1、全国英语等级考试第二级PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)LEVEL 22018 年3月笔试真卷公共英语二级包过ql3647L195姓.名笔试部分答题时间:120分钟准考证号20旧年3 Fit试H卷第I Jtl2巩1 / 20第一部分听 )第一节听下而5段走话::每段时话后荏一个小翅,从电中所绐的CJ三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标至试卷的相应位置听完每段可话后,学葡言 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和闿读下L小题每段对话仅设一遍例加,你将听到;MiHxcuse me. Can you tell me how intich the shin is 1W : Yesb n
2、1 s nine fificen.j清看选项;How much is the shirt?A |19. 15.B;9l 18.|Cj9. 15.衬移的伊图为9筋15便上,所式你选择C:项,并在试花上将其标出,Answer: A; Bj Wha( are the speakers miking about1L A_ The ratlic.The weather.IC. The weekend.Wliai is The woman jzoing to dc.J4 - See her jum.8 Go shipping.:C_ Deliver milkM. Wlitre arc iht? spedk
3、ets?I Al On ihe mad.j B Id die hospital.C Ai (he mans home.+. Wh tk* Lucy refuv: (he mun s offer7A She i% very busy.R J She is pxirly 眄id.C“ Slic is unennfdnr加阴干KJlRiAH卷*2页i共之奥:2 / 20Whai will Bob probably do neu time?A Avoid skating aain.B Wann up tn adwuna, C Take a uuining counje.第二方 听下面5段对话或独自,标
4、段对话或独自后有2至4个小题.又用中 所为的AlC,三个选项中选出最隹选项,井标在试卷的相应位置 听警 段对话或独白前,仔将有5秒抻的时向回设各个小题;听完后,各小题将约出5秒 钟的蚱答时画.每段对话或独白读两遍,,听下面-段时话.回捽第b和第:题What does; die man agree to do?_ A J Tour the city.B Visit a museum.C Tuke a bum trip.WhaL is the probable reJafionship belween the speaker;A Neighbours.B StrangersC_ Fnends,听下
5、而一段时话.回答第8至第附题K. What dees the woman do?A She- s a salesperson.B: She a a rceptionihi.C- She s a hank clerk9. What is he discount for the man:A; 10%,B 15%,; 20%.JO. How will the man pay finally?A By card.B By cash.C By check.听下面一段对话.问答第II牛第13期,IL Why does Vivian call Roger?- A To 3位 far help;Hj T口 e
6、xpress chankvWJB隼3月望成由卷第3页其设加3/20C To ejiLw an apology.阳mt is ihe problem with Vivianapanment?.A tb 5 loo expensive.B It h no fumimreC Ll s nert near sctioot.Whai k Kojcr ijoing Ki do after class Hxhy”A S isit an apartment.-B Go in meet Viivum.:C Stay at the schoyl听F面一门对话.回答第H至第161 L W-hai h the man
7、 probably doinp-;_ A. Raidin义 a ntsKtpcr.B Plying tt video gane.CDrr ing in the couuiry.Wh. ikit rhr luun device th change iis n.inir l(r a innflllv:A To aHtac iTHicti it心行心.B j To be famous nn ihr Iniernei.C To cdll drivers diEcntiun to sasety,. Wki suggesred the i加司 of digging ihe name of ihe town
8、9A _ A local farmer.R A mil呼加 campdny.C A guvcmiix:nt ilcpflrtnient.所下而一程独岛,同笞第17至第如题Where im the inlk being ivctifA On ihe phone.B At the cirnjm.二C: Jn Lhc chssHjuflLHoa dce the *n Rgm 】seem tn be?A. Biding:B FrihTmingCJ RelyingWhen is rhe film in Rnom 2 showing fnr the last niry Today?A, 9:OU.h io
