1、Part 2 Personal Statement (PS)第1页,共44页。Personal Statement A personal statement, as a component of the application, is a statement introducing yourself to a committee/institution. It is used to supplement the information presented in the application with specific examples and convincing facts. 第2页,共4
2、4页。Format of PSYour purpose/interest in the particular program/positionBackground information supporting your interest or purpose: academic qualifications, previous research experience, current research interests, other relative experience Career goalsThe reason(s) why you want to join a certain ins
3、titution/universityRestatement of your interest or goal (optional)第3页,共44页。How to Write a Personal Statement Personal Statement, also known as Statement of Purpose, Letter of Intent, or even Autobiographical Statement, is among the most important element in your application. Nonetheless, theyre all
4、asking for the same five pieces of information. 第4页,共44页。You should write:What youd like to study or on which field you want to concentrate. Why you choose to such field. What background you have in the field. Why you choose a particular school. What you plan to do after you graduate. 第5页,共44页。Dos D
5、emonstrate your considerable dedication to earn a masters and even a doctorate degree. Clearly state your reasons to choose a particular school. Have someone else proofread your essay. 第6页,共44页。Donts Bring up topics to a prospective admissions committee. Excessive words on your extracurricular activ
6、ities. Reuse the same statement of purpose for each school you apply to. 第7页,共44页。The Organization of a PSPrevious research experienceCurrent research interestsOther relevant experienceCareer goals第8页,共44页。Explanation of the organization of PS1. In the first paragraph, you should state your purpose
7、or interest in the specific program/degree or Position, often beginning with a catchy opening.第9页,共44页。2. In the subsequent two-four paragraphs, you should discuss any specific questions, from the application, which might deal with the strengths of the program or position, your background, to your i
8、nterest in the program or position.第10页,共44页。3. In the closing paragraph, you may reiterate your interest in the institution or the specific program You might also mention how this degree is a step toward a long-term goal. 第11页,共44页。Tips for writing a PSPrepare your materials. Personalize your perso
9、nal statement. Be clear and concise. Write correctly. Revise your personal statement. 第12页,共44页。Sample Personal Statement in EngineeringProgram: Electrical Engineering第13页,共44页。 As early as a senior middle school student, I held in great adoration of Chengning Yang and Tsung-dao Lee, two most promin
10、ent Chinese-born physicists to have won Nobel Prizes. Thenceforward, I have cherished the constant aspiration of becoming a renowned physicist myself the way these two Nobel laureates did. Even one decade later, I can still recall the first experiment I did in the physics course. When a transmitter
11、in one corner of the lab was connected with electricity, a little bulb connected to a reception antenna 第14页,共44页。 in another corner lit up. Though by no means dazzling in itself, this light with its stunning magic ushered me as if into a wonderland, a world replete with intriguing mysteries that on
12、ly belong to the realm of physics. I believed that I belonged to this special world. That marked the turning point in my life and with it I commenced my quests for answers capable of unraveling those mysteries.第15页,共44页。 With an unusually solid foundation in physics laid during senior middle school
13、(I received straight As in virtually every physics exam), I entered the Physics Department of Dalian Marine University. By the time I graduated in four years, which could only be described as transitory, I found that I had become emotionally attached to this discipline. Realizing that undergraduate
14、studies had only exposed me to the relatively fundamental knowledge of this subject, I embarked on a Masters program, through very competitive entrance examinations, in fiber-optical 第16页,共44页。 communication at the College of Telecommunication Engineering, the University of Beijing Posts and Telecom
15、munications (UBPT). The moment I came into contact with this brand-new field represented by telecommunications(China tends to lag behind western countries in scientific and technological develop in any given field by many years or even decades), I was filled with excitement over the wonderful prospe
16、ct that this industry could enjoy. 第17页,共44页。 I yearned to be satiated with new concepts, new knowledge, and new expertise and I devoted myself to my program with indefatigable efforts. To my regret, after completing our share of research responsibilities in the 863 Project under the direction of my
17、 supervisor, we had no further opportunities to participate in any meaningful projects. I had no alternative but to duplicate the Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror and its Applications in OTDM System which had already been completed by scientists abroad and to第18页,共44页。 verify their research findings by
18、 means of computer simulations. It was precisely those backward research conditions and the lack of challenging projects that prompted me to generate the idea of seeking further studies abroad. I believed that the status quo would impose serious restrictions on the development of my intellectual cap
