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1、万达度假酒店群景观设计导则景观所2014.11.07编制说明 Instruction规划导则 Planning Guideline功能,元素和材料导则 Function, Elements & Material GuidelineA.六星和五星酒店 6 and 5 Star Hotels必选类 Mandatory Functions可选类 Optional FunctionsB. 四星酒店和主题酒店 4 Star Hotels and Theme Hotels 必选类 Mandatory Functions可选类 Optional Functions安全导则 Safety &Security

2、Guideline管控标准 Management Standard目录编制说明 Instruction一. 编制说明 Instruction【制定目的】:为万达城度假酒店群景观设计工作更加系统化、规范化、标准化,商业规划院景观所特梳理制订本万达度假群酒店景观功能导则。【制定依据】:万达度假酒店群景观功能导则是根据相关行业规范、万达酒店管理公司要求,并结合实际项目管控经验等制定而成。【适用范围】:适用于发布之日起的所有万达度假酒店群(城市商务酒店除外)。 【使用方法】:作为方案征集任务书的附件指导供方单位,纳入供方考核。 万达度假酒店群景观导则规划导则 Planning Guideline二.

3、规划导则 Planning Guidelines尊重酒店所在城市的地域与文化特色。The Landscape design should be developed in accordance with context and specific location.考虑酒店与万达城其它娱乐业态,如主题乐园、酒吧街和秀场等的休闲功能相关联和互补。Different recreational can be associated and complemented with each other, such as amusement park, bar street, show areas. 酒店的景观环

4、境设计要充分考虑星级差别和建造成本。 The Landscape design should be differentiated among different star hotels, both in budget and design. 度假酒店的景观设计的首要目标是完善酒店功能。The Landscape hotel design first goal is to frame / complement the hotel building为客人提供高品质和丰富多彩的游憩体验。The Landscape design should provide quality and diversity

5、 of recreation activities for guests万达度假酒店群景观导则三.功能,元素和材料导则Function,Elements & Materials Guidelines六星酒店、五星 6 /5 Star Hotels编号 NO.必选功能,元素和材料Mandatory Functions, Elements, and Materials 可选功能,元素和材料 Optional Functions, Elements, and Materials1 交通流线 Circulation 游泳池 Swimming pool 2 主入口 Main entrance SPA3

6、大堂室外区 Lobby 婚礼举办区 Wedding area 4 后场核心区 Main area of the garden 儿童游戏场地 Childrens playground 5 宴会厅室外区 Conference room 次入口 Secondary entrance6 全日餐室外餐区 All-day dinning outdoor area 花园露天就餐区 Dining area in the garden 7 户外酒吧/休息区 Outdoor bar/ lounge area 8 客房私家庭院 Courtyards 9 主题花园 Theme gardens 10 总统套花园 Pre

7、sident suite garden Villa 11 运动区 Sports area 12 沙滩 Beach 13 湿地区 Wetland area 14 滨水广场/滨水步道 Waterfront plaza/boardwalk 15 万达度假酒店群景观导则A.1 必选功能、元素和材料Mandatory functions, Elements, and Materials1. CIRCULATION 交通流线Both the circulation of vehicles and pedestrians must be very comfortable, and always shaded

8、 by trees. The circulation of vehicles must be as direct as possible, with constant width of 7.0m. As for pedestrians, a path of at least1.5m should connect the sidewalk in the street with the main entrance, ideally without interruption. In the garden we should have two kinds of paths: one that conn

9、ects all the functions and the second a leisurely one that provides a circular circulation across the property taking advantage of the best views. In regions with frequent rain, the functional path should be sheltered and should not have stairs or steps in order to be accessible to all. The firefigh

10、ter route does not have to be a road, can be partially a lawn area, it is just necessary to keep it free from obstacles.车行和步行交通流线都应当令人感觉舒适和有行道树遮荫。车行交通流线应当导向性强,大堂入口前场主要道路宽度一般不小于7.0米。对于步行道般至少为1.5米宽,从主入口处与街道相连,宜保持连续不被打断为最佳。在后花园,应有连通园内所有功能空间的主园路,宽度宜在2.5-3.0米左右,应设置电瓶车错车场地,并结合景观小品设置场景,并能提供最佳观景点。在多雨的地区,主园路

11、应当有雨棚,应当是无障碍通行的。消防通道不必一定要是一条道路,局部需要可以做隐形道路,只要保证其通道的畅通即可。万达度假酒店群景观导则功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape1. 交通流线(车行和人行交通)Circulation(Roads and pathways)1.1.车行通道 Car/bus circulation车行交通应当尽可能地