9、; noCC. 1HW.amg华:i月里虱凡等第i或-is观)4 / 20Which oi the following films is shewn m Room 37A Ships In The Night.B Don t Open The DoorCj Srxrtuich-The Rtfurfi.第二部分阅 读拿一节短文理解阅读下初轴文,从每朝所堆的:即D R1个选项中.透出最隹透花,三在客西 卡上将该项除黑.Tfxt IO. Henry was。忙 pen name o! Arrtericar! u nirr Sydney Pmtj 认 husc slorirs are famou- f
10、or iheir surprise endings, tn the point that 卬ch an ending is often mentioned as an . Henn ending1. He was bom in North Carolina in IK*i2一 As a young hoy he hved an exenmg hie He did nut go io school for very Ions,but he munaged to icach himwlf cvenihing be needed to knowWhen he was sbemt 20 ycant n
11、Id, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different He first Aorkcd un a ncu ptq3er, and then had a job in bunk. When some monc *心 discoered min- ing from bank. C, Henn was believed to hae *tlcn ii Because of that, he was sent to prison . he krimed to write short stones.Porter4 s most productive wr
12、iting period siaried in 1X)2, wben he rnnved tn New York City io be near his puMisher. While living there he wrote 38 short itorics. He wrote a sturv a ueek tux over a year for rhe Vw Xorl World Sunday Mag。:斯乩 His langu嵯w 4yle and the plol *crc admired by his readers.He was called the American iinsc
13、r to Guy de Maiipiissunt in France, Bcurs of ihe 20lh eniun . and lux niun)slo- rics dca: for the mnsl purt with urdinury penplu in New York ;clerk, pTlucmcn, and w,auresv?s.What is the typical feaiunr uf tin *O. Henry ending ?A. Unexpected.B Cheeriul, C Ordinary. D sm现悌年3 Jj笔鼠旦赛第3打共12 Si5/20lui 山U
14、O. Htnn du 涵 a chiidy A He iravclled a ht.He did seKERil jubx.C i Ht taught him.iclr.:D He wro(t many stiinth.dws the author mention Guy dr MunpuJiSanl in the irxf A 1 To give an example.l R , To rnjikc a compiffison:C: To draw g. conclubion.D . To imrodiKc u ntw totpk.Text 2Wnnd imvth |ukkly in the
15、 small fishing village of Pbn Wiwhingtnnr So when Mardy McGarry warned ic biiild d pluygruiind tor children with bperial need+ lie kne it wouldr t lak噂 Long I。 hring up inteneM in the project, Bur slw never expecreJ xtisn n third of (he town KOuld roti up liieir sleeves and use their vacation Jnys u
16、 make her dreatn tome true.i A kN if learning comes Through play, iays MctjSirry, &2. n peciil educalicn teacher for 28 ycaiu. But her Mudcn匡 were tw oflen left ou(. Shed sn ihe sand of【radiUunM playground stejp ghcckhniz 1kLitd in their trck.McGarry suited rrsFzrrhing play equipment :md cunUtcti昭 d
17、e就即 firnft. The city ansed tu jjjve a noct tif Iflnd. McGarry aked her tudenK for iheif 瑞i啪 li、T and *pe#由fif their *LifgeMkxis.Icr Kiwanis Club came thnough withand 由凯S wlien (he niajts mevement reallygot start Ml. One woman, Ms AtlenH S25 JKM) unJ hud her eiwnptiny match il. Soon smaller Misinesse
