1、 三种抉择 考研找工作:找什么工作? 怎么准备?考什么专业?选什么学校?怎么复习?出国深造:怎么准备?英美文学的学习;英美文学的学习考研.一、考研:过索桥:比例:1: 7。1. 考什么专业及方向?1)英语专业:A. 怎么确定学习方向?根据兴趣、特长而定,语言学(包括教学法)、翻译(口译、翻译硕士)、文学(英美文学)翻译:看英汉转换能力。文学:是否喜欢读小说、诗歌等。语言学:2)非英语专业:法律、政治、行政学等。听其他系相关课程;自学。考研2我该报哪个学校?根据自己的水平;看是否能驾驭所选学校试题题型。一流外语专业的学校:有博士点的学校:北大、北师大、清华、人大、北语、南开、复旦、华东师大、南京
2、大学、上海交大、苏州大学、川大、山东大学、厦门大学、福建师大、北外、上外、广外、大连外院、四川外院、河大。二流外语专业的学校:211综合性院校、重点理科院校(同济、东南大学、北航、首都师大等)。三流学校:C区(东北地区、西南(四川、西安、贵州、云南、广西及本省的部分学校)学校地址也与分数高低有关:京、沪高,报考人数集中。3. 怎么复习?1. 看报考学校的参考书目:2. 复习步骤:三步走:以文学为例:1)现在-下年6月,细致学习,总结出各个文学时期、各位重要作家及其重要作品的笔记。听课做笔记,记住课件的要点;读相关的参考书:自己的复习:与课堂同步,读相关文学史2)7-9月,复习笔记上的要点、重点
3、,同时,看考研英美文学试题。3)10-1月,做各种文学试题,巩固记忆。3. 复习三阶段:初、中、后期1)理解阶段:(现在-明年6或7月),全面扫荡2)巩固阶段(8-10月):难点、重点3)强化记忆阶段(10-1月):重点放在记忆上。基础英语、翻译的做题训练应当放在次要地位,而应当记忆政治、文学、语言学、二外。应当上政治考前辅导班。4. 具体措施:(初期阶段)1)地毯式扫荡。(中期阶段)2)从点到面。融会贯通,3)“捡渣子”。查缺补漏。(后期阶段)4)“翻饼烙饼”。5)要“死”去“活”来。4. 怎么下手复习?定计划学期计划、每月计划、每周计划。5. 各科的复习:1)英美文学内容的复习:2)语言学
4、的学习:3) 翻译的学习:4)二外的学习:5)政治:每一门专业课都不能忽视。6复试时的准备:专业知识、口语、形象气质。7.“试试就能行,争争就能赢”。 1)态度:要有勇气去努力尝试“想赢” ,不想输:做最大的努力,做最坏的准备。2)付诸于行动:需要一种投入精神:身体、好性格、学习。二. 英美文学的学习要点:1. Main writers and their main works:1.1. key factors of their principal works: novels: plot, theme, character analysis, language style:mood, poin
5、t of view, symbolism. poems: literal meanings and figurative meanings, theme, style (meter,rhyme, types of the poem, tone, imagery, symbolism, figures of speech, diction, syntax structure, rhythm) c.Drama: plot, characters, theme, language style d. essays: theme, language style.1.2. principal writer
6、s:literary positions, contributions; traits in writings (main themes; style) Eg. Mark twain: 2. Connecting the historical background, the literary situations they are in, i.e. literary trend of thought. Eg. Twain: 3. Minor writers:the literary school; the era; titles of his important works. Eg. Walt
7、 Scott: Ivanhoe 三. 英美文学考研复习范围:各校各异:1. 强调经典时期:-WWII.2. 综合性强:从古到今:Chaucer-1960sWWII之后的重要作家作品:Who are representative writers? What themes do they explore? How about their writing features?四. 复习方法及时间安排:分-总(由点到面):three stages:记笔记:微观上,学习每位作家及其主要作品的特点;宏观上,记住每个时期的主要作家及其共同特点:1. -8月:系统学习单个作家,all the related t
8、extbooks and history of literature. Eg. Hardy; 2. 9-10月:将作家作品放在宏观语境下复习记忆:Eg. Victorian lit.3. 11-12月:弱点、难点,强化训练六. 试题类型及解题方法:1名词解释:150-200字左右(4%)北航、天津外院1)文学术语A. 文学流派: 答题思路:1)背景:时间,地点,所受影响;2)特点:3)意义;4)代表作家作品例如:Naturalism:a new and harsher realism, coming from Europe. In the last decade of the 19th c,
9、with the development of industry and modern science, people began to see that man was no longer a free ethical being in a cold, indifferent and essentially Godless universe. In this chance world he was both helpless and hopeless. They saw mans life as governed by the two forces of heredity and envir
10、onment, forces absolutely beyond mans control.There are such writers as Thomas Hardy, Theodore Dreiser.B. 文学现象答题思路:其特点,代表性作家作品;Eg. Free verse (自由诗体): Is poetry that has an irregular rhythm and line length; attempts to avoid any predetermined verse structure; it uses the cadences (rhythmic grouping,
11、韵律) of natural speech. It is Whitman who pioneered the form and made it acceptable in A. poetry. It affected later poets such as E. Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.C.Williams, W. Stevens.2)作家、作品(四川大学40%):答题思路:诗人, 小说家,戏剧家: 重要性;代表作;主题; 艺术风格;贡献;Eg. Wordsworth: Dickens:3)作品 小说: 哪位作家所作;主题;主要人物分析; 艺术风格。Eg:Tess of De