12、高效,以尽量减少道路面积。每条车道至少为3.5米宽。Vehicles circulation should be as efficient as possible, in order to limit the road surface to the minimum area possible. Should have a constant width of 3.5m-应当有4-6米高的照明。Should have lamps of 4/6m high-应当是糙面石材铺地。后勤出入口应当是沥青或混凝土路面。Should have stone pavement with rough finishi

13、ng. Maintenance access should be in asphalt or concrete.行列式植栽。尽量采用乡土植物。Should be framed by rows of trees1.2.人行通道 Pedestrian circulation花园里应当有游览环路,沿路能欣赏到最好的景观,和建筑相连通,而且和花园所有功能区都联通起来。无障碍通行应当能到达主要功能区。至少1.5米宽。坡度不宜超过5.0%。There should be a circular path in the gardens that takes advantage of the best view

14、s and connects building to all the garden functions. Disabled access should be guaranteed in most important functions. Minimum width is 1.5m. Slopes should not be above 5.0%. 垃圾桶的设置应当和座椅休息区整体考虑。Should have litter bins and be connected to sitting areas. -可以有遮阳构筑物和桥。May have parts with sheltering stru

15、ctures and bridges应当有低矮照明。6星酒店必须有精致装而饰性强的低矮照明。It should have low lighting. In 6 star hotels the low lighting must be exquisite ornamental pieces.-优质舒适防滑铺地材料和建筑立面室内设计相呼应。尽量使用当地材料。High quality materials, comfortable and non-slippery that match the architecture and interior design.应种植树木能遮阳。沿路应该有绿化景观。6星

16、酒店应当考虑客人的绝对隐私的需求。尽量采用乡土植物。Trees should be used to shade the paths. Should have a landscaped area on the sides. In 6 star hotels the design should consider the need of absolute privacy of the guests.1.3.自行车道 Bicycle paths至少2.0米宽,和车行道分开以保证安全。Should have constant width of 2.0 m and be safely protected

17、from the vehicles circulation应当有自行车停放点Should have parking areas for bikes-可以有遮阳构筑物和桥。May have parts with sheltering structures and bridges草坪灯比较合适。Preferably it should have low lighting-塑胶材料或其它平整铺地材料。Should be plastic concrete or other smooth pavement应当部分有树木遮阴,与周边景观融合。尽量采用乡土植物。Should be partially sha

18、ded by trees and integrated in the landscape 功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape1 . 交通流线(车行和人行交通)Circulation(Roads and pathways)1.4. 电瓶车Electric cars可以有电瓶车道。It is possible to have electri

19、c cars circulation.-=会车场地设置结合景观小品=1.5. 消防通道Firefighter cars必须有至少4米宽的紧急通道Must guarantee a 4 m wide area for emergency access不能有任何阻挡通道的物品。Cannot have any obstacles in the way不能有任何阻挡通道的物品。Cannot have any obstacles in the way可以有桥,但是必须保证有4米宽。不能有任何阻挡通道的物品。Can go over bridges as long as there are 4m wide.

20、Cannot have any obstacles in the way不能有任何阻挡通道的物品。Cannot have any obstacles in the way-铺装满足承重要求。It can have any kind of pavement (with reinforced structure)不能有任何阻挡通道的物品,不能有树,可以是植草隐形路Cannot have any obstacles in the way, so no trees, but lawn is possible1.6.停车场 Parking spaces应当按照国际标准来设计。应该有标志牌明确指明方向。从

21、停车场到酒店应当有轮椅无障碍通行的通道。应当有植物种植作为缓冲区,来阻挡客人的视线。至少要满足总图签批规定的停车指标数据(小车和大巴车)。Must be designed according to international standards . Spaces must be clearly marked with appropriate signage. A fully accessible route for wheelchair users must be provided from to parking space into the hotel. It should be buffe

22、red by planting in order to hide it from the view of guests. Provide a minimum of x car parking spaces and y bus parking spaces.应当有垃圾桶Should have litter bins可以有遮阳设施Can have shade structures可以有4-6米高或低一点的照明。Can have lamps of 4/6m or low lighting-可以是半透水性的铺地,或者半透水的沥青路面或者混凝土或石材植草砖铺地。It may have a semi-pe