18、s were ats 1 s iikM ;A SupportiveB Unfavorable.Uninteresied.D Wait-and-see,26. Whuc did McGarry mtan b saying The place looked Like an anthill”A. Thwe were man unis in (he 明。ridng pUce.B The playground 遇口、very small and crowded.I Many gnnik nf people w orked on ihe projecl, y Thv Itind of the playgr
19、ound was of poor qUdliE.Text 3Almost two in three B ri ions are unabk to speak a Language other than Knlish. i. c. monolingual .in effecl* (he worst record in Europet study done by the European Commisjiidn lias loTmed. Rm compared with an average or 14% iicnoss the EL1 mid justin Luxembourg.Ihe s(uJ
20、y mIw prn1d thui English was the most AiJel spoken foreign laiiguu/ throughout Europe, with S| of ELI citizens able to hold a conversation in bnslixti, including 13% fur v hom it wui their inudwr longue.|The report wiiEed ihat there uas gmuinx; divide beiween muliilingiml monolingual Euro-; pcanx, A
21、 mululingudl Eurupeiw is likely io lx? yuuitg, well eduuuied ar Mill siudving, borti in a country oihcr than the cuuniry of residence, who lm:s Rirrignibr professionul reiistinsnd s interested in learning the report concluded. As a result it scents that a pan of European society is not enjoying ihc
22、advantages of niulnlingu.ilim ”Tam lit Cail rey nl Ihe NutitHial Ccnicr IbrLunguagCb 一 said Bnicxis. cuuld Iom nut because of laziness She said, there is sometimes a very clt-impi4ian view ihi people from other cuunlrits *ilJ Jcam to speak English t w wc don T need io boiher to learn to speak their
23、hnwuagt;%- Briions jrv nuking nul on a kdmkrful vhiLnce to wnrk together uilh(MheT lu linih hiyh .s. What 40cs M、Lcmmcns say about learning ftireign Ituijiuase.A Y(hi shnuld start it at ;m eurly 曜日B 1.aLin should be the yoc isan.C h broadens your view of the world.D li helps you the most in high sch
24、ool.第二节补全文章根据短文内容,从母文后的选项中选出他填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题!;将废那擦 黑:选顼中有两项为多余选项二The litu on ol Makanda + Illinois, hus u popuJuuim of onh frfKh Bui Wr【he next two trnihs. the citizens of Makanda will be preparing themselves for a large number of v isitors that1 II come on Augu$i 21 thU year, 31For the He dine in n
25、early HI) year?i. a loidl solar tcltpsc Makmdii匚Mmi of the hotel!; are already booked solid.D Ihe sk w ill turn dark in ihe middle of the duy.E Still, the town is linking forward to cckbraling the exciting event.:F: Why arc people suddenly prcpqrmg Ui 门“lie o this quid linkG McFjrland will 31 (he vi
26、ew of ihr ccfipse right in hr backyard.第三部分英谛知识运Hl第一节完形埴空阅读下面短文,从也文后各题所给的A四个选.旗中还出能填人杞应变 白处的最佳选顼,并在答时K上将读项涂需HMy friends !ay 1 m truslmu. ure* I * m a what you see is what you gel kind of per30m So 36 1 expect rhe same kind of 37 from others, But F dorT l fall for juQ anything- And never would ha*e :