12、bevilles: 1. The character:1)a simple, innocent and faithful country girl; 2)the victim of the modern society; 3)a strong woman;4)She stands up for herself and refuses to crumble under pressure. 5)She chastises (严惩) herself for her weakness after her sexual escapade(越轨) with Alec. 2. themes:The inju
13、stice of existence;Men Dominating Women;真题联接:the father of English Poetry (Sichuan Uni. 2003)The writer of The Canterbury Tales (Zhongguo Renda 2002)How to comment on a poem?1.Elements: the genre, the speaker, the subject, the images, the sound, the language.What is the genre of the poem? in terms o
14、f content:Lyrical poems: songs, odes, ballads.Narrative poems: epics, ballads.Dramatic poems: usu. In dialogues; in blank verse. In terms of meter:Metrical poems (格律诗); Blank verse; Free verse2. Who is the speaker? The point of view?His age, sex, personality, moral and intellectual values.3. Paraphr
15、asing the poem ( the literal and implied meanings).4. What is the subject of the poem? The climaxes, the tone, the setting.5. What is the structure of the poem?Formal structure: the way the poem goes together in terms of its component parts: eg. Sonnet: 4 quatrains and 1 couplet.thematic structure:
16、in modern poems, eg. T.S.Eliot: The Love Song of J.D.Prufrock6. Sound effect: ? Shakespeares Sonnet 184.作品选段分析题: (多考诗歌和散文重要片段)出题形式:给出某个作品的选段,根据选段回答相应的问题,如作者、作品名称,其主体思想、写作风格、艺术手法,对某个单词、短语或句子的理解。思路:对相应问题只答要点。对策:熟悉指定教材中的选段。如The Road Not Taken。Please analyze the symbolic meanings of the poem with your u
17、nderstanding of the theme implied in it. 5.简答题:Give a brief answer to each of the questions below. 6-10分给出某个作家作品,要求对作家所属的流派、世界观及其重要作品的分析(人物、写作风格、主题思想等)。多校:南开、上海交大、川大、武汉大学、浙大、人大等。答题思路:分要点列出答案,并联系作品中相关情节进行阐释。200-300字,例如,Why did Fitzgerald use “great” to modify the protagonists name Gatsby in the title
18、 of the novel? (Nanjing Uni. 2009, 10%) Why the Gatsby, called “the great”? (Nanjing Uni. 2008 )a. the title is ironic; b. But he is great-at least in Nicks eyesc. his power to make his dreams come true6. 论述题:思路:列要点,并举例阐释;进行总结。南大:根据理论选择作品进行文学批评宏观及细节问题,活学活用。武大:作家作品的对比、比较,Eg. Based on Jane Eyre, Pride
19、 and Prejudice and Tess, discuss the development of Womens awareness of their status in love and marriage (10 points) (Wuhan uni. 2009 20%) Tess:mens attachment;Elizabeth:independent;Jane:equal with menDeveloping from being obedient to men to fighting for their own rights。Prepare for some subjective
20、 factors:a. the research orientation of postgraduate tutors.b. the test papers of the selected school in the former several years. c. the test style of the course of that school. 五. 一些学校的考试重点:考研英国文学重点作家Chaucer:what is the social significance of The Canterbury Tales? (Zhongshan Uni)the Canterbury Tal
21、es中的女修道院院长吃饭,Knight南开 univ。2009 Shakespeare:Hamlet:To be or not to be. Beijing Normal Uni 2003 (beihang 2009) Comment on Hamlet. (Xiamen Uni. 2009Sonnet 18 (Wuhan uni. 2008 20%)The Merchant of Venice Portia MacbethKing Lear:the common characteristics of Shakespeares great tragedies? (Xiamen 2008, 10
22、 points,)John Donne:metaphysical conceit: beiwai 2002Death, be not proud (beihang 2008) Charles Lamb:the Shakespeare of the English essay.Defoe: Robinson Crusoe: SignificanceHenry Fielding: Tom Jones (beihang 2010)Swift: A modest Proposal解释 四川univ。2010 William Blake:The Tyger? (Nanjing Uni. 2009, 10