23、rmeable pavement, either semi-permeable asphalt or mix concrete/stone-lawn grid pavement应当有树提供遮阳。应当有绿化缓冲带,阻挡主入口区的视线。Trees should be used for shade. It should have a green buffer isolating it from main areas views. B.1. Mandatory functions2. MAIN ENTRANCE 主入口万达度假酒店群景观导则In front of the main entrance/

24、access to lobby there should be a landscape element framing it and providing some privacy to the arrival of guests. This element should be connected with the sheltered porch and should have a water feature, special planting and special lighting. It must have artwork. The main entrance must display W

25、anda hotels logo in a special wall. The pavement should be of a dark color. Vehicles (cars and buses) access to the main entrance should be as direct as possible except in the 6 star hotel, in which the access should be more secluded. The connection to the parking space should be as direct as possib

26、le. Pedestrians must have a separated access from vehicles, preferably integrated by landscape. 在主入口到大堂的前面,应当有景观元素来遮挡视线为客人保护隐私。这些景观元素应该与雨棚相连通,应当有水景、特色种植、特色照明。必须要有艺术品。主入口应当有特殊设计的万达Logo墙,其铺地颜色也应当为深颜色的,尽量使用当地材料。机动车(轿车和大巴)到大堂入口的车道应尽可能直达,六星酒店大堂到达路线应尽量做到曲径通幽。出入主入口及停车场应尽可能直接便捷。宜通过景观的整合,做到人车分离。功能区Zone功能Func

27、tion描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape2. 主入口Main entrance2.1.小车/大巴道路 Car/buses access 车辆(小车和大巴)出入主入口及停车场应尽可能直接便捷。每条至少为3.5米宽,净高不低于5.5米。应当设有出租车候车区,至少要有3个车位。6星的主入口到大堂入口应营造曲径通幽的氛围。Vehicles (cars and buses) a

28、ccess to the main entrance should be as direct as possible as well as the connection to the parking space. For the 6 star hotel the access should be more secluded. The road should have a constant width, of 3.5m.可以有挡车桩。May have Bollards.-在入口与大堂应当设有Logo墙,入口处可以有精心设计的大门。Must have logo wall in the connec

29、tion to the road and next to the lobby access. May have gate.满足功能性照明4-6米高。Functional lighting 4 to 6m high可以设有警卫间。May have booth for guard耐磨深色材料,应当用表面轻微粗糙的铺地石材。Resistant dark material should have a stone pavement with a slightly rough finishing . 应当有树荫。6星酒店入口相对5星酒店要更为隐秘,结合高品质的和丰富多样的植物来营造这种曲径通幽的氛围。尽量

30、采用乡土植物。Should be shaded by trees. The 6 star hotel access should be more secluded than the 5 star, framed by a more diverse planting and by plants of higher quality. 功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscap

31、e绿化景观Softscape2.主入口Main entrance2.2. 人行通道Pedestrian access从酒店入口街道的人行道到酒店大堂之间应当有连续通道,无障碍步行。人行通道与车行道相分离,宜通过景观的整合。人行道至少1.5米宽。There should be continuous pathway from the connection to the sidewalk in the street until the entrance of the hotel. Pedestrians must have a separated access from vehicles, pref

32、erably integrated by landscape. It should be at least 1.5m wide.可以有垃圾桶,可以设置休息坐凳Should have litter bins.May have benches. -可以有景观构筑物和桥。May have sheltering structures, may have bridges.人行道应当有装饰性的低矮照明。The pedestrian path should have ornamental low lighting.-应当和车行道颜色和材质有所呼应,面材应当轻微粗糙,以便行走舒适。尽量使用当地材料。It sh

33、ould have a connection to the car access in materials and color, but have less rough finishing, in order to be more comfortable.应当结合灌木。应当有花灌木和高游步道应和花园景观紧密结合,通过高品质和变化多样的植物使其与车行道相隔离。尽量采用乡土植物。Should be integrated by landscaped areas. It should be integrated in the gardens and split from the road, with

34、very diverse and high quality planting 功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape2.主入口Main entrance2.3.通往大堂到达的空间Framing the entrance / access to lobby 酒店大堂入口前面必须至少能停3辆车。主入口到大堂之间,应当有景观元素来遮挡视线为客人保

35、护隐私。这些景观元素应该与雨棚相连通。这些景观小品应当经过高水准设计和使用高端材料制成的,可以有一个主题。It must have at least 3 rows of cars in front of entrance. Should have a landscape element framing it and providing some privacy to the arrival of guests. This element should be connected with the sheltered porch, and should be of extreme high qua