27、毋 there were ahens(外星人 i aruund, 31 Least 39 saw one with myvery own eyes.My friend Dannx Slone and J were staying in his uncles cnilaec for the weekend.【为En, kept telling me Slones jboul aliens trcquenily siting ihe dislriit, even though I 川kJ I was 1。r A- round 3 o * clock in the morning. I was su
28、ddenly woken up by a sJuvkinp sound What I uu next ahnuM mude my hcurt 41 . Outside, sitiing 111 iIk brarKhes of a tree, was sumethinjt ihal locked like an alien, Danny Tcok a hlankci and 42 to have n closer look. J 43 i n tiiv tanec not that I was utraid; I w心 stnan, I d watched enough I V k kiu附 t
29、haL Jiens couldn t be irusfed! When Danny was H enough, the alien secTned io 15 him, and they both till to ttii; ground. Danny Ui to thnow tlie blanket on tup ot it. Sensing continil over ihe沁n, J nm into the cottage and cried, wMr. Sterne! We n an alienLater I would rcincmbcr thw 1H with exlrtrnc c
30、uibarrassmcnt Dunny 认as 4q like mini und Ihrew the alien M mt, Even though f could yct new dut alien *;】 的 poking Rwm, 1 couJdn t 眸 tu、y io 55 . Too trusting. Too Sieving.M,AluckihB.probablycnawrallyD gradual37,LA:respect.B honorClhappitmssD upenne3RA:believedB noticed1|c.understood,D* proved39.A.wh
31、en.n-1afterc:net udiiID belt)re long切I A:unirtierewedBuKkpvndcrit:CJcunHileniD rnitiusLasuc41A.acheBCXpliHlfCbumD beat12.Aran out B1went inhappewdD refused43,AsangWrcpluycdD xtidAoldBlclthing or .inline nb :nr I erku?中ul. They were pint% R wrpriw1 lie gjrl working there was ytmnger 64 me and sul, H
32、Wow. I vc never wen one thi,cid before !” S1K 祖kkU. *Shr(。口皿 herever aiKi they were 刈per nice ahtwt it.Herhne enjoyed a full day at the park 阮闺立第四部分写 作第一节改写对话 66, 阅读卜而栉诂.根据H内容写一楣有关RnA戊暇枷里田的地文 要求:I-所写短文应与对话相关内容意义相符,涵注其曹点-2.用你自己的潘苜来密达JJ5改写对语中的句子,但不可以照拴瞟句, 注意:.词数曲锄左右;.-将短文直接写在答助甘卜的相应位背H on forever and
33、the (bod is uni业ing. JL ulwuys nememtwr this vdcuiion.Helen ; Did you swim in the sea7Ri器年3月笙试总器第“式t tt-1211 / 20Robert ;I!ekn:Ruben:Yes, 1 went swiinrnii every day. 1 had (he time of my lifeYou were nci (raveling alone T were you?Mu, my wife ami hid、wert there wiih n)r e built sand casilcs with the
34、 kids cm rhebeautiful beach The kids were wild with joHelen: How was (he wcuihcr (here?Robert: It was preity Witrtn and coinkjrtablc. Every day was bnghl and sunnyHelen (冲,what a nice phive! So how did you get around on ihe islands?Robert: Well, we rented a car fmm the hull:I we lived in. h w* wary
