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1、Unit 1 Ive also entered lots ofspeaking competitions我也已经参加过很多次演讲比赛了。Module 2Experiencesexperiencea wonderful experience 一次绝妙的经历some experience in learining English 一些学习英语的经验some wonderful experiences 几次绝妙的经历a competitionenter 参加竞赛Talk about experiencesI have ever entered a speaking competition.我曾经参加

2、过演讲比赛。 competition 比赛 a speaking competition 一次演讲比赛Have you ever entered a speaking competition? 你曾经参加过演讲比赛吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. play footballI have ever played football.我曾经踢过足球。Have you ever played football? 你曾经踢过足球吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. I have ever played basketball.我曾经打过蓝球。Have you e

3、ver played basketball? 你曾经打过蓝球吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. I have ever travelled to Beihai Silver Beach.我曾经去过北海银滩旅游。Beihai Silver BeachHave you ever travelled to Beihai Silver 你曾经去过北海银滩旅游吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. the Great WallI havent visited the Great Wall. (否定句)我没有去过长城旅游。Have you ever visited

4、the Great Wall? 你曾经去过长城旅游吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. I have ever been to Guangzhou.我曾经去过广州。Have you ever been to Guangzhou? 你曾经去过广州吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. I have ever eaten KFC food.我曾经吃过肯德基食品。Have you ever eaten KFC food? 你曾经吃过肯德基食品吗?Yes, I have. No, I havent. present(now)futurepast 现在完成时态( p

5、resent perfect tense) I am visiting the Great Wall now.I will visit the Great Wall tomorrow.I visited the Great Wall yesterday.I have ever visited the Great Wall. visit不同的时间要使用不同的动词时态现在完成时(P103)肯定形式:主语(sb.) +has / have + v.过去分词(done) .否定形式:主语(sb.) +has / have + not + v.过去分词(done).构成方式 (have/has+done

6、)疑问形式: Has / have +主语+ v.过去分词(done)?用法:1.表示以前某个时间已经发生的行为或曾经做过的事情对现在有某种影响。 I have already seen the film.我已经看过这部电影了。 I have ever travelled to Nanning Science Museum. I have just had lunch. 我刚刚吃过午餐。 2.表示到目前为止已经完成的事情。My uncle has travelled around the world.我叔叔已经周游了世界。 do - did - done 过去分词的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化

7、两种: 规则变化: 一般情况下,在动词后直接加ed, 如 play-played,work-worked, visit- visited water-watered, finish-finished等;以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的动词, 把y 变成i 再加ed, carry-carried study-studied等;以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的动词要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed 如: stop-stopped, shop-shopped等。不规则变化:见不规则动词表 点击不规则动词表 I have _ (watch) the football match.Have you ever _

8、(play) the piano?- Have you _(finish) your homework? - Yes, I have.- Has she ever _(travel) around the world? - No, she hasnt.My father has ever _(visit) the Great Wall.The English teacher has _(work) here for 12 years.We have _ (study) English for one and a half years.They have just _ (shop) many t

9、hings on the Internet.动词过去分词done的变化规则2. 不规则动词的过去分词形式需要特殊记忆。如: am/is - was/ were - been drink- drank- drunk 详见课本P126-P129不规则动词表Infinitive(原形) Past Tense(过去式) Past Participle(过去分词) (一)ABC 型: be(am,is,are) was / were beenbeginbeganbegunbitebitbitten / bitbreakbrokebrokenchoosechosechosendodiddone(一)ABC

10、 型: drawdrewdrawn drinkdrankdrunk drivedrovedriven eatateeaten fall fellfallen flyflewflown forgetforgotforgotten getgotgotten / got (一)ABC 型: givegavegiven gowentgone growgrewgrown hidehidhidden knowknewknown lielaylain rideroderidden(一)ABC 型: ringrang rung riseroserisen seesawseen shakeshookshaken

11、 singsangsung speakspokespoken steal(偷) stolestolen(一)ABC 型: swim swamswum take tooktaken throw threwthrown wakewoke woken wearworeworn writewrote written(二) ABB型: bringbroughtbrought buildbuiltbuilt buyboughtbought catchcaughtcaught dig(挖坑) dugdug feelfeltfelt fightfoughtfought(二)ABB型: findfoundfou

12、nd have/ has had had hearheard heard holdheldheld keepkeptkept leadledled leaveleftleft learnlearned / learntlearned / learnt(二)ABB型: loselostlost meanmeantmeant meetmetmet paypaidpaid readreadread saysaidsaid sellsoldsold sendsentsent (二)ABB型: sit satsat sleep sleptslept smell smelt/smelledsmelt/sm

13、elled spell spelt/spelledspelt/spelled spend spentspent(二)ABB型: standstoodstood sweepsweptswept teachtaughttaught telltoldtold thinkthought thought understandunderstood understood win wonwon(三)AAB型: beat beatbeaten(四)ABA型: becomebecamebecome comecamecome runranrun(五)AAA型: costcostcost(五)AAA型: cut cu

14、tcut hit hithit hurthurthurt letletlet putputput readreadread setsetset shutshutshut 练习1: 写出下列动词的过去分词:put-hear-come-make-hurry-watch-swim-be-talk-want-study-stop- take-see-like- Mother: John, clean your teeth please.John: Mum, I have cleaned them. study for English test - for it tell me the truth -

15、you everything visit your grandpa - him Mother: John, clean your teeth, please. John: Mum, I have cleaned them.have studiedhave toldhave visited练习2:现在完成时肯定句Father: Tell your sister to buy some milk, John.John: Oh, she has just(刚刚) bought some. Father: Tell your sister to buy some milk, John. John: O

16、h, she has just bought some. make some coffee - some call Mr. Smith - him dry her hair - hershas madehas calledhas driedA: Have you ever visited Beijing ? travelled by plane?entered a competition?played football?B: Yes, I have. I have visited Beijing. No, I havent. I havent visited Beijing.A: Has sh

17、e/he visited/played/C: Yes, she/he has. She/He has visited/ No, she/he hasnt. She /He hasnt visited练习3:现在完成时疑问句及否定句总结:现在完成时肯定句构成: 主语+have / has +过去分词否定句构成: 主语+have / has +not +过去分词一般疑问句: Have / Has +主语+过去分词?回答: Yes, 主语 have. / No, 主语 havent. Yes, 主语 has. / No, 主语 hasnt.Practice1、I _ ever _ _ visit G

18、uilin . 我曾经想去桂林旅游。2、_ _ todays football match . 他们已经看了今天的足球比赛。3、He _ _ the modern life . 他很享受现代的生活。havewantedtoTheyvewatchedhasenjoyedPractice1、I _ _ any _ . 我没有进过任何的酒店。2、He _ _ _ the blackboard today . 他今天上课没看过黑板。3、They _ _ _the city . 她们从来没来过城市旅游。havententeredhotelshasntlookedatneverhavevisitedPra

19、ctice4、_ you _ _ Kang Youweis house ? 你曾经参观过康有为故居吗?5、_ he _ _ this film ? 他曾经看过这部电影吗?6、_ they _ _ writing competition ? 他们曾经参加过任何的写作比赛吗?HaveevervisitedHaswatchedeverHaveeverentered7. 你想和我们再吃点东西吗? 不,谢谢。我刚刚才吃过午餐。 - Would you like to eat some food with us? - No, thanks. I _ just _ lunch.8. 我已经写完我的作业了。 I _ al


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