23、%) Robert Burns:A red red rose: (beihang 2009) William Wordsworth:“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” To the Cuckoo (Wuhan uni. 2009,10%) John Keats “Ode on a Grecian Urn” discuss the main features of the Romantic poetry (Wuhan uni. 2008 20%)Shelly: Ode to the West Wind (Nanjing Uni. 2008) Jane Austen: P
24、ride and Prejudice: Charlotte Bronte:Jane Eyre Xiamen Uni.2009 Emily BronteWuthering Heights 20% 四川univ。2010Charles Dickens:Oliver Twist: Renmin Uni. 2007Great ExpectationsHardy: Tess. (Xiamen Uni. 2010; Jude. (Xiamen Uni. 2010, W.B.YeatsD.H.Lawrence:The Rocking-horse Winner? (Nanjing Uni. 2008)Comm
25、ent on Lawrence 20% (Zhejiang Uni. 2008) Virginia WoolfMrs Dalloway 中的片段 (Zhejiang Uni. 2008 James JoyceAraby; the characteristics and social influence of James Joyces works. (Xiamen 2007, 10 points)George Bernard Shaw Widowers Houses (beihang 2010)Mrs. Warrens Profession and Shaws social criticism
26、through this play. (wuhan uni. 2010, 20 %)Comment on Shaw (Zhejiang Uni. 2007 Major Barbara: 20% (Sichuan uni. 2010 PYGMALION. Tianjin waiyuan univ。Dorris Lessing:“A Woman on a Roof” (Nanjing Uni. 2008, 10%) Zhejiang Uni. 2007Ted Hughes “Hawk Roosting”.考研美国文学作家考点Washington Irving The Legend of Sleep
27、y Hollow:Cooper The leather Stocking Tales 四川大学2009 Allan Poe: The fall of the house of Usher: (beihang 2010) “The Cask of Amontillado”. (Xiamen Uni. 2009The Raven (Renmin Uni. 2007)Emerson Self-reliance Nature 选段 南开 uni. 2009 Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter (Zhejiang Uni. 2008; Tianjin waiyuan univ,
28、2007; Nanjing uni.2008 ) Young Goodman Brown (beihang 2009) Melville: Moby Dick 四川univ。2010Whitman: Leaves of Grass (Nankai univ。2010Emily Dickensonimages. “because I could not stop for death” Tianjin waiyuan univ。2008 Mark TwainThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Dlian waiyuan univ。2007 Comment on
29、 Twain 20% (Zhejiang Uni. 2008)Stephen Crane:The Red Badge of Courage ,Sichuan uni. 2010Dreiser:Sister Carrie Renmin Uni. 2007T. S. Eliot:The love song of J.A.Prufrock (beihang 2008)The Waste Land: Tianjin waiyuan univ。2007 Ezra Pound:In a station of the metro: Beihang 2009)Fitzgerald: Chap3 quotati
30、on Why did Fitzgerald use “great” to modify the protagonists name Gatsby in the title of the novel? (Nanjing Uni. 2009, 10%) Why the Gatsby, called “the great”? (Nanjing Uni. 2008) Comment on Nick. (Xiamen Uni. 2009Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms (Nanjing Uni. 2008) ;“Iceberg Theory”William Faulkner:
31、American southern literature. A Rose for Emily (Tianjin waiyuan univ。2009 );The Sound and The Fury (Tianjin waiyuan univ。2007)Wallace Stevens Anecdote of the Jar南开 univ。2008 Robert Frost : the Road Not Taken南开 univ。2007 Stopping on Woods J.D.Salinger: Cather in the Rye (Xiamen Uni. 2010Josepher Heller: Black humor (beihang 2009) Catch-22南开 univ。2010 Tennessee Williams A streetcar Names Desire (beihang 2009) The Glass Menagerie Tianjin waiyuan univ。2008 Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman: (beihang 2010) GinsbergTake the poem A Supermarket in California as an exam
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