35、cernvenictn. For sever- ul timesT we drove along rhe hctich(o enjoy a splendid view of the xunw Hekin, yrxi really should 即 there some time, ft feels like paradise on earth.Helen; Well, I canl wait w go.第二节应用文写作67.假定你是李明.请你给留学生朋友John写封邮件.向他介绍学校新建战的学生活动中心。 内容如下;I地点.设施;2. M途:组织讲座,体育比赛、音乐表演等;3,开放时间.注意:
36、L词数80左右:2.清珞邮件身在答题后的相应位置201R年M月电试曰费薄12员(共12页)12/20参考答案及精析1 -5 13ABAC (a - ID BCtK A 11 - l i 4C VCCABIIC二.HFX l H NJuIg椁I 吊听力最合材料:Tnrt IM Beuimnful l,由 1 iW- evfe it * 旭 * iL 蠢Tert 2M: Grin r, u-i,ii.Id y邛 plijtsr* piukp J- Milk call dir Uiwr uk! luse il dklhcrDil yOMuTe SW: Huj Jire yuu 山ju里 由国 iii
37、jlmtjdcM; Mhuli better TbAdt yiMi. dkwinT. My J : i hm % eghEm I i*b.U eT i 31/ n.W; WeltB iIimi wb* -a hid 断谴?叫 Ye -和? Iwdsy lc nMI lw * 卜* WOCrf.Teki 4M Lucy , f出ic ;cajly 启 good Lcnm+ pilferW ; 7%ank I tike piivinji lEmnN erj emIii.M: Why not icMii my Eisinfiiig Ena 11nd icnrlh for ss: Tw ciji ua
38、m mnur Em iwnqWr I d like I。Jui I ikm i ftuik I can hi cto ioio 力ueb iroif懵 KtacdulcTom 5W: Hi由.u hdLHn* did you hurt)durM:tl.1M- I. Mpdtfd to ich mywlf W 心lu Wit sime C E uJce 阳cm Iammu. Text 6M : Oh nd , rt 1 rwlv 4WhiH yw 曲 ifl i/M4* m a day IlIke ttllb?Wj Olh iirnc o! Vim # fEtklHiini ihin cu la
39、ke a bom inp , To*er Brhlp!Mj A bkqL irip: In 由 k 叫 fhc?W;认 已.已 Eh gu iu 鹏 5 iT die LmAcKL tyf Lo |Kt a vie杂 of ihe,hul加脑,an息疏黑雅景J懵折aim ft is Sts期 片口1 uw 21miV i rw onyitiiTig an 巾p n|V Ytf jili, vrm1 n rihi I Lmm: L_rt,2 io 曲 Ikrtush MQjrftm. There nhr lM M 1的2* B FM QM it* * n 靠T Bui 的啊皿 E s umlwI
40、lM?H JW. GckmJ rrlurQlfl. Qin 1 help JM CkMid mimmR i dtnA ihere 由oukl be 巨 nn-nn hn&od Im Hie in live nrntr T.wYJ klajmHIW Um iuM i TiMunm Ye*, Lire 引呷k renm , ilh 鼻 XthriWM. TliiA、ngW I1 m htM eqtwnd ihr Swi 制 i 弱后 F uiiil ihc Liiii. IhaE1 * 11.1 divi.、 : Ojix! 沁叫.】need eg ouir izrdil rd. Butl1 wh
41、en,加 g *的 The Hlh h n*cr ihcr? n* yw sifhiM TfeiJjiL 中山卜仃 Bnuth.Tt SM- Helto-fWR型CT This VivjjjiM O, In、阳到,Hu Aft 幽u daiM: Hn、iipiirhiieae n如型 ftc W. bdl, Ehtl1 &- tul I m ljJIifi buul. Ym w. F *c gkfcd Mi htik foi a nz强 pLii:c.M: Oh, * injz * i dw prnbkrn 3Hh yiMir ph J J Uwu?hi yaL Liked 血 琳. Y的.I
42、 dh. Rut ri 1 H LiUle far iun ell03 find Ihf IrafTic b killing me Do、网 We 料口 田Mi Ofc1助 Hour ffliNh * yw *ra 班 iptnd da ti iww penment1Hj UiF Kii-rifbtre unJef dk)4lAn - mnniJhi.M: And else 也 ;(need ooe vftiJi 也门足口斤Mi UdL I Lnnw thm an WpartlWPi near dw sourih 3懂 nf ihc hocl tbal wmi Mjimbk. FII 出卬 附
43、 近w Um I0yW - 6口? . ttanki / 1atM : Mo pn由km.Tttt 9W :j has 4 mi ftm吧 a &srwri+i j JTt试网良参9箸16收林析革w正,曲叫瓦13 / 20ram.广,却 io ihc Bhiisti Museum There*C j?Ct 沏 unjbrelhi1uld he a rwm txx.ikcd far me in theinle rwm Mdk a *Moani?C the Svn 细f and Sand Exhibiliun.il fur UJ 坪、k that nghl.打屈crcdii curd. But w
