



1、Teaching plan Section A 2 (3a-3b) Teaching objectives .Language goalsNew words : suggest , staffSentence structures :I promise it ll be exciting.Excuse me, Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?Do you know where we can get some food quickly?I wonder where we should go next.2.Sk

2、ill objectives:learn and master the fast reading skill scanning ”Can ask for information politely with objective clauses with wh-questions.The ability to paraphrase a sentence with another sentence to express the same or similar meaningEmotional goals: Train students to respect others, be polite to

3、others, and love life.Key points and difficulties Help students understand the reading better.Ask for information politely with objective clauses with wh-questionsRewrite a sentence with another sentence to express the same or similar meaning Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-inShow a video to attract

4、 students attention and arouse students interests.Play a guessing game. Let students guess four vivid pictures of rides to let Ss learn about other recreation facilities in the amusement parks and make them have a clear understanding about them.Ask students following questions and use the pictures t

5、o lead in the new lesson.Have you tried them before?Did you feel excited?Are you afraid of the rides?Step 2 learn a fast reading skill scanning ”To help students feel what is scanning and why students need to learn the reading skill(show them a video).The definition of scanning will be shown to stud

6、entsStep 3 Help students understand how to scanPurpose: Show three techniques and examples, students can know how to scan. Decide exactly what information you are looking for.It means when students read a passage, they should find key words and keep them in mind.In order to help students understand

7、how to use this technique, an example will be given to them. And ask students to find key words from the question and the passage. Predict how the answer will appear.It means students should try to find out clues from the question. An example will be given to students and tell them how to predict, l

8、ike if the question contains where. , they just need to find the place to save time. Move your eyes as quickly as possible down the page.Scanning is a fast reading skill, moving eyes as fast as they can and use figure or make notes can help student read more effectively.Step 4 Practicing (Fast readi

9、ng)Ask students questions about the 3a to practice the fast reading skill.Q1: Do people always enjoy themselves in Fun Times Park?Yes , they do.Q2: Which word in the title tells us they always enjoy themselves?The word “always ” in the title.Q3:When does the band start playing this evening?Eight o c

10、lock.Q4:Why should Alice and He Wei get Uncle Bob s early for dinner?Because the restaurant is always busy, so they should get there early to get a table.Step 5 careful reading.Make students read the reading carefully ,and answer the questions below.Q1: Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride?B

11、ecause she was afraid./she thought the ride looked scary.Q2: What did He Wei advise Alice to do if she is scared during the ride?If she is scared, just shout or hold his hand.Q3:Did Alice try the ride? How did she feel after the ride?Yes, she did. She said that was fun! She was scared at first, but

12、shouting did help.Q4: What will they do after the ride ?They want to go to the Water City Restaurant to have some delicious foodQ5: What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant ?A rock band plays there every evening.Step6: Language pointsI was scared at first, but shouting did help.此句是强调句 ( 相当于 I was

13、 scared at first, but shouting really helped).英语中,助动词do 用在肯定句中表示对谓语动词进行强调,构成强调句。e.g. Please do be careful.请一定小心。I do agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。He did warn you other day, remember? 他前两天就告诫过你,还记得吗?I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.suggest 作“建议”讲时,应注意以句型:suggest sth (to sb.). ( 向某人) 建议 / 提

14、议某 eg. He suggested a new plan (to me).他(给我)提了一个新计划。suggest( sb.) doing sth. 建议 (某人 )做某事eg. She suggested me asking my mother first.她建议我先问问我妈妈。suggest 后接宾语从句,eg. I suggested that we should go home.我建议我们回家。另外, suggestion 是 suggest 的名词形式,作“建议”讲时,是可数名词。Step 7 Role- play the conversation.Girls: Alice Bo

15、ys: He Wei All students : the scenesStep 8 Competition game (It contains 3 parts)Divide students into two groups , one group is girls, the other group is boys. The group which gets more scores is winner.Students should find the object clausesStudents should find the questions or statements that ask

16、for information. inthe conversationPart 3They also need to rewrite the questions or statements that ask for information. in a different way.Part 1. object clauses(Some examples will be given to students)I wonder where we should go next.I promise it will be exciting !Do you know where we can get some

17、 food quickly?The sign says a rock band plays here every evening.Let s ask what time the band starts playing.Could you please tell me when the band starts playing this evening?Part 2.Questions or statements that ask for information (An example will be given to studentsI wonder where we should go nex

18、t. Do you know where we can get some food quickly?.Could you please tell me when the band starts playing this evening?Part 3 Rewrite the questions or statements that ask for information. in a different way. (The answers are not unique.)I wonder where we should go next.Could you tell me where we could go next?I want to know wh


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