk g.fentonsalford.ac.uk. 摘要在服务设计和教育项目交付中,西方社会的卫生政策已被嵌入到服务者和看护
39、者的看法中。在设计和集中于儿童的教育项目的交 付中,越来越多的人意识到作为一名服务者,他需要囊括儿童和年轻人两者的观点。数字化的故事为护生提供了一个策略,该策略增加了其对儿童和年轻人的生活经历的洞察力。研究这些故事使学生们深入地了解了一个年轻人的医疗保健经历。本文概述了一个工程,这个工程开发了一种数字化学习课程,该课程是基于年轻人患癌症的经历和学生对作为教学和学习策略的数字化学 习课程的评价的。超过80%的人认为这种数字化学习课程很有趣, 并且它能激发学生们探索其内容的积极性。此外,评价强调,听年 轻人叙述她们治疗方案等经历非常有意义,且能帮助他们理解病 人对保健服务的看法。版权:201爱思唯
40、尔有限公司。版权所有。编号:2371175文献服务检索系统一一由出版商提供 )急救护士在护理垂危病患和受伤孩子方面的经历:急 救护理方面的一个难题。诺登C霍特K恩斯特龙S来源瑞典海尔斯勒霍尔姆市AB救护车摘要背景:急救护士每天同时在紧急与非紧急的情况下工作,可以说是非常吃力的。其中一种就是要护理生病的孩子。目标:本项研究的目的就是为了描述急救护士护理垂危病患和受伤孩子的经历。方法:我们采访了八位急救护士专家,并对该采访采用内容定性分 析法进行分析。发现:通过本次分析,我们得出了一个主题:急救护理的一方面困 难可以分为五类。孩子和父母的安全被认为是最重要的。当 急救护士将责任和孩子移交给接收单位
41、后,他们才会放心。护理孩子们时,急救护士们觉得只有更多的训练、授课和后 续工作才能提高孩子们的安全性。结论:当护理孩子们时,急救护士有情绪变紧张的倾向。由于宽慰 孩子和父母是治疗的基础,因此在这样的情况下,急救护士 抓紧时间建立起与他们之间相互信任的关系是非常重要的。 在这个领域,培养技巧可以提高安全性,并减轻他们因负面 压力带来的心理负担。版权:?2013爱思唯尔有限公司,版权所有。编号:2371156文献服务检索系统一一由出版商提供 )。国家关于护理人员的数量及其增长值方面的执业范围条例的影响里根PB,索尔兹伯利PJ来源美国俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校人力资源研究中心经济学和科学研究部。哦,由
42、 E件地址:patriciabreaga n 摘要背景:人们普遍认识到,为护理从业人员设立的国家级执业范围条例存 在重大变化。目标:设计这项研究是为了测试职业范围条例是否影响到护理工作者的整个劳动市场。方法:利用横截面分析法来测试执业范围条例是如何影响护理从业人员的数量及其增长的;还应用了来源于该地区资源文件和 2008年 皮尔森报告上的数据。讨论:限制性的职业范围条例使得护理从业人员每十万个人当中减少了 10个,增长率也下降了 25%不管是大部分受限的区域和那些 部分受限的区域。结论:这些结果意味着,我们不应该在职业条例上增加变动,而应该在最低受限状态下遵循当前的职业条例。 结果还表明,其他
43、因素(如 贫穷,非保险率,乡村性等)降低了护理从业人员的数量,暗示 着要解决在基本护理保健提供方面存在的短缺问题将需要多种 策略。版权:2013爱思唯尔公司,保留所有权利。编号:23707068文献服务检索系统一一由出版商提供)承保人和雇主在小儿肥胖症治疗上的观点:一项定性研究汉普尔SE,戴维斯AM,萨姆皮勒ML,斯蒂芬斯KL,迪恩K. 来源美国密苏里州堪萨斯城的密苏里州堪萨斯城诊所和大学医学院 的普儿科、儿童慈善医院;美国堪萨斯州堪萨斯城的儿童健康生 活方式和营养中心。邮件地址 shamcmh .edu.摘要目的:专业综合分组测试结果显示, 越来越多的文献支持多学科的小儿 体重管理项目(阶段
44、3),但这些项目覆盖范围较窄,从而限制 了它的开展和长期生存。本项研究是为了更好地了解承保人和广 大雇主在分组治疗覆盖率问题上的看法。设计和方法:作者在遵循公认技术的情况下,利用对这些利益相关者采取结构 化面试的方法进行了一项定性研究。结论:未来在小儿体重管理项目安全支付上的努力应该解决这些问题。版权:?202肥胖协会。编号:23712982文献服务检索系统-由出版商提供。临床护理杂志2013年5月8号.识别码:10.1111/jocn.12204【电子出版物提前 版】.护生们对在临床实践中提供性卫生保健的态度Huang CY , Tsai LY , Tse ng TH , Li CR , Lee S .来源台湾台中涌山医科大学医院医学研究所;台湾台中涌山医科 大学。摘要目的目标:为了研究护生对于在临床实践中提供性卫生保健的态度,并确定相关因素。背
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