44、hen you check out.leek, 眠 you wiibh.imc card then.in RoeMn 207. Herr 代 ihe key Theing. 1 Iw y(Hii aparrnicfiE wurkinjj泗ui, You see., I ie decided tn look* place now I Ihulijjbc yuii hktd IE. nm college. and the trafrk 悟 kililmf ttmghi you Gikiyhi knu, more ah.iut rhod. pcfidi m 司 new 自panmeM? m niiX
45、Hti.i nwr 由。xnh 国耻心 oi (he s-chuul that c屈 iiuduy.M: Le* here F A smiLI cwntry town in Austriia 也日业占 to dl4Vge i口 iKimt8 for 我 wmhWi Reality? Juju for u month? Why ?Mt Fur 心d Mhzrj. The toviii i+ tailed Speed + m Che izpuntrypide of Vksofui.M w. Ihc people livinh: ilwe mutii to chan削 il into Speed K
46、ilk. Thtf hope |1| drivm pih”【ng the Itwm will down bii when ihcj sec ihe rnnd sigti.W That $ouind,like a rcallji good wlca. docsn t it?M: Mmm. Tte idea was pm 除2皿 hy the VHwia Tnmpart Accident Ot- lioe. Lt soon won over *5 people m Thej even rrittdc u wkfeo which 皿 already become a hit on Ihc Inier
47、net!W; It mieresiing io ne *hui Mill happen then.M - A Imul lurmer called PEI tkmn wjnis Ui (卜的即 td、tunic, Hell he called Pfiil Slow Oon. He wishes the i-dea Oiild 日wh on around ihc 嗔0MW; I hope u Merks udl.Text 10Think Yem for filing Global Cinema. For film inlnrnwaun and (iiw$. pre鹃 1, To nuke a b
48、doking jXc ?. Tu,pc& kJ ui upcraLdc, 3.These are ihc films fix ixiaty. Tuday tbr 7chIn Rixim 】.DtOp?R The Dwwr. prpup of college sludenb ckvide io 出瞋 a buvse in the ntuuniams fur 曲旭山独力8 wcckrml brwk. But they nxii l ihe only f uestn on the rnuumain. is a w-iiler on the ship md he 底 very unhappy when
49、 his pirlfnend him to m4iry ihc capuiiL T理弋辰r. ihcy findwav 始 figci ihcir prvbknn Showing ai S 口飞IdcIl. 7:4Sp and 10 fcclock.In Rncim 3.仆( Keue, ihe emvE film of French directorkan-Luc Ihicvoix. Two Anwricin Lecnagers buy ui okl car, and with i lex of hard work and after a 1o 45.第二部分阅漠第一节短文理解TH 1事考蜂
50、文欧亨利是美国作宰西思尼液箱的氧房.他的丈差以出人裹科的 精易苍阈了.也至于人猊才说这洋妁地电支J欧摩利夫给与)862千案此睛析第2同(共IZ忙 如田年3月装试在替多号答宴殳常揖第3义,共12以14/20土,速出也在北卡零青热制也叫生隼3./fJL强乐毡上学时阈*管. 位自甲丁世智弋人道附一如g:默亨利却步时卡了椁比行篇就.灰工雄力KT地苗工并 用 月他他*-*植骷工祚,心村士后了根行患恨#去了 一韭在,尢* 事也立JLit. 亨札信的传今戊扑期.也上杈了.芥聿4丁零屈量小 HLNM最步户蜡笔冲四则华也r |优世耳.电射出T岛湾斑出惺府打ii 基,电袅利丁江西 在用王,七号丁巽I苒电黄,卜记
51、在一*事的对样 里,他耳闻力旭均任4旻#? U ?杂志等一餐世孝 地的淞才凤格粗曲井 制寸黑土读者妁喜之他甄*r号3靶耳*r*ic8 $也”两1件事的植串那写了正人重 耳种培马.WIR ,寸表附*FZ*,弄乂壮年年我 X t ttlft 4于出 妁代*戌叱由己竹片此.30也汜料限制,陆部*事大#安排位为千 itn皆强人,。R . t孱*HHI泉艮21 【相所】Mil魁 段十口. V欧 9利式MM的用工性社是H 心:点直营第ifit第1句“* Hmjr uch Ihe prn nanr J Anri- flh Ahrttr Fdmv Fffinfr,云卜1 -lin 11V lanw山f h-
52、rhir -:iFpri- rndmy9. Bo Ex pnlhn Mkh mi evwJiM i,nflF Zhliciml 2 附 日411南叩可知可窄制式谛局的口/” 产“ rMi中”囚除出人干料的 放王HJIQ所】用石H 0干造中欧中科通足推F时破什么一由支曲第 FtMGlWIr * it Ih , hr htvd ati rtcitaig We. He 4id not 即 Mi wIktJ le,kaig. lari hr iwMtd to beach hiwrlf crnrthii 1 Mihl Id kr*iw.可胡.m-辛可迳息孩子时也打上 学,布=自孝故工正崎方R【精析】稚,