36、lity in materials and design, and may have a theme .应当设有带烟灰缸的垃圾桶。可以有花钵,座椅等功能性休闲设施。Should have litter bins with ash tray.May have plant pots and bollards. 应当有水景,应当结合高水准设计和高品质的雕塑艺术品。Should have a water feature, preferably integrated with the artwork and must be of very high design quality.雨棚(建筑专业)。酒店的

37、logo应当放置于酒店的墙上或者独立设计的logo墙。Porch (architecture).The logo must displayed, either in the walls of the hotel or in an individual wall应当有装饰灯,强调入口水景(水下射灯),艺术品,柱廊,特色树,和雨棚。6星级酒店的水景照明是可以调节的。Should have ornamental lighting, enhancing the water feature (with underwater lighting), artwork, columns and special

38、trees canopies. In 6 star hotels the lighting of the water can be modulated.5星级酒店可以放置艺术品。6星级酒店应当有非常高品质的艺术品,根据特定空间量身定制 In 5 star hotels may have artwork. 。 In 6 star hotels must have very high quality artwork specially commissioned for the space. 应当使用深色,有特色图案的铺地石材。6星酒店入口铺地图案应当精心设计,用材应当精致。该区域不宜使用粗糙的面材

39、。Should have a distinctive high quality ornamental pavement of dark stone . In 6 star hotels the pavement in front of the entrance must be of exquisite materials and design. In this area the pavement should not have a rough finishing.植物应当造型感强,主要目的是塑造到达区域的景观,应当是对称的。6星酒店可以种植时花,营造一年四季景观都不一样的形象。Plants s

40、hould have strong shapes as the main goal is framing the porch area. Should be symmetrical. 6 star hotels may have seasonal planting in this area, producing an entirely different image depending in the time of the year.3. LOBBY 大堂室外区The lobby is the welcome area for the hotel as well as its represen

41、tation image, and therefore must be its most noble area. It should have privileged views over the main area of the garden and further into the landscape and also to the main entrance area. The area immediately outside should have sitting areas with shade, special lighting and ornamental design piece

42、s. 大堂是酒店的脸面,代表着酒店的形象,是酒店最重要的区域。大堂的视线开阔能看到后院大部分区域与景观,也还能看到主入口区域。大堂应最大化利用周边景观资源。临近大堂的室外区域应当设有带遮阳、特色照明和精心设计的装饰性物件的休息区。万达度假酒店群景观导则功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape3.大堂室外区Lobby 3.1.下客区 Entra

43、nce and registration of guests 大堂是迎宾区,代表着酒店的形象,因此它是酒店最重要的区域。连接后院和前庭的区域都非常重要。The lobby is the welcome area for the hotel as well as its representation image, and therefore must be its most noble area. Both connection to the front and back parts of the hotel are important应当设有带烟灰缸的垃圾桶和座椅。可以有花钵。Should h

44、ave litter bins with ash trays.May have plant pots5星应当有水景,6星酒店必须有水景。Should have water feature in 5 star hotels, must have water feature in 6 star hotels.雨棚Porch (architecture)应当有装饰灯,强调入口水景(水下射灯),艺术品,柱廊,特色树,和雨棚,应预留室外电源插座。6星酒店必须有精致的照明。Should have ornamental lighting, enhancing the water feature (with

45、underwater lighting), artwork, columns and special trees canopies. The 6 star hotels must have exquisite lighting.可以有艺术品,应与室内设计一致May have artwork, that should be consistent with the interior artwork in the lobby.应当风格独特的深色石材铺地。该区域的铺地应当不是太粗糙的面材。宜采用当地材料或当地铺装形式。6星酒店该处的铺地图案应当精心设计,用材应当精致。尽量使用当地材料。Should h

46、ave a distinctive ornamental stone pavement of dark color. In this area the pavement should not have a rough finishing. In 6 star hotels the stone pavement must be of exquisite quality in design and materials.May have plant pots可以有花钵功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furn

47、iture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape3.大堂室外区 Lobby 3.2. Connection to main outdoor areas大堂室外平台大堂的视线应当开阔,能看到后院大部分区域与景观,也还能看到主入口区域。It should have privileged views over the garden and view further into the landscape and also to the main entrance area. 应当有室外景观

48、朝向好,舒适的休息区。应当有遮阳设施。6星酒店的休息区必须超舒适,应当结合绿化种植来营造私密空间。可以有花钵。Must have comfortable sitting areas with good views that should be shaded, so sitting areas and umbrellas. In 6 star hotels the sitting areas must be of top comfort and should be given more privacy, integrated by planting.Can have plant pots.5星酒

49、店可以有小水景,能看到后院的主水景。6星酒店可以有水景,并且能看到后院的景观。Can have small water features in 5 star hotels, and it should have view to the main water feature in the gardens. The 6 star hotel must have its own water feature and can have its own garden, with views over the landscape.可以有遮阳设施。Can have sheltering structures.