19、acities and on the exploitation of my academic potential. But for two years before I could bring my overseas studies into a reality, I worked at the leading enterprise in the countrys第19页,共44页。 telecommunications industryChina Telecom Beijing Branch Company. As broadband networks engineer and as tec
20、hnical support engineer, I was responsible for the design and operation of four major projectsConstruction of Broadband Integrate Services Experimental Network, Experiment and Construction of Broadband DSL Network in Beijing, Test of Timing Clock of Beijing SDH Networks and Equipment Selection for B
21、eijing CDMA Wireless Network. My distinguished work performance resulted in my being sent to第20页,共44页。 Marconi Companys American headquarters to receive professional trainings in ATM technology. Nevertheless, I still felt that in a company environment work was routinized and technology lacked innova
22、tiveness, falling far short of my passions and ambitions. The work was meaningful only to the extent of serving as a means of livelihood. Refusing to be mired in a mediocre condition, I decided that the time had come for me to pursue research work that I had always loved. Relying on my solid foundat
23、ion in physics, my well-trained experimental skills and第21页,共44页。 hands-on abilities that I developed over the heretofore studies and work, I succeeded in entering the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). In the superior laboratory conditions, for the first time in my life I had a proud feeling o
24、f being involved in real scientific research. When I see how my inspirations turn into reality in the laboratory, once again for the first time in my life I feel that I am creating a kind of wealth far more precious and valuable than money knowledge. I realized that I had made an absolutely correct
25、decision to come to the United States. At the Center of Nanostructure Materials and Quantum Device Fabrication and Electro Optical Research Center, I have done two years coursework and one year and half lab research. They have significantly enhanced my ability to solve research problems independentl
26、y. Since last year, I have conducted extensive experiments in the field of nanotechnology and Semiconductor and optoelectronic elements. Although the approaches and solutions I generate during those 第22页,共44页。 experiments frequently differ from those of my supervisors in many important aspects, I ha
27、ve merited positive comments from him. I am fully confident that by the end of this year my research efforts would come into full fruition. Nevertheless, I still feel discontented. In retrospect, I developed a commitment to scientific research very early and have persevered under the spirit of this
28、commitment. After my arrival in the United States, I realized that there is tremendous research potential in me to be tapped. All I need to do is to find an appropriate第23页,共44页。 academic environment. Even UTA disappoints me in that I have been kept waiting for nearly four year before I could embark
29、 on a major research project that promises important research findings. I have come to the conclusion that whether in China or in the United States it is simply a waste of time passively waiting for research projects. Consequently, the best course of action for me to take is to pursue seek a Ph.D. p
30、rogram at one of the top American universities.第24页,共44页。 The University of # # # comes on top of my priorities because it is a top ranking university in the United States itself and in the entire world. In the field of Electrical Engineering, in particular, it enjoys an unparalleled position. It of
31、fers many research-intense programs and the research environment is impeccable. I am deeply aware that for a person who seeks excellence and who wishes to achieve some innovative research results in Electrical Engineering, it is imperative that第25页,共44页。 he or she plunge into an environment which is
32、 as challenging and competitive as it is stimulating, promising the realization of ones ambitions. If admitted, I plan to take advantage of the research resources to their fullest extent and within 4 to 5 years achieve major breakthroughs in research based on what I have so far accomplished. I expec
33、t that this may lay a solid foundation for me to undertake lifelong research at some reputed research institutes of American universities or world-class companies like Intel and IBM.第26页,共44页。 The conventional technology based in communication, control, data processing, signal processing, medical in
34、strumentation and in mainstream computers is in a transition from electronics to optoelectronics and optically enabled technologies. Future generations of integrated circuits, the foundation of current high technology infrastructure, are expected to incorporate significant optical functionality. I h
35、ope that my prospective studies at your prestigious universities can solidify my knowledge and bring into full play my latent intellectual第27页,共44页。 capacities. I have experienced too many disappointments and frustrations and what I look for is some truly creative and innovative research work that c