53、睡的干苣有“恰行为什自在文中捱到货泊/ 一由 N可瘠酉已产青泡星忸西网人道行对比 一-正嘲1iAl Z学寿用文昌甚左。遂州/的小*”迅速堂|*#/ 与耳迪圭占里恐至为 考笄壮卷票的瓶于邃空一人皿小眄,-,也知遇爱引肥人七号3 tE9优 K胡我4岔婆花上学盹间 烬必来没者昌料.植土三野与一统人弄枕 范相干,可他的妁假期之文用由己的警与中与卑轴掠盘开代冷的引岁的上如尸讹:“:艮*的学可加之通壮 XU五七代/一州七立于生螳常除点寸毡才*iTWttq乐片上 的力上笃如月世他m步枪均嗜检上蟒上加比平悖崎案料或就备船昼东成叶* E i4f Jkkf Wltfl4 - 足土地 上力史诗学士管晅鼻里1单粕4藏
54、3也HAiK*fi S乩王将始*1时悻地优古凡尼斯需手部萩疼T 100D *汇q7 fl它讯俞t?号苦工口咯所通4 . JT 12输的副it *恰*土惴丁地之一3 5丸如正砥行公司府宅解配 素丸一心 “华崎台司也加AT T策步走,而 .三亦一一娃筌上曲热也#工的布氏.彳昌f上请T*学依即*,他友h钵*工工* I。十就岫T力打*同上西.粗杷K隍超泉轼唯。醒餐畤电时1 +人展俱占地”方看载上摄*的 悚葩 立匐史说ii重(.良甘的一雪 连注#显晶掠十型泉 城$ 人中不以同寿珑片K乐培今天.一可粕弗季跖一是克斗星后立堂忒受的地帝之一屯定点.时仙 境,阡奇的M于在卡育凤也在注重,体可中贵虬所寸的值于在同
55、 一名号小峙员再 正工士恒斜节里的川R 邮/】浦方8起于靠力, *1甲为升幺也理十曲乐看了,11 %*不收第二句可Uk麦二代建这t的外场的II的总为了科取些药甘雅索赞的JIF我户正独2? A精牝程渺虺牲I工七 们时麦加里达)51能的充度居什 2.一笫,段以右一句But sJm nen prrfed Ihut a 南rd “ Ih tDmT HMibld iw*ll up dk*ir -k* +-uni uw Mir laralii 外,iiy 情 k* iwif w h:* t! I fur d third of 他vwii dihl uy -q-T gjlinn da、ki 4知.Aff是吸
56、天茫曼二里的屈小a无加平说,这地方为起重qT蚁丘” 第四段可.返三 曷七丁遗明有 :,正确h 3芭话城结小法言,寸.乏安包民使雷厮惊府运项r宅乙雄里遭7陂酒最 二卢嫌矍力旧词使用最广殳的4语专51。妁政3%的人母通上车清,白K灼眼阀人之才的鸿为三越夫婿 轻的,过良好枪有的.aw嵯在孚rMf 他们使用升语比即再上情乐 思就遭J其皓K壬.欧倒社会的黑大 为好处H中像莫屈.也因人*r世理力引r而失 点认步来白其他四室绮人套学可笑 ,.语言 茎国人锦4T 一个晚件的机 为他制心会况第予N*的语言” 豆美用生活T 5年.地说:“小我以长 十德才性七成再中学也 在我I。岁 ;的一喳营,墓善仲舟弟二起吉,法
57、语春鬣及精析第W灰扶H页J为第三孙言:在我华*居,事.文牛可了意土利建争同一门法方豪他是 一升改走人生帕用再 它能让蚱后正体段不田的工化,它让世尊向住成 *大门JL)f精析】细K也 图意为欧盟中会由英西的人占多少旷由文 手第一再 -1及 Mwh “la pmii-H ihjl Enprish was tbp f,z iHy- 邛rkn d甲n Un和UmuthcM Eun“x、htth 51 nf FI cilMt-ns iiLle lu mH a i-oivrnm*icin in llnfhll, ilk liidm 1 :% Jot wkim it Lhrk nwthcr k帆BK-门知,
58、油阻会iJi翼语的人占51号故I)正逸二A 1精断】推助零工题干直为“下列事一奥欧州人最佳可能昱只隹 用一种语言的人?的文章第:陞“ miihilinpjal Europrw in like- h h III . HlJ-|l.-M il I -ir beiMtAr ihry Hun t speak ihH lutuagr.可知,只使用 一但曲吉的英国人爱失幺很死机耙会处于不利地位的 改H 正瑜M)1:精析细节里,聒干意为“菜at断女士对学习外语是什幺样的 一俵:1.由黄&最片区员仃 句T,e向小.”由1q 牛3耳圮试汽整答卷答案收角折博6加4共12业16/20竽军 丹十的“1誉恒气才 仪,比
59、*二、道M +申牌此应修.上而 代用版中上百岬蜕#彳让*访&小M 中展用/ 他*讪 Jt f电外见47战恒*E人通旭比可电史壮宠时 问大加山息为此*港*”(力1国*飞此,运+中堆士士史学6*T41ZA号串* U 女力必如心蚓坦出1 世$屿*支时5艮足升(越通才 # d,L他 打的”后宛31 F 精折J上一句提到今年*月21日马卡论会迎京大*琳恚* F- fl*忙出,弭口浸明在13年博k史发大的大第件,忻以妇处叫帖检 何什幺会有iSr事第寓来哥还 鼓HFN D【NI析1E一句说月亮合建业修住上阳.下一切说01金裁网下 那所将V只配息述,口 ? ft n.i.望X 一全营累故在也M B |精析1电
60、替汴句时.故百人署国此处里石品能覆空盘的句子.仔新 技速Mt展可知,空IG的内宓是进步解神人扪为小义费*4舟上 故占队M, c L精柜】上一旬是祖史建未这人多加整召她小事看来国*.白而 乂法人泡腔就勾国印上通的制时也 代吉C站,E【精析】卜一段说的是会做的凰立,百面毫谀人外的粗M亳及. 断式此空起赳小匕启卜的抄千 前再卜:三祀分带谭町设事用筌 T JK4O参考球文心的更文正槎是小讲站呼的看宾,.、飞由工2.人七一艺人 防工,或百特期哒认叫人*上。为句祚他$ 人”礼外=在寸注叶*疗 包为上 *从*工棚旧我*卜芝药在,玉;Jr认余蜂年*之了.料三 茶会也信用血和删北号居 京通在池八机妁小展维T-&
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