50、5星的每个休息区都可以有单独照明。6星酒店必须有精致装饰的低矮照明。In 5 star hotels each sitting area should have its individual lighting feature, but this is mandatory for 6 star hotels, that must have ornamental low lighting.6星酒店的大堂室外休息区可以有单独的艺术品,因为这个空间尺度比较宜人,所以艺术品的尺度不能太大。In 6 star hotels the sitting areas associated to the lobby

51、 may have their own artwork, that should not be of very big dimension, as this space must have some intimacy.优质舒适铺地材料,和建筑立面和室内设计相呼应。Should have very good quality materials, comfortable and non-slippery that match the architecture and interior design.紧邻平台处应该有绿化,能提供遮阳,和条件微气候,彰显植物的精心配制。尽量采用乡土植物。Should

52、have green areas very near, providing shade, privacy, bioclimatic regulation and display ornamental excellence. 4. MAIN AREA IN GARDEN 后场核心区 The main area in the garden is the most important outdoor area. It should extend the view into the landscape. It should be connected with the lobby by view and

53、 access. 后场核心区是度假酒店户外空间最重要的区域。通过视线能看到远处的美景,而且通过视线和通道与大堂相连通。Must have a high impact water feature, can have sculptures, pavilions, bridges, sheltering structures, swimming pools. Should have very ornamental trees reinforcing the axis, blossoming plants, high maintenance plants such as annual or bi-an

54、nual bulb plants, comfortable larger paths, benches, lighting, flower pots.后场核心区应当设有强视觉冲击力的水景,也可以有雕塑,亭台,小桥,廊架,游泳池。也可以通过观赏性强的树木、开花植物、景观大道,长椅,灯柱,花盆等来加强轴线感。万达度假酒店群景观导则功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿

55、化景观Softscape4. 后场核心区Main area of the garden 4.1.休息区 Resting area休息区应当能欣赏到后院美景,设施应当舒适,要有度假氛围。6星酒店的休闲区必须私密的私人休息区。The resting areas should have great views and premium comfort in equipment and atmosphere. In 6 star hotels there must be private individual resting areas enjoying great privacy.非常舒适的座椅、长凳和

56、大堂椅。可以有花钵。Premium comfort chairs, benches and lounge chairs. Can have plant pots.可以有小型水景或可以与主水景相连通Can have small water features or be connected to the big water feature可以有遮阳景观构筑物。6星酒店必须有一些景观构筑物或休息亭Can have sheltering structures. 。In 6 star hotels must have some individual structures or pavilions.6星酒

57、店必须有装饰性照明而5星可以有,强调入口水景(水下射灯),艺术品,柱廊,特色树,和有顶构筑物。Should have ornamental lighting for 5 star hotels, must have for 6 star hotels. Lighting should enhance the water feature (with underwater lighting), artwork, columns and special trees canopies.=不应有太多的硬质铺地,应当采用高品质、舒适防滑的铺地材料,应当和建筑立面相呼。6星酒店的硬质景观要包含更多的高品质细

58、部。尽量使用当地材料。We should not have too much pavement, should have good quality materials, comfortable and non-slippery that match the architecture and interior design. The 6 star hotels should be more rich in high quality details.应当有大树提供遮阳功能,和主景观相协调。尽量采用乡土植物。Should be shaded by trees and integrated in th

59、e main landscape area 功能区Zone功能Function描述Description元素Elements材料Materials户外家具Outdoor furniture水景Water features景观构筑物Structures照明Lighting 其它Others硬质景观Hardscape绿化景观Softscape4. 后场核心区Main area of the garden 4.2. 主观景区Main view of the Landscape area度假酒店最重要的区域,因此品质要求也是最高的。6星酒店该区域必须富于变化、装饰盒细节。This area is th

60、e most important area of the resort, so its quality must be the highest. In 6 star hotels the view must be more diverse and rich in ornament and detail.-应当有大型主水景。Should have one main big water feature可以有景观构筑物和桥。We can have structures and bridges.应当有装饰性的照明,强调入口水景(水下射灯),艺术品,柱廊,特色树,和有顶构筑物。Should have o


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