36、an lead to important breakthroughs, which can permit me to join the rank of elitist scientists exemplified by Prof. Cheng ning Yang and Prof. Tsung-dao Lee whom I idolize. 第28页,共44页。Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns第29页,共44页。1. Family influencel Under the influence of my father, I aspired to
37、practice medicine.l I am so grateful that I was born in to a happy family, in artistic atmosphere, and fortunately, owing to encouragement from my parents, I was able to develop my interests and strived for a career in art . l As a child, I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spen
38、t hours watching him work. This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own business someday.l As my parents are professors, I started reading edifying books very early in my life, which gradually fostered my sound personalities. 第30页,共44页。2. Your interest l Having majored in worl
39、d literature as an undergraduate, I would like to concentrate on English and American literature.l My interest in social science dates back to my years in college, where I had the opportunity to study a number of subjects in the humanities and they have been both enjoyable and enlightening, providin
40、g me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live.l I am especially interested in the information technology industry.第31页,共44页。l Computing science and its applications have always fascinated me and for the reason, I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting.l To make
41、 myself more insightful, I need training in a broader theoretical framework. That is why I am now eager to pursue further study in your program.l When I began my undergraduate career, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of engineering courses, all of which tended to reinforce and s
42、olidify my intense interest in engineering.第32页,共44页。3. Objectives/ career goalsl My sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. Specifically, I am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence. I also want to learn about human cognition and mac
43、hine intelligence.l I wish to further my study in the field of American literature, working toward a masters degree at first, and then, if possible, toward a doctoral degree.l Much of what Ive encountered might easily have dissuaded me from seeking a career in law, but instead, I find that I am more
44、 eager than ever to prepare myself to become a lawyer.第33页,共44页。l In terms of career, I see myself teaching literature, writing criticism and editing or publishing poetry.l Upon completing my academic goals, I shall return to continue my research in this field.l For the next three years, I hope to j
45、oin a program that will impart a solid foundation in the science and technical practice of medicine, while maintaining a personal connection with the patients. Eventually, I aspire to a career in academic medicine, which will allow me to increase my effectiveness as an educator and researcher.第34页,共
46、44页。4. Educationl I achieved a score of GPA 3.8, the highest among the 80 students in my grade.l In the four years study at Shandong University, I studied strenuously and was awarded a prize which only students in the top five percent could obtain;l I performed successfully in all the major courses
47、with a GPA of 3.8.l One year ago , I earned my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at Southwest University.第35页,共44页。In recognition of my outstanding record, I was selected to do a graduate program, exempt from the Mandatory entrance examination, a privilege given only to a few of the bes
48、t students each year.I was admitted to the graduate program at the Department of Management to further my studies, and I attained my masters degree in 2005.第36页,共44页。5. Academic/research experiencel In Fudan University, I completed not only the program of mechanical and electronic engineering, but a
49、lso all the core courses of telecommunication engineering.l As a mathematics major, I have developed the analytical proficiency that is necessary for working through complex problems. My courses in statistics have especially prepared me for data analysis, and my more theoretical courses have taught
50、me how to construct an effective argument.第37页,共44页。l By majoring in electrical engineering with a concentration on biomedical engineering, I have exposed to all facets of scientific and analytical disciplines, from mathematics to circuit analysis.l I was chosen in June 2003 to work as a student res
51、earch assistant to Prof. Lin Yuan at the Institute of Chinas Economy, Xiamen University.第38页,共44页。My recent work includes several articles dealing in various ways with consciousness in fiction: I am becoming increasingly interested in the idea of fictional “ character” and in characterization. I sho
52、uld also admit to writing fiction of my own. My novel Aristotle Detective, first published in 1978, was translated into Italian in late 1999, and the event resurrected my fiction-writing career. It was such a “hit” in Italy that the publisher Sellerio then published it in booklet form.第39页,共44页。6. Personal ability/attributel I can definitely assure you of my intelligence, diligence and good performance in all the courses required.l I wish to assure you that I have the necessary English skills to complete advanced studies and research in your PH.D. pro
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